If World War III Started Today What Would the Sides Be?

the Bible tells us how WW3 starts and ends. It is called the Battle of Armegeddon. Israel and Jesus win.
An Islam vs. West scenario would be between an American-European alliance and radicalised Islamic states. This is because we're 'soft' in the eyes of the Mohammedan. Notice how the likes of al-Qaeda don't pull any of their shit in places like China.

Actually, there's quite a lot of Islamic extremist terrorism in China.

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Axis: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Turkey, Pakistan, Syria, South Africa

Allies: NATO would fold and only a few would take sides US, France, UK, Germany, Hungry, Austria, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Israel, India, Mexico, Brazil.

No winners, since the world would mostly be destroyed.

Nope. you got it all wrong.

Russia is actively very surreptitiously on the Allied side.

China is the x-factor. The Allies will let them clamp down on the North Korean menace. But as that conflict should end fairly quickly, the Allies will have to concentrate again on Japan's being surreptitiously tied to the Axis in a case of WWII deja vu.

The Allies cannot trust the Japs.

South Korea?

A sham. Hell, we'll let China have that worthless piece of garbage jam-packed with ingrate scum.

France is a farce of an ally. They will fold to Islam, just like they folded to Hitler in WWII.

Hungary and the rest of the former Eastern Bloc will be annexed by Russia for the good of the greater conflict: the Holy War against Islam.

Israel will play a central role for the Allies as well.

What can Mexico do for the Allies, aside from providing us draftable young Catholic men who will not convert to Islam? They may hold a vendetta against the Allies simply for America's anti-immigration policies of the past.

Which brings up a very important key player in the war that you have not listed.


They are a serious threat to the Allies, given their global position and wealth of petroleum, which they can use to supply to the Axis' war efforts in the Western hemisphere.

It is not going to be pretty, this war. Not for the Allies.

That's why we need the USSR on our side this time again — just like in WWII. :thup:

Just a small historical point. France folded so quickly in WWII because there male population never had a chance to recover from the millions killed or severely wounded in WWI.
If WWIII starts, I figure I got about 20 minutes to find me a neocon and beat the fucking shit out of him! Because if WWIII starts, it will be because of their big, fucking, war-mongering, racist mouths.
An Islam vs. West scenario would be between an American-European alliance and radicalised Islamic states. This is because we're 'soft' in the eyes of the Mohammedan. Notice how the likes of al-Qaeda don't pull any of their shit in places like China.

Actually, there's quite a lot of Islamic extremist terrorism in China.

Xinjiang conflict - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

China has had many problems with the Muslims the entire history of Islam in the area, the battle for territory ....

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