If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

You didn't specify what option 5 was, so I helped you out. Maybe if you defined what option 5 is in your own mind, it would help you dig a little bit out of that hole you're in.
Go right on thinking you are winning something or making some sort of a profound point. What I see is just another nose to the orange ass. Come up for air once in a while. It might clear things up for ya.
Go right on thinking you are winning something or making some sort of a profound point. What I see is just another nose to the orange ass. Come up for air once in a while. It might clear things up for ya.
The bottom line remains, you have no good reason why we went from shrieking bloody murder about Russia in one election to crickets on the subject just 4 years later. Either TRUMP! shut them down or the usual suspects didn't care because Quid Pro won.
The bottom line remains, you have no good reason why we went from shrieking bloody murder about Russia in one election to crickets on the subject just 4 years later. Either TRUMP! shut them down or the usual suspects didn't care because Quid Pro won.
Because Russia interfered in one and not the other. Got it?
Because Russia interfered in one and not the other. Got it?
Okay, so the question is, why? Why interfere in one but not the other? The most obvious conclusion is that TRUMP! did something to scare them off, persuade them to stay out of it, or locked down security so tightly they couldn't do anything. None of those conclusions fit your narrative that TRUMP! colludes with Russia to win elections, but what else could have happened?
Okay, so the question is, why? Why interfere in one but not the other? The most obvious conclusion is that TRUMP! did something to scare them off, persuade them to stay out of it, or locked down security so tightly they couldn't do anything. None of those conclusions fit your narrative that TRUMP! colludes with Russia to win elections, but what else could have happened?
It's not conjecture that Putin interfered with the election to favor Trump. That's been established. They tried again in 2020 but the American people spoke loudly with a huge turnout. I should have said they were unsuccessful in the second one. My bad. That they tried again in 2020 is also well established. It's well established that Trump invited them to help him. He's Putin's useful idiot. Has been for decades.
It's not conjecture that Putin interfered with the election to favor Trump. That's been established. They tried again in 2020 but the American people spoke loudly with a huge turnout. I should have said they were unsuccessful in the second one. My bad. That they tried again in 2020 is also well established. It's well established that Trump invited them to help him. He's Putin's useful idiot. Has been for decades.
What's your source for "They tried again in 2020"?
What makes you think I work for you? Do some research outside of FOX, NEWSMAX and TASS.
You made the assertion, I merely asked for your source. It's lot like I asked you to go and do research, unless you really don't have a source. That would be a very different case.
You made the assertion, I merely asked for your source. It's lot like I asked you to go and do research, unless you really don't have a source. That would be a very different case.
Ya know? That's the problem with Trumpers. The information of what Trump has been up to is out there everywhere but is summarily dismissed because of the total indoctrination of the flock. For instance when Trump said on camera to Putin: " Russia, if you're listening, please find the 30,000 emails that are missing!" And again when he told Geo Stephanopolus that "he would accept help from foreign nations again if it was offered and then said, "Why Not?!"And again when he openly cowtowed to Putin on camera and took his word above our own Intelligence agencies while on a world stage in Helsinki. These things are obvious yet are ignored off hand. His firing of Jim Comey because he wouldn't drop the investigation into Michael Flynn's contact and payment from Russia. The vast array of scoundrels in his administration and around it with ties directly and indirectly to Russia were there for all to see but the blinders were on for the sheep.
Ya know? That's the problem with Trumpers. The information of what Trump has been up to is out there everywhere but is summarily dismissed because of the total indoctrination of the flock. For instance when Trump said on camera to Putin: " Russia, if you're listening, please find the 30,000 emails that are missing!" And again when he told Geo Stephanopolus that "he would accept help from foreign nations again if it was offered and then said, "Why Not?!"And again when he openly cowtowed to Putin on camera and took his word above our own Intelligence agencies while on a world stage in Helsinki. These things are obvious yet are ignored off hand. His firing of Jim Comey because he wouldn't drop the investigation into Michael Flynn's contact and payment from Russia. The vast array of scoundrels in his administration and around it with ties directly and indirectly to Russia were there for all to see but the blinders were on for the sheep.
That's not the source for your claim that they tried again in 2020 but failed, and no one cared to even comment on it.

If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?​

When Putin invades the only people suggesting we just let him have Ukraine and stay out of it will be Trump loyalists. Everyone else is about tired of his shit.
haha you think people actually forget 2014 when that’s in fact what obama, xiden and demafasict said and did?

If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?​

They have a hard time arguing with the fact that Putin did nothing during the Peace President's time in office, but moved quickly when Quid Pro stumbled in. They're madly spinning and grasping at straws trying vainly to make the point that it proves Putin sees Quid Pro as stronger than TRUMP!.
They have a hard time arguing with the fact that Putin did nothing during the Peace President's time in office, but moved quickly when Quid Pro stumbled in. They're madly spinning and grasping at straws trying vainly to make the point that it proves Putin sees Quid Pro as stronger than TRUMP!.
Trump had no need to invade Ukraine under Trump. Trump was doing everything Putin ever dreamed of.

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