If Trump is the Nominee The Party is Finished

Perhaps you haven't noticed. The RNC's demise was quite awhile ago. America is sick to death of politicians and their lying bullshit, especially after RINOS like McCain and Romney. The RNC should thank their lucky stars to have a candidate that is pro America, and con UN. The reason they are not thankful is because just like the Democrats, they are also UN inspired. Give America a chance again. Give Trump a chance.
Yes, yes. Says so much about your values that you're willing to put someone like Hillary in office.

You are the same people who elected the people we have in office now.
so are you, no? didn't you put the R's in office, vote for them?

Who else was I voting for? You won't catch me dead voting for a Democrat.

So, 2014 was the last straw. Now I'm making all of my conservative counterparts aware that we all helped create this situation. The difference between us is the fact that I'm not willing to sacrifice the future of this country to Hillary Clinton, for the sake of hatred for the nominee. I'll even go as far as to direct this at Trump supporters too.
I gotta tell ya. I love these threads.

Actually these threads should terrify liberals.
But you're apparently to damn stupid to see why.

Ooooh! Vagueness. I love vagueness. You said nothing.....but you want me to think you did. It is so cool.

Why....precisely....my good teacher....should I be terrified by the failure of the GOP to handle its business? Spell it out for those of us who sit in the back of the class and make fun of you.

And...the correct phrase is "too damned stupid".
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?

The GOP destroyed itself by ignoring their constituents wishes.
I hope it comes back as a true conservative party,if not it needs to die.

Who would you hire as the standard bearer of a true conservative party?

Thats just it,there arent any qualified at the moment.
And it's the sad truth that Trump is the only one thats even close.
There will be others that will now step forward after seeing the ire of the American conservative voter.
Whether it's under the brand of the GOP is strictly up to the GOP.
If they refuse to get on board they are finished.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?
Only way the Republican Party destroys itself is by denying Trump the nomination (which won't happen). Once Trump becomes the nominee the cuckservatives will walk out and new fresh blood will reinvigorate the party. Republican Party has been a joke for decades. All the #nevertrump cucks are whats wrong with the party, so good riddance.

Under Trump the Republican party becomes a much more inclusive party, instead of a party filled and controlled by a bunch of right wing nut jobs. Cuckservatives/#nevertrump should start their own party, that would be fun to watch :lol: :lol: Nobody cares about labels anymore, and the ones harping on conservative values are out of touch old dinosaurs.

It's a new day The Rabbi. Times are a changing. Either you get with them or you'll get left behind with the others who want to cling to labels and definitions
Cool. Hopefully the Ds will soon follow.
for the most part, we like our party.
just wait.
Although I do find a bit of irony in you saying that. Isnt cankles the ass opposite of most lefties? Corrupt, elite, white, old, war monger, loves big banks, loves corporate whore trade deals etc etc etc?
THAT'S what R's want you to believe and are infiltrating Bernie's camp to make them believe...

NO, she's not a corporate whore, she's always supported all of the regulations to reign wall street in from the democratic side, including Warren's proposals.
LMAO you have GOT to be fuckin kidding me!!!!!!!!
Underestimating Trump has already become a fool's errand. 50/50 he will be our next president.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?

Libertarian's are just liberal-light.


"Libertarian" is Liberal on steroids.
Depends on which side from center you are. Left or right.
Cool. Hopefully the Ds will soon follow.
for the most part, we like our party.
just wait.
Although I do find a bit of irony in you saying that. Isnt cankles the ass opposite of most lefties? Corrupt, elite, white, old, war monger, loves big banks, loves corporate whore trade deals etc etc etc?
THAT'S what R's want you to believe and are infiltrating Bernie's camp to make them believe...

NO, she's not a corporate whore, she's always supported all of the regulations to reign wall street in from the democratic side, including Warren's proposals.
LMAO you have GOT to be fuckin kidding me!!!!!!!!
NOPE, not kidding at all.....
Cool. Hopefully the Ds will soon follow.
for the most part, we like our party.
just wait.
Although I do find a bit of irony in you saying that. Isnt cankles the ass opposite of most lefties? Corrupt, elite, white, old, war monger, loves big banks, loves corporate whore trade deals etc etc etc?
THAT'S what R's want you to believe and are infiltrating Bernie's camp to make them believe...

NO, she's not a corporate whore, she's always supported all of the regulations to reign wall street in from the democratic side, including Warren's proposals.
LMAO you have GOT to be fuckin kidding me!!!!!!!!
NOPE, not kidding at all.....
You are either kidding or you're just bonkers. I can almost understand the longing for a XX president, but not Hillary. she is after all a disgusting bitch on so many levels.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?
Only way the Republican Party destroys itself is by denying Trump the nomination (which won't happen). Once Trump becomes the nominee the cuckservatives will walk out and new fresh blood will reinvigorate the party. Republican Party has been a joke for decades. All the #nevertrump cucks are whats wrong with the party, so good riddance.

Under Trump the Republican party becomes a much more inclusive party, instead of a party filled and controlled by a bunch of right wing nut jobs. Cuckservatives/#nevertrump should start their own party, that would be fun to watch :lol: :lol: Nobody cares about labels anymore, and the ones harping on conservative values are out of touch old dinosaurs.

It's a new day The Rabbi. Times are a changing. Either you get with them or you'll get left behind with the others who want to cling to labels and definitions

62% of Republicans have voted for someone other than Trump.

Not too worried about a majority of the party walking to form a new party.

But I could see Trump's supporters having a temper tantrum and leaving if Trump doesn't win 1237 delegates.
I gotta tell ya. I love these threads.

Actually these threads should terrify liberals.
But you're apparently to damn stupid to see why.

Ooooh! Vagueness. I love vagueness. You said nothing.....but you want me to think you did. It is so cool.

Why....precisely....my good teacher....should I be terrified by the failure of the GOP to handle its business? Spell it out for those of us who sit in the back of the class and make fun of you.

And...the correct phrase is "too damned stupid".

Considering you're a complete moron I can see why you wouldnt understand how this could bad news for progressive pukes such as yourself.
The GOP claims to stand for smaller government and "family values" and balanced budgets and honesty and integrity. Those are its words.

It's actions, on the other hand, are the exact opposite.

That is what destroyed the GOP, not Trump. Trump is simply a physical manifestation of the GOP's hypocrisy and utter lack of real principles. He is our Golem.

There is a larger and larger element of the GOP which is about power, not about country. There is a larger and larger element which is about sleaze and lies and whatever crumbs of money their puppet masters throw their way to keep them in the offices to which they have become accustomed.

The GOP, and its partisan media organs, worked very hard to earn Trump. Very, very hard.
No....all RWrs will jump on the Drumpf wagon. What they say and what they do are two different things.

Oh contrare. Many Republicans are willing to vote for Clinton if Trump is the nominee. I won't vote for Clinton. But I sure as hell won't vote for Trump.
Once Trump is president, the Republican's will lay down by his feet like the good dogs that they are, and will follow his instructions...Of course you want to know why...It's because a man with Trump's money can form a SuperPac and let it be known to each, and every Senator, and Congressman that when their re-election comes up, he will have the SuperPac spend whatever is necessary to have that politician's opponent WIN that politicians seat in Congress....Donald is 70, has a FEW BILLION he can blow on making this country whatever he wants to make it, and FEW, if any, have the balls or the stupidity to stop him. They'd rather wait the 10-20 years he has left, and then continue to turn us into Cuba!

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