If You Ever Doubted We're Heading Toward Fascism....

Morons on display. They don't even know what fascism is and spend all day on a political message board telling us "facts".
Define the term. Hint: it is not socialism.
Same difference dumbass
You are so poorly educated. But if you incline to hard right conservatism or libertarianism, that would explain it.
Socialism requires lemmings like yourself... The ultimate goal of socialism is communism/fascism.
Some famous Russian said that... Lol
At this point, after all the nonsense you have promoted about both socialism and fascism, to have any credibility, you should be able to give your definitions of both, or at the very least, provide a link to an academic source that you are relying on to make such outrageous and uneducated claims. You are, after all, name calling others as being less informed and educated than yourself.
A dictator is a dictator... Most being socialists
Define the term. Hint: it is not socialism.
Same difference dumbass
You are so poorly educated. But if you incline to hard right conservatism or libertarianism, that would explain it.
Socialism requires lemmings like yourself... The ultimate goal of socialism is communism/fascism.
Some famous Russian said that... Lol
At this point, after all the nonsense you have promoted about both socialism and fascism, to have any credibility, you should be able to give your definitions of both, or at the very least, provide a link to an academic source that you are relying on to make such outrageous and uneducated claims. You are, after all, name calling others as being less informed and educated than yourself.
A dictator is a dictator... Most being socialists
OK, you are going to evade answering the question. That is kind of what I thought you would do. You just think you know stuff and expect others to believe you.
Same difference dumbass
You are so poorly educated. But if you incline to hard right conservatism or libertarianism, that would explain it.
Socialism requires lemmings like yourself... The ultimate goal of socialism is communism/fascism.
Some famous Russian said that... Lol
At this point, after all the nonsense you have promoted about both socialism and fascism, to have any credibility, you should be able to give your definitions of both, or at the very least, provide a link to an academic source that you are relying on to make such outrageous and uneducated claims. You are, after all, name calling others as being less informed and educated than yourself.
A dictator is a dictator... Most being socialists
OK, you are going to evade answering the question. That is kind of what I thought you would do. You just think you know stuff and expect others to believe you.
The fact remains most all dictators past and present were/are socialists.
Morons on display. They don't even know what fascism is and spend all day on a political message board telling us "facts".
Define the term. Hint: it is not socialism.
Same difference dumbass
You are so poorly educated. But if you incline to hard right conservatism or libertarianism, that would explain it.
fascism is the control of the means of production......socialism is the ownership of the means of production.....

Not at all. Try again.
simple but to the point definitions without all the additional garbage.....are they too close in meaning for your taste?....or maybe you can divulge to us peons your greater understanding....in simple words please...
Chico, your pathetic protests are nothing but pitiful drivel.....haven't you ever read a book Chiico...?
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but you're an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!
Last edited:
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
You are so poorly educated. But if you incline to hard right conservatism or libertarianism, that would explain it.
Socialism requires lemmings like yourself... The ultimate goal of socialism is communism/fascism.
Some famous Russian said that... Lol
At this point, after all the nonsense you have promoted about both socialism and fascism, to have any credibility, you should be able to give your definitions of both, or at the very least, provide a link to an academic source that you are relying on to make such outrageous and uneducated claims. You are, after all, name calling others as being less informed and educated than yourself.
A dictator is a dictator... Most being socialists
OK, you are going to evade answering the question. That is kind of what I thought you would do. You just think you know stuff and expect others to believe you.
The fact remains most all dictators past and present were/are socialists.
That is not a fact at all and it does not come even close to answering the question you were asked. You were asked to give definitions of socialism and fascism or provide links to academic sources that would explain or support your interpretations of those words/terms. Very simple and reasonable question. You are giving talking points about fascism and socialism and you are being asked to provide some evidence that your knowledge has been or is obtained by something other than indoctrination driven propaganda. The points you promote sound as if they are straight out of indoctrination driven propaganda used for disinformation, i.e, brainwashing. Again, it seems reasonable to request where this data you promote comes from or what it is based on.
Chico, your pathetic protests are nothing but pitiful drivel.....haven't you ever read a book Chiico...?
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but your an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!

aw Chico i'm hurt....not
As stated in the OP, every aspect of this secular society has become political....

And the particular political view in the ascendancy is FASCISM.

It may be called Liberalism, or Progressivism....but it is FASCISM.

9. "....the current campaign against Koch and other donors isn’t really about science or museums. It’s about politics.

... sponsored by a coalition of environmental and progressive groups, including MoveOn.org and the Working Families Party. It’s being led by a group calling itself The Natural History Museum, which sends a bus around the country with exhibits about “the socio-political forces that shape nature.”

The group is financed by various foundations promoting progressive causes like “the relationship between economics, racism, climate, gender and sexual orientation” (as one donor, Solidaire, describes its interests).

The Natural History Museum’s mission statement isn’t easy to understand—it reads like a sophomore trying to impress his Marxist professor of sociology—but it seems to be mainly about moving beyond the evils of “capitalist enterprises” to “a collective future.”
Exhibiting Bias

From the OP:

a. There is hardly any real science....what is pushed as science is a political agenda...e.g., environmentalism, global warming, and Darwin's theory.

Consider it proven.
Screamer, you can admit you are relying on propagandists from the far right for your knowledge instead of actually studying.
so....no great definitions from you?.....thought as much....
You have to give the definitions first. That is the OP's duty in affirmation. The negation has to wait for you to do what you are supposed to do. If you can't and won't, you lose.
Chico, your pathetic protests are nothing but pitiful drivel.....haven't you ever read a book Chiico...?
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but your an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!

aw Chico i'm hurt....not
Thank you for the confirmation of your empty vessel status!

BTW, Chica is Español for a girl or young woman; GENDER you dumb fuck! Chico is a proper name. And you have the fucking gall to ask me if I've ever read a book? Are you a pud pounding, sheep chasing Texan or just starved for attention?
...today's thread will convince you.

1. An article in today's City Journal ties together several of the themes I've propounded....

a. There is hardly any real science....what is pushed as science is a political agenda...e.g., environmentalism, global warming, and Darwin's theory.

b. The controlling political party...not only historically related to both Fascism and communism, aims for the same outcomes as its predecessors: remove any dissent from the public arena.
Marginalize, demonize, and silence 'em.

c. O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows. http://old.nationalreview.com/flashback/flashback-jos062603.asp

d. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxisttheoretician and founding member and one-time leader of theCommunist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

2. "A group of prominent scientists have united for an odd quest: to reduce funding for science education. They’ve joined with environmental groups and progressive activiststo demand that hundreds of museums of science and natural history “cut all ties with the fossil fuel industry and funders of climate science obfuscation,” which means rejecting donations or investment dividends from anyone who doesn’t meet their standard of purity.

3..... began last year by demanding that the American Museum of Natural History in New York have nothing to do with the industrialist David Koch, a major benefactor and member of the museum’s board of trustees for more than two decades. There was no evidence that Koch had influenced the content of any exhibit at the museum—donors are prohibited from involvement—but the activists got their wish this year ....

.... the activists are hailing it as a victory andpointing to other museums, including the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh and the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, that have divested themselves of fossil-fuel investments and banned donations from these companies."

Nearly 150 academics have signed on to the cause,...." Exhibiting Bias
Socialism is fascism

This post ^^^ is an example of the ignorance which is the dominant characteristic of the New Right. It provides evidence that the lies and distortions which drive the plutocrats agenda works, and as President Lincoln once described:

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
The New Right is composed primarily of those who can be fooled all of the time!
Most All the ruthless dictators of history were and are socialists...

Thanks so much for sharing.
Chico, your pathetic protests are nothing but pitiful drivel.....haven't you ever read a book Chiico...?
Well, fuck you very much, I'm sure.

Now if that's all you have and obviously can't defend your UNSUBSTANTIATED declaration given nothing but ad hominem, perhaps you should go fondle yourself, piss up a rope, take a self help class on self help for the uninspired or all three!

I note with interest that you have come to speak for the Chica, or Cynthia or whoever the fuck rather than letting her/it rise to her/its own defense regardless of her/its continual attacks, distortions and lies hurled at others. What makes that significant is that she will not confront the facts I've laid out displaying the phony, lying, deceitful, dishonest and hypocritical bitch she has proven over and over to be.

She will not respond to her/its lies and relies on sycophantic dupes to "defend her/its honor". Damn but your an idiot! You should feel rather dirty letting yourself be used in that manner and really fucking embarrassed to have responded with nothing at all to refute what I wrote. How long have you been a premature ejaculator?

Screaming Eagle...what a pretentious moniker.

Now, that is a lesson in ad hominem lad! The next time perhaps you'll have something worthwhile to rant about of substance rather than being used like a fucking manure fork!

aw Chico i'm hurt....not
Thank you for the confirmation of your empty vessel status!

BTW, Chica is Español for a girl or young woman; GENDER you dumb fuck! Chico is a proper name. And you have the fucking gall to ask me if I've ever read a book? Are you a pud pounding, sheep chasing Texan or just starved for attention?
chico means boy in spanish, culo......try reading a spanish dictionary.....
An OP that does not define terms fails from the beginning.

PC has refused to define terms. The thread is a failure.

The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?

The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.

As the saying goes, to know what the Left is doing.....see what they blame the other side for.

Hence, you fabrication..."...you kill The Truth..."

I'd ask you....as I have every other dunce who tries that claim, why you haven't provided any examples of same....
...but we both know why.

If, by some inexplicable and bizarre confluence of rare and random events, some element of truth should ever pass your lips....

...nah....that's silly.

the 'left"? While you are not defining fascism you may as well not define the left.
If you've ever doubted we were headed for fascism, your doubts were justified, because the RWnuts have been crying wolf about this for almost a century.
The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?

The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.

As the saying goes, to know what the Left is doing.....see what they blame the other side for.

Hence, you fabrication..."...you kill The Truth..."

I'd ask you....as I have every other dunce who tries that claim, why you haven't provided any examples of same....
...but we both know why.

If, by some inexplicable and bizarre confluence of rare and random events, some element of truth should ever pass your lips....

...nah....that's silly.

the 'left"? While you are not defining fascism you may as well not define the left.

PC's 'left' is anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh.

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