If you didn't support Trump in 2016 do you regret it and will you support him in 2020

What was & is now your position on Trump

  • I voted for him in 2016 and will again.

  • I voted for someone else but will vote Trump this time.

  • I am a Democrat who will support him.

  • I'm a republican who wont support him.

  • I'm a troll who can't vote because you made the votes public

Results are only viewable after voting.
[Voted for him in 16 but won't in 20. As far as I am concerned I ain't voting for any presidential candidate in 20. Unless Tulsi gets the democrat nomination and that's a LONG shot I won't be voting for president or VP

Awwww....come on, Preacher, vote for Trump! We NEED you. :oops:
[Voted for him in 16 but won't in 20. As far as I am concerned I ain't voting for any presidential candidate in 20. Unless Tulsi gets the democrat nomination and that's a LONG shot I won't be voting for president or VP

Awwww....come on, Preacher, vote for Trump! We NEED you. :oops:
Nah that's okay. I have no illusions he won't win reelection the crop of demoncrats outside of Gabbard are WAY to far left for independents and moderates to consider voting for...so 4 more years of the bullshit artist is what we get. Maybe this time when he considers gun bans he won't back down, maybe all SLOW work on the wall stops completely....he's already refused to deal with social media giants censoring people, only federal employees got paid maternity leave, wants the most legal invaders ever, has yet to get us out of Afghanistan and keeps trying to pick a fight with Iran. NO THANKS!
donny is THE president. he's not MY president because he believes anybody that
criticizes him is the enemy. he's such a snowflake.
Who would you vote for in 2020? Do share? Warren? Sanders? LOL

the field is way too broad & i have more debates to watch. bernie is not really on my radar, nor is biden.

One of those two is likely to win the nomination. Will you then vote for them over Trump? I have no idea how anyone other than a free-loader could vote for Sanders.

i learned what voting 3rd party or not voting at all did in 2000. no, i will not vote for trump because i have watched his vile behavior for decades. his policies are detrimental.
Trump's policies are DIRECTLY responsible for 3 years of American success & prosperity which, as we all know, bugs the hell out of leftarded twats. Bill Maher made clear just how deep and all-consuming is their hate:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”

Maher prays for a recession that will hurt millions of Americans simply because his butt hurts. That kind of disdain & disloyalty - when turned into action - is seditious, especially among those sworn to uphold our laws and our constitution.

who the fuck cares what bill maher says?
Pioneer Courthouse Square in Portland Oregon and you could have copied and Googled it in less time than it took to type your STUPID response. Are you also dim enough to believe angry, bitter, petulant haters like you don't publicly burn the US flag?
i never said i didn't believe assholes on the left don't burn flags...
Then why did you bother to challenge the location of that flag burning? Even if it had been done in another country would it have changed the fact that your idiot leftarded comrades - like you - are just petulant little children having childish hissy-fits?

Yanno ... you've made clear that you just aren't very bright.

nice try - - - but it was a bad deflection on yer part .

'leftarded comrades' lol....is that the flipside of 'republithugs'? <----- now those are childish.
Without honor? How are they any LESS honorable than the democratic party? How about name a democrat that is "honorable."
I will admit, I am less than impressed with the honor involved in tactics applied to Kavanaugh. Maybe failure to even allow a hearing for Obama's supreme court nominee for 10 months prior to the election is when both sides decided the gloves came off.

Or how the left absolutely demonizes any republican running for office - Sara Palin, Romney, McCain, etc., etc. I mean, they were really brutal to Sara Palin and her family, even going so low as to make fun of her disabled baby boy. Yuck, they are just disgusting, have absolutely NO integrity or honor and never had, since I've been following politics. They push identity politics on us constantly, and don't you DARE disagree. I've had it with them.
Chrisi, she fit in with the new nutball right. You could (if you felt charitable) say she was ahead of her time. I thought she was a flake, and I'm was not part of the left. A lot of people like me were on the, the McCain Train, had donated. thought highly of him, and then this move out of nowhere. It was poor judgement and an unforced infield error.

Why do you say that about her? Because she is a religious, family oriented woman? Her policies were right in line with McCain's which is why he chose her as a running mate (and because she was a woman).
Because she’s a perfect prologue to modern Republican Party. A perpetual victim who is also always on the attack. She doesn’t care what’s real, just what she wants to be real. And, no matter how stupid she sounds, the base sticks up for her rather than admit it.

McCain knew next to nothing about her. She was picked impulsively as his campaign was struggling.

mccain only met her once or twice, never even vetted her.
putin appreciated yours.

OY Vey Didn't Bernie Sanders enjoy a honeymoon in the USSR? Your guy...bernie sanders.

oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

I don’t care what he builds in Russia. But a honeymoon with the communists...from your Bernie Sanders. Oy vey. How much obvious can you be?

wipe the cheeto dust off yer lips.

You’ve moved from annoying to boring. Time to send you to the no shellfish section of the ignore room.

anytime a rw nutter says i'm on iggy, i wear itas a badge of honor.
ba byeeeeeeee....
OY Vey Didn't Bernie Sanders enjoy a honeymoon in the USSR? Your guy...bernie sanders.

oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

I don’t care what he builds in Russia. But a honeymoon with the communists...from your Bernie Sanders. Oy vey. How much obvious can you be?

wipe the cheeto dust off yer lips.

You’ve moved from annoying to boring. Time to send you to the no shellfish section of the ignore room.

Buy her a drink and she'll sing a different tune.

meth.... buy me meth.
Yes. Who could forget the vicious attack on Palin by asking her what she reads.

She shifts blame for her gaffes (if we want to be generous) by becoming the victim.

Good Lord, who cares about what she reads? A lot of people do not read the newspapers anymore. In fact, I would say that most young people do not read the newspapers. They get their news from alternatives sources, and that is fine. That is not outrageous, but the leftists sure tried to make everyone think it was.

Maybe you don’t care, but it’s a relevant question to me. More to the point, it wasn’t so much what she reads as how she responded. The deer in the headlights, stammering nonsensical response was an embarrassment. To distract, they pushed a narrative that the question itself was an attack on her.

That’s being a perpetual victim. Not because you’re actually a victim, but to cover for your own shortcomings. Trump does it too.

Meanwhile, Obama was asked what kind of underwear he preferred!

But we do know what Obama was reading.

View attachment 301500

An excellent book. Has anyone seen Trump ever touch a book?

After the Gold Rush

byMarie Brenner
September 1990

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.

“Did your cousin John give you the Hitler speeches?” I asked Trump.

Trump hesitated. “Who told you that?”

“I don’t remember,” I said.

“Actually, it was my friend Marty Davis from Paramount who gave me a copy of Mein Kampf, and he’s a Jew.” (“I did give him a book about Hitler,” Marty Davis said. “But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”)

After the Gold Rush
Good Lord, who cares about what she reads? A lot of people do not read the newspapers anymore. In fact, I would say that most young people do not read the newspapers. They get their news from alternatives sources, and that is fine. That is not outrageous, but the leftists sure tried to make everyone think it was.

Maybe you don’t care, but it’s a relevant question to me. More to the point, it wasn’t so much what she reads as how she responded. The deer in the headlights, stammering nonsensical response was an embarrassment. To distract, they pushed a narrative that the question itself was an attack on her.

That’s being a perpetual victim. Not because you’re actually a victim, but to cover for your own shortcomings. Trump does it too.

Meanwhile, Obama was asked what kind of underwear he preferred!

But we do know what Obama was reading.

View attachment 301500
OMG..I can't believe it!!! We once had a literate and curious president. It seems so long ago...

Literate and curious. Interesting way to put it. Lol!

Trump has read and authored a few books himself!

no he didn't. he hired ghost writers. tony schwartz authored 'art of the deal'.

you really don't know much, do you?

ya ya ya - that tired old non important meme, yet again.

tell me when is obama gonna get around to all that there flexibility 'eh? i mean c'mon.... that was years ago & still no cahooting with russia ever came of it

ummmm - in FACT, what obama DID do was impose sanctions AND throw out the roooskie spies out of the country, AND closed down their compounds.

president puppet had to be forced to sign a veto proof legislative sanctions bill against russia; written up by congress because he has bent so far over to grab his ankles for pootey poot, he dun fell over!
Oh okay, President Trump is just a dummy who has never read a book. Talk about hyperbole. AS much as some of you hate Trump, he is not stupid. He wouldn't be where he was today if he was stupid. And if he IS stupid, as you claim, then he is one hella hard worker to be where he is today.

He certainly acts stupid. Who said you have to be intelligent to win an election? All you really have to do is be persuasive. Trump is very persuasive. He got to where he is today by being able to convince people to give him money (although being born rich doesn’t hurt).

Okay, you just don't want to give him ANY credit for anything. I understand. It is called TDS.

donny sure can get top billing for selling snake oil to dupes all his life.
She always struck me as an inexperienced, uneducated flake somebody foolishly invited to the big stage. A starter, but not a finisher (except for finishing McCain), the first majorly unqualified inexperienced populous candidate on their major party ticket.

How was she any more unqualified than Obama?
Educationally and intellectually, to say the least. I did not know you held him in that high esteem.

I never said Obama was dumb. That is what makes people like him so dangerous.
I admit highly educated and trained people can more efficiently screw you over, but idiots in command are never to be counted on. They never learned to discipline their mind and often their emotions.

I don't think Donald Trump is as much an idiot as you think he is. A blow hard? Sure. Arrogant? Sure. Gets irritated and says some stupid things sometimes? Sure.

Who would you vote for in 2020? Do share? Warren? Sanders? LOL

the field is way too broad & i have more debates to watch. bernie is not really on my radar, nor is biden.

One of those two is likely to win the nomination. Will you then vote for them over Trump? I have no idea how anyone other than a free-loader could vote for Sanders.

i learned what voting 3rd party or not voting at all did in 2000. no, i will not vote for trump because i have watched his vile behavior for decades. his policies are detrimental.
Trump's policies are DIRECTLY responsible for 3 years of American success & prosperity which, as we all know, bugs the hell out of leftarded twats. Bill Maher made clear just how deep and all-consuming is their hate:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”

Maher prays for a recession that will hurt millions of Americans simply because his butt hurts. That kind of disdain & disloyalty - when turned into action - is seditious, especially among those sworn to uphold our laws and our constitution.

who the fuck cares what bill maher says?
HBO and his millions of viewers. Have another.
I am trying to help.

Don't bother. It's a lost cause. That poster is a perfect example of why I hate leftists.

tsk tsk, you make jesus cry.

YOU need help.
She is on a bender. Ignore her.

you shoulda made me into a meth head for better dramatic effect, instead. :113:
That would be a lie. But you being a drunk is the truth. Have another.
I am a Conservative that didn't vote for Trump in 2016.

I didn't vote for him because I am purist that will not vote for anybody that will continue with a bloated fiscally irresponsible welfare state.

I was correct because Trump grew the size of government and the debt and continued with the welfare state.

However, in relative terms Trump has been a great President. The best in my lifetime. Although he doesn't have the courage to significantly reduce the size of the Federal government he has really strengthen the economy and has made tremendous improvements in many areas such as trade. He has undone a lot of the damage done by that worthless asshole Obama.
oh so now bernie is my guy? keep breathing in that methane!!!!

donny loves russia. wants to build a tower there - he's been bending over & grabbing his ankles for the roooskies for years.

I don’t care what he builds in Russia. But a honeymoon with the communists...from your Bernie Sanders. Oy vey. How much obvious can you be?

wipe the cheeto dust off yer lips.

You’ve moved from annoying to boring. Time to send you to the no shellfish section of the ignore room.

Buy her a drink and she'll sing a different tune.

meth.... buy me meth.
Have another. Have another. Vote for Bernie.

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