If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Monogamous and polygamous marriages are two different entities. If you legalize monogamy, it does not require that you legalize polygamy.

But if you legalize monogamy, you can't then deny it to same sex couples without discriminating against a minority.
There are no rights protecting illegal acts.

Actually there are rights that make acts illegal. Discriminating against people of a certain race for example, was made illegal because of rights for those people coming from the Constitution.

Illegal acts are not protected forms of rights.
Being gay is a natural form of human sexual behaviour because humans have sex for pleasure and satisfaction more than they have sex for reproduction.

It is a form of sexuality almost unique to humans, so comparisons to animals are irrelevant and baseless.

If being gay is normal why aren't humans Asexual?
Remember how two posts ago you lost? That would explain why you are now crying
lol! A self congratulatory liberal claiming victory with no proof,, your post was nothing but drivel. You make post links, argue nothing but emotional appeal non-sense and think you won something. What a dunce. Anyway, supposed "gay behavior" in animals has been proven to be confusion, not an inherent sexual desire for a male of the same species. You are too stupid to understand that and too intellectually lazy to check it out for yourself. Prove me wrong star. I'm waiting.
If it was nothing but drivel why did you run away and are not crying about it owning you stupid ass?
Perhaps tell me how you’re argument of “being gay is not natural because I say” is something other then stupidity
Come back when your eyes aren't full of tears because you got owned in a debate

You're entertaining as hell! Keep it up! ROFLMAO! I never said it was because I said so... I provided a source to show you how, the most popular reasoning jackasses such as yourself use to show homosexuality is normal... The homosexuality in the animal kingdom" MYTH, is completely full of holes and just doesn't work. Here, I'll give you the link again and provide another snippet for you to whine and do anything but address the points AGAIN;

Here you go, AGAIN, fruitcup:
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
The Animal Homosexuality Myth

by Luiz Sérgio Solimeo

The following article is adapted from the author's recently published book, Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same Sex "Marriage" and the Homosexual Movement.
In its effort to present homosexuality as normal, the homosexual movement[1] turned to science in an attempt to prove three major premises:

Homosexuality is genetic or innate;
Homosexuality is irreversible;
Since animals engage in same-sex sexual behavior, homosexuality is natural.
Keenly aware of its inability to prove the first two premises,[2] the homosexual movement pins its hopes on the third, animal homosexuality.[3]
Animals Do It, So It's Natural, Right?
The reasoning behind the animal homosexuality theory can be summed up as follows:

- Homosexual behavior is observable in animals.
- Animal behavior is determined by their instincts.
- Nature requires animals to follow their instincts.
- Therefore, homosexuality is in accordance with animal nature.
- Since man is also animal, homosexuality must also be in accordance with human nature.
This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?
In opposition to this line of reasoning, this article sustains that:

There is no "homosexual instinct" in animals,
It is poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and
Irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.
There Is No "Homosexual Instinct" In Animals
Anyone engaged in the most elementary animal observation is forced to conclude that animal "homosexuality," "filicide" and "cannibalism" are exceptions to normal animal behavior. Consequently, they cannot be called animal instincts. These observable exceptions to normal animal behavior result from factors beyond their instincts.

-- Clashing Stimuli and Confused Animal Instincts

To explain this abnormal behavior, the first observation must be the fact that animal instincts are not bound by the absolute determinism of the physical laws governing the mineral world. In varying degrees, all living beings can adapt to circumstances. They respond to internal or external stimuli.

Second, animal cognition is purely sensorial, limited to sound, odor, touch, taste and image. Thus, animals lack the precision and clarity of human intellectual perception. Therefore, animals frequently confuse one sensation with another or one object with another.

Third, an animal's instincts direct it towards its end and are in accordance with its nature. However, the spontaneous thrust of the instinctive impulse can suffer modifications as it runs its course. Other sensorial images, perceptions or memories can act as new stimuli affecting the animal's behavior. Moreover, the conflict between two or more instincts can sometimes modify the original impulse.

In man, when two instinctive reactions clash, the intellect determines the best course to follow, and the will then holds one instinct in check while encouraging the other. With animals that lack intellect and will, when two instinctive impulses clash, the one most favored by circumstances prevails.[4]

At times, these internal or external stimuli affecting an animal's instinctive impulses result in cases of animal "filicide," "cannibalism" and "homosexuality."

-- Animal "Filicide" and "Cannibalism"

Sarah Hartwell explains that tomcats kill their kittens after receiving "mixed signals" from their instincts:

Most female cats can switch between "play mode" and "hunt mode" in order not to harm their offspring. In tomcats this switching off of "hunt mode" may be incomplete and, when they become highly aroused through play, the "hunting" instinct comes into force and they may kill the kittens. The hunting instinct is so strong, and so hard to switch off when prey is present, that dismemberment and even eating of the kitten may ensue.... Compare the size, sound and activity of kittens with the size, sound and activity of prey. They are both small, have high-pitched voices and move with fast, erratic movements. All of these trigger hunting behavior. In the tomcat, maternal behavior cannot always override hunting behavior and he treats the kittens in exactly the same way he would treat small prey. His instincts are confused.[5]
Regarding animal cannibalism, the Iran Nature and Wildlife Magazine notes:
Cannibalism is most common among lower vertebrates and invertebrates, often due to a predatory animal mistaking one of its own kind for prey. But it also occurs among birds and mammals, especially when food is scarce.[6]
-- Animals Lack the Means to Express Their Affective States

To stimuli and clashing instincts, however, we must add another factor: In expressing its affective states, an animal is radically inferior to man.

Since animals lack reason, their means of expressing their affective states (fear, pleasure, pain, desire, etc.) are limited. Animals lack the rich resources at man's disposal to express his sentiments. Man can adapt his way of talking, writing, gazing, gesturing in untold ways. Animals cannot. Consequently, animals often express their affective states ambiguously. They "borrow," so to speak, the manifestations of the instinct of reproduction to manifest the instincts of dominance, aggressiveness, fear, gregariousness and so on.

-- Explaining Seemingly "Homosexual" Animal Behavior

Bonobos are a typical example of this "borrowing." These primates from the chimpanzee family engage in seemingly sexual behavior to express acceptance and other affective states. Thus, Frans B. M. de Waal, who spent hundreds of hours observing and filming bonobos, says:

There are two reasons to believe sexual activity is the bonobo's answer to avoiding conflict.

First, anything, not just food, that arouses the interest of more than one bonobo at a time tends to result in sexual contact. If two bonobos approach a cardboard box thrown into their enclosure, they will briefly mount each other before playing with the box. Such situations lead to squabbles in most other species. But bonobos are quite tolerant, perhaps because they use sex to divert attention and to diffuse tension.

Second, bonobo sex often occurs in aggressive contexts totally unrelated to food. A jealous male might chase another away from a female, after which the two males reunite and engage in scrotal rubbing. Or after a female hits a juvenile, the latter's mother may lunge at the aggressor, an action that is immediately followed by genital rubbing between the two adults.[7]

Like bonobos, other animals will mount another of the same sex and engage in seemingly "homosexual" behavior, although their motivation may differ. Dogs, for example, usually do so to express dominance. Cesar Ades, ethologist and professor of psychology at the University of S‹o Paulo, Brazil, explains, "When two males mate, what is present is a demonstration of power, not sex."[8]

Jacque Lynn Schultz, ASPCA Animal Sciences Director of Special Projects, explains further:

Usually, an un-neutered male dog will mount another male dog as a display of social dominance--in other words, as a way of letting the other dog know who's boss. While not as frequent, a female dog may mount for the same reason.[9]
Dogs will also mount one another because of the vehemence of their purely chemical reaction to the smell of an estrus female:

Not surprisingly, the smell of a female dog in heat can instigate a frenzy of mounting behaviors. Even other females who are not in heat will mount those who are. Males will mount males who have just been with estrus females if they still bear their scent.... And males who catch wind of the estrus odor may mount the first thing (or unlucky person) they come into contact with.[10]
Other animals engage in seemingly "homosexual" behavior because they fail to identify the other sex properly. The lower the species in the animal kingdom, the more tenuous and difficult to detect are the differences between sexes, leading to more frequent confusion.

-- "Homosexual" Animals Do Not Exist

In 1996, homosexual scientist Simon LeVay admitted that the evidence pointed to isolated acts, not to homosexuality:

Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity.[11]
Despite the "homosexual" appearances of some animal behavior, this behavior does not stem from a "homosexual" instinct that is part of animal nature. Dr. Antonio Pardo, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Navarre, Spain, explains:

Properly speaking, homosexuality does not exist among animals.... For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an animal homosexuality. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction.[12]
Homosexuals cannot have sexual intercourse. Only a man and a woman can do that. Homosexuality is not normal for human beings.
Star... Are animals capable of REASONING as humans are?

I'm told all the time that Dolphins and such are so Brilliant... Our Cousin's the Apes and such...


Wasn't some Woman Living with some Primates and showing us all how they are just like us?...

She would probably have Married one if she wasn't being Denied her "Rights"...

Do Animals have ANY Rights?... Not talking about Sex here, just the simply Concept of Rights as Beings.



Maybe the poster should study Jane Goodall?
lol! A self congratulatory liberal claiming victory with no proof,, your post was nothing but drivel. You make post links, argue nothing but emotional appeal non-sense and think you won something. What a dunce. Anyway, supposed "gay behavior" in animals has been proven to be confusion, not an inherent sexual desire for a male of the same species. You are too stupid to understand that and too intellectually lazy to check it out for yourself. Prove me wrong star. I'm waiting.
If it was nothing but drivel why did you run away and are not crying about it owning you stupid ass?
Perhaps tell me how you’re argument of “being gay is not natural because I say” is something other then stupidity
Come back when your eyes aren't full of tears because you got owned in a debate
I never said it was because I said so...
Correct you posted a source that said "being gay is not natural because I say so"
I provided a source to show you how, the most popular reasoning jackasses such as yourself use to show homosexuality is normal...
Saying homosexuality Isn’t normal does not make it so its just saying it isn’t
Perhaps the problem is that you are a retard that thinks if another retard says something it is ture
The homosexuality in the animal kingdom" MYTH, is completely full of holes and just doesn't work. Here, I'll give you the link again and provide another snippet for you to whine and do anything but address the points AGAIN;
Yep 100 different species of animals having members who only have sex with the same sex is totally filled with holes
Here you go, AGAIN, fruitcup:
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
Why do you think posting the same debunked bullshit I debunked 2 pages backs is suddenly not going to make it not bullshit?
Why is your response to my response to your post just a copy and paste of your original response? Is it because you cannot think and therefore can only copy and paste?
If it was nothing but drivel why did you run away and are not crying about it owning you stupid ass?
Perhaps tell me how you’re argument of “being gay is not natural because I say” is something other then stupidity
Come back when your eyes aren't full of tears because you got owned in a debate
I never said it was because I said so...
Correct you posted a source that said "being gay is not natural because I say so"

Saying homosexuality Isn’t normal does not make it so its just saying it isn’t
Perhaps the problem is that you are a retard that thinks if another retard says something it is ture
The homosexuality in the animal kingdom" MYTH, is completely full of holes and just doesn't work. Here, I'll give you the link again and provide another snippet for you to whine and do anything but address the points AGAIN;
Yep 100 different species of animals having members who only have sex with the same sex is totally filled with holes
Here you go, AGAIN, fruitcup:
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
Why do you think posting the same debunked bullshit I debunked 2 pages backs is suddenly not going to make it not bullshit?
Why is your response to my response to your post just a copy and paste of your original response? Is it because you cannot think and therefore can only copy and paste?

Hahahaha! A list of animals who only have sex with the same sex, eh? Do you realize how retarded you look right now, Corky? If that were the case they would go extinct, ya damn moron.
I never said it was because I said so...
Correct you posted a source that said "being gay is not natural because I say so"

Saying homosexuality Isn’t normal does not make it so its just saying it isn’t
Perhaps the problem is that you are a retard that thinks if another retard says something it is ture

Yep 100 different species of animals having members who only have sex with the same sex is totally filled with holes
Here you go, AGAIN, fruitcup:
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
The Animal Homosexuality Myth
Why do you think posting the same debunked bullshit I debunked 2 pages backs is suddenly not going to make it not bullshit?
Why is your response to my response to your post just a copy and paste of your original response? Is it because you cannot think and therefore can only copy and paste?

Hahahaha! A list of animals who only have sex with the same sex, eh? Do you realize how retarded you look right now, Corky? If that were the case they would go extinct, ya damn moron.
Yes you claiming that only having sex with the same sex make you straight means I look retarded
Perhaps if you spent less time crying about losing an argument you’d win more arguments
Star, scientists say there are no homosexual animals in my post... It's not me saying it. Funny how you don't address the source, you just keep whining about it being copy and pasted. There are NO homosexual animals, period. Just accept it already and move on.
Correct you posted a source that said "being gay is not natural because I say so"

Saying homosexuality Isn’t normal does not make it so its just saying it isn’t
Perhaps the problem is that you are a retard that thinks if another retard says something it is ture

Yep 100 different species of animals having members who only have sex with the same sex is totally filled with holes

Why do you think posting the same debunked bullshit I debunked 2 pages backs is suddenly not going to make it not bullshit?
Why is your response to my response to your post just a copy and paste of your original response? Is it because you cannot think and therefore can only copy and paste?

Hahahaha! A list of animals who only have sex with the same sex, eh? Do you realize how retarded you look right now, Corky? If that were the case they would go extinct, ya damn moron.
Yes you claiming that only having sex with the same sex make you straight means I look retarded
What the hell? You make no sense. Take your pills and get off the computer in whatever mental institution they've got you in.
Hahahaha! A list of animals who only have sex with the same sex, eh? Do you realize how retarded you look right now, Corky? If that were the case they would go extinct, ya damn moron.
Yes you claiming that only having sex with the same sex make you straight means I look retarded
What the hell? You make no sense. Take your pills and get off the computer in whatever mental institution they've got you in.

I see so you thinking having sex with the same sex makes you straight means I need pills ROTFL
Like I said maybe if oyu stoped crying you’d be able to read the thread
Notice how after your post got owned twice in a row you are degraded to making posts that contain only insults which oddly has resulted in you making posts that are more intelligent than your other posts
Yes you claiming that only having sex with the same sex make you straight means I look retarded
What the hell? You make no sense. Take your pills and get off the computer in whatever mental institution they've got you in.

I see so you thinking having sex with the same sex makes you straight means I need pills ROTFL
Like I said maybe if oyu stoped crying you’d be able to read the thread
Notice how after your post got owned twice in a row you are degraded to making posts that contain only insults which oddly has resulted in you making posts that are more intelligent than your other posts

Refute my source or shut up, loony toon.
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What the hell? You make no sense. Take your pills and get off the computer in whatever mental institution they've got you in.

I see so you thinking having sex with the same sex makes you straight means I need pills ROTFL
Like I said maybe if oyu stoped crying you’d be able to read the thread
Notice how after your post got owned twice in a row you are degraded to making posts that contain only insults which oddly has resulted in you making posts that are more intelligent than your other posts

Refute my source or shut up, loony toon.

I already did twice dipshit. But since you are to stupid to go back in a thread Ill repost it.
Now plz come back when you can do something other then crying and insulting

Gay gene found
Research confirms 'gay gene' discovery - News - The Independent

Study shows sexual orientation is linked to brain metabolism
^When administered Prozac straighten see more of a reuptake response in the hypothalamus then did gay men.

Gay Or Straight? Body Type And Motion Reveals Sexual Orientation, Study Suggests
^Gays and lesbians have more gender-incongruent body types and movements then straights.
^People were able to significantly identify gays and lesbians just by viewing the motion in which they moved.I

The Science of Gaydar - New Research on Everything From Voice Pitch to Hair Whorl -- New York Magazine
^Gay men are three times as likely to have a counterclockwise hair whorl then straight men.
^Gays and lesbians have a 50% higher chance to be left handed or ambidextrous then straights.
^gay men tend to have finger lengths that match that of straight women such as having index and ring fingers of the same length.
^75% of gay men "sounded" gay to an audience.
^Gay men and straight women have an increased density of fingerprint ridges on the thumb and pinkie of the left hand.
^gay men have larger penis sizes then straight men.

Men with Older Brothers More Likely to be Gay - ABC News
^The more older brothers you have the more likely you are to be gay.

Biological Correlates of being Gay - Biological Determinism?
^Gay men’s otoacousitc emissions (sounds that are emitted by the ears) are different then straight men’s.
^Gay’s anterior hypothalamus has differences from their straight counterparts.

The Science of Sex: The "Gay Brain" Revisited | Nerve.com
^Gay men have smaller hypothalamuses then straight men.

Homosexuality: Inborn or Learned Behavior? (1) - Mental Health - Families.com
^When smelling male sweat straight women and gay men saw activity in the hypothalamus which is connected to sexual activity.

Hormones in the womb will result in homosexuality. Male fetuses whose hypothalamus is not exposed to enough testosterone in the womb cause those fetuses to become gay. Also certain chemicals block testosterone which leads to the fetus becoming gay. Also when a woman has a baby boy, her body develops antibodies to proteins made by the sons Y chromosome, which then affect future development of a male fetus.

List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^Here is a list of 100 different animal species with gay members

Well when you consider science and medical research to be political pressure yes

Who knew that being attracted to the same sex hurts your health.

Children raised by gays turn out smarter happier and better then those raised by straights
Ignoring Facts, Right-Wing Media Attack Same-Sex Parenting | Media Matters for America
^Children raised by LGBT parents fare better than other children due to LGBT being more accepting, also LGBT parents are more likely to be nurturing and motivated to participate and parent their children

Can the kids be alright if they are gay too?
^Research on children raised by LGBTQ parents show that those children have better social and academic skills, with lower incidence of social problems than those raised by straight parents.
Kids with Lesbian Parents May Do Better Than Their Peers - TIME
^Research shows that Children raised by two Lesbian parents had higher self-esteem, confidence, performed better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems.
Children Raised by Lesbians Do Just Fine, Studies Show | LiveScience
^Children raised by Lesbian parents had GPA about .2 higher (or 7%) than straight raised children

You lose

No dumbasss as I posted it can be caused by other biological factors such as chemical composition in the womb/brain/early development.

How is posting that over 100 animal species have gay members failure to prove that animals can and are gay?

Just because you find nature to be weird does not make it not nature

So according to you two male animals having sex means there is no homosexual instinct in those animals. Jesus come back when your arguments aren’t “1+1 equals 5”

Jesus so being gay isn’t natural because you decide to disclude things in nature as being natural

We can start there. Care to debunk anything in that snippet?
How about you start by thinking and not being a total retard
I see so you thinking having sex with the same sex makes you straight means I need pills ROTFL
Like I said maybe if oyu stoped crying you’d be able to read the thread
Notice how after your post got owned twice in a row you are degraded to making posts that contain only insults which oddly has resulted in you making posts that are more intelligent than your other posts

Refute my source or shut up, loony toon.

I already did twice dipshit. But since you are to stupid to go back in a thread Ill repost it.
Now plz come back when you can do something other then crying and insulting

No dumbasss as I posted it can be caused by other biological factors such as chemical composition in the womb/brain/early development.

How is posting that over 100 animal species have gay members failure to prove that animals can and are gay?

Just because you find nature to be weird does not make it not nature

So according to you two male animals having sex means there is no homosexual instinct in those animals. Jesus come back when your arguments aren’t “1+1 equals 5”

Jesus so being gay isn’t natural because you decide to disclude things in nature as being natural

How about you start by thinking and not being a total retard

No you didn't do anything of the sort. You didn't address any point that was made. You said some dumb ass shit " So homosexuality isnt normal because you say so", which shows you either didn't read the post or it's too heady for a knuckle dragging drooling chest slapping libtard like yourself to comprehend.

Let's try this again... Without all the whimpering and whining... Point by point, with facts now, Corky... Refute the claims or STFU please. Can you do that? I doubt you can... But I hope you atleast try this time. Dumb troll.

Refute my source or shut up, loony toon.

I already did twice dipshit. But since you are to stupid to go back in a thread Ill repost it.
Now plz come back when you can do something other then crying and insulting

No you didn't do anything of the sort. You didn't address any point that was made. You said some dumb ass shit " So homosexuality is normal because you say so", which shows you either didn't read the post or it's too heady for a knuckle dragging drooling chest slapping libtard like yourself to comprehend.

Let's try this again... Without all the whimpering and whining... Point by point, with facts now, Corky... Refute the claims or STFU please. Can you do that? I doubt you can... But I hope you atleast try this time. Dumb troll.

Notice how your whole post was nothing but an insult. Come back when your crying doesn’t prevent you from posting anything of intellectual value or relevance. Furthermore notice how all your posts are “you stupid” so the fact is that you are the troll that is upset that you got proven wrong.
I await Lockjaws response where He calls me retarded because he said that having sex with the same sax makes you straight
I await Lockjaws response where He calls me retarded because he said that having sex with the same sax makes you straight

I didn't say having sex with the same sex makes you straight, I've posted what scientists have to say about the "percieved" homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom and what it actually is. In my post, there are explanations in there, there is even a homosexual scientist who studies animal sexual behavior who agrees with my stance... So continue acting as if you addressed any of the points made in the article all you want... But until you actually DO address them, you'l continue to get mocked, moonbat boy.
I await Lockjaws response where He calls me retarded because he said that having sex with the same sax makes you straight

I didn't say having sex with the same sex makes you straight, I've posted what scientists have to say about the "percieved" homosexual behavior in the animal kingdom and what it actually is. In my post, there are explanations in there, there is even a homosexual scientist who studies animal sexual behavior who agrees with my stance... So continue acting as if you addressed any of the points made in the article all you want... But until you actually DO address them, you'l continue to get mocked, moonbat boy.

K correction I await Lockejaws repsosne where he calls me a retard because he posts someone else saying that having sex with the same sex means you are straight
Second I already debunked your post 3 times. Perhaps if you weren;'t crying you could read it
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