If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

So you are such a retard that you think a dog having sex with a man is homosexual. Are you dead or just brain dead?

NO...only the result from the slippery slope idiots as YOU wish for IF the term marriage is allowed to be obfuscated and sullied.

I love these "You gays need to be thankful we don't kill you like they do in Iran, so shut up about Equal Rights" posts. :lol::lol::lol:

It's more about your Concerning Apathy about your own kind being Killed for bing Gay by Islam as a matter of Law...

You are one of the Biggest Apologists for Islam and one of the Loudest Haters of Christians simply for not Embracing your Lifestyle.

You have some SERIOUS Fucking Issues. :thup:



Got a little brown still on your nose, Tommy. But that's cool. As long as it involves consenting adults....rock on!
I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

So you are such a retard that you think a dog having sex with a man is homosexual. Are you dead or just brain dead?
Hey, your the one claiming homosexuality is normal in the animal kingdom.

I was just giving you an example of a dog that is gay. :cool:
I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

So you are such a retard that you think a dog having sex with a man is homosexual. Are you dead or just brain dead?
Hey, your the one claiming homosexuality is normal in the animal kingdom.

I was just giving you an example of a dog that is gay. :cool:
The problem here is that youa re so stupid that you do not evne know what being gay means
I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

So you are such a retard that you think a dog having sex with a man is homosexual. Are you dead or just brain dead?
Hey, your the one claiming homosexuality is normal in the animal kingdom.

I was just giving you an example of a dog that is gay. :cool:

A male or female animal acting as intercourse to another same gendered species is a matter of stating dominance over they 'inductee' so-to-speak...
So you are such a retard that you think a dog having sex with a man is homosexual. Are you dead or just brain dead?
Hey, your the one claiming homosexuality is normal in the animal kingdom.

I was just giving you an example of a dog that is gay. :cool:
The problem here is that youa re so stupid that you do not evne know what being gay means
Starcraftzzz you are a bigot.

It's obvious that my dog was sexually attracted to my friend; maybe even in love.

So who are you to judge whether my dog was gay or not?

Don't be so intolerant and full of hate. :evil:
I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

All star craft has is assumptive bullcrap and emotional appeals. These animals experience situations that confuse their instincts, nothing more. Animals are not like humans, falling in love and the like. People like Starcraft watched one too many Disney cartoons.
Hey, your the one claiming homosexuality is normal in the animal kingdom.

I was just giving you an example of a dog that is gay. :cool:
The problem here is that youa re so stupid that you do not evne know what being gay means
Starcraftzzz you are a bigot.

It's obvious that my dog was sexually attracted to my friend; maybe even in love.

So who are you to judge whether my dog was gay or not?

Don't be so intolerant and full of hate. :evil:

How is you not knowing what gay means equals me being a bigot?
Hey, your the one claiming homosexuality is normal in the animal kingdom.

I was just giving you an example of a dog that is gay. :cool:
The problem here is that youa re so stupid that you do not evne know what being gay means
Starcraftzzz you are a bigot.

It's obvious that my dog was sexually attracted to my friend; maybe even in love.

So who are you to judge whether my dog was gay or not?

Don't be so intolerant and full of hate. :evil:
You're dog smelled female dog on your friends leg most likely. That's the main reason male dogs display "homosexual behavior"... Confused stimuli as I posted. The smell a female in heat on the other male dog. Don't confuse stargazer with facts though....
I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

All star craft has is assumptive bullcrap and emotional appeals. These animals experience situations that confuse their instincts, nothing more. Animals are not like humans, falling in love and the like. People like Starcraft watched one too many Disney cartoons.

Remember how two posts ago you lost? That would explain why you are now crying
I had a male doCg that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

All star craft has is assumptive bullcrap and emotional appeals. These animals experience situations that confuse their instincts, nothing more. Animals are not like humans, falling in love and the like. People like Starcraft watched one too many Disney cartoons.

Remember how two posts ago you lost? That would explain why you are now crying
lol! A self congratulatory liberal claiming victory with no proof,, your post was nothing but drivel. You make post links, argue nothing but emotional appeal non-sense and think you won something. What a dunce. Anyway, supposed "gay behavior" in animals has been proven to be confusion, not an inherent sexual desire for a male of the same species. You are too stupid to understand that and too intellectually lazy to check it out for yourself. Prove me wrong star. I'm waiting.
Starcraftzzz since my dog is a flamer and finds my friend sexually appealing.

And if my friend is OK with the dogs infatuation with his leg.

Why shouldn't they be allowed to get married?

Only a bigot would not allow them their Constitutional "rights" to be married.

All star craft has is assumptive bullcrap and emotional appeals. These animals experience situations that confuse their instincts, nothing more. Animals are not like humans, falling in love and the like. People like Starcraft watched one too many Disney cartoons.

Remember how two posts ago you lost? That would explain why you are now crying
lol! A self congratulatory liberal claiming victory with no proof,, your post was nothing but drivel. You make post links, argue nothing but emotional appeal non-sense and think you won something. What a dunce. Anyway, supposed "gay behavior" in animals has been proven to be confusion, not an inherent sexual desire for a male of the same species. You are too stupid to understand that and too intellectually lazy to check it out for yourself. Prove me wrong star. I'm waiting.
If it was nothing but drivel why did you run away and are not crying about it owning you stupid ass?
Perhaps tell me how you’re argument of “being gay is not natural because I say” is something other then stupidity
Come back when your eyes aren't full of tears because you got owned in a debate
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.

What a cop out. Well marriage between a man and a woman is in nothing the same as a so-called marriage between two gay people. One distinction is in no way more of a discrimination than the other.

Then why do certain people feel the need to amend the Constitution to define marriage as one man one woman?
Star... Are animals capable of REASONING as humans are?

Well if we use your logic no because we can’t call squid, birds, apes, Dolphins, or whales animals.
But in realeity yes animals are capable of reason.. not to mention humans are an animal dipshit
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.

What a cop out. Well marriage between a man and a woman is in nothing the same as a so-called marriage between two gay people. One distinction is in no way more of a discrimination than the other.

Why are we able to prevent men from marrying underage women? Why didn't the slippery slope of legal heterosexual marriage lead to that being legal?
So then four or five more consenting adults who want to enter into a polygamist marriage should not treated with bigotry and be allowed to marry. So should a bisexual trio who are consenting adults and really really love each other, as well as brother and sister who are over 18, or first cousins.

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.
There are no rights protecting illegal acts.

Actually there are rights that make acts illegal. Discriminating against people of a certain race for example, was made illegal because of rights for those people coming from the Constitution.
Star... Are animals capable of REASONING as humans are?

I'm told all the time that Dolphins and such are so Brilliant... Our Cousin's the Apes and such...


Wasn't some Woman Living with some Primates and showing us all how they are just like us?...

She would probably have Married one if she wasn't being Denied her "Rights"...

Do Animals have ANY Rights?... Not talking about Sex here, just the simply Concept of Rights as Beings.


Being gay is a natural form of human sexual behaviour because humans have sex for pleasure and satisfaction more than they have sex for reproduction.

It is a form of sexuality almost unique to humans, so comparisons to animals are irrelevant and baseless.

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