If you could vote today again today, who would you vote for?

I would vote for _________

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 42 63.6%
  • Jeb Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Joe Bidden

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Michelle Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Your choice

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Only choice was Hilldabeast or Trump. I would NOT vote for Hilldabeast.......................
I would vote for trump again because of the amount of entertainment I have enjoyed from watching the left wing have a complete meltdown. Priceless!
Wow, Trump is really kicking ass. One might think USMESSAGEBOARD is an inclusive organization, thereby Conservatives aren't weeded out for sake of liberal propaganda and indoctrination.
Wow, Trump is really kicking ass. One might think USMESSAGEBOARD is an inclusive organization, thereby Conservatives aren't weeded out for sake of liberal propaganda and indoctrination.

One might. It's good that deplorable people have an outlet for their true selves. Most of them don't have the courage to speak up in R/L.
A mock poll, pick the one you would vote for and explain why

I'd vote for someone with balls, someone not afraid to offend our worse, someone who would govern on behalf of our best, someone who isn't a part of the D.C. corruption, someone committed to putting American's first, someone who seeks to improve our quickly degrading society, someone who clearly understands that our neighbors to our south are actually our greatest terroists threat, someone with a genuine interest in building the wealth of DESERVING hard working REAL Americans, someone with NO interest in making life easier for our filthy lowest grade, someone who would work to Make America American Again.
Hmmm....I think I got my guy!
The more that Progs freak out that Trump is President, the happier I am that he is President.

I agree with this. Voted for Trump in November because he is just half-crazy, and the other choice was FULL DEPRAVITY.

And, would do so again, personality disorders and all, because I decided to judge his Presidency on how often he gave conniptions and apoplectic hissy fits to the Coastal Bolsheviks and Rotting City Whack-jobs. Whatever pisses off the Mica Bitch & her Morning Joe Butt-Boy, Howard Dean, Pocahuntas, Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Jack Tapper and everybody else on CNN, The New York Times, everybody on MSNBC, that Moonbeam Governor of Cali-Mexico----whatever pisses them off is Good for America.

Obviously, we can all agree, Conservatives and Marxists, that Don Trump gets an A+ under that standard.

I voted Trump last year, would vote Trump again today, will vote Trump in 2020, & will vote Trump FOREVER!!

:beer: :iagree: :welcome:
Paul was and is my favorite Republican. Cruz is more of a federalist, but I would have gladly voted for him given the chance.

Would sooner vote for a steaming pile of feces than any of the Dems.

Not a Trump fan so I voted libertarian, would do so again.
Shame the OP didn't include Webb. He might have been the best choice of all, and certainly the Democrats best choice.

As an Independent, this was a glaring example of what has become of the Democrat party. Webb would have been a real choice and a sane voice that could have appealed across party lines. The fix was in early for the Hag to the detriment of Bernie supporters who I'm sure stayed away in droves out of anger at such a blatantly rigged primary.

In the end there were only two choices: Don't vote or vote against a party that has so obviously deteriorated into depravity. A party that has nothing but utter contempt for normal Americans.

He understands our problems, and he has the balls to do something about them.


Riiiiiiiiiiiight --- this guy is gonna relate to "our problems".......


SMFH what the fuck is WRONG with people....
Envy rules your socialist life obviously... lol

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