If You Are An American......

It is all good, everyone now knows the "free press" are Swamp Rat idiots.
There was a time when the press was the light shined on those tasked to carry out the people's wishes. No longer is this true.

The press has somehow fashioned itself to be the arbiter of all things, to be the judge of what the people need, rather than what the people want.

They have sold their souls to the powerful - they are no longer a check and balance. They are now willing co-conspirators in the drive for power and control.
Fox and Breitbart?
Rational thought and reasoning ... two things the left is clearly not familiar with.
......you ought to oppose the bullshit that our AG (who is guilty of lying under oath) said today regarding the issuing of subpoenas to members of the press.
Further proof of the contempt most on the right have for a free press.

Sessions is acting in bad faith, motivated by partisan politics, not a desire to serve the rule of law.

Sessions vows review of 'media subpoenas' amid ramped-up leak investigations
Actually, the right has contempt for abuse of the power of the free press ... we do not object to the free press, we object to it being used by the left as a tool to subvert American values.
......you ought to oppose the bullshit that our AG (who is guilty of lying under oath) said today regarding the issuing of subpoenas to members of the press.
Further proof of the contempt most on the right have for a free press.

Sessions is acting in bad faith, motivated by partisan politics, not a desire to serve the rule of law.

Sessions vows review of 'media subpoenas' amid ramped-up leak investigations
Actually, the right has contempt for abuse of the power of the free press ... we do not object to the free press, we object to it being used by the left as a tool to subvert American values.

Quit whining. It's not being used by the left. You fuckers are going to realize this someday.

You fucking have the WH and both houses of congress and a court shifted in your favor.

Stop whining about how the deck is stacked against you. You fucking baby.
......you ought to oppose the bullshit that our AG (who is guilty of lying under oath) said today regarding the issuing of subpoenas to members of the press.
Further proof of the contempt most on the right have for a free press.

Sessions is acting in bad faith, motivated by partisan politics, not a desire to serve the rule of law.

Sessions vows review of 'media subpoenas' amid ramped-up leak investigations
Actually, the right has contempt for abuse of the power of the free press ... we do not object to the free press, we object to it being used by the left as a tool to subvert American values.

Quit whining. It's not being used by the left. You fuckers are going to realize this someday.

You fucking have the WH and both houses of congress and a court shifted in your favor.

Stop whining about how the deck is stacked against you. You fucking baby.
When Obama was changing the press' freedoms, I'm sure you were outraged.
You mean how it is a proven incontrovertible fact that Obama directly wiretapped journalists; such as, James Rosen who was then labeled an enemy of the state under the espionage act without just cause?
It's Risen, and he was not implicated by the espionage act.

No it's James Rosen of Fox News not James Risen of the New York Times who was also under investigation but I'm talking about James Rosen not Risen, and you're wrong:

In 2013, the United States Department of Justice, under Attorney General Eric Holder, came under scrutiny from the media and some members of Congress for subpoenaing phone records from the Associated Press(AP) and naming Fox News reporter, James Rosen, a "criminal co-conspirator" under the Espionage Act of 1917 in order to gain access to his personal emails and phone records.

2013 Department of Justice investigations of reporters - Wikipedia

On May 17, 2013, the Washington Postreported the United States Department of Justice had monitored Rosen's activities by tracking his visits to the State Department, through phone traces, timing of calls and his personal emails.[7]

To obtain the warrants, the Justice Department said he was "accused in a Justice Department affidavit of being a possible criminal 'co-conspirator'" with Stephen Jin-Woo Kim. Fox News' executive Michael Clemente said, "We are outraged to learn today that James Rosen was named a criminal co-conspirator for simply doing his job as a reporter."[8] Attorney General Eric Holder personally signed off on the search warrant of Rosen, who was labeled a "flight-risk" to keep from being informed of the ongoing surveillance.[9] The Justice Department's methods have caused various analysts and others to express concerns that "aggressive investigation of classified leaks by government officials are having a chilling effect on news organizations' ability to play a watchdog role" according to USA Today.[10][11]Fox News contributor, former judge Andrew Napolitano, commented: "This is the first time that the federal government has moved to this level of taking ordinary, reasonable, traditional, lawful reporter skills and claiming they constitute criminal behavior."[12]

James Rosen (journalist) - Wikipedia

Your defense of the fascist Obama administration is truly sad especially given that you're not even talking about the right person.

He was issued a subpoena to testify against his informant who was indicted under the espionage act.

And if I'm not mistaken the wiretaps related to Risen occurred during the Bush administration. You can see how these things gain strength from one administration to the next. It's a sign of the times. The empire is in decay. It's rot clearly evident.

So aside from getting all the facts wrong, yes, you get my drift.

Lol you're not even talking about the right person kid genius.
Your defense of the fascist Obama administration is truly sad especially given that you're not even talking about the right person.
I'm clearly not here defending Obama.
Lol you're not even talking about the right person kid genius.
I was talking about James Risen, the person who wrote the op ed that I linked and you quoted.

I didn't quote anything about Risen I don't think I was talking about Rosen.
You quoted my link. Anyway, it is just a misunderstanding. I wasn't aware of James Rosen. Thank you for pointing it out.

I'm sure the OP, being the good citizen that he is, opposed the Obama administration's behavior and spoke out about it. Just as I'm sure republicans opposed the Bush administration's wiretapping of Risen at the time. :rolleyes-41:

I guess the point that was raised earlier in this thread was that partisans need to police their own and stop blaming the other side for things that they themselves turned a blind eye to.

And we should all be watching carefully how the Trump administration proceeds.

Source on the Bush wiretapping of Risen.
......you ought to oppose the bullshit that our AG (who is guilty of lying under oath) said today regarding the issuing of subpoenas to members of the press.
Further proof of the contempt most on the right have for a free press.

Sessions is acting in bad faith, motivated by partisan politics, not a desire to serve the rule of law.

Sessions vows review of 'media subpoenas' amid ramped-up leak investigations
Actually, the right has contempt for abuse of the power of the free press ... we do not object to the free press, we object to it being used by the left as a tool to subvert American values.

Quit whining. It's not being used by the left. You fuckers are going to realize this someday.

You fucking have the WH and both houses of congress and a court shifted in your favor.

Stop whining about how the deck is stacked against you. You fucking baby.
When Obama was changing the press' freedoms, I'm sure you were outraged.

What are you talking about? You've been dropping that turd all over.

Obama had an adversarial relationship with the press....like all presidents. He didn't do anything extraordinary regarding press freedom.

He sure as hell didn't try to get mobs worked up or convince idiots that everything that he doesn't like is fucking fake.

Spit it out already. What did Obama do?
......you ought to oppose the bullshit that our AG (who is guilty of lying under oath) said today regarding the issuing of subpoenas to members of the press.
Further proof of the contempt most on the right have for a free press.

Sessions is acting in bad faith, motivated by partisan politics, not a desire to serve the rule of law.

Sessions vows review of 'media subpoenas' amid ramped-up leak investigations
Actually, the right has contempt for abuse of the power of the free press ... we do not object to the free press, we object to it being used by the left as a tool to subvert American values.

Quit whining. It's not being used by the left. You fuckers are going to realize this someday.

You fucking have the WH and both houses of congress and a court shifted in your favor.

Stop whining about how the deck is stacked against you. You fucking baby.
When Obama was changing the press' freedoms, I'm sure you were outraged.

What are you talking about? You've been dropping that turd all over.

Obama had an adversarial relationship with the press....like all presidents. He didn't do anything extraordinary regarding press freedom.

He sure as hell didn't try to get mobs worked up or convince idiots that everything that he doesn't like is fucking fake.

Spit it out already. What did Obama do?
Let's start with his siezing records of the Associated Press.

I'm sure, being an American, you were outraged at that.
"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists
"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists

Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists

Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.
"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists

Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.

I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists

Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.

I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.

"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists

Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.

I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.


How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
"THE DEPARTMENT OF Justice secretly obtained phone records for reporters and editors who work for the Associated Press news agency, including records for the home phones and cell phones of individual journalists, according to the AP, in what the agency characterized as "serious interference with AP's constitutional rights to gather and report the news."

Obama Administration Secretly Obtains Phone Records of AP Journalists

Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.

I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.


How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
You're OP says (paraphrased) any good American should be outraged by this talk of subpoenaing the press. You weren't outraged when Obama actually did it.

Dunno if you're a good American or not. :dunno:
Cool. Now, how did that represent a change of policy or a broken law? What resulted from the congressional inquiry into that case? Was an FBI apology issued like the 2008 case which is similar but actually handled incorrectly?

SOP, pal.
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.

I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.


How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
You're OP says (paraphrased) any good American should be outraged by this talk of subpoenaing the press. You weren't outraged when Obama actually did it.

Dunno if you're a good American or not. :dunno:

You fool. Were any AP staff members brought up on charges? They subpoenad information. Why did they issue the subpoenas? What was the result of the congressional inquiry into the subpoenas?
So, you're only outraged when it's not a team mate.

Color me surprised.

I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.


How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
You're OP says (paraphrased) any good American should be outraged by this talk of subpoenaing the press. You weren't outraged when Obama actually did it.

Dunno if you're a good American or not. :dunno:

You fool. Were any AP staff members brought up on charges? They subpoenad information. Why did they issue the subpoenas? What was the result of the congressional inquiry into the subpoenas?
No no outrage by you when Obama actually subpoenaed the press, but you're outraged when this administration talks about it.
I'm outraged when the President has no respect for the 4th estate, calls them the enemy of the people and has told his AG to apply legal pressure to the media in order to stop the fucking news from being reported.

Obama never did that, guy. Trump is doing it every day.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.


How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
You're OP says (paraphrased) any good American should be outraged by this talk of subpoenaing the press. You weren't outraged when Obama actually did it.

Dunno if you're a good American or not. :dunno:

You fool. Were any AP staff members brought up on charges? They subpoenad information. Why did they issue the subpoenas? What was the result of the congressional inquiry into the subpoenas?
No no outrage by you when Obama actually subpoenaed the press, but you're outraged when this administration talks about it.

This is going nowhere. I may have been outraged in 2013. I honestly don't remember. Were you outraged? You must be. You are still discussing it 4 years later.
You're NOT outraged about the Obama administration's actual, secret, subpoenas of AP journalists' public and private records; but you ARE outraged about this administration's discussion of subpoenas.


How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
You're OP says (paraphrased) any good American should be outraged by this talk of subpoenaing the press. You weren't outraged when Obama actually did it.

Dunno if you're a good American or not. :dunno:

You fool. Were any AP staff members brought up on charges? They subpoenad information. Why did they issue the subpoenas? What was the result of the congressional inquiry into the subpoenas?
No no outrage by you when Obama actually subpoenaed the press, but you're outraged when this administration talks about it.

This is going nowhere. I may have been outraged in 2013. I honestly don't remember. Were you outraged? You must be. You are still discussing it 4 years later.
Yes, I was.

How outraged was AP? Did they sue? Was an apology issued?

Why were the subpoenas issued? Did you read your own link? It was a legitimate reason.

Trump calls the media fake. That's irresponsible and dangerous. You SHOULD be outraged by this. But instead you fully support it.

Try harder.
You're OP says (paraphrased) any good American should be outraged by this talk of subpoenaing the press. You weren't outraged when Obama actually did it.

Dunno if you're a good American or not. :dunno:

You fool. Were any AP staff members brought up on charges? They subpoenad information. Why did they issue the subpoenas? What was the result of the congressional inquiry into the subpoenas?
No no outrage by you when Obama actually subpoenaed the press, but you're outraged when this administration talks about it.

This is going nowhere. I may have been outraged in 2013. I honestly don't remember. Were you outraged? You must be. You are still discussing it 4 years later.
Yes, I was.



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