If Trump opted to resign and form a 3rd party, would his supporters...

/----/ BWHAHAHAHAHAHA are you drunk? Trump won. Why would he resign and form another party? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ask Mommy to adjust your meds.

I'm sure you make other right wing nut jobs "proud"to have your intelligence clearly shown on these boards........(what an asshole......LOL)
I think that you have a shallow understanding at best. I helped you out even. Sad really. But you can lead them to water but if you don't hold their hands they fall in and drown.

Well, "thank you".....Perhaps your time is then better spent practicing your kissing of orange asses.........Just a suggestion,mind you.....LOL
I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.
Serious question posed in the thread's title to Trump supporters who are (mostly) republicans and even some right-leaning democrats.

So, given the very real fact that Trump is turning AGAINST the republican led congress while still deriding democrats such as Obama and Clinton, AND given that he is finding it a bit more difficult than expected to drain that proverbial D.C. swamp, Trump may opt to resign and perhaps start a uniquely trump-like 3rd party.........

Would current Trump backers follow him were he to do so?

The threads you come up with are stupid. Hardy warranted a response

Seek help

Whenever someone says that John Kennedy would loathe todays Democratic party, I remind them that Trump policies closely mirror Kennedy's if you throw out the ACA debate. Almost the exact things that todays liberals despise Trump for supporting, Kennedy supported also.

The problems are not so much with the "policies"....The problem rests with the INEPTITUDE of carrying those policies to term.....any "good"demagogue can promise to fix all sorts of problems, but having the fortitude and energy to carry them through is the issue........For example, Trump taking 17 days of vacation, after 40 days of golfing since he took office, does not support the carrying out of those Kennedy-esque policies.
Dude, at least once a day, and usually more often, you post a thread about what it will take for the Trump supporters to do X. X is usually abandon Trump, or sometimes it is would they still support him if he rolled a red carpet over the bodies of the peasants before he walked across them?

Well, as Descartes once stated, "I think, therefore I am"........in your case, you choose NOT to think, "....therefore you're a waste of cyberspace."

But you DON'T think, you obey your Fuhrer, you recite hating points that your fascist party feeds you and march in lock step as the jackbooted brown shirt that you are.

You are a drone, a mindless Nazi driven by hatred that you don't even understand the reason for.
Trump won't be able to start a 3rd party after he flees the country

Why would he flee the country?

Oh, you think your violent coup will succeed...

Grasp this Nazi, one side has 800 million rounds of ammunition, you fucks can't figure out which bathroom to use. The odds of you succeeding in your attempt to overthrow the Constitutional republic are slim....
But you DON'T think, you obey your Fuhrer, you recite hating points that your fascist party feeds you and march in lock step as the jackbooted brown shirt that you are.

You are a drone, a mindless Nazi driven by hatred that you don't even understand the reason for.

Let's see.....you throw out all those terms that Hannity has been feeding you, Nazi, Fascist, jackbooted, brown shirts.......and then you accuse others of HATRED???

I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.

I really don't think you help your cause by insulting the intelligence of those who support Trump. I know it probably makes you feel better but you're not going to ever win those voters over like that. I've been telling you all this since Trump entered the picture and you just don't want to listen. You have to go after Trump on policy and issues. Drop the "identity politics" crap because it's just not working for you. People aren't going to vote for you because you called them stupid!

Those who you have the potential to win over are not going to be impressed with you comparing Trump to Mussolini or Un. They may lack the education of your tenured professors and those drowning in student loan debt but they're far from stupid. They know who Mussolini and Un are and they realize you're being totally disingenuous. So all you're doing is turning them off while you play to your base of clapping seals. That won't win elections.
Serious question posed in the thread's title to Trump supporters who are (mostly) republicans and even some right-leaning democrats.

So, given the very real fact that Trump is turning AGAINST the republican led congress while still deriding democrats such as Obama and Clinton, AND given that he is finding it a bit more difficult than expected to drain that proverbial D.C. swamp, Trump may opt to resign and perhaps start a uniquely trump-like 3rd party.........

Would current Trump backers follow him were he to do so?

Interesting question to ponder.

I think we have to objectively look at who makes up "Trump supporters" or who voted for him in 2016. There are always outliers and exceptions but I think we can safely break them down into three basic categories. 1) People who were simply opposed to Hillary Clinton. 2) People who don't trust The Establishment body politic in DC. 3) The Nationalist-Populists.

I think #3 are his die hard supporters and they are solid. #2 are a precarious group who could become disillusioned with Trump if it seems he is becoming aligned with the establishment. #1 is the real bugaboo. Many voted for Trump because he wasn't Hillary and it remains to be seen if they will support him against someone else. In any event, he really can't afford to lose very many supporters BUT, he can also gain supporters from those who may have been reluctant to support him in 2016 but become impressed with his performance.

One thing I think a lot of Democrats have overlooked are the "Trump Democrats." Many blue collar workers across the Midwest who traditionally have voted Democrat and, in fact, may have voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I believe this is what ultimately won the election for him. He connected with these people in a way the Democrats haven't found an answer for and don't seem to have a clue as to how they win back.

On to your question. I think Trump could probably pull it off better than anyone in recent memory. Especially if he were able to take a coalition of Senators and Representatives with him. If Trump were to team up with, say, the Freedom Caucus to create a New Conservative Party, they could pose a formidable challenge as a third party. Problem is, Trump has a tendency to use the Freedom Caucus as his whipping boys when things don't go his way. He has simply chosen to show more loyalty to the Establishment side who are controlling the agenda. Now, maybe that's a numbers thing, Trump isn't particularly "political" in terms of ideology. So for all the reasons I think it could happen, there are just as many reasons for me to believe it won't happen.

I think what we need to look at are the 2018 midterms and what transpires there. If the Establishment suffers a backlash, which I think is highly likely, then you will probably see many Establishment types moving more inline with Trump between 2018 and 2020. While Conservatives often find themselves on the other side of legislative initiatives (like repealing ACA) it's not really Trump they are opposing as much as the Establishment. Trump, for all intents and purposes, has been extremely satisfactory in pushing a Conservative agenda. Conservatives have gotten far more from him than they would have with a Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio.
3) The Nationalist-Populists.

These will drop trump like a turd when they realize his useful idiotness is over. Have you forgotten we have had a bunch in our history?

Our Founding Fathers, aka really smart dudes, knew we were imbeciles and designed a government with that in mind.

This too will pass

All due respect (not much), you, Clayton and Nat aren't exactly objective voices of reason on this. Your judgement is clouded by your emotional dislike of all things Trump. One need only look at the raucous crowd in WV the other day to see that his support has never been stronger.

I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

At least Clayton has an IQ above room temperature, not so for the other two,

I'm just saying....
But you DON'T think, you obey your Fuhrer, you recite hating points that your fascist party feeds you and march in lock step as the jackbooted brown shirt that you are.

You are a drone, a mindless Nazi driven by hatred that you don't even understand the reason for.

Let's see.....you throw out all those terms that Hannity has been feeding you, Nazi, Fascist, jackbooted, brown shirts.......and then you accuse others of HATRED???


Seriously Herr Himmler, what exactly is the reason for your seething hatred?

You don't know, you don't care. You follow your Fuhrer, you have no idea what is actually going on.
while you play to your base of clapping seals.

....and the above is EXACTLY what I compare Trump backers to.....a bunch "of clapping seals" repeating over and over that they've "won without realizing how they also lost.

Sorry, I see NO redeeming factors in Trump....as an ex New Yorker, I have seen the screwed up messes that this charlatan leaves behind, destroying small businesses and families.......if that isn't bad enough, now he could do the same to a large segment of our country' economic and moral rudder.
Serious question posed in the thread's title to Trump supporters who are (mostly) republicans and even some right-leaning democrats.

So, given the very real fact that Trump is turning AGAINST the republican led congress while still deriding democrats such as Obama and Clinton, AND given that he is finding it a bit more difficult than expected to drain that proverbial D.C. swamp, Trump may opt to resign and perhaps start a uniquely trump-like 3rd party.........

Would current Trump backers follow him were he to do so?

I think you're finally on to something, if Trump goes third Party Hillary becomes President...brilliant, Jake!
while you play to your base of clapping seals.

....and the above is EXACTLY what I compare Trump backers to.....a bunch "of clapping seals" repeating over and over that they've "won without realizing how they also lost.

Sorry, I see NO redeeming factors in Trump....as an ex New Yorker, I have seen the screwed up messes that this charlatan leaves behind, destroying small businesses and families.......if that isn't bad enough, now he could do the same to a large segment of our country' economic and moral rudder.

Well some of Trump's supporters are that way, I won't argue with you there. They can be quite annoying. I didn't agree with Trump on several important issues, which is why I couldn't ultimately vote for him in good conscience. Had I lived in a swing state, I probably would have, but my state was going for Trump no matter how I voted.

I don't like a lot of Trump's tweeting habits and he seems to undermine his own message at times. He has more than a few personality flaws. That said, from a pure policy standpoint, I am satisfied so far. MUCH more than I imagine I would've been with Hillary Clinton. He's not perfect by a long shot but he is proving every day that he is capable of handling the job. He may not go down as the greatest president ever but he will be FAR from the worst.

Now.... It's not the least bit surprising to me that left-wing socialist Democrats who are anti-capitalist to their core, view Trump's decades of phenomenal business success as something hideous and awful. Sure, he's had failures... almost ANY successful business person has. That's part of the gig. He always manages to come out ahead, hence he is a multi-billionaire. Now you can say he screwed over people or you can say he was extremely smart.
On what planet would trump resign and then start a third party? It's got to be dumbest hypothetical ever.

Hey I'm going to give up my office to start a third party and um run for my office again....

Yeah that's going to happen. Never mind that it would be an freaking stupid plan to give up power to seek it again. Why would Trump, who currently runs the GOP, want to start a new party? He has already coopted the GOP.
Dude, at least once a day, and usually more often, you post a thread about what it will take for the Trump supporters to do X. X is usually abandon Trump, or sometimes it is would they still support him if he rolled a red carpet over the bodies of the peasants before he walked across them?

Well, as Descartes once stated, "I think, therefore I am"........in your case, you choose NOT to think, "....therefore you're a waste of cyberspace."

Yes it's the guy with reasonable post in response to the abnormally stupid hypothetical that isn't thinking.
Hey I'm going to give up my office to start a third party and um run for my office again....

You've missed the entire point, and I'm not generous enough to explain it to you....Stay dumb,
while you play to your base of clapping seals.

....and the above is EXACTLY what I compare Trump backers to.....a bunch "of clapping seals" repeating over and over that they've "won without realizing how they also lost.

Sorry, I see NO redeeming factors in Trump....as an ex New Yorker, I have seen the screwed up messes that this charlatan leaves behind, destroying small businesses and families.......if that isn't bad enough, now he could do the same to a large segment of our country' economic and moral rudder.

Lib please, New York state government are vultures who tax and fee everyone they can sink their vamp fangs into Trump is mother Teresa in comparison.

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