If Trump were to run in 2024, a new poll shows he will easily win.

Trump is dead
That old horse is dead
Time to move on

trump is an embarrassment
The poll didn't include democrats. What's you point?
You got sucked in by those fascist pollsters but couldn't see it.
While ever trump prances around like a dog with two dicks and democrats remind America what a disaster he was, why would they be getting desperate. He's the biggest weapon they have.
Don't make me vomit you imbecile. You're brain dead.
The Poles that said Trump would win in 2024.

Don't make me vomit you imbecile. You're brain dead.

The Oath Keepers and Their Role in the January 6 ...
Dec 22, 2021 · Abstract: On January 6, 2021, 21 members of the Oath Keepers are alleged to have played a critical role in a wide-ranging conspiracy to storm the U.S. Capitol and disrupt the
Well it is obvious to me that the object of the Democrats and the “never Trump” Republicans is to tie Trump up in court proceedings so tightly that he can’t campaign.
The Cry Baby Loser being subjected to civil and criminal prosecutions is a matter for the judiciary now that he can no longer evoke immunity. The 60+ courts, under the auspices of both Republican and Democratic judges, Trump appointees included, that threw out his frivolous election challenges is a testament to their indifference to partisan agendas.

The ongoing prosecutions, convictions, and confessions of Trump goons will keep his fomenting an attack on Congress because the American electorate dumped him at their first opportunity in the headline, anyway.

To him, his goons who conspired to subvert democracy and injured 140 outnumbered police in their depraved attempt are "special" and he "loves" them.

Patriotic America will be ready for them when Congress certifies the 2024 electoral college votes.
Outstanding ideas. That is why people want him back.
Yes, the long list of his fake promises attests to the reality that the weird worshipers of one dude crave vapid, blowhard bluster, not actual competence in achieving them.

That is why simply vowing yet again to build a big beautiful wall that Mexico will pay for, immediately repealing 'ObamaCare', etc., etc., etc. will sucker them in again.
Yes, the long list of his fake promises attests to the reality that the weird worshipers of one dude crave vapid, blowhard bluster, not actual competence in achieving them.

That is why simply vowing yet again to build a big beautiful wall that Mexico will pay for, immediately repealing 'ObamaCare', etc., etc., etc. will sucker them in again.
Without Covid Trump would have 46 states. The country was in its best shape EVER. Shill.
Without Covid Trump would have 46 states.

Very True
Any other President of either party during a crisis like COVID would have shown strong leadership and had the country rally around him. Just like they did with George Bush on 9-11.

With Trump, even his own party turned against him
The QOP wants a loser back, the rest of the country not so much.

Democracy certainty doesn't want him back.

That would make Trump a three time loser, wouldn't it? He's been impeached twice and already lost one election... so that would make him a 4 time loser.

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