If Trump is the Nominee The Party is Finished

Actually these threads should terrify liberals.
But you're apparently to damn stupid to see why.

Ooooh! Vagueness. I love vagueness. You said nothing.....but you want me to think you did. It is so cool.

Why....precisely....my good teacher....should I be terrified by the failure of the GOP to handle its business? Spell it out for those of us who sit in the back of the class and make fun of you.

And...the correct phrase is "too damned stupid".

Considering you're a complete moron I can see why you wouldnt understand how this could bad news for progressive pukes such as yourself.

You forgot to explain. How are we gonna gradumatate if you don't teach us nuthn'?

You're so vague. I'll bet you think this post is about you, don't you!

You're probably the only person here who doesnt understand the possible consequences.
I find it hilarious.

I think you are talking out of your ass and have no idea why I should be terrified. You are dancing around the matter. I've asked you to clue me in. Why won't you?

I like it when you put your ignorance on display for all to see....
Ooooh! Vagueness. I love vagueness. You said nothing.....but you want me to think you did. It is so cool.

Why....precisely....my good teacher....should I be terrified by the failure of the GOP to handle its business? Spell it out for those of us who sit in the back of the class and make fun of you.

And...the correct phrase is "too damned stupid".

Considering you're a complete moron I can see why you wouldnt understand how this could bad news for progressive pukes such as yourself.

You forgot to explain. How are we gonna gradumatate if you don't teach us nuthn'?

You're so vague. I'll bet you think this post is about you, don't you!

You're probably the only person here who doesnt understand the possible consequences.
I find it hilarious.

I think you are talking out of your ass and have no idea why I should be terrified. You are dancing around the matter. I've asked you to clue me in. Why won't you?

I like it when you put your ignorance on display for all to see....

You got nothing.
I can't vote democrook, so when I do vote it's usually republicrat by default unless there's a libertarian candidate.

I have pledged to vote Dump if he is the opposition to Hitlery but the longer I watch this unfold the more I'm inclined to write in a cartoon character so that my vote has some legitimacy.

Considering you're a complete moron I can see why you wouldnt understand how this could bad news for progressive pukes such as yourself.

You forgot to explain. How are we gonna gradumatate if you don't teach us nuthn'?

You're so vague. I'll bet you think this post is about you, don't you!

You're probably the only person here who doesnt understand the possible consequences.
I find it hilarious.

I think you are talking out of your ass and have no idea why I should be terrified. You are dancing around the matter. I've asked you to clue me in. Why won't you?

I like it when you put your ignorance on display for all to see....

You got nothing.

Stop and think about it clown boy.
I'm sure it'll come to you...or maybe not.
You forgot to explain. How are we gonna gradumatate if you don't teach us nuthn'?

You're so vague. I'll bet you think this post is about you, don't you!

You're probably the only person here who doesnt understand the possible consequences.
I find it hilarious.

I think you are talking out of your ass and have no idea why I should be terrified. You are dancing around the matter. I've asked you to clue me in. Why won't you?

I like it when you put your ignorance on display for all to see....

You got nothing.

Stop and think about it clown boy.
I'm sure it'll come to you...or maybe not.

This is so much fun. Tell me again how I don't know what you are thinking. Or..you can try again and actually say something. So far...you've said nothing.
I can't vote democrook, so when I do vote it's usually republicrat by default unless there's a libertarian candidate.

I have pledged to vote Dump if he is the opposition to Hitlery but the longer I watch this unfold the more I'm inclined to write in a cartoon character so that my vote has some legitimacy.

See? Hate and Fear Rhetoric, ^^^ it is all this clown has to offer.

It's a fact. One more Kagan type on the court and you have the ability to declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional, which you will - ending the government of and by the people once and for all.

We have 8 years of prolonged attack on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments by you Bolsheviks. The SCOTUS stood between you and the destruction of the Republic. Even now we have seen civil rights pissed on as leftist appeals courts prevail due to the 4 to 4 split between the Constitutionalists and the Bolsheviks. A 5th Bolshevik is the end of the Constitution, which you drool over and those who support America fight against.

My observation that you are a clown was an understatement.
See? Hate and Fear Rhetoric, ^^^ it is all this clown has to offer.

It's a fact. One more Kagan type on the court and you have the ability to declare the Bill of Rights unconstitutional, which you will - ending the government of and by the people once and for all.

We have 8 years of prolonged attack on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments by you Bolsheviks. The SCOTUS stood between you and the destruction of the Republic. Even now we have seen civil rights pissed on as leftist appeals courts prevail due to the 4 to 4 split between the Constitutionalists and the Bolsheviks. A 5th Bolshevik is the end of the Constitution, which you drool over and those who support America fight against.

My observation that you are a clown was an understatement.
ANy statement characterizing you as an assclown is a gross understatement.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?
If Trump doesn't get the nomination it will be the end of the party because we will all jump and vote third party. No Trump, No party!
Under Trump the Republican party becomes a much more inclusive party, instead of a party filled and controlled by a bunch of right wing nut jobs. Cuckservatives/#nevertrump should start their own party, that would be fun to watch :lol: :lol: Nobody cares about labels anymore, and the ones harping on conservative values are out of touch old dinosaurs.

Some fair points, considering the so-called "social conservative" mindset that brought in its own self-interested poison.

But to reconstruct the Party for that reason --- don't you need someone or something to lead it with an ideal in mind? Does Rump have any principles at all other than naked narcissism and a propensity to manipulate people with emotions? Is that not just replacing one self-interested poison with another?

Doesn't seem like much to hang one's hat on. The original party was at least carrying the banner of Abolition and Whiggism. Self-aggrandizement doesn't seem to quite measure up to the same standard.

Then there's the other elephant in the room, pun intended --- WHO else is another Rump? The man is sui generis; he has no synonyms. There is no AlterTrump. Even if he wins an office, he has no coattails.

Or if he does, they're really really really short.... :lol:
Sealing the border.
Jobs for Americans and not immigrants.
Fair Even trade where those who don't pay an American living wage will have to pay taxes until their cost are equal to those that do.
He wants what I want.
Under Trump the Republican party becomes a much more inclusive party, instead of a party filled and controlled by a bunch of right wing nut jobs. Cuckservatives/#nevertrump should start their own party, that would be fun to watch :lol: :lol: Nobody cares about labels anymore, and the ones harping on conservative values are out of touch old dinosaurs.

Some fair points, considering the so-called "social conservative" mindset that brought in its own self-interested poison.

But to reconstruct the Party for that reason --- don't you need someone or something to lead it with an ideal in mind? Does Rump have any principles at all other than naked narcissism and a propensity to manipulate people with emotions? Is that not just replacing one self-interested poison with another?

Doesn't seem like much to hang one's hat on. The original party was at least carrying the banner of Abolition and Whiggism. Self-aggrandizement doesn't seem to quite measure up to the same standard.

Then there's the other elephant in the room, pun intended --- WHO else is another Rump? The man is sui generis; he has no synonyms. There is no AlterTrump. Even if he wins an office, he has no coattails.

Or if he does, they're really really really short.... :lol:
Sealing the border.
Jobs for Americans and not immigrants.
Fair Even trade where those who don't pay an American living wage will have to pay taxes until their cost are equal to those that do.
He wants what I want.
You want unemployment and stagnation? Let me introduce you to two men: Mr Smoot and Mr Hawley.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?
What comes after is a Hillary presidency.
I believe if Trump becomes the nominee, either by initially winning 1237 delegates or on subsequent counts then the GOP will dissolve. Enough of us have signed the #NeverTrump pledge to walk out on the party and destroy it.
Next question: What comes after? will we build a new Consevative Party to replace it, one that will stand for actual conservative values? Or will the GOP limp along and the Libertarian Party grow exponentially?
What comes after is a Hillary presidency.
Not necessarily. But even so, how long will she go without being impeached?
If Trump is the Nominee The Party is Finished

No doubt at the RNC meeting they spelled it out to him that if he is nominated: he will lose. And if he isn't nominated and runs as an independent, he will lose. Either way Hillary will win.

The RNC HAS to consider this when casting at the convention for their inevitable nominee. They have to. They could be sued by the republican party in each state for failure to do their duty to win. If you as the RNC nominate a person everyone knows will cause your party to lose the election, you are negligent and culpable for a gross malfeasance. Trump not only will not get the GOP nomination. He CANNOT get the RNC nomination. Scores of people at the RNC would lose their jobs and be open to lawsuits.
If Trump is not nominated the Republican party is destroyed. His voters will not vote for someone just because they are Republican. The RNC can arm twist delegates but they can't do that to voters.
If Trump is the Nominee The Party is Finished

No doubt at the RNC meeting they spelled it out to him that if he is nominated: he will lose. And if he isn't nominated and runs as an independent, he will lose. Either way Hillary will win.

The RNC HAS to consider this when casting at the convention for their inevitable nominee. They have to. They could be sued by the republican party in each state for failure to do their duty to win. If you as the RNC nominate a person everyone knows will cause your party to lose the election, you are negligent and culpable for a gross malfeasance. Trump not only will not get the GOP nomination. He CANNOT get the RNC nomination. Scores of people at the RNC would lose their jobs and be open to lawsuits.

You are delusional.

Certainly Trump's selection- or non-selection could terribly damage the GOP. But they are more likely to be sued- by Donald- if they deny him the nomination.

Your understanding of legal issues is non-existent.

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