If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Here in Middle East, gay marriage is never accepted. Gay is not accepted

Ironically... Even though it's Law in many of those Countries under Islam, Bodecea will Excuse that Religion while they Execute her Gay Sisters and Brothers for simply being "out"...

At the same time she will Accuse Catholics here in the States of Advocating for Pedophile Rights...

Amazing how Shitty a Human being can be, eh?...



Then is it logical that Bodey would be perfectly safe in say, Iran? (A true theocracy)...

4,000 lesbians and gays have been executed since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Methods of execution include; beheading, chopped in two, stoning to death, burning alive, and being thrown alive from a high building
If I am against gay marriage, it is not because I am a bigot, it is because I believe it is between a man and a woman, as god sees it as well.
And also, the gay marriage issue did not prevent the keystone pipeline from being built nor did it cause the unemployment rate to go up.
Nice distraction though, but it wont work.
If I am against gay marriage, it is not because I am a bigot, it is because I believe it is between a man and a woman, as god sees it as well.
And also, the gay marriage issue did not prevent the keystone pipeline from being built nor did it cause the unemployment rate to go up.
Nice distraction though, but it wont work.

Being a bigot is not a bad thing I am a bigot and most others are too whether or not they admit it.
If I am against gay marriage, it is not because I am a bigot, it is because I believe it is between a man and a woman, as god sees it as well.
And also, the gay marriage issue did not prevent the keystone pipeline from being built nor did it cause the unemployment rate to go up.
Nice distraction though, but it wont work.

Fine....your religion doesn't have to marry gay people. As a matter of fact, your religion has NEVER civilly married people. It's NOT your religion's business, is it?
Here in Middle East, gay marriage is never accepted. Gay is not accepted

Ironically... Even though it's Law in many of those Countries under Islam, Bodecea will Excuse that Religion while they Execute her Gay Sisters and Brothers for simply being "out"...

At the same time she will Accuse Catholics here in the States of Advocating for Pedophile Rights...

Amazing how Shitty a Human being can be, eh?...



Then is it logical that Bodey would be perfectly safe in say, Iran? (A true theocracy)...

4,000 lesbians and gays have been executed since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Methods of execution include; beheading, chopped in two, stoning to death, burning alive, and being thrown alive from a high building

I love these "You gays need to be thankful we don't kill you like they do in Iran, so shut up about Equal Rights" posts. :lol::lol::lol:
Homosexuals are mentally ill. There never was and never will be any proof of any "gay gene" because it simply doesn't exist. The argument of "homosexuality in the animal kingdom" is an easily debunked load of crap and anyone who wants to attempt to debate this with me can are welcome to try but you'll lose. Political pressure is the only reason it was taken off the APA's list of sexually deviant mental disorders... Which it should've never have done until it is proven that it is both natural and healthy.. Which it is neither.

That being said, it will never be reversed. And regardless of the undeniable fact that it's a mental illness, they're still people and it's only fair they be treated as such and given some form of civil union with benefits similar to marriage. However letting them adopt children while there are plenty of infertile heterosexuals who want to adopt is insane and in my opinion a form of cruelty to the children that have to grow up confused and teased because bleeding hearts want to deny reality.
Homosexuals are mentally ill. There never was and never will be any proof of any "gay gene" because it simply doesn't exist. The argument of "homosexuality in the animal kingdom" is an easily debunked load of crap and anyone who wants to attempt to debate this with me can are welcome to try but you'll lose. Political pressure is the only reason it was taken off the APA's list of sexually deviant mental disorders... Which it should've never have done until it is proven that it is both natural and healthy.. Which it is neither.

That being said, it will never be reversed. And regardless of the undeniable fact that it's a mental illness, they're still people and it's only fair they be treated as such and given some form of civil union with benefits similar to marriage. However letting them adopt children while there are plenty of infertile heterosexuals who want to adopt is insane and in my opinion a form of cruelty to the children that have to grow up confused and teased because bleeding hearts want to deny reality.

Jake starkey makes this claim
Homosexuals are mentally ill. There never was and never will be any proof of any "gay gene" because it simply doesn't exist.
Gay gene found

Study shows sexual orientation is linked to brain metabolism
^When administered Prozac straighten see more of a reuptake response in the hypothalamus then did gay men.

Gay Or Straight? Body Type And Motion Reveals Sexual Orientation, Study Suggests
^Gays and lesbians have more gender-incongruent body types and movements then straights.
^People were able to significantly identify gays and lesbians just by viewing the motion in which they moved.

The Science of Gaydar - New Research on Everything From Voice Pitch to Hair Whorl -- New York Magazine
^Gay men are three times as likely to have a counterclockwise hair whorl then straight men.
^Gays and lesbians have a 50% higher chance to be left handed or ambidextrous then straights.
^gay men tend to have finger lengths that match that of straight women such as having index and ring fingers of the same length.
^75% of gay men "sounded" gay to an audience.
^Gay men and straight women have an increased density of fingerprint ridges on the thumb and pinkie of the left hand.
^gay men have larger penis sizes then straight men.

Men with Older Brothers More Likely to be Gay - ABC News
^The more older brothers you have the more likely you are to be gay.

Biological Correlates of being Gay - Biological Determinism?
^Gay men’s otoacousitc emissions (sounds that are emitted by the ears) are different then straight men’s.
^Gay’s anterior hypothalamus has differences from their straight counterparts.

The Science of Sex: The "Gay Brain" Revisited | Nerve.com
^Gay men have smaller hypothalamuses then straight men.

Homosexuality: Inborn or Learned Behavior? (1) - Mental Health - Families.com
^When smelling male sweat straight women and gay men saw activity in the hypothalamus which is connected to sexual activity.

Hormones in the womb will result in homosexuality. Male fetuses whose hypothalamus is not exposed to enough testosterone in the womb cause those fetuses to become gay. Also certain chemicals block testosterone which leads to the fetus becoming gay. Also when a woman has a baby boy, her body develops antibodies to proteins made by the sons Y chromosome, which then affect future development of a male fetus.

The argument of "homosexuality in the animal kingdom" is an easily debunked load of crap and anyone who wants to attempt to debate this with me can are welcome to try but you'll lose.

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^Here is a list of 100 different animal species with gay members
Political pressure is the only reason it was taken off the APA's list of sexually deviant mental disorders...
Well when you consider science and medical research to be political pressure yes
Which it should've never have done until it is proven that it is both natural and healthy.. Which it is neither.
Who knew that being attracted to the same sex hurts your health.
That being said, it will never be reversed. And regardless of the undeniable fact that it's a mental illness, they're still people and it's only fair they be treated as such and given some form of civil union with benefits similar to marriage. However letting them adopt children while there are plenty of infertile heterosexuals who want to adopt is insane and in my opinion a form of cruelty to the children that have to grow up confused and teased because bleeding hearts want to deny reality.
Children raised by gays turn out smarter happier and better then those raised by straights
^Children raised by LGBT parents fare better than other children due to LGBT being more accepting, also LGBT parents are more likely to be nurturing and motivated to participate and parent their children

^Research on children raised by LGBTQ parents show that those children have better social and academic skills, with lower incidence of social problems than those raised by straight parents.
^Research shows that Children raised by two Lesbian parents had higher self-esteem, confidence, performed better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems.
^Children raised by Lesbian parents had GPA about .2 higher (or 7%) than straight raised children

You lose
Last edited:
The end result might be worth it. The majority of the nation is agaisnt same sex marriage despite what the gay activists say. Calling people who reject the normalization of homosexuality bigots will only result in a backlash against obama. Particularly among blacks who aren't exactly going to welcome being called bigots over their religion. Democrats should be encouraged in the demonization of those who don't think exactly like they do. It will ultimately have the best result.

The prize is getting obama out of office, everything else is secondary.
If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!
I'm happy to say if someone thinks that about me I could care less. For the record I don't give a flip about gay marriage.

Don't have a gay marriage then.

I don't give a flip about straight marriage....but I'm not working to make it illegal.

No one is working to make gay marriage illegal. It's always been illegal in the USA until recently. Duh!!!!
Ironically... Even though it's Law in many of those Countries under Islam, Bodecea will Excuse that Religion while they Execute her Gay Sisters and Brothers for simply being "out"...

At the same time she will Accuse Catholics here in the States of Advocating for Pedophile Rights...

Amazing how Shitty a Human being can be, eh?...



Then is it logical that Bodey would be perfectly safe in say, Iran? (A true theocracy)...

4,000 lesbians and gays have been executed since the 1979 Islamic revolution. Methods of execution include; beheading, chopped in two, stoning to death, burning alive, and being thrown alive from a high building

I love these "You gays need to be thankful we don't kill you like they do in Iran, so shut up about Equal Rights" posts. :lol::lol::lol:

It's more about your Concerning Apathy about your own kind being Killed for bing Gay by Islam as a matter of Law...

You are one of the Biggest Apologists for Islam and one of the Loudest Haters of Christians simply for not Embracing your Lifestyle.

You have some SERIOUS Fucking Issues. :thup:


If I am against gay marriage, it is not because I am a bigot, it is because I believe it is between a man and a woman, as god sees it as well.
And also, the gay marriage issue did not prevent the keystone pipeline from being built nor did it cause the unemployment rate to go up.
Nice distraction though, but it wont work.

Fine....your religion doesn't have to marry gay people. As a matter of fact, your religion has NEVER civilly married people. It's NOT your religion's business, is it?

Same Sex Couples can't be Married... It doesn't matter if the Law is Molested to say they are... :thup:



I love these "You gays need to be thankful we don't kill you like they do in Iran, so shut up about Equal Rights" posts. :lol::lol::lol:

It's more about your Concerning Apathy about your own kind being Killed for bing Gay by Islam as a matter of Law...

You are one of the Biggest Apologists for Islam and one of the Loudest Haters of Christians simply for not Embracing your Lifestyle.

You have some SERIOUS Fucking Issues. :thup:



The end result might be worth it. The majority of the nation is agaisnt same sex marriage despite what the gay activists say. Calling people who reject the normalization of homosexuality bigots will only result in a backlash against obama. Particularly among blacks who aren't exactly going to welcome being called bigots over their religion. Democrats should be encouraged in the demonization of those who don't think exactly like they do. It will ultimately have the best result.

The prize is getting obama out of office, everything else is secondary.

So according to you telling the truth creates a backlash
Its amazing how you think noting that conservative are bigots who hate gays is some how demonization but conservatives calling people faggots and telling gays they can’t have equal rights is some how awesome
The end result might be worth it. The majority of the nation is agaisnt same sex marriage despite what the gay activists say. Calling people who reject the normalization of homosexuality bigots will only result in a backlash against obama. Particularly among blacks who aren't exactly going to welcome being called bigots over their religion. Democrats should be encouraged in the demonization of those who don't think exactly like they do. It will ultimately have the best result.

The prize is getting obama out of office, everything else is secondary.

So according to you telling the truth creates a backlash
Its amazing how you think noting that conservative are bigots who hate gays is some how demonization but conservatives calling people faggots and telling gays they can’t have equal rights is some how awesome

Homosexuals have Equal Rights as Individuals.

Their Coupling is Inherently Unequal in Nature to Heteosexual Coupling.

Fact not Fiction.


Homosexuals are mentally ill. There never was and never will be any proof of any "gay gene" because it simply doesn't exist.
Gay gene found
Research confirms 'gay gene' discovery - News - The Independent

Study shows sexual orientation is linked to brain metabolism
^When administered Prozac straighten see more of a reuptake response in the hypothalamus then did gay men.

Gay Or Straight? Body Type And Motion Reveals Sexual Orientation, Study Suggests
^Gays and lesbians have more gender-incongruent body types and movements then straights.
^People were able to significantly identify gays and lesbians just by viewing the motion in which they moved.I

The Science of Gaydar - New Research on Everything From Voice Pitch to Hair Whorl -- New York Magazine
^Gay men are three times as likely to have a counterclockwise hair whorl then straight men.
^Gays and lesbians have a 50% higher chance to be left handed or ambidextrous then straights.
^gay men tend to have finger lengths that match that of straight women such as having index and ring fingers of the same length.
^75% of gay men "sounded" gay to an audience.
^Gay men and straight women have an increased density of fingerprint ridges on the thumb and pinkie of the left hand.
^gay men have larger penis sizes then straight men.

Men with Older Brothers More Likely to be Gay - ABC News
^The more older brothers you have the more likely you are to be gay.

Biological Correlates of being Gay - Biological Determinism?
^Gay men’s otoacousitc emissions (sounds that are emitted by the ears) are different then straight men’s.
^Gay’s anterior hypothalamus has differences from their straight counterparts.

The Science of Sex: The "Gay Brain" Revisited | Nerve.com
^Gay men have smaller hypothalamuses then straight men.

Homosexuality: Inborn or Learned Behavior? (1) - Mental Health - Families.com
^When smelling male sweat straight women and gay men saw activity in the hypothalamus which is connected to sexual activity.

Hormones in the womb will result in homosexuality. Male fetuses whose hypothalamus is not exposed to enough testosterone in the womb cause those fetuses to become gay. Also certain chemicals block testosterone which leads to the fetus becoming gay. Also when a woman has a baby boy, her body develops antibodies to proteins made by the sons Y chromosome, which then affect future development of a male fetus.

The argument of "homosexuality in the animal kingdom" is an easily debunked load of crap and anyone who wants to attempt to debate this with me can are welcome to try but you'll lose.

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^Here is a list of 100 different animal species with gay members

Well when you consider science and medical research to be political pressure yes
Which it should've never have done until it is proven that it is both natural and healthy.. Which it is neither.
Who knew that being attracted to the same sex hurts your health.
That being said, it will never be reversed. And regardless of the undeniable fact that it's a mental illness, they're still people and it's only fair they be treated as such and given some form of civil union with benefits similar to marriage. However letting them adopt children while there are plenty of infertile heterosexuals who want to adopt is insane and in my opinion a form of cruelty to the children that have to grow up confused and teased because bleeding hearts want to deny reality.
Children raised by gays turn out smarter happier and better then those raised by straights
Ignoring Facts, Right-Wing Media Attack Same-Sex Parenting | Media Matters for America
^Children raised by LGBT parents fare better than other children due to LGBT being more accepting, also LGBT parents are more likely to be nurturing and motivated to participate and parent their children

Can the kids be alright if they are gay too?
^Research on children raised by LGBTQ parents show that those children have better social and academic skills, with lower incidence of social problems than those raised by straight parents.
Kids with Lesbian Parents May Do Better Than Their Peers - TIME
^Research shows that Children raised by two Lesbian parents had higher self-esteem, confidence, performed better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems.
Children Raised by Lesbians Do Just Fine, Studies Show | LiveScience
^Children raised by Lesbian parents had GPA about .2 higher (or 7%) than straight raised children

You lose
Hold up... Slow your roll, cupcake. Posting links doesn't prove a damn thing. We need to discuss the topic, you and I. Since you chose to step to the plate on the "homosexuality in the animal kingdom" issue, prepare to be stomped to dust on that one. Let's handle all of these one at a time.
Since this link does a good job of summing it up, read this and we'll debate once you've soaked it all up. Here you go, with a little snippet if you decide you're too lazy or unwilling to do the work of reading the whole thing.:

The Animal Homosexuality Myth

from "Born that way" theory

The Animal Homosexuality Myth

by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo

The following article is adapted from the author's recently published book, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same Sex "Marriage" and the Homosexual Movement.
In its effort to present homosexuality as normal, the homosexual movement[1] turned to science in an attempt to prove three major premises:

Homosexuality is genetic or innate;
Homosexuality is irreversible;
Since animals engage in same-sex sexual behavior, homosexuality is natural.
Keenly aware of its inability to prove the first two premises,[2] the homosexual movement pins its hopes on the third, animal homosexuality.[3]
Animals Do It, So It's Natural, Right?
The reasoning behind the animal homosexuality theory can be summed up as follows:

- Homosexual behavior is observable in animals.
- Animal behavior is determined by their instincts.
- Nature requires animals to follow their instincts.
- Therefore, homosexuality is in accordance with animal nature.
- Since man is also animal, homosexuality must also be in accordance with human nature.
This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?
In opposition to this line of reasoning, this article sustains that:

There is no "homosexual instinct" in animals,
It is poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and
Irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.
There Is No "Homosexual Instinct" In Animals
Anyone engaged in the most elementary animal observation is forced to conclude that animal "homosexuality," "filicide" and "cannibalism" are exceptions to normal animal behavior. Consequently, they cannot be called animal instincts. These observable exceptions to normal animal behavior result from factors beyond their instincts.

-- Clashing Stimuli and Confused Animal Instincts

To explain this abnormal behavior, the first observation must be the fact that animal instincts are not bound by the absolute determinism of the physical laws governing the mineral world. In varying degrees, all living beings can adapt to circumstances. They respond to internal or external stimuli.

Second, animal cognition is purely sensorial, limited to sound, odor, touch, taste and image. Thus, animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception. Therefore, animals frequently confuse one sensation with another or one object with another.

Third, an animal's instincts direct it towards its end and are in accordance with its nature. However, the spontaneous thrust of the instinctive impulse can suffer modifications as it runs its course. Other sensorial images, perceptions or memories can act as new stimuli affecting the animal's behavior. Moreover, the conflict between two or more instincts can sometimes modify the original impulse.

In man, when two instinctive reactions clash, the intellect determines the best course to follow, and the will then holds one instinct in check while encouraging the other. With animals that lack intellect and will, when two instinctive impulses clash, the one most favored by circumstances prevails.[4]

At times, these internal or external stimuli affecting an animal's instinctive impulses result in cases of animal "filicide," "cannibalism" and "homosexuality."

We can start there. Care to debunk anything in that snippet?
Homosexuals are mentally ill. There never was and never will be any proof of any "gay gene" because it simply doesn't exist.
Gay gene found
Research confirms 'gay gene' discovery - News - The Independent

Study shows sexual orientation is linked to brain metabolism
^When administered Prozac straighten see more of a reuptake response in the hypothalamus then did gay men.

Gay Or Straight? Body Type And Motion Reveals Sexual Orientation, Study Suggests
^Gays and lesbians have more gender-incongruent body types and movements then straights.
^People were able to significantly identify gays and lesbians just by viewing the motion in which they moved.I

The Science of Gaydar - New Research on Everything From Voice Pitch to Hair Whorl -- New York Magazine
^Gay men are three times as likely to have a counterclockwise hair whorl then straight men.
^Gays and lesbians have a 50% higher chance to be left handed or ambidextrous then straights.
^gay men tend to have finger lengths that match that of straight women such as having index and ring fingers of the same length.
^75% of gay men "sounded" gay to an audience.
^Gay men and straight women have an increased density of fingerprint ridges on the thumb and pinkie of the left hand.
^gay men have larger penis sizes then straight men.

Men with Older Brothers More Likely to be Gay - ABC News
^The more older brothers you have the more likely you are to be gay.

Biological Correlates of being Gay - Biological Determinism?
^Gay men’s otoacousitc emissions (sounds that are emitted by the ears) are different then straight men’s.
^Gay’s anterior hypothalamus has differences from their straight counterparts.

The Science of Sex: The "Gay Brain" Revisited | Nerve.com
^Gay men have smaller hypothalamuses then straight men.

Homosexuality: Inborn or Learned Behavior? (1) - Mental Health - Families.com
^When smelling male sweat straight women and gay men saw activity in the hypothalamus which is connected to sexual activity.

Hormones in the womb will result in homosexuality. Male fetuses whose hypothalamus is not exposed to enough testosterone in the womb cause those fetuses to become gay. Also certain chemicals block testosterone which leads to the fetus becoming gay. Also when a woman has a baby boy, her body develops antibodies to proteins made by the sons Y chromosome, which then affect future development of a male fetus.

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^Here is a list of 100 different animal species with gay members

Well when you consider science and medical research to be political pressure yes

Who knew that being attracted to the same sex hurts your health.
That being said, it will never be reversed. And regardless of the undeniable fact that it's a mental illness, they're still people and it's only fair they be treated as such and given some form of civil union with benefits similar to marriage. However letting them adopt children while there are plenty of infertile heterosexuals who want to adopt is insane and in my opinion a form of cruelty to the children that have to grow up confused and teased because bleeding hearts want to deny reality.
Children raised by gays turn out smarter happier and better then those raised by straights
Ignoring Facts, Right-Wing Media Attack Same-Sex Parenting | Media Matters for America
^Children raised by LGBT parents fare better than other children due to LGBT being more accepting, also LGBT parents are more likely to be nurturing and motivated to participate and parent their children

Can the kids be alright if they are gay too?
^Research on children raised by LGBTQ parents show that those children have better social and academic skills, with lower incidence of social problems than those raised by straight parents.
Kids with Lesbian Parents May Do Better Than Their Peers - TIME
^Research shows that Children raised by two Lesbian parents had higher self-esteem, confidence, performed better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems.
Children Raised by Lesbians Do Just Fine, Studies Show | LiveScience
^Children raised by Lesbian parents had GPA about .2 higher (or 7%) than straight raised children

You lose

Homosexuality is genetic or innate;
No dumbasss as I posted it can be caused by other biological factors such as chemical composition in the womb/brain/early development.

Since animals engage in same-sex sexual behavior, homosexuality is natural.
Keenly aware of its inability to prove the first two premises,
How is posting that over 100 animal species have gay members failure to prove that animals can and are gay?
This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature.
Just because you find nature to be weird does not make it not nature
There is no "homosexual instinct" in animals,
It is poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and
Irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.
So according to you two male animals having sex means there is no homosexual instinct in those animals. Jesus come back when your arguments aren’t “1+1 equals 5”
Anyone engaged in the most elementary animal observation is forced to conclude that animal "homosexuality," "filicide" and "cannibalism" are exceptions to normal animal behavior. Consequently, they cannot be called animal instincts. These observable exceptions to normal animal behavior result from factors beyond their instincts.
Jesus so being gay isn’t natural because you decide to disclude things in nature as being natural

We can start there. Care to debunk anything in that snippet?
How about you start by thinking and not being a total retard
Last edited:
I had a male dog that used to hump my friends leg when ever he came over.

According to your nonsense starcraftzzz the dog wasn't confused; he was a homosexual. :cuckoo:

So you are such a retard that you think a dog having sex with a man is homosexual. Are you dead or just brain dead?

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