If Trump keeps up efforts to STOMP on the freedoms our country affords us I will support his ousting

Newsflash, the left have threatened to destroy right leaning media many times via licensing and other schemes designed to silence them. Where was your concern then?

The left have waged a multi-decades long campaign to silence the people with PC and accusations of racism, the war on women, the war on fill in the blank.

The left have engaged in a propaganda war of lies, half truths, and intentionally twisted and distorted biased reporting.

Trump is standing up to this crap and the American people support him.
Where was my concern then?

It was posted on this board.

Now, are we done with that diversionary tactic so we can focus on the danger RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.
The danger "right in front of us" is the far-left and its socialist/communist ideology.
As for NFL players kneeling during the anthem, whether they should or not is really up to the owners of the teams. All "companies" set behavior standards for their employees and things like politics, sexual harassment, et cetera, are not acceptable while "on the clock" or on the property.
If the owners of the teams allow it, fine. If they say no, then the players need to do their protesting while "off the clock" and off the property. If an employee or player defies the rules of the company's owner, they firing the employee or player is allowed.
As to the original kneeling episode, the player was kneeling during the anthem to protest police brutality, neither of which has anything to do with the other. By far, the vast majority of cops, black, white, Asian, Native American, are good individuals who enforce our nation's and local laws on a daily basis and in doing so, often, put their lives on the line. If he wants change, he and his fellow black players need to work at changing the "negative" black culture that permeates the inner-cities.

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