If Trump loses, will it be 4 years of "this guy is NOT my president?"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.
Not my President has been been the rant since 2020, if not longer.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.

You're gonna have a tough time with that sell. Biden is more of a moderate and a bridge builder than Trump could have ever have hoped to be. It's too bad. Trump could have endeared himself to voters if only he had shown just the slightest bit of interest in actually being President...or maybe shown some compassion and effort after bungling the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 250K people...or not been a complete bigot by stoking race wars and ginning up the fear of ma and pa in the suburbs...or been completely corrupt and without a moral compass.....you know what? Nevermind. There was no way it was ever going to happen.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.

You're gonna have a tough time with that sell. Biden is more of a moderate and a bridge builder than Trump could have ever have hoped to be. It's too bad. Trump could have endeared himself to voters if only he had shown just the slightest bit of interest in actually being President...or maybe shown some compassion and effort after bungling the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 250K people...or not been a complete bigot by stoking race wars and ginning up the fear of ma and pa in the suburbs...or been completely corrupt and without a moral compass.....you know what? Nevermind. There was no way it was ever going to happen.

Biden stated he won't even seek re-election. To me that's a sign he may not even make it through the first term.
Jimmy Carter was a classic example of "Not my President."

Even as a teenager, I refused to see him as such.

That was more than 40 Years ago.
We have a problem in this country. Way more people than I thought possible bought into the Trump cult. Win or lose I fear Trump has planted the seeds of the death of American democracy. When half of America would be just fine with throwing away legitimate votes and winning through the courts I fear the American experiment is over.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.
I want to know, when the ANTIFA starts Burning Looting and Murder, because they have such a pussy in the White House, if Joe bite me wins, does this embolden them to go after more, because Kamel Toe Harris supports such actions, by paying the bail to release these thugs as quickly as they are arrested. I hope they show up in the Prog hoods, and burn your shit down, because you deserve it you worthless liberals...
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.

You're gonna have a tough time with that sell. Biden is more of a moderate and a bridge builder than Trump could have ever have hoped to be. It's too bad. Trump could have endeared himself to voters if only he had shown just the slightest bit of interest in actually being President...or maybe shown some compassion and effort after bungling the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 250K people...or not been a complete bigot by stoking race wars and ginning up the fear of ma and pa in the suburbs...or been completely corrupt and without a moral compass.....you know what? Nevermind. There was no way it was ever going to happen.

How is a Rabid pro-abortionist like Sleepy Joe considered "moderate"? A man who is a fanatical proponent of gay marriage? Supporter of socialized medicine and the public option? I don't think you really know what a moderate is.
We have a problem in this country. Way more people than I thought possible bought into the Trump cult. Win or lose I fear Trump has planted the seeds of the death of American democracy. When half of America would be just fine with throwing away legitimate votes and winning through the courts I fear the American experiment is over.
You stupid kunt, the protestors in DC are calling for the demise of Capitalism while promoting Socialism...There is no Democracy in Socialism.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.
We are going out like rome.....I am assuming that the guy that followed Caesar was also not liked by many because of what was done to Caesar.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.

You're gonna have a tough time with that sell. Biden is more of a moderate and a bridge builder than Trump could have ever have hoped to be. It's too bad. Trump could have endeared himself to voters if only he had shown just the slightest bit of interest in actually being President...or maybe shown some compassion and effort after bungling the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 250K people...or not been a complete bigot by stoking race wars and ginning up the fear of ma and pa in the suburbs...or been completely corrupt and without a moral compass.....you know what? Nevermind. There was no way it was ever going to happen.

Yep, and who doesn't love a bridge to China...dumbass.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.
I want to know, when the ANTIFA starts Burning Looting and Murder, because they have such a pussy in the White House, if Joe bite me wins, does this embolden them to go after more, because Kamel Toe Harris supports such actions, by paying the bail to release these thugs as quickly as they are arrested. I hope they show up in the Prog hoods, and burn your shit down, because you deserve it you worthless liberals...

The thing that really honks me off is that the new laws basically prohibit people from making "racially bias" 911 calls to the police. So if you call for the police on a black guy, you are going to be the one going to the pokey. Yet you can't carry a gun
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I don't think Biden will be the divisive twat that Trump has been.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.

You're gonna have a tough time with that sell. Biden is more of a moderate and a bridge builder than Trump could have ever have hoped to be. It's too bad. Trump could have endeared himself to voters if only he had shown just the slightest bit of interest in actually being President...or maybe shown some compassion and effort after bungling the response to a pandemic that's killed almost 250K people...or not been a complete bigot by stoking race wars and ginning up the fear of ma and pa in the suburbs...or been completely corrupt and without a moral compass.....you know what? Nevermind. There was no way it was ever going to happen.
No he isn’t.
I felt that way about Reagan.....more than any other. But I didn't let it affect my life.
Will the Dems face a similar backlash as payback? Will people demand more fight from the GOP, less giving in and passively accepting being screwed? Will Biden be referred to as "illegitimate"?

I'm getting the sense that this is where much of the country is this time. The election from the way the ballots were sent out to many others issues have really angered people. Never thought I'd hear people chanting "Fox News sucks!" over and over at a Republican event in AZ. There is a great deal of mistrust. 4 Years of abuses against Trump and MSM will do that.
I will consider biden an unelected president
We have a problem in this country. Way more people than I thought possible bought into the Trump cult. Win or lose I fear Trump has planted the seeds of the death of American democracy. When half of America would be just fine with throwing away legitimate votes and winning through the courts I fear the American experiment is over.
Democrats tried to steal the 2000 election. This is not new for them.

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