If You Ever Doubted We're Heading Toward Fascism....

An OP that does not define terms fails from the beginning.

PC has refused to define terms. The thread is a failure.

The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?

The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.
An OP that does not define terms fails from the beginning.

PC has refused to define terms. The thread is a failure.

The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?

The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.

As the saying goes, to know what the Left is doing.....see what they blame the other side for.

Hence, you fabrication..."...you kill The Truth..."

I'd ask you....as I have every other dunce who tries that claim, why you haven't provided any examples of same....
...but we both know why.

If, by some inexplicable and bizarre confluence of rare and random events, some element of truth should ever pass your lips....

...nah....that's silly.
An OP that does not define terms fails from the beginning.

PC has refused to define terms. The thread is a failure.

The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?

The take away from the OP and your ignorant comment is really quite simple. You really ought to read history unrevised by PoliticalChic and those she echoes.

In one respect all fascist states were under the control of the power elite, known here in America as the plutocrats and those who do their bidding.

Since you have never been able to find anything in my posts that is either incorrect or untrue, "unrevised by PoliticalChic" must, actually, mean 'revealed by PoliticalChic.'

Try your best to use language with the precision with which I use same.

And....a protocol note: be certain that you are genuflecting toward the Holy City of New York whenever you use my name.

I actually like NYC, the food, the ambience and for the most part the people. But every major metro area has exceptions, SF and NY have serious traffic gridlock, and SF had The Zodiac and NY had Son of Sam and now you.

PC, in the same company as Zodiac and Sam? Well, yes, they only killed people, you kill The Truth, and in doing so you contribute to the callous conservative meme, "let 'em die". The game you play is dangerous, not because you have the ability or talent to be a leader, but by simply echoing obscure authors as a means of getting attention you lead the biddable down a path of ignorance.

I'd ignore you, but I feel a duty to expose you for what you are, narcissistic and mendacious; your words are pestiferous and your remedy - to censor all who have different ideas and opinions than your own (or those you've borrowed from obscurity - is ineffective to all but the fools who applaud you. Others will consider the source (you) and dismiss your soliloquy as nothing more substantive than an echo.

Translation: I'd ignore you, but since I'm a Pooh Flinging Monkey, my only retort is to fling pooh and call PC a murderer rather than address the OP​
As all can see , the queen of cut and paste is at it once again.

Before you begin, perhaps it would be helpful if you define what you mean by fascism?

Now, now....don't be sloppy...being stupid is certainly bad enough!

My work is not largely 'cut and paste'.....

...I am far too astute and ethical for that to be the case..

The correct usage is 'cut, paste, and attribute.'

Unlike Liberal...I state the source of material I provide.


Of course, I can do this due to my tremendous education, and work ethic.

Now....compare that to your 'Liberal Plagiarism.' You use the talking points you glean from Obama, the NYTimes, the DNC, MSNBC, Comedy Central,.... or CAIR.....and never give the source. It is a pretense that is is aimed at implying that you Liberals came up with the material on your own.....

...but we both know that you aren't capable of that: after all, you're a government school grad.

You are the Milli Vanilli of political discourse....lip-syncing Liberal outlets.
Before you begin, perhaps it would be helpful if you define what you mean by fascism?

In true Orwellian form, PC uses the term to mean the exact opposite of what it actually is.

Fascists in our government called Republicans "the enemy", used the IRS against them, used the NSA to spy on them, is harassing them for making a movie critical of the head Fascist.

Just what the fuck would you call it?
Before you begin, perhaps it would be helpful if you define what you mean by fascism?

In true Orwellian form, PC uses the term to mean the exact opposite of what it actually is.

Well, then....how about you provide your definition, and show why it doesn't apply to you.

I'm gonna spare you the humiliation this time, as I assume you get off on it.

You were aked for the following:
'Well, then....how about you provide your definition, and show why it doesn't apply to you.'

We have all learned that same is well beyond your ability.

You must be a Liberal, huh?
A President with limited powers who can be impeached.

If you think USA will ever be a fascist state -- you are either stupid or mentally ill.

No president can be removed from office for any reason.

Clinton proved that.

Well.....not any Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Fascist President.

Nixon was told to leave by his own party.
As usual, the left uses misdirection and obsequiousness to deflect from the content of the real issue. Basically, we have spent 8 pages talking about everything EXCEPT the original thesis.
"Facism" and other "isms" really only apply to specific time periods in history. The USA is currently under occupied "zionism." It really explains everything that is happening. And yes, the zionist lobby groups hate free speech like old time facists, communists, etc., but those terms are a distraction.
8. "The hype was even worse when the museum presented a special show on climate change in 2008. The exhibition, which toured other science museums in the United States and abroad, displayed a model of lower Manhattan under 16 feet of water, while the rest of the world was ravaged by storms, droughts, fires, and plagues.

.... the New York Times, Edward Rothstein criticized it for being concerned less with science than with frightening visitors. “What we need from a museum is not proselytizing but a more reflective analysis...“made me feel like an agnostic attending church and listening to sermons about damnation.”

Unfortunately, that’s the trend in science museums, ....Curators pride themselves on promoting moral agendas. ....visitors must be hectored to transform their lives, check their privilege and prejudice, respect native cultures, and save the planet.

“Over the last two generations,” Rothstein concluded in 2010, “the science museum has become a place where politics, history and sociology often crowd out physics and the hard sciences. There are museums that believe their mission is to inspire political action.”

And the political actions are inevitably the sort that academics deem “progressive.”
Exhibiting Bias

From the OP:

O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows. http://old.nationalreview.com/flashback/flashback-jos062603.asp

Consider it proven.
I thought this was a good example of Fascism and what party has adopted it to the core of their red bones.
Republican members block the action, but dang
Dems on FEC vote to punish conservative for making anti-Obama movie
By Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives April 8, 2016

The next time a liberal claims there is no such thing as liberal media bias, all you have to do is ask why this story wasn’t covered outside of Fox News and sites like ours. A man makes an independent film critical of the president, and the Federal Election Commission comes within one vote of punishing him for it. He didn’t coordinate with any candidate or any party. He did it entirely on his own because he had something to say. Yet the FEC, which by law consists of three Democrats and three Republicans, actually takes a vote - which ends in a tie along party lines - to find him guilty of violating campaign finance reporting rules.

Had there been one more Democrat vote - which is something Democrats want by the way - Joel Gilbert would have been
forced to disclose all his funding sources for the film:

all of it here:
Dems on FEC vote to punish conservative for making anti-Obama movie
Hardcore left-wingers screaming RACISM! at every opportunity, hardcore right wingers doing the same with FASCISM! or SOCIALISM!....

It's amazing how similar their behaviors are.

I do wish the wingers would cut the silly hyperbole and find another hobby.

Does anyone think they're accomplishing anything with this stuff?

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