If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Starcraftz, there has been ZERO scientificallly proven or credible discoveries of a "gay gene", let alone 3 of them, Mr. Link Flooder.
Jesus so scinstisits finding 3 gays genes mean there are no gay genes. Is this because you say so?
You're one of the common kinds of trolls on message boards,
Yes you posting posts that only insult people and ignoring reaeity makes me a troll
one I like to call a "link flooder". You come upon a thread and then run to google and
See this is the problem you think posting facts makes me a troll

just post link after link of knowing full well no one has the time, nor are they interested in going through the 100 plus links you just posted to support your case.
Do math 12 links is not a 100.
Furthermore you have so far posted like 30 posts on this thread. You have the time to go through those links you just chose not to because you are to pathetic to educate yourself
Also you do not have to go through the links because I give you a summary of what they say. SO really what you a re saying is you a re to lazy to read and therefor I am a troll
But if someone actually decides to go through them... Half of them winde up proving the opposite of what you were attempting to prove in the first place. Idiot is another word that fits you quite well. Anyway, back to the topic:
So first you say that you do not go through them but that they say the opposite of what I say…
Odd how you know what a link says when you have not read it
I restate your problem is that your goal is not to find the truth sound smart, or to learn its to win arguments and make me look bad
Homosexual Honesty - Gay Activist Tatchell Admits there is no Gay Gene

by Bill Muehlenberg
Homosexual Honesty » Bill Muehlenberg’s CultureWatch
Your posting a link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plz come back when your argument is something other than “someone said there is no gay gene therefor there isn’t one”
There are so far at least 3 gay genes

It is nice to get a bit of honesty on the issue of homosexuality. It does not come our way very often in the mainstream media.
Odd how you consider Honestly to be equal to someone else saying the same thing you say.
Also since when did scientists from korea become the mainstream media?

He says there may well be biological influence in one's sexuality, but nothing more. He argues that "an influence is not the same as a cause.
Come back when your argument isn’t “if a gay person says it it is true”
Further more my evidence that being gay is biological is not based on other saying what I say its based on the fact that 3 gay genes have been found and that hormonal factors in the womb cause people to become gay
=how do we explain bisexuality or people who, suddenly in mid-life, switch from heterosexuality to homosexuality (or vice versa)? We can't.
Bisexual people have biological factors that make it so they are attracted to both sexes. And people who suddenly switch in mid life do not switch they are instead accepting themselves and ending the lies
We cant? I just fucking did
Jeuss when you cry about me posting links and you then post a bunch of links its apparently you are a child

Star, youre years behind On your information. Please catch up before flapping your gums on any topic. Thanks sincerely!
Yes I base my information on things scientists have actually discovered you base yours on people who say the same thing you do. I mean seriously your response to me posting the finding of 3 gay genes is “well me and some people say there is no gay gene so you are wrong me right”
Thanks sincerely for being such a damn retard
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I awaite your response were you tell me I am stupid because you think posting someone else saying the same theing you say means what you say is 100% true despite facts
Scientists havent found a gay gene dumb ass. They claim they have and then get proven wrong every time. Sorry to break it to you starry eyed moonbat!
I have one thing to say:

Scientists havent found a gay gene dumb ass. They claim they have and then get proven wrong every time. Sorry to break it to you starry eyed moonbat!
How about responding to my recent post of which you got owned 20 times?

Research confirms 'gay gene' discovery - News - The Independent
Have Scientists Found the 'Gay Gene'? | Fox News
The Gay Gene Found? - Scientists Discover ?Genderblind? Gene in Flies

There three different gay genes found. Also you saying gay genes don’t exists is not proving something wrong its just you saying something,

Perhaps if you knew the difference between facts and “what you say” you wouldn’t be such a loser

I await your response where you tell me there are no gay genes because your dad said there are no gay genes
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Star, I don't flood threads with a million links... I provided one or two at a time because Unlike you, I read mine before i post them. Lol

No you flood it with ignorance and bullshit. Then you cry about me posting links and then you post links
So plz come back when you aren’t such a retard that you think someone saying something means its true
If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual?

That's a non-sequitur.

Non reproductive sexual activity is perfectly normal/natural in humans. Gay sex is non-reproductive, therefore it has as much claim to being a natural human activity as does heterosexual sex.
If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual that is the question you should answer the question or walk away from the discussion.

Asexual means you don't have sex.
About the "gay gene" discussion...

Find out why men have nipples. Once you know that, then you might have an inkling as to why some people are born gay.
That's a non-sequitur.

Non reproductive sexual activity is perfectly normal/natural in humans. Gay sex is non-reproductive, therefore it has as much claim to being a natural human activity as does heterosexual sex.
If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual that is the question you should answer the question or walk away from the discussion.

Asexual means you don't have sex.

No it does not dump ass

Asexual Reproduction

You are able to reproduce without having either a male or female
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i find it disturbing that only a very VERY small minority of people who jump into this debate even bother to mention the constitution.
i find it disturbing that only a very VERY small minority of people who jump into this debate even bother to mention the constitution.

havent you seen the argument? The Constitution doesnt apply to gay people. Apparently, they arent citizens.
i find it disturbing that only a very VERY small minority of people who jump into this debate even bother to mention the constitution.

havent you seen the argument? The Constitution doesnt apply to gay people. Apparently, they arent citizens.

The Constitution does not protect unlawful acts

Ive let you say this repeatedly thinking you couldnt possibly mean it. But apparently you do. SO...Your understanding of how the Constitution applies is lacking.

Allow me to introduce to you THE LAW.

Racial Integrity Act of 1924 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Loving v. Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Supreme Court decided the THE LAW was Unconstitutional and struck down THE LAW.

So what does that tell us about how the Constitution is applied?

YES, The Constitution DOES apply to unlawful acts.
Well the act of homosexuality when the 14th amendment was created was illegal the 14th does not protect illegal acts.

Women voting was illegal too. Susan B. Anthony got arrested for it. Shall we abide today on all the laws of the 1800s? Does the 14th amendment say that "this amendment only applies to laws on the books right now?"

Sodomy is still illegal. But of course you would compare a basic right to vote to fucking in the ass.

No, ‘sodomy’ is not illegal, those laws were struck down in 2003. See: Lawrence v. Texas.

Otherwise your post is an example of ignorance and bigotry.
Women voting was illegal too. Susan B. Anthony got arrested for it. Shall we abide today on all the laws of the 1800s? Does the 14th amendment say that "this amendment only applies to laws on the books right now?"

Sodomy is still illegal. But of course you would compare a basic right to vote to fucking in the ass.

No, ‘sodomy’ is not illegal, those laws were struck down in 2003. See: Lawrence v. Texas.

Otherwise your post is an example of ignorance and bigotry.

So ill informed so very stupid

Monroe County Man charged with Sodomy on ColumbiaMagazine.com

Monroe County Man charged with Sodomy

By TFC Billy Gregory, Public Affairs Officer
Kentucky State Police Post 15, Columbia, KY

COLUMBIA, KY - 43-year-old James A. Dicken of Tompkinsville, KY was arrested Sunday, April 29, 2012, at 8:01pmCT on Josh Butler Road in Monroe County. Dicken has been charged with Sodomy 1st in reference to a complaint made earlier today. He was lodged in the Monroe County Jail. Detective Mike Dubree is investigating.

A city man remains in jail today, accused of taking his 2-year-old son from home and holding his girlfriend at gunpoint for about an hour Thursday morning.

Caleb Taylor, 27, of Elmo Street, has been charged with abduction by force, forcible sodomy, domestic assault and use of a firearm in commission of a felony.

Man charged with abduction, forcible sodomy - full story - Pulvermedia.com
havent you seen the argument? The Constitution doesnt apply to gay people. Apparently, they arent citizens.

The Constitution does not protect unlawful acts

Ive let you say this repeatedly thinking you couldnt possibly mean it. But apparently you do. SO...Your understanding of how the Constitution applies is lacking.

Allow me to introduce to you THE LAW.

Racial Integrity Act of 1924 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Loving v. Virginia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Supreme Court decided the THE LAW was Unconstitutional and struck down THE LAW.

So what does that tell us about how the Constitution is applied?

YES, The Constitution DOES apply to unlawful acts.

So if you have a white gay wanting to marry a black gay you may have an argument but racial is not a gay issue. try again

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