If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

Right...because the slippery slope is the only logical way it can go, right?

If we let you have a gun, where will it end? You shooting someone dead, of course!

(It's called a slippery slope FALLACY for a reason)

It's when Homosexuals such as yourself post things like that avatar, that you put your Cause that much further back...

Why do you want to Offend those who Believe in God?... Not all of them are Intolerant of you and your Lifestyle...

Shameful. :thup:



If they aren't intolerant and have more than one or two brain cells to rub together, they won't be offended...they'll laugh.

How do you know my avatar isn't true? Did you ask god?

Look like it's "Gotta convince myself and others that I'm straight and gay is bad" Rampage time, Seawytch. Sit back and enjoy the show like I do.
I just love it when someone says: "I don't want your religion involved in my government. I don't want your religious beliefs imposed on ME!" Such righteous indignation... such B.S.

If a man steals a loaf of bread and is hungry, it doesn't matter, it is THEFT. But, it is my morals, my religion that says that the law may not apply in this instance. It is my morals that says that the man stole the bread because he is hungry and therefore needs the bread. It is my morals, my religion that pays for the bread so that the man can eat. Morals and therefore religion, enter into the law and the interpretation of that law from almost the beginning. It is fantasy to assume that religion is not somehow part of the law. Likewise, if a man receives help and then continues to steal for no apparent reason, then application of the law would occur, possibly from the first instance. Morality applied as law, once again.

If a person believes that same-sex marriage is viable and laws are crafted that reflect that belief, then that persons morals or religion, or even their lack of religion, is then imposed on me. The arguement has been made that it is not the same. Nice try, but such a hollow arguement. The imposition of morals, or lack of them, by law has occured from the beginning of time. We do not allow for assisted suicide. You cannot go to a doctor (assuming that there are no relatives for this person) and announce that you want to be dead and then pay for that doctor to assist you in killing yourself. Logically, no other party is injured. But morally, we find it unethical for a doctor to assist in intentionally taking a life.

In a democracy or representative republic, IF a majority of the people decide that something should be legal and therefore moral, it becomes lawful. Currently, 38 states over whelmingly have determined that same sex marriage is not moral and therefore not lawful. 70% of the residents of Oklahoma agreed to the state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and disallowing consideration of those marriages performed in other states.

The application of the term 'bigot' has become part of the new mantra for the left. It is a variation of the 'racist' label... when you run out of arguements you drag it out.
It's when Homosexuals such as yourself post things like that avatar, that you put your Cause that much further back...

Why do you want to Offend those who Believe in God?... Not all of them are Intolerant of you and your Lifestyle...

Shameful. :thup:



If they aren't intolerant and have more than one or two brain cells to rub together, they won't be offended...they'll laugh.

How do you know my avatar isn't true? Did you ask god?

Look like it's "Gotta convince myself and others that I'm straight and gay is bad" Rampage time, Seawytch. Sit back and enjoy the show like I do.

Awe... Bodey has time to call me a Fag, but she's to much of a Coward to go back here and deal with this:




I just love it when someone says: "I don't want your religion involved in my government. I don't want your religious beliefs imposed on ME!" Such righteous indignation... such B.S.

If a man steals a loaf of bread and is hungry, it doesn't matter, it is THEFT. But, it is my morals, my religion that says that the law may not apply in this instance. It is my morals that says that the man stole the bread because he is hungry and therefore needs the bread. It is my morals, my religion that pays for the bread so that the man can eat. Morals and therefore religion, enter into the law and the interpretation of that law from almost the beginning. It is fantasy to assume that religion is not somehow part of the law. Likewise, if a man receives help and then continues to steal for no apparent reason, then application of the law would occur, possibly from the first instance. Morality applied as law, once again.

If a person believes that same-sex marriage is viable and laws are crafted that reflect that belief, then that persons morals or religion, or even their lack of religion, is then imposed on me. The arguement has been made that it is not the same. Nice try, but such a hollow arguement. The imposition of morals, or lack of them, by law has occured from the beginning of time. We do not allow for assisted suicide. You cannot go to a doctor (assuming that there are no relatives for this person) and announce that you want to be dead and then pay for that doctor to assist you in killing yourself. Logically, no other party is injured. But morally, we find it unethical for a doctor to assist in intentionally taking a life.

In a democracy or representative republic, IF a majority of the people decide that something should be legal and therefore moral, it becomes lawful. Currently, 38 states over whelmingly have determined that same sex marriage is not moral and therefore not lawful. 70% of the residents of Oklahoma agreed to the state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and disallowing consideration of those marriages performed in other states.

The application of the term 'bigot' has become part of the new mantra for the left. It is a variation of the 'racist' label... when you run out of arguements you drag it out.

Your long well written post is based on the false premise that Americs is the land of mob rule. It is not. It is a nation of laws. The law is meant to protect the rights of ALL, not just the popular.

Our nations first law says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Your religion does not pay for the bread, to use your lame metaphor. The law does.

Either you respect our Constitution, or you don't. If you don't, move, because we aren't changing the first amendment to suit your prejudice.
If a man steals a loaf of bread and is hungry, it doesn't matter, it is THEFT.
Yes someone stealing is the same thing as you forcing everyone top follow your religious doctrines..
Whats next you going totell us we must go to chruch because murder is murder.

If a person believes that same-sex marriage is viable and laws are crafted that reflect that belief, then that persons morals or religion, or even their lack of religion, is then imposed on me.
Plz exlpain how allowing other to marry is impossing marriage on you
Making it so you can't force everyone to marry who you want is not restricting your freedoms
So come back when your argument isn't "if I cant force you do do what I want then we will have no freedom"

E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y, even wingnuts will evolve...

The "Tradition of Marriage" is based in our Natural Design.

Man and Woman Create Life... Marriage is a Reflection of this Fact.

Homosexual Coupling and Heterosexual Coupling are NOT Equal Naturally...
Correct because kids raised by gays turn out better then kids raised by straights
Ignoring Facts, Right-Wing Media Attack Same-Sex Parenting | Media Matters for America
^Children raised by LGBT parents fare better than other children due to LGBT being more accepting, also LGBT parents are more likely to be nurturing and motivated to participate and parent their children

Can the kids be alright if they are gay too?
^Research on children raised by LGBTQ parents show that those children have better social and academic skills, with lower incidence of social problems than those raised by straight parents.
Kids with Lesbian Parents May Do Better Than Their Peers - TIME
^Research shows that Children raised by two Lesbian parents had higher self-esteem, confidence, performed better academically and were less likely to have behavioral problems.
Children Raised by Lesbians Do Just Fine, Studies Show | LiveScience
^Children raised by Lesbian parents had GPA about .2 higher (or 7%) than straight raised children

This isn't up for Debate, it's Illustrated in our Existence.

Life is only Possible with Natural Coupling.
Life is only possible with sex...
People who Choose to Defy their Natural Design and Equipment are not being Denied Rights...
Yes people choosing to be with those they love is totally unnatural
Some come back when you are not a retard bigot who thinks discriminating against others is a good idea
Bullshit.. it's just pointing out the stupidity of the argument that if you are opposed to gay marriage hen you hate gays. That's stupid... I am opposed to beastiality.. does this mean I hate animals?

And for the record, not all gays favor gay marriage you know.

Good grief.

IU see so you are such a retard that you think raping animals is the same as allowing gays to have the same rights straights have. The problem here is that you are a retard
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:
It brings back the days when experts said that children from divorced parents do better than children from intact families. If a parent really wants to do what's best for their children, they will get a divorce. That was in the 70s.

Now if parents really care about their children they will enter into a homosexual relationship. How did that work out for John Walker Lindh by the way?
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

I take it back. You're too ridiculous even for the Larry Craig's and Ted Haggarts of the world. You aren't real. You are Landover Baptist Church.
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

See this is your problem you are so illiterate that yo do not know the difference from better and perfect
It brings back the days when experts said that children from divorced parents do better than children from intact families. If a parent really wants to do what's best for their children, they will get a divorce. That was in the 70s.

Now if parents really care about their children they will enter into a homosexual relationship. How did that work out for John Walker Lindh by the way?

Source plz. oh wait you were just spouting bullshit no surprise
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

I take it back. You're too ridiculous even for the Larry Craig's and Ted Haggarts of the world. You aren't real. You are Landover Baptist Church.
Ridicule and slander all you want; but the Truth is the Truth. :cool:
Bullshit. Youve mistaken my distaste for your religion in my government as a condemnation of faith.

Your lack of understanding of history shows that your personal religious belief system has overrun your reason. Same sex marriage has existed long before Christianity even came to be. In ancient China and Europe same sex marriage was common. Not one but TWO Roman emporers took men as spouses, Nero and Elagabalus. Church weddings of same sex couples took place in Spain as far back as 1061.

The concept that marriage is between a single man and a single woman is a relatively new one in human history, no matter how much you may try to rewrite it to suit your present bigotry.

Again you resort to lies. I know a lot more about history than you do and your posting is nothing but a collection of lies.

You're fooling yourself

Classics Newsletter Winter 2004

Same-Sex Unions throughout Time: A History of Gay Marriage

History is no lie.

From your link:

This short paper argues two propositions. First, although the participants in Roman same-sex weddings clearly took the proceedings seriously, they almost certainly did not regard such a wedding ceremony as a prelude to legitimate Roman marriage, which in any case would certainly not have resulted from such a ceremony. Second, when we probe more deeply into the relationship between the Roman wedding ceremony and legitimate marriage, a possibility of some interest emerges: the Romans, encouraged by the structure of legal rules concerning marriage, may have come to understand wedding ceremonies as a ritual that could be and was formally detached from legitimate marriage; and so the ceremony could be conducted when there was occasion to invoke, by way of forceful analogy, the broader social institution of marriage, but without making any necessary or specific claim to legitimate marriage itself. In the case of same-sex weddings, this possibility is interesting because it implies that the male participants in Roman same-sex weddings did not necessarily view legitimate marriage (or some semblance of legitimate marriage) as even the desired outcome of their ceremony.

They went thru the motions like many same sex couples do today, but it was not regarded legal or 'legitimate'.
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

So....this is why you have a beef with gays. Hmmmmm.
It brings back the days when experts said that children from divorced parents do better than children from intact families. If a parent really wants to do what's best for their children, they will get a divorce. That was in the 70s.

Now if parents really care about their children they will enter into a homosexual relationship. How did that work out for John Walker Lindh by the way?

Source plz. oh wait you were just spouting bullshit no surprise

Really? Linkee.
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

In England it hasn't gone to removing children from intact families but homosexuals looking to be foster parents are given preference, and families that practice a religion are prohibited completely.

UK Judges Rule Against Christian Adoption | Bible Prophecy Blog
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

In England it hasn't gone to removing children from intact families but homosexuals looking to be foster parents are given preference, and families that practice a religion are prohibited completely.

UK Judges Rule Against Christian Adoption | Bible Prophecy Blog

Bible Prophecy Blog.....:lol::lol::lol:
According to Starcraftzzz homo parents are perfect.

And normal herto parents have No clue what they are doing; and basically shouldn't be allowed to raise children.

Next up on the gay agenda; will be forcing normal hetro parents by law to turn over their kids to homo couples for correct and approved child rearing. :doubt:

In England it hasn't gone to removing children from intact families but homosexuals looking to be foster parents are given preference, and families that practice a religion are prohibited completely.

UK Judges Rule Against Christian Adoption | Bible Prophecy Blog

Bible Prophecy Blog.....:lol::lol::lol:

So Gervais... Are you Claiming it didn't happen?


Here in Middle East, gay marriage is never accepted. Gay is not accepted

Ironically... Even though it's Law in many of those Countries under Islam, Bodecea will Excuse that Religion while they Execute her Gay Sisters and Brothers for simply being "out"...

At the same time she will Accuse Catholics here in the States of Advocating for Pedophile Rights...

Amazing how Shitty a Human being can be, eh?...



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