If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

I believe Putin would have invaded and nothing much could have been done unless you want all out war that could lead to a World War…

I believe Trump would have not risked our Military and a World War for Ukraine…
I actually agree, and Putin does what Putin wants. Also the history of Ukraine and Russia is long, intertwined and complicated. Like with Iran, NK, China….there is no easy black and white solution.
Yes. Putin is going to do what he wants in spite of the US president. He had this shit timed to coincide with political turmoil caused by his unwitting republican collaborators in the US. When it all goes up republicans will do all they can to hobble our response to Russian agression.

Putin did nothing when trump was in. He did invade crimea and possibly ukraine with o and biden.

If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?​

Putin is an egomaniac who has had his eyes on Ukraine going back a decade. I don't think it's a stretch to believe events would be any different.
Ukraine is not a member of NATO, so there's that.
That may be true, but they should have been the last time Russia tried to commit genocide in the Ukraine by the KGB starving out farmers. Yes, they starved out farmers the one on one way. They would go to the farmer's home daily and rout out all means of producing food, storing food, or eating food. The incidents included emptying pots in the kitchen of food be prepared for a meal, Regular cleaning out any food whatever from the cupboards, pantries, closets, bedrooms, crawl spaces, and underground storage areas. No stone was left unturned to get rid of all the food on every Ukrainian farm. A million farmers died and with them their families and communitites, all starved.

The stinkin' Russians have done enough damage in the Ukraine, and if there is no love lost, they can blame it on Stalin without repeating the hatred of murdering men, women, and children ever again, and it happened conveniently in WWII when nobody was paying attention to Russia's disenfranchisement of the Ukrainian people.

Hitler was not the only genocidal maniacs in Eastern Europe. Stalin had a field day in the Ukraine for murdering innocent people whose worst crime was freedom of speech to condemn those stealing their crops so they could eat, drink, and be merry at the total expense of the Ukrainian farmers.

Russia, chill, dern it. :cranky:
Let's not forget about bubba and the serbs.

Of course not.

Trump presided over an age of plenty, there was no reason for the Russian people or anyone else to fight over crumbs.

OTOH, Brandon and the D's seek scarcity, and when the people are struggling, the possibility of conflict skyrockets.
Crimea wasn't the same situation at all. Ukraine only took over the peninsula during the reign of Khrushchev- the Ukrainian firebrand- in the old USSR. Crimea is legitimately part of Russia and has been for a long time.
Don't Cosset the Cossacks

The Ukraine has never been a country before, and it doesn't deserve to be one much longer.
Still none of our business.
Bears Don't Like to Be Caged

It is definitely Russia's business to have its own Monroe Doctrine. No country can tolerate having a neighbor seeking support from a large and hostile alliance.

We ourselves should have never let Castro keep Cuba as an outpost of Globalist Communism. Trump would have been more likely to free Cuba than help further the NYETO strangulation of Russia.
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
Are you fn kidding me?? If Trump was in office Ukraine would be flying the Russian flag by now
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
Are you fucking serious!!?? Trump had his head so far up Putin's ass that he did not know if it was day or night. He was Putin's patsy. Biden is being far tougher with Russia that the wimp Trump ever could be, or wanted to be. In addition, Trump would not have supported NATO the way that Bid has, Trump undermined NATO
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
Since the invasion is a CIA fantasy, the question is meaningless.

Not going to happen.
Remember when Putin put bounties on American soldiers and Trump did nothing?

I do.

Because you don't care about reality and still think CNN represent 'news.'

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