If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

Trump and Putin had something going on between them.
Something good? Something nefarious?
It's not important what it was if it would have prevented the current brinkmanship with Russia.

And fwiw, no American should be believing Biden when he says that America won't become involved with troops in Ukraine fighting against Russians.

The situation will have changed and Biden will be given license to change his mind, and he will be supported by the majority.

Now, all that needs to happen is to get Russia to invade. Is the false flag provocation already planned for some time within the next 12 or 24 hours?
Trump and Putin definitely had something going on; There is a trillion dollars worth of oil in the North Kara sea, which is why Trump nominated Rex Tillerson SOS. This is why Trump always cozied up to Putin.

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It's a shame isn't it? We might not even be having this conversation right now, but Trump needed a favor first from Selensky, and he didn't get it.
The Cry Baby Loser's withholding vitally-needed military aid from Ukraine to pressure Zelenskyy to contrive criminal charges against Biden, and the Cry Baby Loser's attempts to weaken NATO, certainly explain why the Kremlin mass murderer conspired to elect the Cry Baby Loser.

April 21, 2020​
A Senate Intelligence Committee report confirmed Tuesday the U.S. intelligence finding that Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the goal to help Donald Trump become president.
Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., chairs the bipartisan committee, undercutting Trump’s claims that the U.S. intelligence findings were a “hoax” led by Democrats.
The January 2017 U.S. intelligence report provided “specific intelligence reporting to support the assessment that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government demonstrated a preference for candidate Trump,” the Senate Intelligence Committee found in its report Tuesday.
The committee also found that “specific intelligence” along with other assessments supported the finding that Putin “approved and directed aspects” of the Russian government’s interference efforts.

Screen Shot 2022-02-26 at 9.06.00 PM.png
The Cry Baby Loser's withholding vitally-needed military aid from Ukraine to pressure Zelenskyy to contrive criminal charges against Biden, and the Cry Baby Loser's attempts to weaken NATO, certainly explain why the Kremlin mass murderer conspired to elect the Cry Baby Loser.

April 21, 2020​
A Senate Intelligence Committee report confirmed Tuesday the U.S. intelligence finding that Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the goal to help Donald Trump become president.
Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., chairs the bipartisan committee, undercutting Trump’s claims that the U.S. intelligence findings were a “hoax” led by Democrats.
The January 2017 U.S. intelligence report provided “specific intelligence reporting to support the assessment that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government demonstrated a preference for candidate Trump,” the Senate Intelligence Committee found in its report Tuesday.
The committee also found that “specific intelligence” along with other assessments supported the finding that Putin “approved and directed aspects” of the Russian government’s interference efforts.
Senate and intelligence should not be used in the same sentence.
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
TRUMP! certainly was the Peace President, the first in a long time to start no new military hostilities.
The Cry Baby Loser's withholding vitally-needed military aid from Ukraine to pressure Zelenskyy to contrive criminal charges against Biden, and the Cry Baby Loser's attempts to weaken NATO, certainly explain why the Kremlin mass murderer conspired to elect the Cry Baby Loser.

April 21, 2020​
A Senate Intelligence Committee report confirmed Tuesday the U.S. intelligence finding that Russia interfered in the 2016 election with the goal to help Donald Trump become president.
Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., chairs the bipartisan committee, undercutting Trump’s claims that the U.S. intelligence findings were a “hoax” led by Democrats.
The January 2017 U.S. intelligence report provided “specific intelligence reporting to support the assessment that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian government demonstrated a preference for candidate Trump,” the Senate Intelligence Committee found in its report Tuesday.
The committee also found that “specific intelligence” along with other assessments supported the finding that Putin “approved and directed aspects” of the Russian government’s interference efforts.
Great post! Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears.
Ukraine would already be invaded if Trump had won in 2020. He's Putin's bitch.
That's kind of dumb, given that Putin had 4 years of the Peace President being in office and only moved after Quid Pro stepped in. Sorry, but this one's on Joe.
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
The risk to American representative democracy posed by a continuation of the Trump regime was simply to great to allow it to continue, and that 'trumps' all else.
That's kind of dumb, given that Putin had 4 years of the Peace President being in office and only moved after Quid Pro stepped in. Sorry, but this one's on Joe.
It's far more likely that Putin decided now was the time to invade because the damage to NATO was being healed under Biden and he was losing time to hope the Allied western nations wouldn't be on board for sanctions. Also he realized that Trump's hold on gov't was waning and his appeal was softening.
It's far more likely that Putin decided now was the time to invade because the damage to NATO was being healed under Biden and he was losing time to hope the Allied western nations wouldn't be on board for sanctions. Also he realized that Trump's hold on gov't was waning and his appeal was softening.
Nonsense. You don't attack when the enemy is strong, you attack when the enemy is weak. Putin clearly sees the US as weaker under Quid Pro.
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
Probably not, because Trump would have been kissing Putin’s ass and giving his bro anything he wanted.
Great post! Unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears.
It is futile to offer irrefutable, documented relevancies such as 1) Trump's withholding vital military assistance to Ukraine, 2) Trump's repeatedly disparaging NATO and challenging its role in defense of democracy, and 3) Trump's gratitude to his "savvy" KGB "genius" for conspiring to get him elected.

Present these undeniable matters of record that impact upon subsequent revolting developments, and one triggers inane sputtering about pedophile pizza parlors, Italian satellites, and bamboo ballots up the yin-yang.
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You don't attack when the enemy is strong, you attack when the enemy is weak.
Good point. The Cry Baby Loser withholding vital military aid from vulnerable Ukraine to pressure its president to contrive fake criminal charges against the Cry Baby Loser's political opponent certainly didn't help. Nor did his continually crapping on NATO.
That's kind of dumb, given that Putin had 4 years of the Peace President being in office and only moved after Quid Pro stepped in. Sorry, but this one's on Joe.
You call what this country has gone through under Trump peaceful? You haven't been paying attention.

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