If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!


E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y, even wingnuts will evolve...

Rush has never said that about gay marriage first of all.

And everyone of those issues in your cartoon were fueled by republicans.

Indeed...this must bother the piss out of LaDokra...Isn't it funny how uneducated Statists try to co-opt issues?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. It will fail, plagues will follow.
2. The worst kind.
3. Making those plagues that once were seem like nothing.
4. I love America the way it is.
5. Well mostly, there is some things I would change.
6. Having homos walking around thinking they are accepted isn't one my bucket list.
7. I want them to get their asses back in the closet!
8. I have a happy life, married with children, and I intend on protecting that heritage, and the legacy I was afforded I intend to pass it on.
9. A homo has nothing worth while to pass on, and surely no heritage to pass on, a legacy has no meaning to homo, homos are useless, not worth my time.


Ah...another disciple of the Landover Baptist Church. Poe's Law in action...

1. Its no huge surprise you picked seawitch to be your moniker.
2. Believers don't want to be yoked up with you reprobates, so just sue me!!!!!!!!!.
3. Thats just simple facts.
4. I have the balls to say so, and have no PC Bullshit running in my head.
5. Homos should not be mainstream, EVER!!!!!!
6. If so we know God will destroy both you homos and us!
7. Not no but hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. That is all.
9. And yes I speak for *ALL* Christians too!


No you don't.

E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y, even wingnuts will evolve...

Rush has never said that about gay marriage first of all.

And everyone of those issues in your cartoon were fueled by republicans.

absolutely untrue.

Segregation was fueled by the Democrats from the south known as Dixiecrats. Abrham Lincoln was a Republican and freed the slaves.

Its important that we deal with the issues on a issue by issue basis. We cannot blame all past woes on a single party because they parties switch sides from time to time.

E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y, even wingnuts will evolve...

Rush has never said that about gay marriage first of all.

And everyone of those issues in your cartoon were fueled by republicans.

absolutely untrue.

Segregation was fueled by the Democrats from the south known as Dixiecrats. Abrham Lincoln was a Republican and freed the slaves.

Its important that we deal with the issues on a issue by issue basis. We cannot blame all past woes on a single party because they parties switch sides from time to time.

Isn't it telling how the Democrats in the South couldn't abandon their party fast enough when it came to be a choice between party and segregation?
Rush has never said that about gay marriage first of all.

And everyone of those issues in your cartoon were fueled by republicans.

absolutely untrue.

Segregation was fueled by the Democrats from the south known as Dixiecrats. Abrham Lincoln was a Republican and freed the slaves.

Its important that we deal with the issues on a issue by issue basis. We cannot blame all past woes on a single party because they parties switch sides from time to time.

Isn't it telling how the Democrats in the South couldn't abandon their party fast enough when it came to be a choice between party and segregation?

Very telling in fact. Isnt it funny that the first ever White House Conference on children affairs was held by Teddy Roosevelt and the last by Richard Nixon...yet we have Gingrich spouting off about how child labor laws need to be repealed?

It shows that parties change.
Seems to me that unemployment and the debt is more important than buggery.
Aren't medical conditions caused by buggery covered by Obamacare? I know that the medical condition of "free contraception" is covered over at the Catholic school.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

In this nation, yes.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

In this nation, yes.

so that means most Americans were bigots before 1950???
and it means if you are against triad marriage now which most Americans are you are a bigot. It even means BO was a bigot until a few days ago.

Maybe the liberal need to rethink a little?
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

In this nation, yes.

The gay rights issue is really not about gays at all, its really about the disintegration of the hetersexual American family and the attendent consequences like poverty, incarceration, illegitimatacy, illiteracy, drugs, sexual abuse, etc.
If a person believes that a group of American citizens should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as all other citizens, then that person is a bigot. Plain and simple.

In this nation, yes.

so that means most Americans were bigots before 1950???
and it means if you are against triad marriage now which most Americans are you are a bigot. It even means BO was a bigot until a few days ago.

Maybe the liberal need to rethink a little?

no need to rethink. You got it right.
Seems to me that unemployment and the debt is more important than buggery.
Aren't medical conditions caused by buggery covered by Obamacare? I know that the medical condition of "free contraception" is covered over at the Catholic school.

The nice thing about humans is that we have the capacity to multitask. We can accomplish more than one thing at a time.
Sorry bout that,

This nation will not fail. It did not fail with the 13th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the 19th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (some said it would). It only became greater. You are a person who believes in EXCLUSION.....This is a country of INCLUSION. I'm not surprised to see you talk doom and gloom....you've got to be miserable living here.

1. It will fail, plagues will follow.
2. The worst kind.
3. Making those plagues that once were seem like nothing.
4. I love America the way it is.
5. Well mostly, there is some things I would change.
6. Having homos walking around thinking they are accepted isn't one my bucket list.
7. I want them to get their asses back in the closet!
8. I have a happy life, married with children, and I intend on protecting that heritage, and the legacy I was afforded I intend to pass it on.
9. A homo has nothing worth while to pass on, and surely no heritage to pass on, a legacy has no meaning to homo, homos are useless, not worth my time.


Ah...another disciple of the Landover Baptist Church. Poe's Law in action...

Uh, this poster appears to be too far gone to actually be associated with any Americans. I thought height might become the new tattered ragdoll/baseball glove the extreme right decided to hate but now it is gay Americans.
The act of Sodomy is a health risk, regardless whether it's homosexual couples Or heterosexual couples practicing it. This fact has been suppressed by what we call the "mainstream".., it's actually the P-C Stream. Political correctness has been overriding common sense for far too long. In order to not hurt people's feelings, society as a whole has been kept from hearing and seeing the truth about more than just homosexuality,
How much sodomy is performed by lesbians?
Furthermore its not anal sex that is a health risk its unprotected anal sex with people who have STD's, also unprotected vagina sex also is a health risk.

but a whole slew of other very important issues. We've been indoctrinated to believe that common sense is bigotry and hatred..
How is wanting to dsimcrinaten against people common sense?
According to you slavery was common sense

It I impossible to offend something when you do not have it

Yes how ridiculous of you to suggest that humans being gay is not normal because you thought animals could not be gay
Funny how you call yourself ridiculous and stupid

RTOFL so according to you you are an idiot. Of which I agree you a re an idiot

Yes wanting equal rights is totally accepting stupid theories

If you were literate you would know because I told you but then again you cannot read
But I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by Idiots claiming if animals do it, then it must be okay for us just to be accepted by someone else.
I agree I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by idiiots such as yourself so nice of you to agree with me
Should gays have all the same rights as all other citizens? Yes, but is marriage a right? Let's discuss that... Do you have a RIGHT to another human beings' companionship? Let's examine this issue without the PC blinders on, people.
I see so according to you gay people do not have the right to become companions only straight people have that right. Take of your retard blinders.
I await your response where you call me a retard because you called yourself a idiot

"dsimcrinaten"?......Dude it's called SPELL CHECK.........USE IT!
You were asked: "Do you have a RIGHT to another human beings' companionship?"
Your response:"I see so according to you gay people do not have the right to become companions only straight people have that right. Take of your retard blinders."
Did you bother to read his question?
Your knee jerked up and slammed you square in the jaw...
The OP neither stated nor implied in his question anything of the kind.
Clearly, his query applied to EVERYONE. Not just gays. Not just heterosexuals.
Once again a PC oriented lib does not read, but "reads into" a statement.
You decided that the OP's question asked something other than what was actually in the query.
This is a major reason why the liberal agenda is wildly unpopular.
So? You choose to be Baptist, or Catholic, or Mormon. Does that mean your less entitled to civil rights regarding religion,

because it's a choice, not something you're born with?

There is no rights given that protect illegal acts.

No matter how many times you post that, its still not true. Its been covered and defeated. Move on.

No matter how many time you say it ain't so will not make it true.
Seems to me that unemployment and the debt is more important than buggery.
Aren't medical conditions caused by buggery covered by Obamacare? I know that the medical condition of "free contraception" is covered over at the Catholic school.

The nice thing about humans is that we have the capacity to multi-task. We can accomplish more than one thing at a time.
Oh I agree with you.
It does seem that when important things are going badly, it's a great time to do a little multitasking.
Reminds me of the time I was on a family vacation driving down the road with my son in the back seat. We came upon a terrible motorcycle wreck that had just happened. My wife didn't want the little one to see the carnage on the road so she showed him a coloring book to keep him multi-tasking.
I think adults might be more perceptive than a 6 year old. I could be wrong about that, but I tend to give adults more credit for thinking capacity than a progressive would.
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If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

The most likely explanation.

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