If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

He earned all of the hate. We're just paying him for his efforts. Talk about dependence on him, you fools won't let go. It's almost like you are indoctrinated. Well, not almost, completely and thoroughly and obsessively. Make sure you bring him and his family some donuts when you visit him in prison. Say hi to Jarrod too!
1. You'll never see TRUMP! inside a prison.
2. Simply pointing out when the usual suspects obsess over TRUMP! in a vain attempt to divert attention from Quid Pro could be a full-time job.
3. It's fun watching the hate obsession from them. They literally cannot help themselves. Oh, well, they'll find something else to obsess on just as soon as Quid Pro totters out of office in a few years.
yEAH it's not like he wins straw polls for the nomination or calls Putin a genius or anything. He's just the typical ex president writing books, painting stuff, building habitat houses .... you know.
He also has no say in how the US responds to the crisis in Ukraine, despite the usual suspects desperate attempts to divert attention from Quid Pro.
1. You'll never see TRUMP! inside a prison.
2. Simply pointing out when the usual suspects obsess over TRUMP! in a vain attempt to divert attention from Quid Pro could be a full-time job.
3. It's fun watching the hate obsession from them. They literally cannot help themselves. Oh, well, they'll find something else to obsess on just as soon as Quid Pro totters out of office in a few years.
Oh, God, I don't want him in prison. HE's doing marvelous, just as it is.
He also has no say in how the US responds to the crisis in Ukraine, despite the usual suspects desperate attempts to divert attention from Quid Pro.
Well, Trumpy certainly has to express his loving opinion of Putin. He just can't stop. LOL
He's a private citizen after all. Nothing he says can impact US foreign policy.
It's so fucking unfair how Fox covers Trump endorsing candidates. I mean it's not like he craves this attention. So sad for fat man. So sad. If only these dems would stop paying attention to his desperate pleas for attention. Mean mean mean mean
President Trump kept Russia and China in line not showing weakness but peace through strength. The Sleepy joe did not help any with his taunting and threats he's done towards Russian counterparts. Look at where we are at now. On the brink of war.
A true bully can smell weakness. Putin is a real bully trained by the KGB not a neighborhood thug like Corn Pop at the pool.
It's so fucking unfair how Fox covers Trump endorsing candidates. I mean it's not like he craves this attention. So sad for fat man. So sad. If only these dems would stop paying attention to his desperate pleas for attention. Mean mean mean mean
The campaign season hasn't even started yet, but the usual suspects are terrified that TRUMP! will run again and win again. The wailing at the sky would be epic.
Are you:

1. A Penelope sock?
2. Officially speaking for Penelope?

In her case, it is all about reading minds, or at least pretending she can as long as the foil helmet is on.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, Forget about Penelope. If you think that Trump would have stood up to Putin, and rallied NATO than YOUR MIND is indeed waisted
Then you aren't paying attention. What he says always has an impact because he has indocrinated millions of useful idiots for Putin to spin his dangerous rhetoric to, Like you.
Plus, I mean who else would be such an egotistical blowhard to say "Putin is a genius" while he's murdering civilians with indiscriminate artillery and rocket attacks? I mean, sarcasm itself cannot create that shit. And seeing gopers fall over themselves with fawning adoration to get his blessed endorsement.

It's better than Ted Lasso!
1. You'll never see TRUMP! inside a prison.
2. Simply pointing out when the usual suspects obsess over TRUMP! in a vain attempt to divert attention from Quid Pro could be a full-time job.
3. It's fun watching the hate obsession from them. They literally cannot help themselves. Oh, well, they'll find something else to obsess on just as soon as Quid Pro totters out of office in a few years.
Unfortunately you are probably right. He has always wormed his way out of his crimes and probably will once again. But many around him will pay for believing his Bullshit just like the useful idiots who stormed the Capitol. He has left a wide trail of victims in his wake for decades, Contractors, contributors to his fake charities, banks, his own lawyers, stupid students of his fake university, Veterans, contributors to his inaugural, contributors to his fake legal defense funds, middle class taxpayers, the IRS, and the hundreds of thousands of dead Americans who were stupid enough to believe him when he claimed to know more about covid than the scientists just for instance and children and parents who were separated by his cruel and inhuman policies. I'm sure I'm leaving out a whole lot of other victims of his illness.
Unfortunately you are probably right. He has always wormed his way out of his crimes and probably will once again. But many around him will pay for believing his Bullshit just like the useful idiots who stormed the Capitol. He has left a wide trail of victims in his wake for decades, Contractors, contributors to his fake charities, banks, his own lawyers, stupid students of his fake university, Veterans, contributors to his inaugural, contributors to his fake legal defense funds, middle class taxpayers, the IRS, and the hundreds of thousands of dead Americans who were stupid enough to believe him when he claimed to know more about covid than the scientists just for instance and children and parents who were separated by his cruel and inhuman policies. I'm sure I'm leaving out a whole lot of other victims of his illness.
Oh, we aren't gonna lock up an ex potus whose followers think he's better than Christ Moses and the Muslim guy all in one. Besides, with the dems driving the centrists into the gop, we need him to drive centrists AWAY from the gop. What I wouldn't give to see Romeny and Clyburn run on a centrist ticket.
Then you aren't paying attention. What he says always has an impact because he has indocrinated millions of useful idiots for Putin to spin his dangerous rhetoric to, Like you.
Really? And what are these people going to do that will destroy Quid Pro's foreign policy?
Unfortunately you are probably right. He has always wormed his way out of his crimes and probably will once again. But many around him will pay for believing his Bullshit just like the useful idiots who stormed the Capitol. He has left a wide trail of victims in his wake for decades, Contractors, contributors to his fake charities, banks, his own lawyers, stupid students of his fake university, Veterans, contributors to his inaugural, contributors to his fake legal defense funds, middle class taxpayers, the IRS, and the hundreds of thousands of dead Americans who were stupid enough to believe him when he claimed to know more about covid than the scientists just for instance and children and parents who were separated by his cruel and inhuman policies. I'm sure I'm leaving out a whole lot of other victims of his illness.
Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't even vote for him. You sound really upset that there are people who don't agree with your hate for him.
Maybe No, if Trump continued to give him enough of what he wanted, Hard to tell what a dictator will do.
The campaign season hasn't even started yet, but the usual suspects are terrified that TRUMP! will run again and win again. The wailing at the sky would be epic.
This country can't survive another Trump Presidency.
Wow, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you didn't even vote for him. You sound really upset that there are people who don't agree with your hate for him.
I'm upset because I fought for a nation that Trump and his Party Of Putin have been trying to destroy for years. And I'm upset that idiots like you are dim enough not to see it.

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