If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't like the idea homo's being married like straight people.
2. Its sacrilegious!
3. And takes away the sanctity of marriage making them and us equal.
4. If thinking this way makes me a bigot, so be it.
5. And if you don't like it, *go fuck yourself*! :badgrin:


Sanctity of marriage? ROFL

If I meet a woman at 9am in the morning and marry her by noon, its sanctified, but two people who spend years together, dedicated to one another, and want to make it legal thats somehow degrading to the institution of marriage.

Kim Kardasian was married for 72 days. Thats Sanctity?

Give me a break.
Kardashian is an exception.. Not the rule.? Give ME a break.

THATS the whole point.

The rule is what? A 40-50% divorce rate depending on who you ask. Wheres the sanctity in that?

50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

Divorce Rate : Divorce Rate In America

Please. Dont give me the sanctity of marriage arguement when the divorce rate is so high. You want to protect marriage? Outlaw divorce.
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The act of Sodomy is a health risk, regardless whether it's homosexual couples Or heterosexual couples practicing it. This fact has been suppressed by what we call the "mainstream".., it's actually the P-C Stream. Political correctness has been overriding common sense for far too long. In order to not hurt people's feelings, society as a whole has been kept from hearing and seeing the truth about more than just homosexuality,
How much sodomy is performed by lesbians?
Furthermore its not anal sex that is a health risk its unprotected anal sex with people who have STD's, also unprotected vagina sex also is a health risk.

but a whole slew of other very important issues. We've been indoctrinated to believe that common sense is bigotry and hatred..
How is wanting to dsimcrinaten against people common sense?
According to you slavery was common sense
Eventually this PC attack on our intelligence has offended some to the point of hatred.
It I impossible to offend something when you do not have it
Like I've been trying to explain stardustforbrains... Trying to deduce what is normal for man through the animal kingdom is ridiculous.
Yes how ridiculous of you to suggest that humans being gay is not normal because you thought animals could not be gay
Funny how you call yourself ridiculous and stupid
There are some things we can learn from animals... But when it comes to things such as sexuality and relationships, come on...

Only an idiot would take it that far.
RTOFL so according to you you are an idiot. Of which I agree you a re an idiot
The truth is we have a segment of our society that wants to be hip and accepted to the point they will accept any stupid theory that helps them secure their spot in hipville.
Yes wanting equal rights is totally accepting stupid theories

That's conformity. You're not cool. I'll admit I don't know why people turn gay or if they're born gay..
If you were literate you would know because I told you but then again you cannot read
But I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by Idiots claiming if animals do it, then it must be okay for us just to be accepted by someone else.
I agree I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by idiiots such as yourself so nice of you to agree with me
Should gays have all the same rights as all other citizens? Yes, but is marriage a right? Let's discuss that... Do you have a RIGHT to another human beings' companionship? Let's examine this issue without the PC blinders on, people.
I see so according to you gay people do not have the right to become companions only straight people have that right. Take of your retard blinders.
I await your response where you call me a retard because you called yourself a idiot
Sanctity of marriage? ROFL

If I meet a woman at 9am in the morning and marry her by noon, its sanctified, but two people who spend years together, dedicated to one another, and want to make it legal thats somehow degrading to the institution of marriage.

Kim Kardasian was married for 72 days. Thats Sanctity?

Give me a break.
Kardashian is an exception.. Not the rule.? Give ME a break.

THATS the whole point.

The rule is what? A 40-50% divorce rate depending on who you ask. Wheres the sanctity in that?

50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

Divorce Rate : Divorce Rate In America

Please. Dont give me the sanctity of marriage arguement when the divorce rate is so high. You want to protect marriage? Outlaw divorce.
Hes doesn’t want to protect marriage he just wants to bash gay people
Kardashian is an exception.. Not the rule.? Give ME a break.

THATS the whole point.

The rule is what? A 40-50% divorce rate depending on who you ask. Wheres the sanctity in that?

50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

Divorce Rate : Divorce Rate In America
Please. Dont give me the sanctity of marriage arguement when the divorce rate is so high. You want to protect marriage? Outlaw divorce.
Hes doesn’t want to protect marriage he just wants to bash gay people

While you, simply, want to Bang 'em
As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

Exactly. Everyone from Adam to Noah, Moses, Mohammed, Bambi, is bigoted. We are all wrong, the Gay community has never been more right. :eusa_shhh: It's a Secret. :eusa_whistle:
The act of Sodomy is a health risk, regardless whether it's homosexual couples Or heterosexual couples practicing it. This fact has been suppressed by what we call the "mainstream".., it's actually the P-C Stream. Political correctness has been overriding common sense for far too long. In order to not hurt people's feelings, society as a whole has been kept from hearing and seeing the truth about more than just homosexuality, but a whole slew of other very important issues. We've been indoctrinated to believe that common sense is bigotry and hatred.. Eventually this PC attack on our intelligence has offended some to the point of hatred. Like I've been trying to explain stardustforbrains... Trying to deduce what is normal for man through the animal kingdom is ridiculous. There are some things we can learn from animals... But when it comes to things such as sexuality and relationships, come on...

Only an idiot would take it that far.

The truth is we have a segment of our society that wants to be hip and accepted to the point they will accept any stupid theory that helps them secure their spot in hipville.

That's conformity. You're not cool. I'll admit I don't know why people turn gay or if they're born gay.. But I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by Idiots claiming if animals do it, then it must be okay for us just to be accepted by someone else.

Should gays have all the same rights as all other citizens? Yes, but is marriage a right? Let's discuss that... Do you have a RIGHT to another human beings' companionship? Let's examine this issue without the PC blinders on, people.

So you want the government to regulate how people have sex.
No. Have sex however you like.. I just don't want facts on health hazards to be suppressed on account of hurting others feelings. The truth should be out there regardless. It's about truth for me. Let me ask you this, if homosexuality is normal, why should the mainstream hold back information on the health aspects of it? Talking about condoms isn't enough, some of the more damaging health risks involved in anal sex aren't going to be prevented by condoms.
The act of Sodomy is a health risk, regardless whether it's homosexual couples Or heterosexual couples practicing it. This fact has been suppressed by what we call the "mainstream".., it's actually the P-C Stream. Political correctness has been overriding common sense for far too long. In order to not hurt people's feelings, society as a whole has been kept from hearing and seeing the truth about more than just homosexuality,
How much sodomy is performed by lesbians?
Furthermore its not anal sex that is a health risk its unprotected anal sex with people who have STD's, also unprotected vagina sex also is a health risk.

but a whole slew of other very important issues. We've been indoctrinated to believe that common sense is bigotry and hatred..
How is wanting to dsimcrinaten against people common sense?
According to you slavery was common sense

It I impossible to offend something when you do not have it

Yes how ridiculous of you to suggest that humans being gay is not normal because you thought animals could not be gay
Funny how you call yourself ridiculous and stupid

RTOFL so according to you you are an idiot. Of which I agree you a re an idiot

Yes wanting equal rights is totally accepting stupid theories

If you were literate you would know because I told you but then again you cannot read
But I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by Idiots claiming if animals do it, then it must be okay for us just to be accepted by someone else.
I agree I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by idiiots such as yourself so nice of you to agree with me
Should gays have all the same rights as all other citizens? Yes, but is marriage a right? Let's discuss that... Do you have a RIGHT to another human beings' companionship? Let's examine this issue without the PC blinders on, people.
I see so according to you gay people do not have the right to become companions only straight people have that right. Take of your retard blinders.
I await your response where you call me a retard because you called yourself a idiot

Im sorry Star. But you have to stop with the people are gay because of a specific gene stuff. Science has been back and forth on the whole thing. Some say genetic, some say hormonal, some say choice. Its not a known factor at this point and thats the way it is.

And it doesnt matter WHY...it matters that they are, we have freedom of choice in this country and they should have the same rights and privilegdes as every other citizen of the country. Its not a science argument, its a constitutional argument.
Sanctity of marriage? ROFL

If I meet a woman at 9am in the morning and marry her by noon, its sanctified, but two people who spend years together, dedicated to one another, and want to make it legal thats somehow degrading to the institution of marriage.

Kim Kardasian was married for 72 days. Thats Sanctity?

Give me a break.
Kardashian is an exception.. Not the rule.? Give ME a break.

THATS the whole point.

The rule is what? A 40-50% divorce rate depending on who you ask. Wheres the sanctity in that?

50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

Divorce Rate : Divorce Rate In America

Please. Dont give me the sanctity of marriage arguement when the divorce rate is so high. You want to protect marriage? Outlaw divorce.

Know what? I hear what you're saying and I'm not going to argue with you about it. I have a question for you, if we made it illegal to have children out of wedlock, do you think thatd put a damper on sexual promiscuity, therefore also putting a damper on the births of unwanted children? I'm not advocating this... Just think it'd be an interesting topic to discuss.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't like the idea homo's being married like straight people.
2. Its sacrilegious!
3. And takes away the sanctity of marriage making them and us equal.
4. If thinking this way makes me a bigot, so be it.
5. And if you don't like it, *go fuck yourself*! :badgrin:


I don't like the idea of someone like you marrying. But, despite that...I certainly would not do anything to try to change the law to prevent your legal right to marry.

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for reprobate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:

Last edited:
Kardashian is an exception.. Not the rule.? Give ME a break.

THATS the whole point.

The rule is what? A 40-50% divorce rate depending on who you ask. Wheres the sanctity in that?

50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.

According to enrichment journal on the divorce rate in America:
The divorce rate in America for first marriage is 41%
The divorce rate in America for second marriage is 60%
The divorce rate in America for third marriage is 73%

Divorce Rate : Divorce Rate In America

Please. Dont give me the sanctity of marriage arguement when the divorce rate is so high. You want to protect marriage? Outlaw divorce.

Know what? I hear what you're saying and I'm not going to argue with you about it. I have a question for you, if we made it illegal to have children out of wedlock, do you think thatd put a damper on sexual promiscuity, therefore also putting a damper on the births of unwanted children? I'm not advocating this... Just think it'd be an interesting topic to discuss.

First let me say thank you for seeing my point. You dont have to agree. But acknowledging is the first step to consensus.

To be honest, I think people are going to fuck like bunnies. You cant legislate sexuality. All we can do is try to find ways to deal with any negatives that come from it.

Once we had a stigma associated with out of wedlock pregnancy. It forced people to get married either before they gave in to their urges or because they gave in. Divorce held another stigma and so there were much fewer of them than we have today.

The stigmas are gone. now we have TV shows dedicated to the 16 & pregnant girls. We glorify it. Its not going away.

And divorce? well, lets face it. When we make our vows today they ought to change "till death do us part" to "unless it gets hard"

My daughter turned two yesterday. My wife and I are already discussing how we are going to keep her from getting pregnant as a teen. Personally, I think guns, knives, bars on the windows and home schooling never allowed to go where teenage boys are should do it. My wife thinks I might be overreacting a bit. hehe.

I could go into a long treatise about how it comes down to our overall philosphy in this country but thats long and drawn out and would take far too long. But the gist is: The cats out of the bag. Its not going back in any time soon. In the end, its all about personal responsiblity. Parents need to get some and teach it to their children and maybe, just maybe, we can turn back on the number of unwanted pregnancies in this country.
The act of Sodomy is a health risk, regardless whether it's homosexual couples Or heterosexual couples practicing it. This fact has been suppressed by what we call the "mainstream".., it's actually the P-C Stream. Political correctness has been overriding common sense for far too long. In order to not hurt people's feelings, society as a whole has been kept from hearing and seeing the truth about more than just homosexuality,
How much sodomy is performed by lesbians?
Furthermore its not anal sex that is a health risk its unprotected anal sex with people who have STD's, also unprotected vagina sex also is a health risk.

How is wanting to dsimcrinaten against people common sense?
According to you slavery was common sense

It I impossible to offend something when you do not have it

Yes how ridiculous of you to suggest that humans being gay is not normal because you thought animals could not be gay
Funny how you call yourself ridiculous and stupid

RTOFL so according to you you are an idiot. Of which I agree you a re an idiot

Yes wanting equal rights is totally accepting stupid theories

If you were literate you would know because I told you but then again you cannot read

I agree I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by idiiots such as yourself so nice of you to agree with me
Should gays have all the same rights as all other citizens? Yes, but is marriage a right? Let's discuss that... Do you have a RIGHT to another human beings' companionship? Let's examine this issue without the PC blinders on, people.
I see so according to you gay people do not have the right to become companions only straight people have that right. Take of your retard blinders.
I await your response where you call me a retard because you called yourself a idiot

Im sorry Star. But you have to stop with the people are gay because of a specific gene stuff. Science has been back and forth on the whole thing. Some say genetic, some say hormonal, some say choice. Its not a known factor at this point and thats the way it is.

And it doesnt matter WHY...it matters that they are, we have freedom of choice in this country and they should have the same rights and privilegdes as every other citizen of the country. Its not a science argument, its a constitutional argument.

And I said hormonal and genetic of which is backed by science. I will stop making claims backed by science because you want me to make claims that are stupid.
Science has not been back and forth science has come to a conclusion. Remember republicans telling us its choice does not mean science goes back and forth
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't like the idea homo's being married like straight people.
2. Its sacrilegious!
3. And takes away the sanctity of marriage making them and us equal.
4. If thinking this way makes me a bigot, so be it.
5. And if you don't like it, *go fuck yourself*! :badgrin:


I don't like the idea of someone like you marrying. But, despite that...I certainly would not do anything to try to change the law to prevent your legal right to marry.

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for probate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:


1 that’s what I say about the jews and laves
2 yep because you know that if people are on equal footing as you you’re going to fall behind because you are pathedic and they are better then you
3 because you think equality is good but clearly you think slavery and shit is cool
4 Dude go to dictionary.com and look up probate then come back and laugh with us. Do the same with sacred
5 why would decent people want to be with a racist bigot like you?
6 so you don’t and never have sex is it because no one fucks ugly fat retards?
7 Yep only gays who have sex are perverted when straights have sex its just ….
8 Principles like equality and freedom of which you want to remove. So next time you argue that principles are good don’t first say we should not have any
9 jesus are you so brain dead that you think allowing gays to be with other gays means you have to be with gay people
10 truth is 80% of gay people like you are gay and just overcompensating because you hate yourself.
11 when you finally accept that you are gay I will be happy for you
How much sodomy is performed by lesbians?
Furthermore its not anal sex that is a health risk its unprotected anal sex with people who have STD's, also unprotected vagina sex also is a health risk.

How is wanting to dsimcrinaten against people common sense?
According to you slavery was common sense

It I impossible to offend something when you do not have it

Yes how ridiculous of you to suggest that humans being gay is not normal because you thought animals could not be gay
Funny how you call yourself ridiculous and stupid

RTOFL so according to you you are an idiot. Of which I agree you a re an idiot

Yes wanting equal rights is totally accepting stupid theories

If you were literate you would know because I told you but then again you cannot read

I agree I see no reason to accept stupid theories formed by idiiots such as yourself so nice of you to agree with me

I see so according to you gay people do not have the right to become companions only straight people have that right. Take of your retard blinders.
I await your response where you call me a retard because you called yourself a idiot

Im sorry Star. But you have to stop with the people are gay because of a specific gene stuff. Science has been back and forth on the whole thing. Some say genetic, some say hormonal, some say choice. Its not a known factor at this point and thats the way it is.

And it doesnt matter WHY...it matters that they are, we have freedom of choice in this country and they should have the same rights and privilegdes as every other citizen of the country. Its not a science argument, its a constitutional argument.

And I said hormonal and genetic of which is backed by science. I will stop making claims backed by science because you want me to make claims that are stupid.
Science has not been back and forth science has come to a conclusion. Remember republicans telling us its choice does not mean science goes back and forth
" Remember republicans telling us it's choice does not mean science goes back and forth" LOL! Are you a member of a political party or a cult, stardud? Science has never settled on it being genetic... Activists have. Republican and democrat really have nothing to do with it. Facts are facts and there is ZERO substantiated fact homosexuality is caused genetically or hormonally. So far the only facts about homosexuality when it comes to that is: Men who have children winde up claiming to have been gay the entire time, yet got an erection and fathered children therefore the choice of being full on gay is a reality. You CAN choose to be gay. Thats a fact of reality. Whether all choose is the only thing up for debate. If you deny it can be a choice, you're only fooling yourself in an attempt to fit in with the crowd you designated as "cool", you are not using your own mind to come to that conclusion. I know you are afraid to admit it... That's okay. As long as you leave here tonight with an honest curiosity of whether you ought to start thinking for yourself... You can continue the front you're putting up pretending you actually have proof otherwise.

I'll check on the thread tommorow. Gotta crash out for work tommorow. I encourage you to do some independent research, stardust.
Last edited:
Oh, and nice dodge...
How is it a dodge when I have asked you twice and you made no comment?
3RD time

Why did your PM finally come out in support of Gay marriage what was he fearing?

Read post 325. I have answered the question..

Now answer mine - Dodger....

You have no answer coming to your foreigner American rights you cannot comprehend because you don't have them. But I can ask why your POM refused to give his view and non support until after obama did. So why did he?
Im sorry Star. But you have to stop with the people are gay because of a specific gene stuff. Science has been back and forth on the whole thing. Some say genetic, some say hormonal, some say choice. Its not a known factor at this point and thats the way it is.

And it doesnt matter WHY...it matters that they are, we have freedom of choice in this country and they should have the same rights and privilegdes as every other citizen of the country. Its not a science argument, its a constitutional argument.

And I said hormonal and genetic of which is backed by science. I will stop making claims backed by science because you want me to make claims that are stupid.
Science has not been back and forth science has come to a conclusion. Remember republicans telling us its choice does not mean science goes back and forth
" Remember republicans telling us it's choice does not mean science goes back and forth" LOL! Are you a member of a political party or a cult, stardud? Science has never settled on it being genetic... Activists have. Republican and democrat really have nothing to do with it. Facts are facts and there is ZERO substantiated fact homosexuality is caused genetically or hormonally. So far the only facts about homosexuality when it comes to that is: Men who have children winde up claiming to have been gay the entire time, yet got an erection and fathered children therefore the choice of being full on gay is a reality. You CAN choose to be gay. Thats a fact of reality. Whether all choose is the only thing up for debate. If you deny it can be a choice, you're only fooling yourself in an attempt to fit in with the crowd you designated as "cool", you are not using your own mind to come to that conclusion. I know you are afraid to admit it... That's okay. As long as you leave here tonight with an honest curiosity of whether you ought to start thinking for yourself... You can continue the front you're putting up pretending you actually have proof otherwise.

I'll check on the thread tommorow. Gotta crash out for work tommorow. I encourage you to do some independent research, stardust.

Actually man Ive seen very interesting data ( no I dont have a link sorry about that. ) linking in utero hormone dispersal to homosexuality.

See, we all start as female ( hence why men have nipples ) but in utero hormones force the change. The science I saw said that it looked like they could link the types of hormones dispersed and the timing of the dispersal to homosexuality.

BUT...and this is where you get to say I told you so...the dispersals only cretae a tendency. Meaning that someone could be born with a 70 percent chance to be straight and a 30 percent chance to be gay and then CHOOSE to be straight while the exact opposite could be true.

They said that the data only showed predictors not definite outcomes. But that it could work for either gay or lesbian, again because of the hormonal dispersal and the timing of the dispersal during in utero development.

I saw an interesting program somewhere about a year or so ago that discussed all of it. Cant find a link to it though so Ill understand if you want to discount it on that basis.
Im sorry Star. But you have to stop with the people are gay because of a specific gene stuff. Science has been back and forth on the whole thing. Some say genetic, some say hormonal, some say choice. Its not a known factor at this point and thats the way it is.

And it doesnt matter WHY...it matters that they are, we have freedom of choice in this country and they should have the same rights and privilegdes as every other citizen of the country. Its not a science argument, its a constitutional argument.

And I said hormonal and genetic of which is backed by science. I will stop making claims backed by science because you want me to make claims that are stupid.
Science has not been back and forth science has come to a conclusion. Remember republicans telling us its choice does not mean science goes back and forth
" Remember republicans telling us it's choice does not mean science goes back and forth" LOL! Are you a member of a political party or a cult, stardud?
Who knew that me not thinking that what Republicans say about science succeeds what scientists say makes me a cultist

Science has never settled on it being genetic... Activists have.
You illiterate dumbass i never said it had I said it was settled on being due to genetic factors or hormonal factors. But plz go on in telling us how scientist are simply activists whose research is bunk because cults or something
Republican and democrat really have nothing to do with it. Facts are facts and there is ZERO substantiated fact homosexuality is caused genetically or hormonally.
Really so people being gay because they have certain genes or because they experience certain hormone levels in the womb is Zero. Perhaps you cant count which is why you also said a while back that me posting 12 links was equal to 100
So far the only facts about homosexuality when it comes to that is: Men who have children winde up claiming to have been gay the entire time,
What so all father say that they are gay. Plz try to be coherent

yet got an erection and fathered children therefore the choice of being full on gay is a reality. You CAN choose to be gay.
So when did you choose to find women attractive? Do you wake up daily and say "you know what today I will find pussy to turn me on"

Thats a fact of reality.
Reality is that you are a retard
Whether all choose is the only thing up for debate.
Is this some form of Spanish you are speaking, because it is not coherent English.
If you deny it can be a choice, you're only fooling yourself in an attempt to fit in with the crowd you designated as "cool", you are not using your own mind to come to that conclusion. I know you are afraid to admit it...
Yep accepting reality is really just trying to be cool... well that is true because its not cool to be a retard like you
That's okay. As long as you leave here tonight with an honest curiosity of whether you ought to start thinking for yourself... You can continue the front you're putting up pretending you actually have proof otherwise.
Yes you the person who tells us after being provided with 3 gay genes that there are none is really someone who is honest.
However I am being hard on you because you have been really honest in some regards. I mean you were so honest that several post back you admitted that you are an idiot that should not be taken seriously.
I'll check on the thread tommorow. Gotta crash out for work tommorow. I encourage you to do some independent research, stardust.
How can you encourage something to others when you've never done it yourself?
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As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

Exactly. Everyone from Adam to Noah, Moses, Mohammed, Bambi, is bigoted. We are all wrong, the Gay community has never been more right. :eusa_shhh: It's a Secret. :eusa_whistle:

Yep, yep, yep, yep and no. All ignorant mo fo's of their time....
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I don't like the idea of someone like you marrying. But, despite that...I certainly would not do anything to try to change the law to prevent your legal right to marry.

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for probate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:


1 that’s what I say about the jews and laves you are racist?
2 yep because you know that if people are on equal footing as you you’re going to fall behind because you are pathedic and they are better then you pathedick? lol!!!! if I lift up perverted peoples lives with equality then i partake in their corrupted life, no thanks.
3 because you think equality is good but clearly you think slavery and shit is cool nope, what has slavery to do with homos again? grasping at straws i see...
4 Dude go to dictionary.com and look up probate then come back and laugh with us. Do the same with sacred spill check nazi, oh wow, my bad, can yoou find another typo in this response? lol pathedick!!!!!!
5 why would decent people want to be with a racist bigot like you? now homos are a race? get your story straight homo!!!
6 so you don’t and never have sex is it because no one fucks ugly fat retards? just,..lol!
7 Yep only gays who have sex are perverted when straights have sex its just ….clean sex.
8 Principles like equality and freedom of which you want to remove. So next time you argue that principles are good don’t first say we should not have anyfacts are facts and truth is truth, you can't handle either.
9 jesus are you so brain dead that you think allowing gays to be with other gays means you have to be with gay peopleequal in standing, no thanks.
10 truth is 80% of gay people like you are gay and just overcompensating because you hate yourself.lol!!!!
11 when you finally accept that you are gay I will be happy for you

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for reprobate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:

James of (not ironically) Texas, it is my most sincere wish that you live a long life...at least a few more years so you will get to see marriage equality across our 50 wonderful states. It will be a reality and it won't be long. Hope you last!

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