If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

What complete and utter horseshit! Putin did not fear Trump. He saw Trump as a patsy- a useful idiot-then and now. Trump has been fawning over Putin -then and now. Putin knows that he is a moron

Biden has gone toe to toes with Putin. Trump is praising Putin. Trump has said that he would have stopped Putin from invading but has yet to explain how. How stupid are you anyway?
It would be dumb to invade when he had a weaker president in office. Clearly, he thinks Quid Pro is the weaker foe, and the fact remains that the Peace President was the first one in a long time to start no new military hostilities.
No one is saying that Trump is responsible for the invasion, -but you morons are saying-without evidence-that Biden is responsible
Nope, Actually, I've been seeing a lot of people trying to make that very case, blaming TRUMP! and trying desperately to deflect attention from Quid Pro. Putin is responsible for the invasion, but it cannot be denied that he waited until Quid Pro took office to invade. It also cannot be denied that there is a heck of a lot more focus on whining and wailing about TRUMP! than there is about what the current resident of the White House is doing.
What complete and utter horseshit! Putin did not fear Trump. He saw Trump as a patsy- a useful idiot-then and now. Trump has been fawning over Putin -then and now. Putin knows that he is a moron

Biden has gone toe to toes with Putin. Trump is praising Putin. Trump has said that he would have stopped Putin from invading but has yet to explain how. How stupid are you anyway?
By George, I do think you've figured him out. Not incredibly difficult but good work!
Traitor Trump called KGB Putin's invasion "wonderful". He called KGB Putin a "genius".

Comrade Carlson has been on the air every night inviting KGB Putin to invade.

The Trumptards are all on their knees suckling Putin's balls and saying Putin has a right to invade a sovereign country.

All of them are so mentally broken, they think Biden is the weak one! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

There simply is no bottom to their insanity. One can only wonder what new and terrible nightmares they will hatch.
I call them the POP not the GOP. Party Of Putin! This crew has managed to make absurdity, cruelty, sedition and mental illness an asset. Never thought I'd ever see anything like this.
This is BS and a fantasy… Trump armed Ukraine and was tougher on Russia then Obama or Biden
Trump didn't arm Ukraine, congress did. Trump tried to delay the delivery of those congressionally approved weapons so that he could have Zelensky dig up dirt on his opponent. Trump was Impeached for that. You didn't notice? Also, Trump has been doing Putin's bidding for decades. Now he is a cheerleader for Putin's army as they invade a sovereign nation that those weapons were meant to protect. So, you're all wet when you claim he has been tough on Russia. He's a fuckin' employee of Russia.
If Trump is such a friend of Putin's, why hasn't he negotiated peace? C'mon and step-up fat boy.
Because he agrees with Putin. That's obvious with the way he has been fawning over him. You haven't caught on to that? Called him a genius, savvy, admirable etc etc. That's what to expect from a child talking about his daddy.
I agree. My message was pure sarcasm.
But I'm not sure Trump agrees with Putin so much as he a. admires totalitarian leaders of the one person having all the power sort, such as KimBongWong and Putin and b. thought Nato and receiprocal trade detracted from America First and isolationism (except when it involved him laundering overseas money in casinos and golf courses)
Because he agrees with Putin. That's obvious with the way he has been fawning over him. You haven't caught on to that? Called him a genius, savvy, admirable etc etc. That's what to expect from a child talking about his daddy.
Listening to some of these usual suspects, you'd think they didn't believe an election happened at all and that TRUMP! is still president, the way they go on about him.
Listening to some of these usual suspects, you'd think they didn't believe an election happened at all and that TRUMP! is still president, the way they go on about him.
he is THE LEGITAMATE PRESIDENT! And he speaks for Jesus fucking Christ everytime he stands up for traditional marriage and the right of a fetus to kill its mother .... GOD PRAISE OUR CHRISTINA PISSANDENT!!!!
he is THE LEGITAMATE PRESIDENT! And he speaks for Jesus fucking Christ everytime he stands up for traditional marriage and the right of a fetus to kill its mother .... GOD PRAISE OUR CHRISTINA PISSANDENT!!!!
I think a lot of people would have a lot less heartburn if they could wean themselves off dependance on TRUMP! hatred being their every waking thought.
I think a lot of people would have a lot less heartburn if they could wean themselves off dependance on TRUMP! hatred being their every waking thought.
He earned all of the hate. We're just paying him for his efforts. Talk about dependence on him, you fools won't let go. It's almost like you are indoctrinated. Well, not almost, completely and thoroughly and obsessively. Make sure you bring him and his family some donuts when you visit him in prison. Say hi to Jarrod too!
I think a lot of people would have a lot less heartburn if they could wean themselves off dependance on TRUMP! hatred being their every waking thought.
yEAH it's not like he wins straw polls for the nomination or calls Putin a genius or anything. He's just the typical ex president writing books, painting stuff, building habitat houses .... you know.

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