If Trump opted to resign and form a 3rd party, would his supporters...

I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.

I really don't think you help your cause by insulting the intelligence of those who support Trump. I know it probably makes you feel better but you're not going to ever win those voters over like that. I've been telling you all this since Trump entered the picture and you just don't want to listen. You have to go after Trump on policy and issues. Drop the "identity politics" crap because it's just not working for you. People aren't going to vote for you because you called them stupid!

Those who you have the potential to win over are not going to be impressed with you comparing Trump to Mussolini or Un. They may lack the education of your tenured professors and those drowning in student loan debt but they're far from stupid. They know who Mussolini and Un are and they realize you're being totally disingenuous. So all you're doing is turning them off while you play to your base of clapping seals. That won't win elections.

Amazing that he and countless others can't figure out calling people stupid, racists, bigots, etc doesn't convince them to vote for you
while you play to your base of clapping seals.

....and the above is EXACTLY what I compare Trump backers to.....a bunch "of clapping seals" repeating over and over that they've "won without realizing how they also lost.

Sorry, I see NO redeeming factors in Trump....as an ex New Yorker, I have seen the screwed up messes that this charlatan leaves behind, destroying small businesses and families.......if that isn't bad enough, now he could do the same to a large segment of our country' economic and moral rudder.

Yes he can. What would this country look like with less intrusive regulations on businesses? What would this country look like by taking a stand against foreign workers coming to this country and taking American jobs? What will happen to this country by Trump nominating judges that don't have a political agenda and adhere to the ideals of our founders and the US Constitution?

Terrible situation.
Trump isn't going to resign and start a new party. It's partisan political porn and nothing more.
Trump, for all intents and purposes, has been extremely satisfactory in pushing a Conservative agenda. Conservatives have gotten far more from him than they would have with a Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio.

I mostly agree with the exception of the above....

I would think that the two MAIN topics in a conservative agenda would have to include, the repealing of the ACA AND tax reform......

With both these topics, Trump has left it up to a republican congress to conjure up legislation, while he goes golfing......and the dismal results are evident.

No, our main issues were the appointed judges and the reduction of illegals in this country. He has made advancements in both.

Everything else are just extras. And if liberal commie activist judges would quit getting in his way, he would make even more positive changes in this country.

He hasn't been in office more than seven months, and already he's driving liberals insane.
Serious question posed in the thread's title to Trump supporters who are (mostly) republicans and even some right-leaning democrats.

So, given the very real fact that Trump is turning AGAINST the republican led congress while still deriding democrats such as Obama and Clinton, AND given that he is finding it a bit more difficult than expected to drain that proverbial D.C. swamp, Trump may opt to resign and perhaps start a uniquely trump-like 3rd party.........

Would current Trump backers follow him were he to do so?

It depends on who the GOP puts up.

I'd vote for a democrat if they were actually conservative.
Ahem, trump won't win an independent run for president from prison


Wet dream much ?
I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.

I really don't think you help your cause by insulting the intelligence of those who support Trump. I know it probably makes you feel better but you're not going to ever win those voters over like that. I've been telling you all this since Trump entered the picture and you just don't want to listen. You have to go after Trump on policy and issues. Drop the "identity politics" crap because it's just not working for you. People aren't going to vote for you because you called them stupid!

Those who you have the potential to win over are not going to be impressed with you comparing Trump to Mussolini or Un. They may lack the education of your tenured professors and those drowning in student loan debt but they're far from stupid. They know who Mussolini and Un are and they realize you're being totally disingenuous. So all you're doing is turning them off while you play to your base of clapping seals. That won't win elections.

Amazing that he and countless others can't figure out calling people stupid, racists, bigots, etc doesn't convince them to vote for you

you're never voting the other side of the aisle anyway.

so pandering to you isn't necessary.

and truth is truth. *shrug*

or do you think supporting every single thing that hurts anyone who isn['t white, male and christian doesn't show you up for racists?
I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.

I really don't think you help your cause by insulting the intelligence of those who support Trump. I know it probably makes you feel better but you're not going to ever win those voters over like that. I've been telling you all this since Trump entered the picture and you just don't want to listen. You have to go after Trump on policy and issues. Drop the "identity politics" crap because it's just not working for you. People aren't going to vote for you because you called them stupid!

Those who you have the potential to win over are not going to be impressed with you comparing Trump to Mussolini or Un. They may lack the education of your tenured professors and those drowning in student loan debt but they're far from stupid. They know who Mussolini and Un are and they realize you're being totally disingenuous. So all you're doing is turning them off while you play to your base of clapping seals. That won't win elections.

Amazing that he and countless others can't figure out calling people stupid, racists, bigots, etc doesn't convince them to vote for you

you're never voting the other side of the aisle anyway.

so pandering to you isn't necessary.

and truth is truth. *shrug*

or do you think supporting every single thing that hurts anyone who isn['t white, male and christian doesn't show you up for racists?

I voted for a Hispanic in the primary and third party for the general.

So yeah pretty sure
Serious question posed in the thread's title to Trump supporters who are (mostly) republicans and even some right-leaning democrats.

So, given the very real fact that Trump is turning AGAINST the republican led congress while still deriding democrats such as Obama and Clinton, AND given that he is finding it a bit more difficult than expected to drain that proverbial D.C. swamp, Trump may opt to resign and perhaps start a uniquely trump-like 3rd party.........

Would current Trump backers follow him were he to do so?

What kind of question is that?
Hell, Trump supporters would follow Trump, if he jumped off a cliff and into fire and brimstone. They prove that everyday, here at USMB. :2up:
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I'm not a big fan of Nationalist-Populism but it what it is and Trump has tapped into it.

So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.

I really don't think you help your cause by insulting the intelligence of those who support Trump. I know it probably makes you feel better but you're not going to ever win those voters over like that. I've been telling you all this since Trump entered the picture and you just don't want to listen. You have to go after Trump on policy and issues. Drop the "identity politics" crap because it's just not working for you. People aren't going to vote for you because you called them stupid!

Those who you have the potential to win over are not going to be impressed with you comparing Trump to Mussolini or Un. They may lack the education of your tenured professors and those drowning in student loan debt but they're far from stupid. They know who Mussolini and Un are and they realize you're being totally disingenuous. So all you're doing is turning them off while you play to your base of clapping seals. That won't win elections.

Amazing that he and countless others can't figure out calling people stupid, racists, bigots, etc doesn't convince them to vote for you

you're never voting the other side of the aisle anyway.

so pandering to you isn't necessary.

and truth is truth. *shrug*

or do you think supporting every single thing that hurts anyone who isn['t white, male and christian doesn't show you up for racists?

I voted for a Hispanic in the primary and third party for the general.

So yeah pretty sure

if you're talking about Rubio or cruz, cuban isn't considered "hispanic". and again, I said POLICIES... you gave me "some of my best friends are".

and again,. if every policy you support hurts everyone who isn't white christian male, you're a bigot.

I don't really care if it bothers you to admit it.
So did Mussolini in the rural, less educated parts of Italy in the 1930s.

trump strategy is NOT new....Demagoguery works well...Just look at Kim Jung Un.

I really don't think you help your cause by insulting the intelligence of those who support Trump. I know it probably makes you feel better but you're not going to ever win those voters over like that. I've been telling you all this since Trump entered the picture and you just don't want to listen. You have to go after Trump on policy and issues. Drop the "identity politics" crap because it's just not working for you. People aren't going to vote for you because you called them stupid!

Those who you have the potential to win over are not going to be impressed with you comparing Trump to Mussolini or Un. They may lack the education of your tenured professors and those drowning in student loan debt but they're far from stupid. They know who Mussolini and Un are and they realize you're being totally disingenuous. So all you're doing is turning them off while you play to your base of clapping seals. That won't win elections.

Amazing that he and countless others can't figure out calling people stupid, racists, bigots, etc doesn't convince them to vote for you

you're never voting the other side of the aisle anyway.

so pandering to you isn't necessary.

and truth is truth. *shrug*

or do you think supporting every single thing that hurts anyone who isn['t white, male and christian doesn't show you up for racists?

I voted for a Hispanic in the primary and third party for the general.

So yeah pretty sure

if you're talking about Rubio or cruz, cuban isn't considered "hispanic". and again, I said POLICIES... you gave me "some of my best friends are".

and again,. if every policy you support hurts everyone who isn't white christian male, you're a bigot.

I don't really care if it bothers you to admit it.

The policies I support help all Americans.

Not my fault if you aren't will into admit it
Amazing that he and countless others can't figure out calling people stupid, racists, bigots, etc doesn't convince them to vote for you

When some voters ARE stupid, racists, bigots, well, then, yeah, who the hell wants their vote even if it means losing an election. Ethics 101.
In other words, you cant

MORON, starting another party does NOT necessarily mean running for president..Trump has always wanted his narcissistic ego inflated....and he has now noticed that sitting in the oval office is a bitch.......and that is why he has already spent more than 40 days golfing.
He hasn't been in office more than seven months, and already he's driving liberals insane.

I don't give a shit whether you believe me or not.....BUT I haven't had as much political fun since the Nixon fiasco.......
When the first conservative party died, the period after, was named the Era of Good Feelings.
The entire DNC could reorganize as the Socialist Party or the more friendly "Socialist Peace Party" and still not lose their radical base or become a 3rd party. Democrats ran a Socialist in the primaries so it would be refreshing if democrats went back to their modern roots and actually embraced socialism. It would make the political choices so much simpler.

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