If Trump was in office do you think Putin would even threaten much less invade Ukraine?

So there were not Russian military assets at the poling stations when that vote was taken...

If you want to live in your own reality and ignore what actually happened then sure.

The rest of us can clearly see what Russia did.

Russia had to protect the integrity of the voting process. Otherwise the election would have been as crooked as the democrats make our elections. The Crimean people were done with the EU boot and threw them out. Had we tried to step in, the Crimeans would have had an uprising of nation killing proportions.
except for the fact of course that it DIDNT HAPPEN while Trump was POTUS.
Both the Crimea and the Ukraine Are Naturally Part of Russia

Putin was hoping that Trump would destroy the Deep State and get rid of the provocative and costly sanctions on trade with Russia. Betrayed by Tillerson and Chickenhawk Cold-War nostalgics, Trump was unable to free that trade, which is worth a trillion dollars. But the Deep Statists already have 75 trillion, so they don't care as long as they can get the sick kick out of castrating the Bear.

No, Putin wouldn't threaten because there would be no need. He'd just invade.
Putin only invaded under Obama and Biden..........Putin behaved himself under TRUMP. The world was a safer place under Trump, Americans were happier under TRUMP.
Can you explain what happened in Ukraine during 2014?
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
I don't think Putin is the least bit afraid of Trump. He would invade even if Trump was still president. He was going invade regardless of who was president, the writing has been painfully on the wall for years. We all knew it was inevitable one day Russia would take back the Ukraine.
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
You're probably correct. Irritating a mad man with his finger on a button that would send over thousand ICBMs at his country is not a good idea. Biden made it quite clear that the US would not become involved in the Ukraine which was a signal to Putin to take it.

Biden could have brought a fleet of Naval Ships into the Black Sea and moved a number of divisions into the Ukraine and dared Putin to set foot into the Ukraine. Maybe Putin would have backed down but maybe not. I don't think the value of the Ukraine to the US is worth the chance of a nuclear war.
Trump would probably given him Ukraine in exchange for a bunch of trademarks.
Both Trump and Pompeo just said that they think Putin is doing the right thing in invading Ukraine. Called him a very savvy guy whom they admire. So much for no there there. LOL
I've thought a lot about the cost of not getting away from fossil fuels. Money doesn't enter into it.
It's hard to fathom the idea that Russia would be taking a country in which the majority speak Russian and think of themselves as ethnic Russians. Putin did the unexpected. He recognized the Russian speaking portion of Ukraine as independent and sent peacekeepers to keep the EU in their place. That was the right thing to do.
You're probably correct. Irritating a mad man with his finger on a button that would send over thousand ICBMs at his country is not a good idea. Biden made it quite clear that the US would not become involved in the Ukraine which was a signal to Putin to take it.

Biden could have brought a fleet of Naval Ships into the Black Sea and moved a number of divisions into the Ukraine and dared Putin to set foot into the Ukraine. Maybe Putin would have backed down but maybe not. I don't think the value of the Ukraine to the US is worth the chance of a nuclear war.
Does praising putin's invasion as "genus" help?
It's hard to fathom the idea that Russia would be taking a country in which the majority speak Russian and think of themselves as ethnic Russians. Putin did the unexpected. He recognized the Russian speaking portion of Ukraine as independent and sent peacekeepers to keep the EU in their place. That was the right thing to do.
Peacekeepers??!! You've gotta be blind and deaf not to recognize what's happening. We have a Fuckin' madman in open support of another madman as madman number two invades a sovereign nation with tanks, rockets and 200,000 troops! I'll bet you thought it was brilliant to invade Iraq too. Your total indoctrination is bizarre.
Peacekeepers??!! You've gotta be blind and deaf not to recognize what's happening. We have a Fuckin' madman in open support of another madman as madman number two invades a sovereign nation with tanks, rockets and 200,000 troops! I'll bet you thought it was brilliant to invade Iraq too. Your total indoctrination is bizarre.
Truly, no one in Iraq thought of themselves as American
Not a chance in hell. Crimea was one thing… the whole country not a chance. Trump would be waving the sword very hard abs Russia wouldn’t risk a direct military confrontation with the US. Trump wouldn’t back down (not sure that would be a good thing though).
You should refill your meds. Perhaps they can cure you from being a fucking moron.

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