If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Seems to me that unemployment and the debt is more important than buggery.
Aren't medical conditions caused by buggery covered by Obamacare? I know that the medical condition of "free contraception" is covered over at the Catholic school.

The nice thing about humans is that we have the capacity to multi-task. We can accomplish more than one thing at a time.
Oh I agree with you.
It does seem that when important things are going badly, it's a great time to do a little multitasking.
Reminds me of the time I was on a family vacation driving down the road with my son in the back seat. We came upon a terrible motorcycle wreck that had just happened. My wife didn't want the little one to see the carnage on the road so she showed him a coloring book to keep him multi-tasking.
I think adults might be more perceptive than a 6 year old. I could be wrong about that, but I tend to give adults more credit for thinking capacity than a progressive would.

I can see the sleight of hand argument having a little credence, but I dont think ts entirely accurate. We need our government to be working on more than one thing at a time. It needs to juggle to be effective in my opinion.
You choose to be gay

So? You choose to be Baptist, or Catholic, or Mormon. Does that mean your less entitled to civil rights regarding religion,

because it's a choice, not something you're born with?

There is no rights given that protect illegal acts.

So rights aren't unalienable? Your rights can disappear; all the government has to do is pass a law against them,

then they become illegal acts, and no longer rights.
Why would anybody 'choose' this.


Ohhh..Boo Fucking hoo hoo.
Sorry bout that,

1. People like homos want to be outcasts, and they get their wish.
2. When they come out of the closet, what they are actually doing is saying I don't like being in this family, and I am protesting it by choosing to be a homo, and cause a major upheaval in this family.
3. Thats what a homo will do, and is the mindset of *ALL* homos.
4. Its like when you were a kid, and playing Monopoly, and the other kid was losing real bad and before the game was over he flips over the table, so *no one wins*.
5. Thats what homos do to a family.

The nice thing about humans is that we have the capacity to multi-task. We can accomplish more than one thing at a time.
Oh I agree with you.
It does seem that when important things are going badly, it's a great time to do a little multitasking.
Reminds me of the time I was on a family vacation driving down the road with my son in the back seat. We came upon a terrible motorcycle wreck that had just happened. My wife didn't want the little one to see the carnage on the road so she showed him a coloring book to keep him multi-tasking.
I think adults might be more perceptive than a 6 year old. I could be wrong about that, but I tend to give adults more credit for thinking capacity than a progressive would.

I can see the sleight of hand argument having a little credence, but I dont think ts entirely accurate. We need our government to be working on more than one thing at a time. It needs to juggle to be effective in my opinion.
Well I'm sure that an Executive Order or two will keep government from over working itself or juggling ineffectively on the collectives behalf. I'm also sure that we will be mandated into forming our opinions based on the interstate commerce clause, it's best for the collective.
"I would argue for getting rid of subsides that may be contributing to the queering of America, as well as increased education." Hell, that almost sounds like a quote.
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Oh I agree with you.
It does seem that when important things are going badly, it's a great time to do a little multitasking.
Reminds me of the time I was on a family vacation driving down the road with my son in the back seat. We came upon a terrible motorcycle wreck that had just happened. My wife didn't want the little one to see the carnage on the road so she showed him a coloring book to keep him multi-tasking.
I think adults might be more perceptive than a 6 year old. I could be wrong about that, but I tend to give adults more credit for thinking capacity than a progressive would.

I can see the sleight of hand argument having a little credence, but I dont think ts entirely accurate. We need our government to be working on more than one thing at a time. It needs to juggle to be effective in my opinion.
Well I'm sure that an Executive Order or two will keep government from over working itself or juggling ineffectively on the collectives behalf. I'm also sure that we will be mandated into forming our opinions based on the interstate commerce clause, it's best for the collective.
"I would argue for getting rid of subsides that may be contributing to the queering of America, as well as increased education." Hell, that almost sounds like a quote.

sorry you just went off the rails there man. Thought we were having a decent discussion. ohw ell. Nice while it lasted. Cheers!
Sorry bout that,

1. People like homos want to be outcasts, and they get their wish.
2. When they come out of the closet, what they are actually doing is saying I don't like being in this family, and I am protesting it by choosing to be a homo, and cause a major upheaval in this family.
3. Thats what a homo will do, and is the mindset of *ALL* homos.
4. Its like when you were a kid, and playing Monopoly, and the other kid was losing real bad and before the game was over he flips over the table, so *no one wins*.
5. Thats what homos do to a family.

6. I didn't get anything you just said, other than you definitely don't like homos.
The gay rights issue is really not about gays at all, its really about the disintegration of the hetersexual American family and the attendent consequences like poverty, incarceration, illegitimatacy, illiteracy, drugs, sexual abuse, etc.
It’s about equal access to the law.

But the right would like it to be about the above, in an effort to draw attention away from the fact that conservatives are once again wrong on the issue, as their position is offensive to the Constitution.

The OP is also a deflection, an attempt to portray conservatives as ‘victims,’ unfairly accused of being ‘bigots’ as a consequence of their opposition to the 14th Amendment mandate that all persons have equal access to the law. Some may be bigots, perhaps; but the majority is merely fearful and ignorant, as demonstrated in this and other threads.
The gay rights issue is really not about gays at all, its really about the disintegration of the hetersexual American family and the attendent consequences like poverty, incarceration, illegitimatacy, illiteracy, drugs, sexual abuse, etc.
It’s about equal access to the law.

But the right would like it to be about the above, in an effort to draw attention away from the fact that conservatives are once again wrong on the issue, as their position is offensive to the Constitution.

The OP is also a deflection, an attempt to portray conservatives as ‘victims,’ unfairly accused of being ‘bigots’ as a consequence of their opposition to the 14th Amendment mandate that all persons have equal access to the law. Some may be bigots, perhaps; but the majority is merely fearful and ignorant, as demonstrated in this and other threads.

Isn't it funny how the party that require the House read the Constitutuon out loud in its entirety ( minus the sticky pages , that is ) fail to acknowledge the authority of the Constitution?
So? You choose to be Baptist, or Catholic, or Mormon. Does that mean your less entitled to civil rights regarding religion,

because it's a choice, not something you're born with?

There is no rights given that protect illegal acts.

So rights aren't unalienable? Your rights can disappear; all the government has to do is pass a law against them,

then they become illegal acts, and no longer rights.

A father should be allowed to marry his daughter is they so choose to do so?
Isn't it funny how the party that require the House read the Constitutuon out loud in its entirety ( minus the sticky pages , that is ) fail to acknowledge the authority of the Constitution?
They fail to acknowledge the authority of Constitutional case law, fail to acknowledge the established doctrines of judicial review and the rule of law, and their refusal to acknowledge the interpretive authority of the Supreme Court.

The House’s ‘reading’ of the Constitution was a political stunt, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, and House republicans unwittingly exhibited their ignorance of that fact.

If republicans truly wanted to understand the meaning of the Constitution, they should have read excerpts from the rulings that define the meaning of the Founding Document, such as Brown v. Board of Education, Cooper v. Aaron, Gideon v. Wainwright, Loving v, Virginia, and Lawrence v. Texas. But they likely lack the courage to do so.

A father should be allowed to marry his daughter is they so choose to do so?

No, for the 647th time: a law banning a father marrying his daughter is legal, appropriate, and Constitutional as such a statute is applied to everyone equally, no particular class of persons is singled-out for exclusion; the state can demonstrate a compelling reason for the statute and evidence in support of the ban – all lacking in laws prohibiting same-sex couples access to marriage law.
Isn't it funny how the party that require the House read the Constitutuon out loud in its entirety ( minus the sticky pages , that is ) fail to acknowledge the authority of the Constitution?
They fail to acknowledge the authority of Constitutional case law, fail to acknowledge the established doctrines of judicial review and the rule of law, and their refusal to acknowledge the interpretive authority of the Supreme Court.

The House’s ‘reading’ of the Constitution was a political stunt, as the Constitution exists only in the context of its case law, and House republicans unwittingly exhibited their ignorance of that fact.

If republicans truly wanted to understand the meaning of the Constitution, they should have read excerpts from the rulings that define the meaning of the Founding Document, such as Brown v. Board of Education, Cooper v. Aaron, Gideon v. Wainwright, Loving v, Virginia, and Lawrence v. Texas. But they likely lack the courage to do so.

A father should be allowed to marry his daughter is they so choose to do so?

No, for the 647th time: a law banning a father marrying his daughter is legal, appropriate, and Constitutional as such a statute is applied to everyone equally, no particular class of persons is singled-out for exclusion; the state can demonstrate a compelling reason for the statute and evidence in support of the ban – all lacking in laws prohibiting same-sex couples access to marriage law.

What case laws are their that give illegal act special rights?
What case laws are their that give illegal act special rights?

Homosexuality isn’t an ‘illegal act.’ See: Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

There are no ‘special rights,’ only the right of equal access to the law everyone enjoys.

The 14th Amendment, among other things, in essence codified two fundamental tenets of American jurisprudence: the inalienable nature of rights and the rule of law.
What case laws are their that give illegal act special rights?

Homosexuality isn’t an ‘illegal act.’ See: Lawrence v. Texas (2003).

There are no ‘special rights,’ only the right of equal access to the law everyone enjoys.

The 14th Amendment, among other things, in essence codified two fundamental tenets of American jurisprudence: the inalienable nature of rights and the rule of law.

Sodomy is illegal and you and I have discussed this before, to be more correct you ran away.

Man Charged With Sodomy, Child Molestation | FOX2now.com

Elmore County man charged with sodomy, child sex abuse | Crime | Wetumpka News

More details emerge after pastor charged with sodomy, child porn - KFVS12 News & Weather Cape Girardeau, Carbondale, Poplar Bluff

Guyton man charged with solicitation of sodomy, enticing a child - WTOC-TV: Savannah, Beaufort, SC, News, Weather & Sports

Jack man charged with rape, sodomy | Dothan Eagle

The Sullivan Independent News » Sullivan Man Charged In Sodomy Case

Man charged with sexual abuse and sodomy of teenager | Crime Beat

Man Arrested On Sex Offense, Sodomy | News | Upper Marlboro News
Who cares?
It all boils down to religion and institution, take those out of the equation and who cares?

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