Zone1 If we worship One God...

happiness is heavenly not a dessert ... pretend as you may, jesus's choice was not the road to rome rather where they were needed.
I'm not Catholic. This is why the true Church of Jesus Christ must be a missionary church and be actually attempting to convert as many people around the world as it can. The Catholic Church used to do that, how be it by either convert or die and be raped for women. The true Church of Jesus Christ would preach and teach the words of Christ and allow all to decide to accept or reject the gospel message. No forcing.

"Why has the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society removed over thirty verses from their bible? Is it because some of these scriptures conflict with their doctrine? A reading of John 8:1-11 is a powerful examination of a Christian’s duty to be forgiving, not to be condemning. However, Jehovah’s Witnesses are quick to condemn their fellow brethren for their sins, disfellowshipping them and thus mentally torturing them with their evil act of shunning. Compare Matthew 18:21, 22."
The elders hate disfellowshipping anyone. If they are unrepentant they get disfellowshipped, their own fault, not the elders fault. Much better than the ot law-the unrepentant were stoned to death.
1cor 5:9-13--Do not even eat a meal with one who was called a brother( baptized) that becomes unrepentent. Jesus teaches members of ones own household would become enemies Matt 10:36--its because they are Gods enemies, one doesn't have anything to do with the such. Unless necessary.
They must have had a good reason for the removal of John 8:1-11--Probably catholicism error to fit false council teachings like in many other spots in your altered versions. You would best question why they have removed Gods name in over 7000 spots in your altered translation. Because GOD wants his name there, satan doesn't nor his religions that use the altered translations. That is fact, you can take it to the bank.
The elders hate disfellowshipping anyone. If they are unrepentant they get disfellowshipped, their own fault, not the elders fault. Much better than the ot law-the unrepentant were stoned to death.
1cor 5:9-13--Do not even eat a meal with one who was called a brother( baptized) that becomes unrepentent. Jesus teaches members of ones own household would become enemies Matt 10:36--its because they are Gods enemies, one doesn't have anything to do with the such. Unless necessary.
They must have had a good reason for the removal of John 8:1-11--Probably catholicism error to fit false council teachings like in many other spots in your altered versions. You would best question why they have removed Gods name in over 7000 spots in your altered translation. Because GOD wants his name there, satan doesn't nor his religions that use the altered translations. That is fact, you can take it to the bank.
So, your words actually land in the wrong bullseye with people. We have seen what JW's do with those who associate with sinners. Not like Jesus did when he went into the house of ill-repute or invited sinners to his abode. We know JW's shun anyone who has gone to another church or read another scripture like the Book of Mormon or Koran. If you could legally, I'm sure torture would be the method of JW's displeasure with those people.

Now, to your continuance of why God's name has been changed to His title, there could be a few reasons for it. Two that come to mind are very simple and correct. One, God goes by many names and pronunciations. We also believe that Jesus is the Son of God and a God himself or a member of the Godhead. You don't. That doesn't mean that we can't change to another name or his title. Second, we also believe that the repeated name over and over way too much is also taking the Lord's name in vain. Using simply "Lord," "Savior," Redeemer," and many others is quite appropriate. Instead of just saying "Jesus" or "Jehovah" saying "My Savior and Redeemer" is much more meaningful to me. That's certainly appropriate. The point is, we know the Godhead's names. For me, Elohim is the Father. Jesus Christ is the Son and the third member of the Godhead is The Holy Ghost. To other Christians, it may only be Jesus. But, your comments about the 7,000 is simply a strawman's argument.
...why bash the worship of others by attacking their faith, religious denomination, or the ways they worship?

That's what Abrahamic religions do. They're all exclusivist, supremacist religions, that send everyone to hell who's not of their group. Welcome to the Abrahamic Religious World.
You should go to prison for misusing the word "Nazi." shame on you. The Holocaust was horrible and you probably support Hamas now too? No, it's the Catholic Church that doesn't warn their neighbors that they are a great and abominable church that has polluted the Gospel of Jesus Christ and wants people who have died without baptism to suffer the wrath of Satan for their eternal damnation. The good news is that the authority and correctness of the souls who have died has been restored. We are doing the work Peter and Paul started out doing 2000 years ago to assist Jesus Christ in doing the work necessary to give those people salvation and exaltation opportunities. All while your church has Halloween to remember those who will be eternally damned.
Thank you for proving my point.
The modern, post-Second Vatican Council Catechism? How does that make a difference? Go ahead.
You made a statement. Did you check the catechism to see if it agreed with that statement?

That's kind of your responsibility to do, not mine. I already know it doesn't support your statement. But rather than argue about it, I'll just point you to it so you can figure out your error. Now if you don't care to check your work or spout incorrect things, then don't give it a second thought.
You made a statement. Did you check the catechism to see if it agreed with that statement?

That's kind of your responsibility to do, not mine. I already know it doesn't support your statement. But rather than argue about it, I'll just point you to it so you can figure out your error. Now if you don't care to check your work or spout incorrect things, then don't give it a second thought.

Does Roman Catholicism amount to all of Christendom and Christianity? You're the one "spouting" trash like a punk. Back up your claims or shut up.
That's what Abrahamic religions do. They're all exclusivist, supremacist religions, that send everyone to hell who's not of their group. Welcome to the Abrahamic Religious World.
The Jewish faith does not send people to hell. The Muslim faith respect People of the Book. The majority of Christians (which are Catholics and Orthodox) note that those of other faiths and of no faith are in the hands of a loving and merciful God. In fact, it is a very small minority that are yelling "hell" using a very loud voice. The great majority of the Abrahamic religions are filled with a joyful people, be the Jews, Christians, or Muslims.
You all do not worship thew same deity
Ah. Again, the usual projection of you telling others what the "really" do or don't do. That is the sign of a very narrow mindset. All you see is what is in your own mind. Perhaps try looking at the broader view?
Ah. Again, the usual projection of you telling others what the "really" do or don't do. That is the sign of a very narrow mindset. All you see is what is in your own mind. Perhaps try looking at the broader view?

No just my observation on religions.

And it's actually way more narrow to claim all these people of other religions believe in the same god you do
The Jewish faith does not send people to hell. The Muslim faith respect People of the Book. The majority of Christians (which are Catholics and Orthodox) note that those of other faiths and of no faith are in the hands of a loving and merciful God. In fact, it is a very small minority that are yelling "hell" using a very loud voice. The great majority of the Abrahamic religions are filled with a joyful people, be the Jews, Christians, or Muslims.
Most Jews, Christians, and Muslims are nominally associated with their respective religions. It's a cultural phenomenon, rather than a personal conviction. When we consider the sentiments of religious, fully committed Jews, Christians, and Muslims, that's where there's a disturbing dogmatism and superstitious attitude, which often manifests as indifference for the so-called "other", "those other people", and human suffering in general, which is seen as the result of "divine justice". Religious folks often hide behind a sinister, false facade of civility.
Most Jews, Christians, and Muslims are nominally associated with their respective religions. It's a cultural phenomenon, rather than a personal conviction. When we consider the sentiments of religious, fully committed Jews, Christians, and Muslims, that's where there's a disturbing dogmatism and superstitious attitude, which often manifests as indifference for the so-called "other", "those other people", and human suffering in general, which is seen as the result of "divine justice". Religious folks often hide behind a sinister, false facade of civility.
Let's consider what (in my own mind) I call "Media Distractions".
  • A number of people in all faiths are there in name only. You call this the cultural phenomenon.
  • Look! We can find people in all faiths who follow the rules and/or are superstitious! (Add a percentage)
  • We found a situation where people of faith are indifferent!
  • Religious folk are hypocrites (hide behind a false facade of civility)
Keep in mind the media can publish similar lists on schools, home schooling, sports, government, Hollywood, businesses, medical care, etc.

Here's my analogy: The media comes into a city to write a story on living in a home. They go into the peoples' homes and find there are containers for garbage, dirty laundry, and that there is even stale bread in the breadbox. That's the focus. People in homes live with garbage, dirty laundry, and stale food.

There is so much more to a home, so much more to a religion. When we go into the home of another person, why spend time any time at al studying their wastebaskets and dirty laundry. Why not, instead, pick up on what they are offering during the visit.

What is God offering to all, no matter where we are?

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