Zone1 If we worship One God...

The true Church of Jesus ... would preach and teach the words of ... and allow all to decide to accept or reject the gospel message. No forcing.

well, the gospel message of the 1st century is the repudiation of judaism their false self ingratiating personifications of the heavens ... for liberation theology, self determination the heavenly prescription first grated to a&e and their journey for remission to paradise.
And yet I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

sorry bing, when you died to yourself ...


you choose the wrong half to bring to life ... no need to believe me, just ask anyone else.
well, the gospel message of the 1st century is the repudiation of judaism their false self ingratiating personifications of the heavens ... for liberation theology, self determination the heavenly prescription first grated to a&e and their journey for remission to paradise.
You can’t simply like that. There are many points of the Gospel and the doctrine and administration of the Church. And, it was no repudiation of Judaism. Christ didn’t come to change the Law. He came to fulfill the Law of Moses that he gave to Moses. The Saduccees and Pharisees had changed the original Law and made themselves out to be more than who they were. He gave new laws and properly organized his Church during his ministry after his death. He continued building his Church through his appointed and called prophet and Apostles. But, by the time John was transliterated, the churches in various cities had polluted the Church and Gospel. And, the Apostasy had begun. No more Apostles. The bishops and priests were no longer called by God. Much was lost and changed over the centuries including the meanings of the ordinances of baptism and the sacraments. The Priesthood was changed and the orders lost like Melchizedek and Aaron.
Does Roman Catholicism amount to all of Christendom and Christianity? You're the one "spouting" trash like a punk. Back up your claims or shut up.
No, Roman Catholicism does not make up all Christendom. But then again I wasn't addressing ALL of Christendom. You were. Which is why I pointed out your error in doing so. There's no trash talking on my part. Just a fair challenge to your all encompassing statement. Which was incorrect and has now been corrected. :)
That's what Abrahamic religions do. They're all exclusivist, supremacist religions, that send everyone to hell who's not of their group. Welcome to the Abrahamic Religious World.
Actually your all encompassing statement wasn't just limited to "Christendom."
sorry bing, when you died to yourself ...

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you choose the wrong half to bring to life ... no need to believe me, just ask anyone else.
Maybe, but time will tell. Until then I believe I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and turns on all the learning centers of my mind. Reality is a beautiful thing. God loves it. He created it.
I proved nothing of yours.
You prove how much of a religious nut job you are with your attacks on rival religions. Which is pretty much every post you make. It seems your only basis for believing what you believe is through criticizing rival religions. That's not a good foundation.
How many different deities do you believe exist?

As many as people can make up.

Jews deny Jesus was god incarnate and in fact call him a false prophet so they also disavow all the teachings of Jesus
Christians insist that Jesus was god incarnate

Therefore they do not worship the same god

Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet but they do not follow any of Jesus's gospels and instead they believe that Mohammed was the last and most important prophet of god and that Islam is the last and the only correct religion mandated by god

These are 3 different gods worshipped by 3 different religions
No, Roman Catholicism does not make up all Christendom. But then again I wasn't addressing ALL of Christendom. You were. Which is why I pointed out your error in doing so. There's no trash talking on my part. Just a fair challenge to your all encompassing statement. Which was incorrect and has now been corrected. :)
I was referring to the general beliefs and attitudes of Abrahamic religions. You mentioned the Roman Catholic catechism but you've failed to correct anyone because you refuse to make an argument. Mentioning the catechism and refusing to discuss what it says isn't a correction. There are tens of millions of Catholics, including clergy, who assert that salvation is only via the Roman Catholic Church, and those who refuse to become Catholics are damned to hell.

That's a tremendous amount of complicated gobbledygook and hoops and hurdles people need to go through to be saved (To avoid being tortured in hell for all eternity by a deity that supposedly loves us unconditionally).
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So, your words actually land in the wrong bullseye with people. We have seen what JW's do with those who associate with sinners. Not like Jesus did when he went into the house of ill-repute or invited sinners to his abode. We know JW's shun anyone who has gone to another church or read another scripture like the Book of Mormon or Koran. If you could legally, I'm sure torture would be the method of JW's displeasure with those people.

Now, to your continuance of why God's name has been changed to His title, there could be a few reasons for it. Two that come to mind are very simple and correct. One, God goes by many names and pronunciations. We also believe that Jesus is the Son of God and a God himself or a member of the Godhead. You don't. That doesn't mean that we can't change to another name or his title. Second, we also believe that the repeated name over and over way too much is also taking the Lord's name in vain. Using simply "Lord," "Savior," Redeemer," and many others is quite appropriate. Instead of just saying "Jesus" or "Jehovah" saying "My Savior and Redeemer" is much more meaningful to me. That's certainly appropriate. The point is, we know the Godhead's names. For me, Elohim is the Father. Jesus Christ is the Son and the third member of the Godhead is The Holy Ghost. To other Christians, it may only be Jesus. But, your comments about the 7,000 is simply a strawman's argument.
The ones Jesus spoke to weren't baptized and then became unrepentent. JW,s shun those who promised God to serve him forever, then turn back to their own vomit the bible calls it by becoming unrepentent. So keep the facts straight. Your words sound like you listened to apostate words. Apostates hearts are filled with hatred, they do not speak truth. They point the finger everywhere but where it should be pointed-at self.

God has 1 name( YHWH(Jehovah)--those living in darkness say he has many names. Wicked men, who had no right, by satans will removed Gods name. God put his name in HIS bible because he wants it there, only false religions use the altered versions of Gods bible. to mislead, and it does just that.
As many as people can make up.

Jews deny Jesus was god incarnate and in fact call him a false prophet so they also disavow all the teachings of Jesus
Christians insist that Jesus was god incarnate

Therefore they do not worship the same god

Muslims accept Jesus as a prophet but they do not follow any of Jesus's gospels and instead they believe that Mohammed was the last and most important prophet of god and that Islam is the last and the only correct religion mandated by god

These are 3 different gods worshipped by 3 different religions
That's as idiotic as you believing man invented logic, or math or science.
I was referring to the general beliefs and attitudes of Abrahamic religions. You mentioned the Roman Catholic catechism but you've failed to correct anyone because you refuse to make an argument. Mentioning the catechism and refusing to discuss what it says isn't a correction. There are tens of millions of Catholics, including clergy, who assert that salvation is only via the Roman Catholic Church, and those who refuse to become Catholics are damned to hell.

That's a tremendous amount of complicated gobbledygook and hoops and hurdles people need to go through to be saved (To avoid being tortured in hell for all eternity by a deity that supposedly loves us unconditionally).

All I can tell you is to read the Catechism. What you are professing is the exact opposite of what it teaches.
And, it was no repudiation of Judaism.

you have no idea what you are referring to - that was exactly the intent from the beginning to the untimely conclusion for the 1st century events - the repudiation of judaism - and their inference of a religion through illicit personifications of heavenly endowments, moses the liar. including those that wrote the 4th century christian bible, who were crucifiers themselves. truth be told.

the "new" church as you alude was nothing more than the original reiteration at the time of noah, the religion of antiquity.
All I can tell you is to read the Catechism. What you are professing is the exact opposite of what it teaches.
That's not an argument or evidence undermining anything I've said. Me telling you "Read the book, it completely eviscerates what you said", doesn't prove anything I've said. I need to quote the book and explain how what I just quoted debunks your claims. That's me correcting or refuting you, not me just saying "Read the book, you'll see".


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