If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

If nothing he says will impact US policy, why is he talking all the time?
Because his ego demands that he be the center of attention, and the usual suspects on here are certainly doing that for him.
Are you okay? You're making no sense even more than usual.
You're upset that he, as a private citizen, is saying stuff that apparently some people believe, so I ask again, what impact is that going to have on our reaction to the crisis in Ukraine? I mean, I see people doing a lot more wailing about TRUMP! than talking about what Quid Pro is doing or not doing. Quid Pro is president, not TRUMP!.
I'm upset because I fought for a nation that Trump and his Party Of Putin have been trying to destroy for years. And I'm upset that idiots like you are dim enough not to see it.
And you can't see that a military strategist doesn't attack when he thinks the only one who could stop him is strong, he attacks when that one is weak.
Because his ego demands that he be the center of attention, and the usual suspects on here are certainly doing that for him.
Why should he be the center of attention? He’s a grifter and a traitor. The center of attention of a trial, at best.
You're upset that he, as a private citizen, is saying stuff that apparently some people believe, so I ask again, what impact is that going to have on our reaction to the crisis in Ukraine? I mean, I see people doing a lot more wailing about TRUMP! than talking about what Quid Pro is doing or not doing. Quid Pro is president, not TRUMP!.
Well! So nice to hear that you know who the real President is at least. To answer your question, Trump is a sick, demented moron with not a hint of humanity. He is in full support of Putin and always has been. His outward acceptance of what Putin is up to can only encourage more aggression. That unyielding support will give Putin incentive to again interfere in the elections to favor Trump and his sycophants. Who knows WTF Trump is saying to Putin? He never allows cameras or interpreters or US journalists to provide accountability. He has given the Russians classified info before and has stolen more classified and even top secret documents to stash at his home in Fl. Trump is losing a fortune right now that financial sanctions are in place. Putin is invested in many Trump properties with loans on them which are more likely to be called in now. Trump has many reasons to do Putin's bidding right now because it would benefit "Agent Orange" too. The entire nation should be banding together to condemn Putin but the autocrats on the right don't seem to have gotten the memo!
Why should he be the center of attention? He’s a grifter and a traitor. The center of attention of a trial, at best.
He wants to be and you guys are giving it to him. Y'all talk more about him than about the guy whose word can actually accomplish something, Quid Pro.
Well! So nice to hear that you know who the real President is at least. To answer your question, Trump is a sick, demented moron with not a hint of humanity. He is in full support of Putin and always has been. His outward acceptance of what Putin is up to can only encourage more aggression. That unyielding support will give Putin incentive to again interfere in the elections to favor Trump and his sycophants. Who knows WTF Trump is saying to Putin? He never allows cameras or interpreters or US journalists to provide accountability. He has given the Russians classified info before and has stolen more classified and even top secret documents to stash at his home in Fl. Trump is losing a fortune right now that financial sanctions are in place. Putin is invested in many Trump properties with loans on them which are more likely to be called in now. Trump has many reasons to do Putin's bidding right now because it would benefit "Agent Orange" too. The entire nation should be banding together to condemn Putin but the autocrats on the right don't seem to have gotten the memo!
Given the amount of energy you guys waste on complaining about a private citizen who can't hurt you, a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that TRUMP! was still president and in charge of the American response to the Ukraine crisis. I find it interesting that you went nuts in '16 because you were convinced that TRUMP! was in bed with Russians who bought FaceBook ads that forced democrats to switch their votes to Republican, or something. Then, just 4 years later the election was the absolute most secure, least interfered with in our history, and it could only be TRUMP! who made it that way and forced the Russians to keep their distance even though it meant he lost. Yet, somehow, you also believe that the Russians are going to come swooping in and hand TRUMP! the election again in 24. You really have it bad for Russia, don't you?
He wants to be and you guys are giving it to him. Y'all talk more about him than about the guy whose word can actually accomplish something, Quid Pro.
We have real president now. He doesn’t have to be the center of attention at all times. We talk about Trump, because he spreads lies about himself.
We have real president now. He doesn’t have to be the center of attention at all times. We talk about Trump, because he spreads lies about himself.
Don't you realize that the absolute worst thing you could do to TRUMP! is to ignore him? You continually reacting to what he says just inflates his ego because he knows you're paying more attention to him than to Quid Pro.
Given the amount of energy you guys waste on complaining about a private citizen who can't hurt you, a casual observer could be forgiven for thinking that TRUMP! was still president and in charge of the American response to the Ukraine crisis. I find it interesting that you went nuts in '16 because you were convinced that TRUMP! was in bed with Russians who bought FaceBook ads that forced democrats to switch their votes to Republican, or something. Then, just 4 years later the election was the absolute most secure, least interfered with in our history, and it could only be TRUMP! who made it that way and forced the Russians to keep their distance even though it meant he lost. Yet, somehow, you also believe that the Russians are going to come swooping in and hand TRUMP! the election again in 24. You really have it bad for Russia, don't you?
I suggest you actually read the Mueller Report, specifically Vol. 2 But you won't because you Trumpers don't do truth. Bill Barr grossly misinterpreted, on purpose, that investigation in his so-called summary. He did the bidding of his cult master just as you do. And BTW Putin openly admitted that he helped Trump in the 16 election and Trump openly admitted that he would accept it again. Your use of "you went nuts in '16 because you were convinced that TRUMP! was in bed with Russians who bought FaceBook ads that forced democrats to switch their votes to Republican, or something." That has also been well established by the social media sites themselves. And your hyperbole of Trump is in charge of the American response to the Ukraine crises is BS. Nobody is saying that. But we, of sanity, can see plainly that Trump and his cult in the GOP are willing cheerleaders for that fuckin' madman and his war crimes. You haven't noticed? Now that it ramps up and they are getting flack from Americans watching the carnage, suddenly they are all trying to walk their rhetoric back like the cowardly, traitorous tools that they are. And yes! Trump has been and is now on the side of our most consistent enemy. And because of his efforts on their behalf in the past they will indeed come "swooping" in to lend assistance once again to their useful idiot.
Don't you realize that the absolute worst thing you could do to TRUMP! is to ignore him? You continually reacting to what he says just inflates his ego because he knows you're paying more attention to him than to Quid Pro.
Thanks for your epiphany that we've been ruled by a child with a bloated ego for four years.
I suggest you actually read the Mueller Report, specifically Vol. 2 But you won't because you Trumpers don't do truth. Bill Barr grossly misinterpreted, on purpose, that investigation in his so-called summary. He did the bidding of his cult master just as you do. And BTW Putin openly admitted that he helped Trump in the 16 election and Trump openly admitted that he would accept it again. Your use of "you went nuts in '16 because you were convinced that TRUMP! was in bed with Russians who bought FaceBook ads that forced democrats to switch their votes to Republican, or something." That has also been well established by the social media sites themselves. And your hyperbole of Trump is in charge of the American response to the Ukraine crises is BS. Nobody is saying that. But we, of sanity, can see plainly that Trump and his cult in the GOP are willing cheerleaders for that fuckin' madman and his war crimes. You haven't noticed? Now that it ramps up and they are getting flack from Americans watching the carnage, suddenly they are all trying to walk their rhetoric back like the cowardly, traitorous tools that they are. And yes! Trump has been and is now on the side of our most consistent enemy. And because of his efforts on their behalf in the past they will indeed come "swooping" in to lend assistance once again to their useful idiot.
2016 - Russia Russia Russia! Worst, most corrupt election ever! Millions of democrats convinced to vote Republican because of FaceBood ads! Years and millions of dollars spent desperately trying to prove collusion. TRUMP! won.
2020 - Most secure election ever, no outside influence, no corruption, nothing to see here. Crickets from the media, crickets from the same ones screeching bloody murder just 4 years before. Quid Pro won.

What changed?

1. TRUMP! told the Russians to stay out of it and they did because they feared him.
2. TRUMP! beefed up our security mechanisms to the point that Russia tried but couldn't break through.
3. The Russians decided they didn't want to mess around in our politics anymore and stayed out of it just because.
4. The democrat won.

You pick.
Thanks for your epiphany that we've been ruled by a child with a bloated ego for four years.
What epiphany? I've said TRUMP! was egotistical for a long time. Heck, most presidents are egotistical maniacs Obviously, you haven't been paying any attention to what I've been saying and are operating on assumptions. Bad form, that.
2016 - Russia Russia Russia! Worst, most corrupt election ever! Millions of democrats convinced to vote Republican because of FaceBood ads! Years and millions of dollars spent desperately trying to prove collusion. TRUMP! won.
2020 - Most secure election ever, no outside influence, no corruption, nothing to see here. Crickets from the media, crickets from the same ones screeching bloody murder just 4 years before. Quid Pro won.

What changed?

1. TRUMP! told the Russians to stay out of it and they did because they feared him.
2. TRUMP! beefed up our security mechanisms to the point that Russia tried but couldn't break through.
3. The Russians decided they didn't want to mess around in our politics anymore and stayed out of it just because.
4. The democrat won.

You pick.
Ill take number 5!
Ill take number 5!
Okay, that's one vote for "I can't pick any of them because I would either be admitting that the situation didn't really change but nobody is talking about it because we only care that a democrat won or admitting that TRUMP! put the good of the country before his own political ambitions, and I can't allow myself to do that". It's not often that someone picks that one, good for you. Usually, they spout some nonsense and wander off into the sunset picking daisies.
Okay, that's one vote for "I can't pick any of them because I would either be admitting that the situation didn't really change but nobody is talking about it because we only care that a democrat won or admitting that TRUMP! put the good of the country before his own political ambitions, and I can't allow myself to do that". It's not often that someone picks that one, good for you. Usually, they spout some nonsense and wander off into the sunset picking daisies.
Are the rest of your cult brothers and sisters this silly? Must be fun!
Are the rest of your cult brothers and sisters this silly? Must be fun!
You didn't specify what option 5 was, so I helped you out. Maybe if you defined what option 5 is in your own mind, it would help you dig a little bit out of that hole you're in.
For European countries, Trump wouldn't do anything. I think what a pragmatist crazy like Trump would do would be to provoke both sides to the extreme and ultimately punish both sides. A dictator like Putin would have allowed such a show of power for Trump in domestic and foreign politics that Trump would have played with the world like a toy in such a chaos. ( Of course, this is a point of view that I have observed from outside the USA. )
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