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Zone1 If Trump isn't pro-life anymore I have no reason to vote for him...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.
In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.
Trump is as pro life now as he has ever been. And he is pro life. What makes you think he is not? Trump is not Melania who is entitled to her own opinions and has zero power to require anybody to accept them as policy.

A vote for ANYBODY other than Trump is to vote for unrestricted abortion at every stage of pregnancy and in some cases allowing a baby who survived an abortion die. Trump is 100% opposed to that and no Democrat is. So even if you don't vote or vote for some lesser party, you are voting for the Democrats to stay in power.
In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.
Anymore? Look at his past, he was never prolife.
President Trump has correctly pointed out that abortion is a matter for the States to decide.

If you have a problem with that, you haven't been paying attention.

Neither the President nor Congress has any role in setting abortion policy other than possibly among the Armed Forces.
I don't believe Trump was ever pro-life. Keep in mind, he is on the record saying he is fine with partial birth abortion.

He has often talked about how his opinions changed as his own kids came and then the grandkids and he found that he was completely pro life. At the same time he, like I do, understands that there are situations--these are very rare but they do exist--in which abortion is the ethical choice and he believes that should be both legal and safe and accessible.

For that reason he has personally opposed those states with the most draconian laws as well as the states in which pretty much anything goes. But he does believe, as I do, that it should be left with the people and the federal government has no constitutional authority of any kind to dictate that abortions must be allowed with no restrictions or banned entirely or something in the middle. Those choices are constitutionally assigned to the people in the states to decide.

He also hopes most states come to the same conclusion he has and he suspects in time most or all will find a happy medium that is the right choice.

The Democrats have pretty much universally expressed an opinion that nobody should be allowed to restrict abortions in any way and the federal government should require that there be no restrictions.

Melania wrote in her book:
“Indeed, most people agree that abortion should be permissible in cases where a woman’s life is at risk due to the pregnancy, as well as those situations where the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest,” she added. “Timing matters.”

The memoir, though, does not outline if the reverse is true: If there are "legitimate" reasons for a woman to get an abortion, are there times it is illegitimate?
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In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.
Actually, as I recall, Trump has always believed in leaving it to the states, as abortion isn't in the Constitution and anything not in the Constitution, should be left to each state to decide. Personally, I'm on board with that.
In the last two elections, I held my nose and voted for Trump because he was the pro-life candidate. And, true to his word, he appointed pro-life Supreme Court justices and got Roe v. Wade overturned.

But now Trump is making noises like he's not pro-life anymore. Melania published her book recently and made a bold pro-abort statement.

Accordingly, I will not vote for Trump in November. I will vote for all down ballot candidates and state initiatives, but neither major candidate for President.
Single issue voters suck
His own words. He has never really been opinionated on the subject, he just used it to manipulate you.
An opinion somebody held 20, 30, 40 or more years ago or even this morning can absolutely change. I held many opinions 20, 30, 40 or more years ago that I no longer have.

Anybody who says they have not changed their views about anything at all over the years is either lying or lives in such a restricted environment they have never ever had to think about anything. Experience, trial and error, education we acquire in living our lives can change a lot of things.
An opinion somebody held 20, 30, 40 or more years ago or even this morning can absolutely change. I held many opinions 20, 30, 40 or more years ago that I no longer have.

Anybody who says they have not changed their views about anything at all over the years is either lying or lives in such a restricted environment they have never ever had to think about anything. Experience, trial and error, education we acquire in living our lives can change a lot of things.
I was a sucker for Democrats up to my age then of 42. I have repented and voted for Republicans since 1980.
Actually, as I recall, Trump has always believed in leaving it to the states, as abortion isn't in the Constitution and anything not in the Constitution, should be left to each state to decide. Personally, I'm on board with that.
It's hard for us pro lifers to think about all the innocent babies killed for convenience in the no restrictions of any kind states and those passing draconian laws that make it difficult or impossible for the necessary procedures to be done is just as bad. Melania is absolutely right that timing matters in many of these cases.

Roe v Wade was a compromise of sorts. Leave it up the the doctor and woman in the first trimester, the state has increased interest in the second trimester and the state has a great deal of interest in the third trimester. The intention was that a doctor would need additional authority for an elective abortion in the second trimester and likely a court order for an elective abortion in the third trimester. Of course the pro abortion crowd extrapolated that to no restrictions of any kind plus they wanted insurance companies and/or the taxpayers to pay for all elective abortions.

The huge majority of American citizens do want some restrictions on abortions while very very few want abortion to be banned for any and all reasons.
I was a sucker for Democrats up to my age then of 42. I have repented and voted for Republicans since 1980.
I voted for good Democrats or good Republicans in various positions until the Obama administration. And my experience with him and a Democrat majority in Congress was so distressing and upsetting I haven't voted for a Democrat since. Pelosi, Schumer and company's behavior solidified my opinion that the Democrat Party has gone full totalitarian Marxist minded and will do away with the Constitution entirely if they ever have total power again. They pretty much did have total power the first two year's of Obama's presidency.
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