If you are considering getting the covid vax, or want your children to be injected with this serum, read this first.

I'm not anti vaxxer. I"m anti covid experimental drug. Dude. get yer head out yer crack and look at the info out there. YOU are letting them kill you. This is no vaxx. Your Congressmen are taking ivermectin. Fauci is no doubt taking it and has had no vaxx. You got a link that says otherwise?? THIS IS NOT ABOUT HEALTH. OPEN YOUR EYES FOR A CHANGE!!
Sure...you just sound like them
do you remember the nurse that was on camera and fainted 15 minutes after the vaxxine?

She's dead. She died that day.
This is a warning from the scientist who invented mRNA therapy, which is what our gov. is actually using as a vaccine:

Bullshit. You are scaremongering and an anti vaxxer Republican. Piss off.
Must be some other Dr. Malone? Not the one who knows of what he speaks. You know, the one who invented the platform...

Winger, just make sure everyone of reproductive age in your family gets the serum, k?

He did not "invent it". His experiments had drawn on the work of other researchers. In 1978 scientists had used liposomes to transport mRNA into mouse and human cells to induce protein expression.

Malone also has had nothing to do with mRNA since at least 1989.
Were you even aware of mRNA in 1989? Malone was. Now he warns that what they are using on us could be a worldwide mass population control exercise. Other scientists have echoed the same sentiment.
I trust Malones knowledge of mRNA more than I trust yours...
This is a warning from the scientist who invented mRNA therapy, which is what our gov. is actually using as a vaccine:

There are millions of such warnings already, as long peoples do nothing governments will continue to mandate deadly 'jabs'

Fact checking is as bias as our government media.
Is it a surprise the the FDA approved Pfizer? Do you think that is because the government agency believes it is safe?
Do you know that the # 6 most widely bought stock by Congress members is Pfizer?
Malone is one man who sounded the alarm. A scientist that worked on the serum at Pfizer sounded the same alarm about the effects on the reproductive system. So has the a former CEO of Pfizer.
Why is the government insisting that children, who recover from covid at a 99.9%, start getting these shots?
Why isn't our government gathering data on the link between spike proteins in overies and testicles and infertility? Israel is, and the data isn't good.
Why has our government banned every effective cure we have for covid????????? India announced it is covid free thanks to Ivermectin.
Our government sent this man made virus to China to gain specific functions. Why won't Fauci tell us what those functions were? Was one of them to trick our immune system to get it to avoid attacking the virus? Because it does.

Trust the government to do what is in your best interest, do you?
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