If US campuses can’t protect free speech, they need new management

So in other words, if a student misses her speech, they won't be missing out on anything, correct?

No. They'd just be missing out on an opposing point of view... can't have any of that can we!!! Little ignorant babies.

Couldn't they just watch some of her talks or interviews on youtube? Have you ever heard of this thing called the internet?

Of course students have already been exposed to Ann and her hate-filled rantings for years now. You are severely underestimating just how exposed to opposing views young adults are these days.

I doubt these useless little fucks have read anything outside of their twisted worldview. That much is pretty obvious.

They don't have to read any of her books to know what she's about. She's been making herself known and heard for quite some time. Hilarious that you think students have never heard of her.

If you don't read her or listen to her, how in the world do you "know what she's about"?


I've heard her blather on multiple shows as a guest. She's a one issue retard -- everything liberals do is "evil."
The great thing about this is that the Regressives could have just found something else to do that night and let her talk to people who wanted to hear her.

We never would have heard about this.

And they keep telling us how smart they are.

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."

I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.
Exactly! SYTFE seems to be convinced the only people who educate others are qualified teachers :cuckoo:

Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?

All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool. She's qualified to teach law school for Christ's sake.

Political hacks like Ann Coulter are not "teaching" anything. The only thing she does is run her mouth and voice her opinion. That's it. It is terrifying that you don't realize that.

By the way, I was wondering when you were going to take a break from your funny icon passive aggressive extravaganza and actually comment. What a let down that was. Stick to giving funny icons. That's more your speed. 10 funnies in this thread alone. Amazing, Will.

When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."

I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.
Exactly! SYTFE seems to be convinced the only people who educate others are qualified teachers :cuckoo:

Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?
Have you ever read a book and found yourself more educated about the subject afterwards? Was there a teacher present at the time?
I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.
Exactly! SYTFE seems to be convinced the only people who educate others are qualified teachers :cuckoo:

Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?

All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool.

So, she's going to be giving a speech about law?
When did Coulter ever proclaim herself to be a teacher?

Don't think she did. But JC proclaimed that she was there to "educate."

I could educate you by explaining certain aspects of the tax code to you. Hardy makes me a teacher per se.

And what exactly is Ann going to be "educating" the students on?

Uhm, a point of view other than their narrow, close minded little world?

So in other words, if a student misses her speech, they won't be missing out on anything, correct?
well it would depend on what it was she was there to give a speech on. right? what do you do when you go to the library. Do you just start at one shelf and read every book, or does one go to a card catalog and look up specific material by different authors? explain the difference.
The great thing about this is that the Regressives could have just found something else to do that night and let her talk to people who wanted to hear her.

We never would have heard about this.

And they keep telling us how smart they are.


Smart people are pretty obvious; no need to constantly tell everyone how smart they are.
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.

There's a difference between free speech and hate-speech/inciting violence. Universities should be able to host whomever they want.
Look here, dumbass.

Being a teacher is not a requirement for guest speakers at universities.

If it was, not as many BLM or NAACP speakers would be allowed.

A bizarro point of view, that to be allowed to be a guest speaker at a University someone has to be a teacher :uhoh3:

No one ever said that, toots. Thanks again for the logical fallacy. What is that, 5, 6 in this thread alone? You're on a roll!

"No one ever said that, toots."

Yes they have, you have, you have consistently stated throughout this thread that Ann Coulter has no teaching credentials so therefore she shouldn't be allowed to be invited to address students as a guest speaker at a University.

"Thanks again for the logical fallacy."

Are you channelling C. Clayton Jones or something?

If so you should stop it, Clayton does this thing better than you do.

To be fair to Styfe, that is not what he said. He responded to this post:
BTW, nothing like a university standing in the way of a right wing student's education.

Styfe said that Colter is not educating, but opining, therefore the university is not standing in the way of a student's education by preventing her from speaking on campus. In the context of the argument he seems to be making, he is probably correct; hearing Colter speak on campus is not likely to be part of the formal, university-designed education of the students.

It seems to be an argument about a specific point which has spiraled a bit out of control. Colter's appearance is probably not part of the requirements of any classes. Students can be educated by Colter, or any speaker, in a more general sense. I think this is a dead horse that has been beaten until it is unrecognizable. :p

Jesus. Thank you. You stated that better than I could.

it sucked like yours.
Exactly! SYTFE seems to be convinced the only people who educate others are qualified teachers :cuckoo:

Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?

All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool.

So, she's going to be giving a speech about law?

She usually touches on aspects of the law and how they pertain to current events. What is your point?

You're not very good at this; you're all over the map.
Exactly! SYTFE seems to be convinced the only people who educate others are qualified teachers :cuckoo:

Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?

All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool.

So, she's going to be giving a speech about law?
What does Michael Moore speak about? And has he ever been prevented from speaking at a uni?
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.

There's a difference between free speech and hate-speech/inciting violence. Universities should be able to host whomever they want.

If hearing an opposing POV incites one to violence, what does this say about this person?
Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?

All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool.

So, she's going to be giving a speech about law?

She usually touches on aspects of the law and how they pertain to current events. What is your point?

You're not very good at this; you're all over the map.

Just trying to follow along with your monkey on crack train of thought.

Seems to me that Ann is only actually qualified to "educate" about the law. I've noticed she never says a damn thing about it, usually preferring to opine about how bad "libruls" are.

Are you starting to get this yet? Ann doesn't "educate." She opines. Period. You know what they say about opinions, right?

What makes her opinion worth so much? Because you agree with it?
Wrong. Allowing right wing extremist shitbags to speak at their school is not a school requirement. I'm only saying they're under no obligation to placate every right wing, alt-right or white nationalist who fancies themselves a special snowflake ENTITLED to speak. I do think they should have these cretins to speak though. I think it's good for debate.

The attention given the shitbags from the protests overwhelms the attention their shows and opinions deserve. I think having to listen to that Harpy Skank speak is punishment enough for students association that invited her.
so why do you wish to impose your will on others? it's so white of you.

I have no desire to see an Ann Coulter show. I don't care if you want to go to her show. Serves you right to have to listen to that Harpy screech.

Is that racist?
so why do you supposed someone wishes to protest it then?

I have no problem with someone who wishes to protest it either. I have a problem with someone violently trying to shut them down.
what I don't get to be quite honest, is why someone would protest something they have never heard.
Do universities hire people without teaching credentials to teach?

All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool.

So, she's going to be giving a speech about law?
What does Michael Moore speak about? And has he ever been prevented from speaking at a uni?

He actually is a hate monger, I'm sure he'd be welcome.
Seems to me the only thing Ann is actually qualified to do any "educating" on is the law.
All t he time. You don't need to have a teaching certificate to teach outside of grades K - 12. Good grief, you don't know this?

Here you go, clueless one:

"The minimum level of education required for college professors is a master's degree, which can qualify an individual for work as a professor at a community college. A doctoral degree is typically required to work as a full-time, tenure-track university professor. You should be prepared to earn an undergraduate degree in your chosen subject area, go to graduate school, complete a Ph.D. program, conduct independent research, and write and publish articles in scholarly journals.

In addition, you may need to gain teaching and research experience as a graduate assistant, or gain work experience in settings like governmental, nonprofit, and the private sector related to your field of study. The key skills you want to build include critical thinking skills, communication skills, computer skills, and knowledge of classroom management."

How to Become a College Professor: Education and Career Roadmap

Coulter holds a Juris Doctorate you fool.

So, she's going to be giving a speech about law?

She usually touches on aspects of the law and how they pertain to current events. What is your point?

You're not very good at this; you're all over the map.

Just trying to follow along with your monkey on crack train of thought.

Seems to me that Ann is only actually qualified to "educate" about the law. I've noticed she never says a damn thing about it, usually preferring to opine about how bad "libruls" are.

Are you starting to get this yet? Ann doesn't "educate." She opines. Period.
so what if it was a law student then?
Universities are under no obligation to give right wing fascists a platform to "speak." No university owes these useless sacks of shit a goddamn thing. Stop whining.
To the LWNJ, all on the right are Facists. Funny...but that kind of thinking is Facist.
I agree completely with the sentiments of this article. Universities are supposed to be institutions that offer and value diverse thoughts and opinions. Instead, what we've seen over the last several years are weak-kneed administrators acquiescing to the demands of sniveling little brats who can't handle hearing an idea they don't approve of. Rather than fostering an environment where diverse discussion can take place, most of our universities have been hijacked by extreme left wing administrators, faculties, and students who have embraced fascism and are engaging in modern day Nazi book burnings. If the people in charge won't stop this attack on free speech then it's time to start replacing them, by force, if necessary, particularly at those which are taxpayer funded.

There's a difference between free speech and hate-speech/inciting violence. Universities should be able to host whomever they want.

and who decides which is free, and which is hate speech?


The local DNC Elector?

The person that takes a month off before election to canvass for his candidate?

Sounds like you only want your version of 'free speech' on campus.

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