If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

trump has never won the popular vote and he won't in 2024 if he runs.
Well if the dems would stop the illegal and multivoting---Trump would easily win the popular vote. How do I know---look at the people that attend his rallies to the no one going to Biden Rallies.
Tell us more..

It is all one big conspiracy
Why waste my time. You are just happy that your corrupt Democrats run the DOJ and FBI.

They have had Hunter’s laptop from hell for a year or more and they are doing nothing with it. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear they lost it.

In passing it really din’t surprise me that Jeffery Epstein “committed suicide” either.
Why waste my time. You are just happy that your corrupt Democrats run the DOJ and FBI.

They have had Hunter’s laptop from hell for a year or more and they are doing nothing with it. It wouldn’t surprise me to hear they lost it.

In passing it really din’t surprise me that Jeffery Epstein “committed suicide” either.

Trump had four years to indict Hunter Biden
He even extorted Ukraine to dig up dirt on hem

He didn’t because Hunter broke no laws
How many illegal votes were counted and can you prove which ones were illegal? See how good you are now big mouth.

The only proven illegal votes were for Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania

Proving that he cheated
How many illegal votes were counted and can you prove which ones were illegal? See how good you are now big mouth.

Here ya go fatmouth​

New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results​

New evidence indicates that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 2020 general election — a number that will continue to rise over the next several months, potentially exceeding the 11,779 votes that separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
It will fail...the people of America will not take the loss of 800,000 Americans

That too is a lie. Everything the MSM tells us is a lie, the politicians lie, the drug companies lie and of course all the Leftist turds here lie. There was a gross overall increase in deaths here in 2020 over 2019 of only 500,000, and of that, only 350,000 are attributable to Covid, not the 600,000 murdered by Trump these idiots try to claim. Everything is a lie, and as always, Ram, just follow the money to see who benefits: China, Joe Biddum and his health agencies, and of course, Big Pharma.

Funny, the leading cause of death, heart disease by far, no one is worried about that, no one is worried about the quality of food we are forced to eat much of it full of chemicals and fake food made all the worse by a nation literally forced onto eating pizzas, hamburgers and other junk food for the past year in response to the millions unable to get out, wear masks, or buy and prepare healthier alternatives needing to subsist on "delivery-ready" foodstuffs.
Oh no we're not in the minority and the election result proved it.
You might think that but statistics prove its a lie. Anyone who voted for a fool like TRUMP is the clueless one.

Biden, you moron, got more votes than trump. That's why he us the president. Suck eggs loser.
You explicitly stated that prior Trump voters did not vote for Trump in 2020.
You are incorrect.
Trump had four years to indict Hunter Biden
He even extorted Ukraine to dig up dirt on hem

He didn’t because Hunter broke no laws
Well it seems it is legal to sell the influence of your father to foreign nations in the Swamp. Just like insider trading is legal in Congress. Just ask Nancy Pelosi. Swamp critters lack ethics. (In passing, Republicans are also Swamp critters.)

However Hunter most likely did violate at least one law. Of course nothing will happen to him.

You explicitly stated that prior Trump voters did not vote for Trump in 2020.
You are incorrect.

We have no way of knowing that

We do know that in 2020, Republicans voted for down ballot Republicans but not Trump
Well it seems it is legal to sell the influence of your father to foreign nations in the Swamp. Just like insider trading is legal in Congress. Just ask Nancy Pelosi. Swamp critters lack ethics. (In passing, Republicans are also Swamp critters.)

However Hunter most likely did violate at least one law. Of course nothing will happen to him.

Trump ran the Justice Department

If he had anything remotely indictable on Hunter Biden, he would have been arrested.
We have no way of knowing that

We do know that in 2020, Republicans voted for down ballot Republicans but not Trump
He received several more votes then in 2016.
I guess we'll have to send in more 3:00AM mail ballots next time.
In the meanwhile, the inevitable market crash, which I'm not hoping for, will give the Rs the House and Senate.
He received several more votes then in 2016.
I guess we'll have to send in more 3:00AM mail ballots next time.
In the meanwhile, the inevitable market crash, which I'm not hoping for, will give the Rs the House and Senate.

Trump had 84 million votes against him
20 million more than any sitting President in History

The market always does better under Democrats. Market is up 23 percent under Biden

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