If You Ever Doubted We're Heading Toward Fascism....

"Facism" and other "isms" really only apply to specific time periods in history. The USA is currently under occupied "zionism." It really explains everything that is happening. And yes, the zionist lobby groups hate free speech like old time facists, communists, etc., but those terms are a distraction.


You must be a democrat.
As usual, the left uses misdirection and obsequiousness to deflect from the content of the real issue. Basically, we have spent 8 pages talking about everything EXCEPT the original thesis.

If we eliminate the extraneous, the uneducated Leftist drones would have no ability to post.
Hardcore left-wingers screaming RACISM! at every opportunity, hardcore right wingers doing the same with FASCISM! or SOCIALISM!....

It's amazing how similar their behaviors are.

I do wish the wingers would cut the silly hyperbole and find another hobby.

Does anyone think they're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

"It's amazing how similar their behaviors are."

Gee....you sure sound like a fence sitter.

Who selects your dining choices when you go out to a restaurant?
Are you the reason some menus have dart-holes in 'em?
Hardcore left-wingers screaming RACISM! at every opportunity, hardcore right wingers doing the same with FASCISM! or SOCIALISM!....

It's amazing how similar their behaviors are.

I do wish the wingers would cut the silly hyperbole and find another hobby.

Does anyone think they're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

"It's amazing how similar their behaviors are."

Gee....you sure sound like a fence sitter.

Who selects your dining choices when you go out to a restaurant?
Are you the reason some menus have dart-holes in 'em?
I'll ask again:

Do you think you're accomplishing anything with this stuff?
If you ever doubted we're heading toward nazism, just listen to one of PoliticalChic's rants against multiculturalism. And then watch Fox News until you are ready to don an armband.

Hardcore left-wingers screaming RACISM! at every opportunity, hardcore right wingers doing the same with FASCISM! or SOCIALISM!....

It's amazing how similar their behaviors are.

I do wish the wingers would cut the silly hyperbole and find another hobby.

Does anyone think they're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

"It's amazing how similar their behaviors are."

Gee....you sure sound like a fence sitter.

Who selects your dining choices when you go out to a restaurant?
Are you the reason some menus have dart-holes in 'em?
I'll ask again:

Do you think you're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

I've decided that you are the runaway winner for "Most Boring Poster."

Have you noticed that I propose a view, and document and support same with links, quotes, and sources?

How about your put some effort into your boring posts?
Hardcore left-wingers screaming RACISM! at every opportunity, hardcore right wingers doing the same with FASCISM! or SOCIALISM!....

It's amazing how similar their behaviors are.

I do wish the wingers would cut the silly hyperbole and find another hobby.

Does anyone think they're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

"It's amazing how similar their behaviors are."

Gee....you sure sound like a fence sitter.

Who selects your dining choices when you go out to a restaurant?
Are you the reason some menus have dart-holes in 'em?
I'll ask again:

Do you think you're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

I've decided that you are the runaway winner for "Most Boring Poster."

Have you noticed that I propose a view, and document and support same with links, quotes, and sources?

How about your put some effort into your boring posts?
That's okay, I never expect straight answers from folks like you.

By the way, I like your idea of throwing darts at menus. While that was obviously meant as some kind of insult, I never order the same thing twice, I always look for stuff I haven't tried before.

That's because I'm curious and always open to new ideas.

Obviously, you wouldn't understand.
Last edited:
An OP that does not define terms fails from the beginning.

PC has refused to define terms. The thread is a failure.

Is this your first time in a PC thread? She's gone over the subject repeatedly. Spend less time defending Obama and Statism and more time actually reading the OP
Read the posts, Frank, and stop blathering. She refused to define the term. She fails.

Note to new USMB'ers. Jake is an Obama and Statist First repsonder. Check any thread critical of his Ossiah and you'll often see Jake on the first page throwing himself in front of the incoming criticism with no regard to his own credibility

Jake has posted in about 1,000 thread originated by PC and he's yet to read a single OP. All he knows it that PC brilliantly reduces Statism down to it's anti-human failing and that act sets off Jake's Statist Defense Reflex.

You forgot to mention that he is also right...

This thread is a joke... Would someone on the right actually educate themselves as some of these posts are just embarrassing...

This thread is the same as it goes always...

RW nutter posts something...

Someone normal (in fairness Moderate Right guys as well) eventually actually checks the facts and reputes the OP...

There is a usual scramble by the RW nutter to either discredit the source(but not actually the facts of what was said), cloud the issue in irrelevant crap, etc....

Eventually the normal person gets them back on point and nails them down....

Then the insults start, if you are a moderate GOP, it is RINO, misguided, fool followed by all sorts of crap, if Democrat you are call stupid, lazy, thief....

The thin is the RW nutter thinks he is winning because we got more RW nutter on this forum than in real life... Cause the deluge of insults on the normal person from the RW nutters gets hot...

Of course a lot of them like Trump because he as ignorant of the facts like they are...
Hardcore left-wingers screaming RACISM! at every opportunity, hardcore right wingers doing the same with FASCISM! or SOCIALISM!....

It's amazing how similar their behaviors are.

I do wish the wingers would cut the silly hyperbole and find another hobby.

Does anyone think they're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

"It's amazing how similar their behaviors are."

Gee....you sure sound like a fence sitter.

Who selects your dining choices when you go out to a restaurant?
Are you the reason some menus have dart-holes in 'em?
I'll ask again:

Do you think you're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

I've decided that you are the runaway winner for "Most Boring Poster."

How ironic is that coming from the poster that has about 3 stupid themes and keeps rotating them in repetitive threads,

like a disc jockey with 3 records.
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more.

That's what these types do. There are a few on every board. They think if they repost the same sewage time after time, eventually everyone will stop bothering to refute its nonsense,

and then they can pretend they're winning the arguments.
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more.

That's what these types do. There are a few on every board. They think if they repost the same sewage time after time, eventually everyone will stop bothering to refute its nonsense,

and then they can pretend they're winning the arguments.

if anyone here pretends to be winning the arguments here it's the likes of you guys.....

your liberal belief systems won't allow you to face the reality of what's really going on in this country....we are becoming more and more like Europe with all of its various 'isms'.....including forms of fascism and socialism which the Democrat party constantly pushes.....

ole Bernie could be labelled more of a corporatist-fascist than a 'democratic' socialist (whatever the hell that is).......
I've decided that you are the runaway winner for "Most Boring Poster."

Have you noticed that I propose a view, and document and support same with links, quotes, and sources?

How about your put some effort into your boring posts?

Biting my tongue on the "Most Boring Poster" award.

That your links are to obscure right wing blogs making assertions based on false readings of the Constitution, and conservative revisionist history which attempts to claim as conservative every liberal advance of modern history makes them useless, at best. Constantly vilifying progessive ideas, clinging to a past that never was, while completing ignoring the lessons of recent history, namely 36 years of right-wing conservative economic policies that have completely wiped out the previous 50 years of middle-class gains, and returned the US to the oligarchy of the Gilded Age. Those who do not learn from their mistakes, are condemned to repeat them.

It was the socialism of unions which gave America its vibrant and thriving middle class. Note that the decline of the middle class began when Reagan began destroying the unions by declaring war on the flight controller's union. Union membership is at its lowest levels in decades, and as union membership has declined, so has middle-class income:

Redirect Notice

How about you writing your own posts instead of just cutting and pasting other people's ideas? I realized that original thinking is not your forte, but regurgitating the conservative bubble narrative just makes you look like a mindless parrot.
As all can see , the queen of cut and paste is at it once again.

Before you begin, perhaps it would be helpful if you define what you mean by fascism?

Now, now....don't be sloppy...being stupid is certainly bad enough!

My work is not largely 'cut and paste'.....

...I am far too astute and ethical for that to be the case..

The correct usage is 'cut, paste, and attribute.'

Unlike Liberal...I state the source of material I provide.


Of course, I can do this due to my tremendous education, and work ethic.

Now....compare that to your 'Liberal Plagiarism.' You use the talking points you glean from Obama, the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, Comedy Central,.... or CAIR.....and never give the source. It is a pretense that is is aimed at implying that you Liberals came up with the material on your own.....

...but we both know that you aren't capable of that: after all, you're a government school grad.

You are the Milli Vanilli of political discourse....lip-syncing Liberal outlets.
OH but you lie yet again claiming that a majority of your drivel is not cut & paste! Here is a sample of your recycling of SHIT via C&P I posted earlier at #60 that you somehow just bypassed without comment, like you were running away from it. Now that's not what "The Political Chic" from Long Island would do is it? How about what you said above:
Unlike Liberal...I state the source of material I provide.

That's a fucking bold face LIE! You cite books, even with page numbers of the quote sometimes, then the link goes to fucking Amazon.com where it will cost a packet to get the damn book to read it, you twit! But most of all you provide DEAD LINKS or links that your quotes simply have gone walk about or self-erased somehow. Anyway, here is my earlier post for your response if you have the guts to respond;

Hey Chica, your link doesn't work. As a matter of fact, that PDF doesn't exist on that website...one can go here and see it was never there; < Index of /pdfs >

However, I was able to locate what you wrote in several other locations. Here is one by yourself, PoliticalChick dated Dec 28, 2015;
< The Straight Line From Woodrow Wilson to Obama. >

Here are two others written by a blogger who styles herself as "The Political Chic" who even has the same avatar wearing those classy Space Panties and Cape for those long trips back to Krypton, dated Apr 29, 2014 and Sep 20, 2015 respectively;
< The Way I See It. Views Of The Political Chic: April 2014 >
< The Way I See It. Views Of The Political Chic >

So why doesn't that tripe you "quoted" with a bad link have that PDF lifted, oops...I mean listed as you purported in your post? And who is this Cynthia. Boy, she sure has a dirty little potty mouth on her, so it must not be you because your so "pure" butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. So can you explain all of these inconsistencies? And I, for one, would really like to see the ACTUAL source of that material you copied and pasted. Or did it come from Cynthia there on Long Island to begin with? Just a little bit of your credibility hangs on this, and only that small portion because that is all that remains!

Chica, you are pathological and to be pitied, you pathetic wannabe!
I've decided that you are the runaway winner for "Most Boring Poster."

Have you noticed that I propose a view, and document and support same with links, quotes, and sources?

How about your put some effort into your boring posts?

Biting my tongue on the "Most Boring Poster" award.

That your links are to obscure right wing blogs making assertions based on false readings of the Constitution, and conservative revisionist history which attempts to claim as conservative every liberal advance of modern history makes them useless, at best. Constantly vilifying progessive ideas, clinging to a past that never was, while completing ignoring the lessons of recent history, namely 36 years of right-wing conservative economic policies that have completely wiped out the previous 50 years of middle-class gains, and returned the US to the oligarchy of the Gilded Age. Those who do not learn from their mistakes, are condemned to repeat them.

It was the socialism of unions which gave America its vibrant and thriving middle class. Note that the decline of the middle class began when Reagan began destroying the unions by declaring war on the flight controller's union. Union membership is at its lowest levels in decades, and as union membership has declined, so has middle-class income:

Redirect Notice

How about you writing your own posts instead of just cutting and pasting other people's ideas? I realized that original thinking is not your forte, but regurgitating the conservative bubble narrative just makes you look like a mindless parrot.
trade unions are capitalistic in nature.....it's when they overreach that they become socialistic....
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more.

That's what these types do. There are a few on every board. They think if they repost the same sewage time after time, eventually everyone will stop bothering to refute its nonsense,

and then they can pretend they're winning the arguments.

if anyone here pretends to be winning the arguments here it's the likes of you guys.....

your liberal belief systems won't allow you to face the reality of what's really going on in this country....we are becoming more and more like Europe with all of its various 'isms'.....including forms of fascism and socialism which the Democrat party constantly pushes.....

ole Bernie could be labelled more of a corporatist-fascist than a 'democratic' socialist (whatever the hell that is).......

Where has Bernie ever proposed getting rid of our democratic system of elected representatives and executives?
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more.

That's what these types do. There are a few on every board. They think if they repost the same sewage time after time, eventually everyone will stop bothering to refute its nonsense,

and then they can pretend they're winning the arguments.

if anyone here pretends to be winning the arguments here it's the likes of you guys.....

your liberal belief systems won't allow you to face the reality of what's really going on in this country....we are becoming more and more like Europe with all of its various 'isms'.....including forms of fascism and socialism which the Democrat party constantly pushes.....

ole Bernie could be labelled more of a corporatist-fascist than a 'democratic' socialist (whatever the hell that is).......

Where has Bernie ever proposed getting rid of our democratic system of elected representatives and executives?

he hasn't.......better to control the owners of production via corporatism.....a fascistic characteristic that slowly takes over the means of production versus outright nationalization of businesses......Bernie IS a socialist but he prefers to be more on the down-low about it....
...today's thread will convince you.

1. An article in today's City Journal ties together several of the themes I've propounded....

a. There is hardly any real science....what is pushed as science is a political agenda...e.g., environmentalism, global warming, and Darwin's theory.

b. The controlling political party...not only historically related to both Fascism and communism, aims for the same outcomes as its predecessors: remove any dissent from the public arena.
Marginalize, demonize, and silence 'em.

c. O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows. http://old.nationalreview.com/flashback/flashback-jos062603.asp

d. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxisttheoretician and founding member and one-time leader of theCommunist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

2. "A group of prominent scientists have united for an odd quest: to reduce funding for science education. They’ve joined with environmental groups and progressive activiststo demand that hundreds of museums of science and natural history “cut all ties with the fossil fuel industry and funders of climate science obfuscation,” which means rejecting donations or investment dividends from anyone who doesn’t meet their standard of purity.

3..... began last year by demanding that the American Museum of Natural History in New York have nothing to do with the industrialist David Koch, a major benefactor and member of the museum’s board of trustees for more than two decades. There was no evidence that Koch had influenced the content of any exhibit at the museum—donors are prohibited from involvement—but the activists got their wish this year ....

.... the activists are hailing it as a victory andpointing to other museums, including the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh and the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, that have divested themselves of fossil-fuel investments and banned donations from these companies."

Nearly 150 academics have signed on to the cause,...." Exhibiting Bias

A President with limited powers who can be impeached.

If you think USA will ever be a fascist state -- you are either stupid or mentally ill.
I bet 100 years ago the same could have been said about welfare, healthcare, free (name it here).
but look at the mess we are in today thanks to the liberals.

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