If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

I await Lockjaws response where He calls me retarded because he said that having sex with the same sax makes you straight

I didn't say having sex with the same sex makes you straight, I've posted what scientists have to say about the "percieved" homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom and what it actually is. In my post, there are explanations in there, there is even a homosexual scientist who studies animal sexual behavior who agrees with my stance... So continue acting as if you addressed any of the points made in the article all you want... But until you actually DO address them, you'l continue to get mocked, moonbat boy.

K correction I await Lockejaws repsosne where he calls me a retard because he posts someone else saying that having sex with the same sex means you are straight
Second I already debunked your post 3 times. Perhaps if you weren;'t crying you could read it

You debunked nothing, goofball. Are you really this stupid? So you're telling me that you think animals are capable of reason and logic? That some of these animals cannot be just getting their instinctual wires crossed? Also, you didn't address the aspect of why some animals of the same sex mount each other, it has been determined it is NOT out of sexual desire, but as a means of trying to establish DOMINANCE. That clearly shows it doesn't make the animal homosexual.. But don't let that get in the way of your perverted disney fantasies of animals having homosexual romances and having steamy butt sex in the forest. Lol !
I didn't say having sex with the same sex makes you straight, I've posted what scientists have to say about the "percieved" homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom and what it actually is. In my post, there are explanations in there, there is even a homosexual scientist who studies animal sexual behavior who agrees with my stance... So continue acting as if you addressed any of the points made in the article all you want... But until you actually DO address them, you'l continue to get mocked, moonbat boy.

K correction I await Lockejaws repsosne where he calls me a retard because he posts someone else saying that having sex with the same sex means you are straight
Second I already debunked your post 3 times. Perhaps if you weren;'t crying you could read it

You debunked nothing, goofball. Are you really this stupid? So you're telling me that you think animals are capable of reason and logic? That some of these animals cannot be just getting their instinctual wires crossed? Also, you didn't address the aspect of why some animals of the same sex mount each other, it has been determined it is NOT out of sexual desire, but as a means of trying to establish DOMINANCE. That clearly shows it doesn't make the animal homosexual.. But don't let that get in the way of your perverted disney fantasies of animals having homosexual romances and having steamy butt sex in the forest. Lol !

Lets see squid can open a bottle to get food, and can squirt water at people they dont like. Right there is an animal that can reason better then you.
Furthermore Gray whales protect other species of whales from killer whales bh mkaing high pitch sounds and portraying areas (again more logical then you). Apes and birds can make tools to help them gather food. Want more examples.
Instinctual wires cross? I see so your saying that animals having sex because of biological factors means.....?
Also plz explain why animal will only dominate members of the same sex and not members of the opposite sex.
So again plz come back when the tears are gone giving you the ability to read
I await Jawlocks response of "you're a retard because I was to ignorant to know shat animals can think and do logic"
K correction I await Lockejaws repsosne where he calls me a retard because he posts someone else saying that having sex with the same sex means you are straight
Second I already debunked your post 3 times. Perhaps if you weren;'t crying you could read it

You debunked nothing, goofball. Are you really this stupid? So you're telling me that you think animals are capable of reason and logic? That some of these animals cannot be just getting their instinctual wires crossed? Also, you didn't address the aspect of why some animals of the same sex mount each other, it has been determined it is NOT out of sexual desire, but as a means of trying to establish DOMINANCE. That clearly shows it doesn't make the animal homosexual.. But don't let that get in the way of your perverted disney fantasies of animals having homosexual romances and having steamy butt sex in the forest. Lol !

Lets see squid can open a bottle to get food, and can squirt water at people they dont like. Right there is an animal that can reason better then you.
Furthermore Gray whales protect other species of whales from killer whales bh mkaing high pitch sounds and portraying areas (again more logical then you). Apes and birds can make tools to help them gather food. Want more examples.
Instinctual wires cross? I see so your saying that animals having sex because of biological factors means.....?
Also plz explain why animal will only dominate members of the same sex and not members of the opposite sex.
So again plz come back when the tears are gone giving you the ability to read
They mount the same sex because that is who they're in competition with, numbskull. A squid can open a bottle and spit at other animals as a defense mechanism proves they can reason and apply logic? Lol! Okayyy....
Monkeys and birds making tools means they are rational beings? Oh fuck, you're a A GENIUS!

I don't have any idea what you're trying to prove or do by mistaking my enjoyment of your child like arguments as me crying, but it's not working.
Hey stardipshit.... Tell me, What scientific method has been used to determine whether an animal is "gay"? Surely you can show me an example of a proven beyond a reasonable doubt "gay" animal? Show me an animal they found a gay gene in please?
You debunked nothing, goofball. Are you really this stupid? So you're telling me that you think animals are capable of reason and logic? That some of these animals cannot be just getting their instinctual wires crossed? Also, you didn't address the aspect of why some animals of the same sex mount each other, it has been determined it is NOT out of sexual desire, but as a means of trying to establish DOMINANCE. That clearly shows it doesn't make the animal homosexual.. But don't let that get in the way of your perverted disney fantasies of animals having homosexual romances and having steamy butt sex in the forest. Lol !

Lets see squid can open a bottle to get food, and can squirt water at people they dont like. Right there is an animal that can reason better then you.
Furthermore Gray whales protect other species of whales from killer whales bh mkaing high pitch sounds and portraying areas (again more logical then you). Apes and birds can make tools to help them gather food. Want more examples.
Instinctual wires cross? I see so your saying that animals having sex because of biological factors means.....?
Also plz explain why animal will only dominate members of the same sex and not members of the opposite sex.
So again plz come back when the tears are gone giving you the ability to read
They mount the same sex because that is who they're in competition with, numbskull. A squid can open a bottle and spit at other animals as a defense mechanism proves they can reason and apply logic? Lol! Okayyy....
Monkeys and birds making tools means they are rational beings? Oh fuck, you're a A GENIUS!

I don't have any idea what you're trying to prove or do by mistaking my enjoyment of your child like arguments as me crying, but it's not working.

I see so females do not compete with males.
I see so according to you doing something rational does not mean that its possible to be rational.
So come back when your response isn't "rational isn't rational you idiot"
Hey stardipshit.... Tell me, What scientific method has been used to determine whether an animal is "gay"? Surely you can show me an example of a proven beyond a reasonable doubt "gay" animal? Show me an animal they found a gay gene in please?

Well lets see being gay is being attracted to members of the same sex; given that some animals only have sex with members of the same sex. Furthermore scientists have done sex tests such as looking at brain function and sexual arousal via visual stimulation of male/females that show that some animals are only attracted to members of the same sex.
You want me to show you an animal where a gay gene was found? Considering I already posted it I guess I'll just post it again.
Research confirms 'gay gene' discovery - News - The Independent

here they found a different gay gene in a different animal
Have Scientists Found the 'Gay Gene'? | Fox News

here they found a different gay gene in a different animal
The Gay Gene Found? - Scientists Discover

I await your response where you call me stupid because you did not know that a gay gene had been found 3 times in 3 different species
Lets see squid can open a bottle to get food, and can squirt water at people they dont like. Right there is an animal that can reason better then you.
Furthermore Gray whales protect other species of whales from killer whales bh mkaing high pitch sounds and portraying areas (again more logical then you). Apes and birds can make tools to help them gather food. Want more examples.
Instinctual wires cross? I see so your saying that animals having sex because of biological factors means.....?
Also plz explain why animal will only dominate members of the same sex and not members of the opposite sex.
So again plz come back when the tears are gone giving you the ability to read
They mount the same sex because that is who they're in competition with, numbskull. A squid can open a bottle and spit at other animals as a defense mechanism proves they can reason and apply logic? Lol! Okayyy....
Monkeys and birds making tools means they are rational beings? Oh fuck, you're a A GENIUS!

I don't have any idea what you're trying to prove or do by mistaking my enjoyment of your child like arguments as me crying, but it's not working.

I see so females do not compete with males.

It varies in the animal kingdom, I'm sure you know this.

I see so according to you doing something rational does not mean that its possible to rational.

It's not rationality that causes animals to figure out things like opening bottles, star. FFS dude. It's part of their adaptation instinct. Retard.

So come back when your response isn't "rational isn't rational you idiot"
Shut up you tool.
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They mount the same sex because that is who they're in competition with, numbskull. A squid can open a bottle and spit at other animals as a defense mechanism proves they can reason and apply logic? Lol! Okayyy....
Monkeys and birds making tools means they are rational beings? Oh fuck, you're a A GENIUS!

I don't have any idea what you're trying to prove or do by mistaking my enjoyment of your child like arguments as me crying, but it's not working.

I see so females do not compete with males.

It varies in the animal kingdom, I'm sure you know this.

I see so according to you doing something rational does not mean that its possible to rational.

It's not rationality that causes animals to figure out things like opening bottles, star. FFS dude. It's part of their adaptation instinct. Retard.

So come back when your response isn't "rational isn't rational you idiot"
Shut up you tool.
That post is 10 times more intelligent than the rest of your garbage.
But note that after you were proven wrong two more times you revert to the only thing you can do succufuly, insult people
I see so females do not compete with males.

It varies in the animal kingdom, I'm sure you know this.

I see so according to you doing something rational does not mean that its possible to rational.

It's not rationality that causes animals to figure out things like opening bottles, star. FFS dude. It's part of their adaptation instinct. Retard.

So come back when your response isn't "rational isn't rational you idiot"
Shut up you tool.
That post is 10 times more intelligent than the rest of your garbage.
But note that after you were proven wrong two more times you revert to the only thing you can do succufuly, insult people

Look, comparing animals and people in this matter is just ridiculous. The gap between our mental capacities make it a complete FAIL. And just as was pointed in the article I presented:"This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?"

You never addressed this point either. That's an important point.

So when you want to address reality, come on back and reply.
Shut up you tool.
That post is 10 times more intelligent than the rest of your garbage.
But note that after you were proven wrong two more times you revert to the only thing you can do succufuly, insult people

Look, comparing animals and people in this matter is just ridiculous. The gap between our mental capacities make it a complete FAIL. And just as was pointed in the article I presented:"This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?"

You never addressed this point either. That's an important point.

So when you want to address reality, come on back and reply.
If comparing animals to people is ridiculous why the hell did you start comparing animals to people?
Why are comparisons ridiculous? Is it because you’re to ignorant to realize that animals are intelligent?
Why do you keep reposting the same article that I’ve debunked 10 times now? Is it because you cannot think so all you do is copy and paste the same rehashed shit?
When you start off the argument by saying that humans being gay is not natural because animals aren’t gay don’t come back after it’s proven that animals can and are gay with “oh its stupid to compare the two”
Also plz stop saying that things are not natural because you do not like them. The definition of natural is not “thinks LockJaw likes”
I await your response where you tell me to shut up because you keep saying things that are beyond retarded
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That post is 10 times more intelligent than the rest of your garbage.
But note that after you were proven wrong two more times you revert to the only thing you can do succufuly, insult people

Look, comparing animals and people in this matter is just ridiculous. The gap between our mental capacities make it a complete FAIL. And just as was pointed in the article I presented:"This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?"

You never addressed this point either. That's an important point.

So when you want to address reality, come on back and reply.
If comparing animals to people is ridiculous why the hell did you start comparing animals to people?
Why are comparisons ridiculous? Is it because you’re to ignorant to realize that animals are intelligent?
Why do you keep reposting the same article that I’ve debunked 10 times now? Is it because you cannot think so all you do is copy and paste the same rehashed shit?
When you start off the argument by saying that humans being gay is not natural because animals aren’t gay don’t come back after it’s proven that animals can and are gay with “oh its stupid to compare the two”
Also plz stop saying that things are not natural because you do not like them. The definition of natural is not “thinks LockJaw likes”
I await your response where you tell me to shut up because you keep saying things that are beyond retarded
I'm not addressing any of your other stupid shit until you show me how you debunked an article who's points you didn't even address in its entirety? I won't hold my breath.
Look, comparing animals and people in this matter is just ridiculous. The gap between our mental capacities make it a complete FAIL. And just as was pointed in the article I presented:"This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?"

You never addressed this point either. That's an important point.

So when you want to address reality, come on back and reply.
If comparing animals to people is ridiculous why the hell did you start comparing animals to people?
Why are comparisons ridiculous? Is it because you’re to ignorant to realize that animals are intelligent?
Why do you keep reposting the same article that I’ve debunked 10 times now? Is it because you cannot think so all you do is copy and paste the same rehashed shit?
When you start off the argument by saying that humans being gay is not natural because animals aren’t gay don’t come back after it’s proven that animals can and are gay with “oh its stupid to compare the two”
Also plz stop saying that things are not natural because you do not like them. The definition of natural is not “thinks LockJaw likes”
I await your response where you tell me to shut up because you keep saying things that are beyond retarded
I'm not addressing any of your other stupid shit until you show me how you debunked an article who's points you didn't even address in its entirety? I won't hold my breath.

Jesus Christ’s. I wonder if you’re going to realize your articles been debunked if I explain it to you for the 12th time. Clearly the problem is that you a re too stupid to know anything so explaining it again for you a 12th time will not work because you are too stupid to comprehend anything.
Don’t ask me to show how I debunked you when you quoting one of my posts that debunks you.
It wouldn’t matter if you did hold your breath because your brains already dead so it does not need Oxygen
So come back when your response to me debunking you isn’t “plz debunk me”
Also note that of your own admission you note that you do not address anything I say. SO remember that the next time you cry about your perceived notion that I’m not addressing you
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As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.


And if you want to find out much about all this, tune in to Sean Hannity tonight, Thursday, 5/17/12 at 9:00 Eastern for a special program.
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The problem here Lockjaw is that your goal is not to find the truth, sound smart, learn or have a discussion. Your goal is to make insults bash gays, and never admit to being wrong.
There are no rights protecting illegal acts.

Actually there are rights that make acts illegal. Discriminating against people of a certain race for example, was made illegal because of rights for those people coming from the Constitution.

Illegal acts are not protected forms of rights.

Wrong. In Roe v Wade, the abortion was illegal. The Court overturned that law on the grounds that abortion was in some cases a Right.
Being gay is a natural form of human sexual behaviour because humans have sex for pleasure and satisfaction more than they have sex for reproduction.

It is a form of sexuality almost unique to humans, so comparisons to animals are irrelevant and baseless.

If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual?

That's a non-sequitur.

Non reproductive sexual activity is perfectly normal/natural in humans. Gay sex is non-reproductive, therefore it has as much claim to being a natural human activity as does heterosexual sex.
Homosexuals cannot have sexual intercourse. Only a man and a woman can do that. Homosexuality is not normal for human beings.

'Normal' heterosexuals engage in a wide variety of sexual acts many of which are identical to what homosexuals do.

Unless you are going to declare as 'abormal' any heterosexual sexual activity that is not confined to intercourse solely for the purpose of reproduction,

then you can't declare homosexual sex 'abnormal'.
Being gay is a natural form of human sexual behaviour because humans have sex for pleasure and satisfaction more than they have sex for reproduction.

It is a form of sexuality almost unique to humans, so comparisons to animals are irrelevant and baseless.

If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual?

That's a non-sequitur.

Non reproductive sexual activity is perfectly normal/natural in humans. Gay sex is non-reproductive, therefore it has as much claim to being a natural human activity as does heterosexual sex.
If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual that is the question you should answer the question or walk away from the discussion.
Actually there are rights that make acts illegal. Discriminating against people of a certain race for example, was made illegal because of rights for those people coming from the Constitution.

Illegal acts are not protected forms of rights.

Wrong. In Roe v Wade, the abortion was illegal. The Court overturned that law on the grounds that abortion was in some cases a Right.

Butt fucking is illegal it's called sodomy

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