If You Ever Doubted We're Heading Toward Fascism....

Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
where'd you get all those rules...? seems to me that when you losers are losing the argument you always resort to picky rules....this is just a messageboard not a formal debate situation...
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
where'd you get all those rules...? seems to me that when you losers are losing the argument you always resort to picky rules....this is just a messageboard not a formal debate situation...

Is that your way of saying that facts don't matter?
Chico, your pathetic protests are nothing but pitiful drivel.....haven't you ever read a book Chiico...?
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but your an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!

aw Chico i'm hurt....not
Thank you for the confirmation of your empty vessel status!

BTW, Chica is Español for a girl or young woman; GENDER you dumb fuck! Chico is a proper name. And you have the fucking gall to ask me if I've ever read a book? Are you a pud pounding, sheep chasing Texan or just starved for attention?
chico means boy in spanish, culo......try reading a spanish dictionary.....
Hot damn, you're learning to think, puta!
The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?

The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.

As the saying goes, to know what the Left is doing.....see what they blame the other side for.

Hence, you fabrication..."...you kill The Truth..."

I'd ask you....as I have every other dunce who tries that claim, why you haven't provided any examples of same....
...but we both know why.

If, by some inexplicable and bizarre confluence of rare and random events, some element of truth should ever pass your lips....

...nah....that's silly.

the 'left"? While you are not defining fascism you may as well not define the left.

The shoe fits, doesn't it.
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
where'd you get all those rules...? seems to me that when you losers are losing the argument you always resort to picky rules....this is just a messageboard not a formal debate situation...

Is that your way of saying that facts don't matter?
i gave him my definitions......seems he doesn't want to deal with them....
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
where'd you get all those rules...? seems to me that when you losers are losing the argument you always resort to picky rules....this is just a messageboard not a formal debate situation...

"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?

They retreat from argument, burning the English language as they go."
Ann Coulter
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
where'd you get all those rules...? seems to me that when you losers are losing the argument you always resort to picky rules....this is just a messageboard not a formal debate situation...

"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?

They retreat from argument, burning the English language as they go."
Ann Coulter

Since you routinely have no idea what you're talking about, that seems a perfectly logical response.
This is why the far righties always lose and then start screaming and shitting in the corner.

Rush himself says that words have meanings, real accepted meanings.

PC made an OP about fascism and refused to define what it meant.

That's stupid, not worthy of respect. Screamer's nonsense is unworthy.

Define the terms, folks.
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
where'd you get all those rules...? seems to me that when you losers are losing the argument you always resort to picky rules....this is just a messageboard not a formal debate situation...

"Whenever liberals are in a tight spot, they adopt the scorched-earth policy of argumentation. With no answer, they start demanding that you define words: What do you mean “liberal”? What do you mean “democracy”? What do you mean “patriotism”?

They retreat from argument, burning the English language as they go."
Ann Coulter

That's hilarious, coming from the person who called Winston Churchill a Bolshevik.
Chico, your pathetic protests are nothing but pitiful drivel.....haven't you ever read a book Chiico...?
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but your an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!

aw Chico i'm hurt....not
Thank you for the confirmation of your empty vessel status!

BTW, Chica is Español for a girl or young woman; GENDER you dumb fuck! Chico is a proper name. And you have the fucking gall to ask me if I've ever read a book? Are you a pud pounding, sheep chasing Texan or just starved for attention?
chico means boy in spanish, culo......try reading a spanish dictionary.....
Hot damn, you're learning to think, puta!
as opposed to you.....marica...
10." .... the [Progressives/Fascists] group is using the modern Left’s favorite method of debate: silence the opposition.

The activists and the scientists allied with them are following the twelfth of Saul Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals”: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” ... the larger campaign to demonize David Koch and other conservatives, to deny them any public credit for their philanthropy, and to prevent any reputable institution from having anything to do with them. The goal is not only to punish David Koch for his support of conservative groups but also to intimidate other philanthropists.

....you will be banished from museums and respectable society.

In this fight, the science museums are just bystanders. If their budgets suffer, if their visitors end up paying higher admission fees or seeing fewer exhibits, that’s just collateral damage.
A dedicated leftist can excuse it as a small tradeoff to reach our glorious collective future.

.... the curators and scientists who have signed on to the cause have no excuse for the damage they’re doing. They’re supposed to give science priority over politics—or at least that used to be the professional ethic. These days, it’s looking as outdated as those dioramas from the 1950s." Exhibiting Bias

And everything City Journal wrote in this timely essay applies to every poster who tried to disagree.

This is a cautionary tale concerning your self-respect: do you support American values, or Fascism?
Are you a dedicated Leftist, or do you recognize the evil of oppressing your fellow countrymen?

You know the answer.
10." .... the [Progressives/Fascists] group is using the modern Left’s favorite method of debate: silence the opposition.

The activists and the scientists allied with them are following the twelfth of Saul Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals”: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” ... the larger campaign to demonize David Koch and other conservatives, to deny them any public credit for their philanthropy, and to prevent any reputable institution from having anything to do with them. The goal is not only to punish David Koch for his support of conservative groups but also to intimidate other philanthropists.

....you will be banished from museums and respectable society.

In this fight, the science museums are just bystanders. If their budgets suffer, if their visitors end up paying higher admission fees or seeing fewer exhibits, that’s just collateral damage.
A dedicated leftist can excuse it as a small tradeoff to reach our glorious collective future.

.... the curators and scientists who have signed on to the cause have no excuse for the damage they’re doing. They’re supposed to give science priority over politics—or at least that used to be the professional ethic. These days, it’s looking as outdated as those dioramas from the 1950s." Exhibiting Bias

And everything City Journal wrote in this timely essay applies to every poster who tried to disagree.

This is a cautionary tale concerning your self-respect: do you support American values, or Fascism?
Are you a dedicated Leftist, or do you recognize the evil of oppressing your fellow countrymen?

You know the answer.

lol, this idiot starts a thread about the coming fascism and then rants about Woodrow Wilson.
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but your an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!

aw Chico i'm hurt....not
Thank you for the confirmation of your empty vessel status!

BTW, Chica is Español for a girl or young woman; GENDER you dumb fuck! Chico is a proper name. And you have the fucking gall to ask me if I've ever read a book? Are you a pud pounding, sheep chasing Texan or just starved for attention?
chico means boy in spanish, culo......try reading a spanish dictionary.....
Hot damn, you're learning to think, puta!
as opposed to you.....marica...
Your latest is a profile in your mental development, or rather your lack thereof.

You just can't quite get off the ad hominem and get on to something substantive. You are an empty vessel and will remain such until that sieve of a mind of yours is capable of performing the process of cognitive awareness! That is something I've not encountered with you, and I don't believe I'll hold my breath waiting for the experience.

So how about it, are you or are you not capable of making substantive remarks to refute what I wrote in my #95 to Chica, which you fucking piggybacked in your #110 simply to attack with ad hominem? Or are you going to be a sycophantic fucking coward to stay in Chica's defective graces? The decision is yours to either finish what you cowardly started or continue to shank sheep, pendajo!
Before you begin, perhaps it would be helpful if you define what you mean by fascism?

Not today....
But, in deference to you, I will describe the opposite.

In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

PC - sorry to say I can rarely finish one of your posts. Just a style thing I guess. But this nails it.
The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.

As the saying goes, to know what the Left is doing.....see what they blame the other side for.

Hence, you fabrication..."...you kill The Truth..."

I'd ask you....as I have every other dunce who tries that claim, why you haven't provided any examples of same....
...but we both know why.

If, by some inexplicable and bizarre confluence of rare and random events, some element of truth should ever pass your lips....

...nah....that's silly.

the 'left"? While you are not defining fascism you may as well not define the left.

PC's 'left' is anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh.

PC isn't left or right, she's a narcissist and a misanthrope.

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