If Universal Healthcare is a Bad Idea...

Not before ACA, you didn't. As a health insurance underwriter, I had a 3 inch underwriting manual, and if you had any of the condition that were in that book, all you go was an applicant rejection form letter.
insurance/single payer is not healthcare. Dip shit
I have no idea what the hell your point is, so I guess I will have to start at the top.

Before ACA, there was a 30% chance that you could buy no insurance whatsoever, due to pre-existing conditions. After ACA, you can always buy insurance if you can afford id it.

So, you are here whining because the insurance company gave you the opportunity to buy it, but they did not sell it to you for a loss.

Life just sucks, doesn't it Rustic?

Go cry on Sarah Palin's shoulder.
No, I have never purchased insurance in my life. No need to I have always paid out-of-pocket.

But the fact remains insurance/single payer is not healthcare… millions just like me do not trust insurance companies To pay shit. Because really they have no obligation too… Same way with the federal government

Wow! That's smart! Say, my wife's first husband developed leukemia at age 46. he fought it for 17 months before he died, and the hospital bill alone came to $1.4 million. If that happens to you, are you going to put it on tour Discover card?
insurance is not healthcare...

What the hell is your point?
Any type of federal government mandate means extremely high cost… fact
insurance/single payer is not healthcare. Dip shit
I have no idea what the hell your point is, so I guess I will have to start at the top.

Before ACA, there was a 30% chance that you could buy no insurance whatsoever, due to pre-existing conditions. After ACA, you can always buy insurance if you can afford id it.

So, you are here whining because the insurance company gave you the opportunity to buy it, but they did not sell it to you for a loss.

Life just sucks, doesn't it Rustic?

Go cry on Sarah Palin's shoulder.
No, I have never purchased insurance in my life. No need to I have always paid out-of-pocket.

But the fact remains insurance/single payer is not healthcare… millions just like me do not trust insurance companies To pay shit. Because really they have no obligation too… Same way with the federal government

Wow! That's smart! Say, my wife's first husband developed leukemia at age 46. he fought it for 17 months before he died, and the hospital bill alone came to $1.4 million. If that happens to you, are you going to put it on tour Discover card?
insurance is not healthcare...

What the hell is your point?
The federal government has no obligation to pay for shit, The same with insurance companies.
I have no idea what the hell your point is, so I guess I will have to start at the top.

Before ACA, there was a 30% chance that you could buy no insurance whatsoever, due to pre-existing conditions. After ACA, you can always buy insurance if you can afford id it.

So, you are here whining because the insurance company gave you the opportunity to buy it, but they did not sell it to you for a loss.

Life just sucks, doesn't it Rustic?

Go cry on Sarah Palin's shoulder.
No, I have never purchased insurance in my life. No need to I have always paid out-of-pocket.

But the fact remains insurance/single payer is not healthcare… millions just like me do not trust insurance companies To pay shit. Because really they have no obligation too… Same way with the federal government

Wow! That's smart! Say, my wife's first husband developed leukemia at age 46. he fought it for 17 months before he died, and the hospital bill alone came to $1.4 million. If that happens to you, are you going to put it on tour Discover card?
insurance is not healthcare...

What the hell is your point?
The federal government has no obligation to pay for shit, The same with insurance companies.

That is a revelation to me! Having spent my career as VP of Compliance and Underwriting for insurance companies, I had the responsibility to deal with each state's Insurance Commissioner, who had the right to yank our approval to sell insurance in their state, or, even worse, just shut us down completely, if we failed to pay our claims according to our insurance policy.
No, I have never purchased insurance in my life. No need to I have always paid out-of-pocket.

But the fact remains insurance/single payer is not healthcare… millions just like me do not trust insurance companies To pay shit. Because really they have no obligation too… Same way with the federal government

Wow! That's smart! Say, my wife's first husband developed leukemia at age 46. he fought it for 17 months before he died, and the hospital bill alone came to $1.4 million. If that happens to you, are you going to put it on tour Discover card?
insurance is not healthcare...

What the hell is your point?
The federal government has no obligation to pay for shit, The same with insurance companies.

That is a revelation to me! Having spent my career as VP of Compliance and Underwriting for insurance companies, I had the responsibility to deal with each state's Insurance Commissioner, who had the right to yank our approval to sell insurance in their state, or, even worse, just shut us down completely, if we failed to pay our claims according to our insurance policy.
Sorry, I don't trust the federal government or insurance companies. They've given me no reason to trust them
Who should go without?
I came across old med bills while cleaning out the attic. In 1980 My kids went to the Doctors office 11 times all three cost 35 bucks a visit. Total cost 330 bucks. No insurance. Meds cost 69 bucks. Same visit now about 1900 bucks, meds about 790 bucks. Paperwork and crooks, Insurance Companies paperwork push up prices
I don't reject public education, I do reject how it's paid for......at least in our state.

Our schools are funded by property taxes--not if or how many children you have in the school system. In fact I filed a complaint about my property taxes and I have a hearing date setup in a few weeks. So what happened after I got the date? The Board of Education sent me a notice they are sending their sleezy lawyers to the hearing to fight me on it.

I have never had children in my life. None of my tenants ever had children in the public school system. Yet we collectively are paying three times the amount of money to the schools than the lady down the street with four kids in the system. That's unfair.

Schools should be funded mostly by the parents. There is your universal school system. Taxing me for something I'll never use is plain robbery. I decided early in life never to have children mostly because of the expense. If you have children, then you should pay for their education--not me.

So you believe the poor should go without an education - if the parents can't afford it - AND without healthcare, if the parents can't afford it.

See, AGAIN, what I mean? It's all about widening the gap between rich and poor with these RWnuts.

NOWHERE in their agenda do you see anything that contradicts that statement.
Nobody should be forced to pay for other peoples shit… this is not a village, fuck the village

Fine. Then exempt me from all of my taxes that go to the military. That is ALL other people's shit.

Nope. It is a Constitutionally mandated responsibility of the federal government, which can levy taxes against you in support of it.

So now you agree that it's okay to force people to pay for other people's shit.

No, I agree that Congress has the power to levy taxes to support its Constitutionally-mandated responsibilities.
Who should go without?
I came across old med bills while cleaning out the attic. In 1980 My kids went to the Doctors office 11 times all three cost 35 bucks a visit. Total cost 330 bucks. No insurance. Meds cost 69 bucks. Same visit now about 1900 bucks, meds about 790 bucks. Paperwork and crooks, Insurance Companies paperwork push up prices

No one wants to talk about why prices are so high and what we can do about it. They're more interested in figuring out how to get someone else to pay for it.
Who should go without?
I came across old med bills while cleaning out the attic. In 1980 My kids went to the Doctors office 11 times all three cost 35 bucks a visit. Total cost 330 bucks. No insurance. Meds cost 69 bucks. Same visit now about 1900 bucks, meds about 790 bucks. Paperwork and crooks, Insurance Companies paperwork push up prices
Yep, frivolous lawsuits support the lavish lifestyles of doctors, insurance people, lawyers and career politicians. Has anyone seen an itemized bill for a A visit to the hospital? Do you know hundred dollars for a razor blade $50 for cotton ball so on and so forth… LOL
Lowering healthcare costs and taking care of people with pre existing conditions does not require bureaucrats in Washington controlling the entire healthcare system......

No, but it's an excuse to. You can bet they won't pass up the opportunity.
Who should go without?
I came across old med bills while cleaning out the attic. In 1980 My kids went to the Doctors office 11 times all three cost 35 bucks a visit. Total cost 330 bucks. No insurance. Meds cost 69 bucks. Same visit now about 1900 bucks, meds about 790 bucks. Paperwork and crooks, Insurance Companies paperwork push up prices

No one wants to talk about why prices are so high and what we can do about it. They're more interested in figuring out how to get someone else to pay for it.
Yep, why should anyone care about the healthcare costs when the insurance companies supposedly will pay for them or the federal government?
Who should go without?

People on social programs. Every time this subject comes up in the media, their first concern is what about the poor people? Well, what about the working people is my question?

Working people are the ones who are paying for the non-working, and some of us working people don't have coverage ourselves. In the meantime, the poor are popping out kids like a popcorn machine and the rest of us have to support them including their medical.
Poor and working are not mutually exclusive. The average America salary is only a little above the poverty line. It's really low. That means there are a ton of people that are working poor who work hard with what they have and their circumstance. The idea that all poor are jobless takers is a falsity planted in your brain via propaganda by your shitty news sites, politicians, and their donors. Fix it.

So we have 95 million Americans of working age not working, this is on top of those who are unemployed. We have 70 million people on Medicaid. I think it would be safe to say that most if not all of those on Medicaid are not working
If I can't afford it I will not go to the doctor… That's the way it should be with all purchases
How are the problems of individuals legally the problem of other individuals with whom there is no relation? By what authority does a government reach into an individual's pocket to cover the negligence - or simple bad luck - of another individual?

So you are against people getting healthy so they can work and become contributing members of society? So does this mean you are for just taking sick people behind the woodshed and shooting them like a horse with a broken leg?

No. I am against people being forced involuntarily into a government charity scheme for which there is no Constitutional authority.

Until you're in need of course.

I'm not on the dole. You?

Not at all. That in no way erases the problems that others face.

People have the right to purchase any product or service they can afford. They do not - nor does the federal government - have a right to reach into my pocket for funds to pay for that which they either individually or collectively cannot afford. There is no Constitutional mandate for the federal government to provide charity, and without such authority such action is no less than theft at gunpoint.

Keep in mind I am not saying such people should be ignored, only that it is a matter of charity and the government has no authority to provide it.
I came across old med bills while cleaning out the attic. In 1980 My kids went to the Doctors office 11 times all three cost 35 bucks a visit. Total cost 330 bucks. No insurance. Meds cost 69 bucks. Same visit now about 1900 bucks, meds about 790 bucks. Paperwork and crooks, Insurance Companies paperwork push up prices
Yep, frivolous lawsuits support the lavish lifestyles of doctors, insurance people, lawyers and career politicians. Has anyone seen an itemized bill for a A visit to the hospital? Do you know hundred dollars for a razor blade $50 for cotton ball so on and so forth… LOL

It's not lawsuits, though you do hint at the actual problem. Most people don't know how much their health care really costs because they don't really care. Because they're not really paying for it.

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