Zone1 If we worship One God...

So, are you saying Jesus lied when he said no one can enter without Baptism of water. No one. Even Jesus himself had to be baptized.

no - that is the 4th century christian bible requiring servitude - was never said by jesus.

jesus taught liberation theology, no where found in the c-bible.
- too bad and happily - that doesn't work.
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The term “Eucharist” originates from the Greek word eucharistia, meaning thanksgiving. In the celebration of the Eucharist, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the instrumentality of the priest. The whole Christ is truly present -- body, blood, soul, and divinity -- under the appearances of bread and wine, the glorified Christ who rose from the dead. This is what the Church means when she speaks of the "Real Presence" of Christ in the Eucharist.

It is extremely powerful. It is real. And it does work.
Where do we find that in SCRIPTURE
I already know the answer
I’ve given them in this thread several times. Aren’t you following along? Hard to debate when we aren’t paying attention and willing to read the scriptures. 1Peter chapters 3 and 4. 1Cor. Chapter 15, especially verse 29.
no - that is the 4th century christian bible requiring servitude - was never said by jesus.

jesus taught liberation theology, no where found in the c-bible.
What Bible? Satan’s Bible. It’s in all Christian scripture. If you have taken it out so you think you can skip it, I’ll reject that.
Fine. You pretend to eat a live mans flesh and drink his blood.
It's supposed to offend you.

Neither. Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the sacrificial lamb.

where did the lamb come from, why would that be any different, yes to your point - offensive, why do you do that. are babies next.

who decided the lamb was sacrificial - for what. christianity.

edit: read next post ...

It is extremely powerful. It is real. And it does work.

for you, what about the lamb ... and really the whole last supper comes into play as an authentic event, is there a timely etching of the event in clay pottery or script during the event and again, they "lost" the chalice ...
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where did the lamb come from, why would that be any different, yes to your point - offensive, why do you do that. are babies next.

who decided the lamb was sacrificial - for what. christianity.
You put God on trial daily and you have to ask these questions?
You put God on trial daily and you have to ask these questions?

that's just like you, deceiver - christianity, not the heavens ...

Then God said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

you do not still believe the liar moses, surly - - jesus taught the above, part of the 1st century refutation of judaism those people died for.

so that is the heavens you are sacrificing.
that's just like you, deceiver - christianity, not the heavens ...

you do not still believe the liar moses, surly - - jesus taught the above, part of the 1st century refutation of judaism those people died for.

so that is the heavens you are sacrificing.
Why did you insert “life” for “man?” Deceiver
that's just like you, deceiver - christianity, not the heavens ...

you do not still believe the liar moses, surly - - jesus taught the above, part of the 1st century refutation of judaism those people died for.

so that is the heavens you are sacrificing.
I'm fine with you idiots putting God on trial daily. Seriously, what could possibly go wrong with that other than you developing an external locus of control, normalizing your deviance and externalizing the dunning effect?
...why bash the worship of others by attacking their faith, religious denomination, or the ways they worship?
Jesus is with a single religion( 1 Cor 1:10)--The rest are not his and those serving in them will not enter Gods kingdom.
Its like its 4 am and one is walking down the street and sees their neighbors house on fire. What does one do-Knock or walk on by? Those in the wrong religions eternal houses are on fire--i will knock.
Eph 5:11- Expose the darkness=Gods will.
Jesus is with a single religion( 1 Cor 1:10)--The rest are not his and those serving in them will not enter Gods kingdom.
Its like its 4 am and one is walking down the street and sees their neighbors house on fire. What does one do-Knock or walk on by? Those in the wrong religions eternal houses are on fire--i will knock.
Eph 5:11- Expose the darkness=Gods will.
That's a very convenient way of looking at that.... for you. Maybe you should consider that it's your house that's on fire instead. But putting that aside it's almost as if you have no faith in God at all if you think he can't accomplish his objective without your intervention. I on the other hand believe that God has everything under control and doesn't need my help in telling you your house is on fire. In fact, I'd probably just be getting in his way.
Why did you insert “life” for “man?” Deceiver

that is what jesus taught as exemplary of the religion of antiquity ... to save people from judaism and the liar moses.

and the deceivers - their personification of the heavens as that of the c-bible.
that is what jesus taught as exemplary of the religion of antiquity ... to save people from judaism and the liar moses.

and the deceivers - their personification of the heavens as that of the c-bible.
So, it’s just a lie. Nothing to do with the real relationship between God an man. We can ignore you on this.
That's a very convenient way of looking at that.... for you. Maybe you should consider that it's your house that's on fire instead. But putting that aside it's almost as if you have no faith in God at all if you think he can't accomplish his objective without your intervention. I on the other hand believe that God has everything under control and doesn't need my help in telling you your house is on fire. In fact, I'd probably just be getting in his way.
You are mistaken-Jesus himself started the work-Luke 10-Acts 20:20--It does not stop until the end.
As well there is a whole bible man must live by. 1540 pages give or take. Those who care about entering Gods kingdom, learn it all to the best of their ability. And share with others if their house is on fire. Its a lifesaving work=The most important work on earth.
You are mistaken-Jesus himself started the work-Luke 10-Acts 20:20--It does not stop until the end.
As well there is a whole bible man must live by. 1540 pages give or take. Those who care about entering Gods kingdom, learn it all to the best of their ability. And share with others if their house is on fire. Its a lifesaving work=The most important work on earth.
Gods word is anything which is true. Whether we like it or not.
Gods word is anything which is true. Whether we like it or not.

true ...


for who - a 4th century christian, the crucifiers c-bible. might you have a specific example of a heavenly reprieve.
That's a very convenient way of looking at that.... for you. Maybe you should consider that it's your house that's on fire instead. But putting that aside it's almost as if you have no faith in God at all if you think he can't accomplish his objective without your intervention. I on the other hand believe that God has everything under control and doesn't need my help in telling you your house is on fire. In fact, I'd probably just be getting in his way.
So, we aren’t supposed to warn our neighbors? If we love them we will warn them. God lets people use their free moral agency to choose and does little interfering with what goes on. He will assist those his way if we ask Him according to his method in James chapter one.

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