Zone1 If we worship One God...

You are mistaken-Jesus himself started the work-Luke 10-Acts 20:20--It does not stop until the end.
As well there is a whole bible man must live by. 1540 pages give or take. Those who care about entering Gods kingdom, learn it all to the best of their ability. And share with others if their house is on fire. It’s a lifesaving work=The most important work on earth.
Funny you say to live by the whole Bible when your false prophets cut out a lot of it and changed many words.
They are in the hands of a merciful and loving God.
They still need the opportunity to hear the gospel. 1Peter 3 and 4 say the spirits of the dead get to hear the word of the Lord’s gospel so they can be fairly judged according to those in the flesh. Then, baptism is still required to enter the celestial kingdom of God. By the only Church that performs victorious baptisms, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They still need the opportunity to hear the gospel. 1Peter 3 and 4 say the spirits of the dead get to hear the word of the Lord’s gospel so they can be fairly judged according to those in the flesh. Then, baptism is still required to enter the celestial kingdom of God. By the only Church that performs victorious baptisms, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
noone will have an excuse. the bible says so.
noone will have an excuse. the bible says so.
That’s correct. And in 1Peter chapters 3 and 4 makes it clear with the only thing missing is their opportunity to baptism by water and fire. Jesus and his Apostles gave authority to the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthoods to baptize the dead with vicarious baptisms. No excuses at the judgment seat.
They still need the opportunity to hear the gospel. 1Peter 3 and 4 say the spirits of the dead get to hear the word of the Lord’s gospel so they can be fairly judged according to those in the flesh. Then, baptism is still required to enter the celestial kingdom of God. By the only Church that performs victorious baptisms, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Of course. First declare something is clearly impossible for God and His angels to handle. Then declare what is impossible for God, Mormons can take over.
Of course. First declare something is clearly impossible for God and His angels to handle. Then declare what is impossible for God, Mormons can take over.
Impossible? Your Church is the one that claims Peter to be your first Pope and the rock. Now, you say Peter lied? It isn’t about a group of people taking over. It’s about these days are the restitution of all things that the Apostles states as well. Something the RCC can’t do because they reject revelation today. God, God declared it’s possible to Peter and Paul and the people in the early Church before the bishops usurped the authority of the Apostles and the apostasy was on.
When the Godhead came to Joseph Smith, there were no Mormons.
Peter didn't lie...which means Mormon understanding is incorrect.
So, let me post 1Peter 4:5-6,, here again: "Who shall give account to home that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. For this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit." Pretty clear for anyone to understand. Even a Catholic. Let's support this fact that the gospel is being preached to those in spirit prison that did not have the opportunity to hear and learn of the gospel of Jesus Christ when they were living on earth. 1 Peter 3:18-20, "For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometimes were disobedient, when once longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water."

So, it's very clear to anyone with any cognitive ability to understand that when the body dies, the spirit we have joined to us does not. It goes to a spirit prison. We know there is a paradise and now we know there is a place for the unrepentant that were not baptized on the ark. Catholics call it purgatory. My feeling is this is hell. But, this is definitely where preaching is going on for those who died without the opportunity to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Still, the only way to enter the Kingdom of God is through baptism of water and the spirit. Paul, who often was at odds with Peter, did agree with Peter about the preaching to the spirits of the dead and understood why the people were doing baptisms for the dead. The Corinthians were having some bad doctrine entering into them and were doubting the resurrection and afterlife. But, they were still baptizing for the dead. And, Paul asked them a simple question, 1Cor.15:29, "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they THEN baptized for the dead?"

So, explain why this understanding is incorrect. It's very simple English.
So, we aren’t supposed to warn our neighbors? If we love them we will warn them. God lets people use their free moral agency to choose and does little interfering with what goes on. He will assist those his way if we ask Him according to his method in James chapter one.
You act like a religious Nazi, so, no. You should stay as far away from others as humanly possible.
Funny you say to live by the whole Bible when your false prophets cut out a lot of it and changed many words.
You are mistaken cougarbear, they corrected the errors and put Gods name back where it belongs. All religions using the altered translations are false religions-The removal of Gods name in over 7000 places.
You act like a religious Nazi, so, no. You should stay as far away from others as humanly possible.
You should go to prison for misusing the word "Nazi." shame on you. The Holocaust was horrible and you probably support Hamas now too? No, it's the Catholic Church that doesn't warn their neighbors that they are a great and abominable church that has polluted the Gospel of Jesus Christ and wants people who have died without baptism to suffer the wrath of Satan for their eternal damnation. The good news is that the authority and correctness of the souls who have died has been restored. We are doing the work Peter and Paul started out doing 2000 years ago to assist Jesus Christ in doing the work necessary to give those people salvation and exaltation opportunities. All while your church has Halloween to remember those who will be eternally damned.
You are mistaken cougarbear, they corrected the errors and put Gods name back where it belongs. All religions using the altered translations are false religions-The removal of Gods name in over 7000 places.

"Why has the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society removed over thirty verses from their bible? Is it because some of these scriptures conflict with their doctrine? A reading of John 8:1-11 is a powerful examination of a Christian’s duty to be forgiving, not to be condemning. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are quick to condemn their fellow brethren for their sins, disfellowshipping them and thus mentally torturing them with their evil act of shunning. Compare Matthew 18:21, 22."

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