If you are agaianst gay marriage, you're a BIGOT!

As if all the troubles our country is having are suddenly solved and the most important matter now is our president's stance in gay marriage. I personally don't care what a man likes to do with his his ass, and whether they should be allowed to legally marry or not. It's not even worth my time, I've know many gays and they seem to be just like straights, there's good and bad in them. But to suddenly make this issue center stage of what is happening to our country? This is obviously another head fake, a distraction and a diversion from the disastrous epic fail this president has been both domestically and internationally since he took office. And the media is doing a great job of assisting him.

It does however, highlight who this man is, and what his views generally are. As predicted before he got elected, he's a radical blame America socialist anti capitalist who's done nothing but divide the people of this country. And boy has he come through with flying colors. The sooner we vote this deceptive traitor out of office the better.

Exactly. Everyone from Adam to Noah, Moses, Mohammed, Bambi, is bigoted. We are all wrong, the Gay community has never been more right. :eusa_shhh: It's a Secret. :eusa_whistle:

Yep, yep, yep, yep and no. All ignorant mo fo's of their time....

I think they suffered from a deficiency, relating to Perverse Thought. Shame on them. :eusa_drool:

Seriously though, what you do behind closed doors is not my business. I can relate to valid issues, concerning Civil Liberties, and what we consider basic Family Rights, in relation to Hospital Visits, Domestic Partner Issues, and the like. That transcends Gay issues to me. There are protections you should be afforded, by Law, because you are Human, especially in relation to Immediate Household. These are Legislative issues. Civil Unions, I have no problem with, personally, in a committed relationship, the equivalent of Marriage? No problem. Teaching Children that the choice between Sexual Preference is the like to choosing between vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Fail. You should know better than that. Shit like NAMBLA should be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I don't like the idea homo's being married like straight people.
2. Its sacrilegious!
3. And takes away the sanctity of marriage making them and us equal.
4. If thinking this way makes me a bigot, so be it.
5. And if you don't like it, *go fuck yourself*! :badgrin:


I don't like the idea of someone like you marrying. But, despite that...I certainly would not do anything to try to change the law to prevent your legal right to marry.

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for reprobate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:


I don't want to be on an equal footing with you either. That would be setting my sights too low.
Teaching Children that the choice between Sexual Preference is the like to choosing between vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Fail. You should know better than that. Shit like NAMBLA should be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.

Except that nobody is teaching children that sexual orientation is like choosing a flavor of ice cream.

And NAMBLA, really? :rolleyes:
Teaching Children that the choice between Sexual Preference is the like to choosing between vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Fail. You should know better than that. Shit like NAMBLA should be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.

Except that nobody is teaching children that sexual orientation is like choosing a flavor of ice cream.

And NAMBLA, really? :rolleyes:

It was an example of how children they aren't specially taught that gay life is like choosing ice cream
Teaching Children that the choice between Sexual Preference is the like to choosing between vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Fail. You should know better than that. Shit like NAMBLA should be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.

Except that nobody is teaching children that sexual orientation is like choosing a flavor of ice cream.

And NAMBLA, really? :rolleyes:

It was an example of how children they aren't specially taught that gay life is like choosing ice cream

Who says "choosing a gay life" is like choosing ice cream? Besides you, that is.
Exactly. Everyone from Adam to Noah, Moses, Mohammed, Bambi, is bigoted. We are all wrong, the Gay community has never been more right. :eusa_shhh: It's a Secret. :eusa_whistle:

Yep, yep, yep, yep and no. All ignorant mo fo's of their time....

I think they suffered from a deficiency in Perverse Thought. Shame on them. :eusa_drool:

Seriously though, what you do behind closed doors is not my business. I can relate to valid issues, concerning Civil Liberties, and what we consider basic Family Rights, in relation to Hospital Visits, Domestic Partner Issues, and the like. That transcends Gay issues to me. There are protections you should be afforded, by Law, because you are Human, especially in relation to Immediate Household. These are Legislative issues. Civil Unions, I have no problem with, personally, in a committed relationship, the equivalent of Marriage? No problem. Teaching Children that the choice between Sexual Preference is the like to choosing between vanilla or chocolate ice cream? Fail. You should know better than that. Shit like NAMBLA should be dealt with, with extreme prejudice.

Intense grumps a foreigner how can you have a discussion with someone who doesn't have the same rights as Americans do? It's hard enough to talk with American liberals but foreign liberals is impossible.
Except that nobody is teaching children that sexual orientation is like choosing a flavor of ice cream.

And NAMBLA, really? :rolleyes:

It was an example of how children they aren't specially taught that gay life is like choosing ice cream

Who says "choosing a gay life" is like choosing ice cream? Besides you, that is.

It's a choiceI never said it was like choosing ice cream I said intense was using it as an example
Sorry bout that,

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for reprobate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:

James of (not ironically) Texas, it is my most sincere wish that you live a long life...at least a few more years so you will get to see marriage equality across our 50 wonderful states. It will be a reality and it won't be long. Hope you last!

1. If that ever happens, you can rest assured this Nation will fail.
2. We will drop to a third world level.
3. Or worse.
4. God who blessed this Nation may have to curse it, and wipe the slate clean to rid this part of the globe of evil peoples in order to make it useful again, with *new growth*.
5. The cliff edge nears, and if we go over I will not include myself, your type will all see the pit, and be torn up over it.
6. You make your choices and make your bets, its just too bad your bet will come back *snake eyes*.
7. *Sodom and Gomorrah II* may just be around the corner for the whole earth.
8. I will wait and see.:eusa_shifty:

You chose to be straight...when did you make that choice?

The day I was born I've been fucking since I was 5

I would be banned to ask who you were "fucking" since you were 5.

But I think it's important to point it out and let everyone else draw their own conclusions on the age of who you would do that to at the age of 5.

Neighbor hood girls The older girls 10 too sixteen always wanted me around for some reason.
Sorry bout that,

1. If you are a homo, thats the breaks, tough shit.
2. I don't want you people on equal footing with me.
3. Now why would I?
4. Marriage is sacred, not for reprobate minds or lives.
5. Why would decent people want to be shackled together with you?
6. We don't want to be looked upon as in agreement with your kind of debauchery.
7. Face it, people who are homos, are perverts.
8. This world is founded upon principles, moral ones, and homos are left out of the loop when it comes to them.
9. No, you can *go and fuck yourself*, we won't be willing to accept the homo into our group of normal people.
10. This is the truth, I didn't make the truth, just reporting on it.
11. No hard feelings, and rots of ruck,.....:badgrin:

James of (not ironically) Texas, it is my most sincere wish that you live a long life...at least a few more years so you will get to see marriage equality across our 50 wonderful states. It will be a reality and it won't be long. Hope you last!

1. If that ever happens, you can rest assured this Nation will fail.
2. We will drop to a third world level.
3. Or worse.
4. God who blessed this Nation may have to curse it, and wipe the slate clean to rid this part of the globe of evil peoples in order to make it useful again, with *new growth*.
5. The cliff edge nears, and if we go over I will not include myself, your type will all see the pit, and be torn up over it.
6. You make your choices and make your bets, its just too bad your bet will come back *snake eyes*.
7. *Sodom and Gomorrah II* may just be around the corner for the whole earth.
8. I will wait and see.:eusa_shifty:


This nation will not fail. It did not fail with the 13th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the 19th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (some said it would). It only became greater. You are a person who believes in EXCLUSION.....This is a country of INCLUSION. I'm not surprised to see you talk doom and gloom....you've got to be miserable living here.

E-V-E-N-T-U-A-L-L-Y, even wingnuts will evolve...

Rush has never said that about gay marriage first of all.

And everyone of those issues in your cartoon were fueled by republicans.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

James of (not ironically) Texas, it is my most sincere wish that you live a long life...at least a few more years so you will get to see marriage equality across our 50 wonderful states. It will be a reality and it won't be long. Hope you last!

1. If that ever happens, you can rest assured this Nation will fail.
2. We will drop to a third world level.
3. Or worse.
4. God who blessed this Nation may have to curse it, and wipe the slate clean to rid this part of the globe of evil peoples in order to make it useful again, with *new growth*.
5. The cliff edge nears, and if we go over I will not include myself, your type will all see the pit, and be torn up over it.
6. You make your choices and make your bets, its just too bad your bet will come back *snake eyes*.
7. *Sodom and Gomorrah II* may just be around the corner for the whole earth.
8. I will wait and see.:eusa_shifty:


This nation will not fail. It did not fail with the 13th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the 19th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (some said it would). It only became greater. You are a person who believes in EXCLUSION.....This is a country of INCLUSION. I'm not surprised to see you talk doom and gloom....you've got to be miserable living here.

1. It will fail, plagues will follow.
2. The worst kind.
3. Making those plagues that once were seem like nothing.
4. I love America the way it is.
5. Well mostly, there is some things I would change.
6. Having homos walking around thinking they are accepted isn't on my bucket list.
7. I want them to get their asses back in the closet!
8. I have a happy life, married with children, and I intend on protecting that heritage, and the legacy I was afforded I intend to pass it on.
9. A homo has nothing worth while to pass on, and surely no heritage to pass on, a legacy has no meaning to homo, homos are useless, not worth my time.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If that ever happens, you can rest assured this Nation will fail.
2. We will drop to a third world level.
3. Or worse.
4. God who blessed this Nation may have to curse it, and wipe the slate clean to rid this part of the globe of evil peoples in order to make it useful again, with *new growth*.
5. The cliff edge nears, and if we go over I will not include myself, your type will all see the pit, and be torn up over it.
6. You make your choices and make your bets, its just too bad your bet will come back *snake eyes*.
7. *Sodom and Gomorrah II* may just be around the corner for the whole earth.
8. I will wait and see.:eusa_shifty:


This nation will not fail. It did not fail with the 13th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the 19th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (some said it would). It only became greater. You are a person who believes in EXCLUSION.....This is a country of INCLUSION. I'm not surprised to see you talk doom and gloom....you've got to be miserable living here.

1. It will fail, plagues will follow.
2. The worst kind.
3. Making those plagues that once were seem like nothing.
4. I love America the way it is.
5. Well mostly, there is some things I would change.
6. Having homos walking around thinking they are accepted isn't one my bucket list.
7. I want them to get their asses back in the closet!
8. I have a happy life, married with children, and I intend on protecting that heritage, and the legacy I was afforded I intend to pass it on.
9. A homo has nothing worth while to pass on, and surely no heritage to pass on, a legacy has no meaning to homo, homos are useless, not worth my time.


Ah...another disciple of the Landover Baptist Church. Poe's Law in action...
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

This nation will not fail. It did not fail with the 13th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the 19th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (some said it would). It only became greater. You are a person who believes in EXCLUSION.....This is a country of INCLUSION. I'm not surprised to see you talk doom and gloom....you've got to be miserable living here.

1. It will fail, plagues will follow.
2. The worst kind.
3. Making those plagues that once were seem like nothing.
4. I love America the way it is.
5. Well mostly, there is some things I would change.
6. Having homos walking around thinking they are accepted isn't one my bucket list.
7. I want them to get their asses back in the closet!
8. I have a happy life, married with children, and I intend on protecting that heritage, and the legacy I was afforded I intend to pass it on.
9. A homo has nothing worth while to pass on, and surely no heritage to pass on, a legacy has no meaning to homo, homos are useless, not worth my time.


Ah...another disciple of the Landover Baptist Church. Poe's Law in action...

1. Its no huge surprise you picked seawitch to be your moniker.
2. Believers don't want to be yoked up with you reprobates, so just sue me!!!!!!!!!.
3. Thats just simple facts.
4. I have the balls to say so, and have no PC Bullshit running in my head.
5. Homos should not be mainstream, EVER!!!!!!
6. If so we know God will destroy both you homos and us!
7. Not no but hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8. That is all.
9. And yes I speak for *ALL* Christians too!

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. If that ever happens, you can rest assured this Nation will fail.
2. We will drop to a third world level.
3. Or worse.
4. God who blessed this Nation may have to curse it, and wipe the slate clean to rid this part of the globe of evil peoples in order to make it useful again, with *new growth*.
5. The cliff edge nears, and if we go over I will not include myself, your type will all see the pit, and be torn up over it.
6. You make your choices and make your bets, its just too bad your bet will come back *snake eyes*.
7. *Sodom and Gomorrah II* may just be around the corner for the whole earth.
8. I will wait and see.:eusa_shifty:


This nation will not fail. It did not fail with the 13th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the 19th amendment (some said it would). It did not fail with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (some said it would). It only became greater. You are a person who believes in EXCLUSION.....This is a country of INCLUSION. I'm not surprised to see you talk doom and gloom....you've got to be miserable living here.

1. It will fail, plagues will follow.
2. The worst kind.
3. Making those plagues that once were seem like nothing.
4. I love America the way it is.
5. Well mostly, there is some things I would change.
6. Having homos walking around thinking they are accepted isn't on my bucket list.
7. I want them to get their asses back in the closet!
8. I have a happy life, married with children, and I intend on protecting that heritage, and the legacy I was afforded I intend to pass it on.
9. A homo has nothing worth while to pass on, and surely no heritage to pass on, a legacy has no meaning to homo, homos are useless, not worth my time.


We've already had a plague...it's called Texans....and we are surviving them too.

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