If You Ever Doubted We're Heading Toward Fascism....

Another example of we are a fascist State: government takes private property against the will of homeowners so large corporations can benefit.

like Trump did the old lady and built a parking lot

or like Republicans who supported Keystone Pipeline and took farmers land

Who owns the Keystone pipeline and where is it located?
What a maroon.

Canada owns Keystone do you have any idea how much of it was built on American soil that was taken from Americans by Republicans ?

well, do you Goober?
4. "They claim to be concerned that museums compromise their integrity “by association with special interests,” but some interests are obviously more special than others. The scientists and their allies haven’t objected, for instance, to the Boston Science Museum’s wind-energy exhibit being sponsored by an engineering firm that helps build wind farms or by a Massachusetts state agency with the explicit mission of promoting wind power.

Only fossil-fuel companies are targeted, supposedly because they’re causing climate science to be distorted or censored, yet the scientists and their allies can’t point to any damning examples.

There must be no distractions from their predictions that global warming will wipe out the human species."
Exhibiting Bias

5. Nor are all the Fascists in this country. The Royal Society of England wrote directly to sympathetic science journalists and asked them not to cover opposing claims about climate change. It was false to even mention skeptics; the science was settled.”

“…Royal Society,… writes: "We are appealing to all parts of the UK media to be vigilant against attempts to present a distorted view of the scientific evidence about climate change and its potential effects on people and their environments around the world. I hope that we can count on your support." Collins, the UK Telegraph, was shocked…and wrote of the ‘sceptics:’ These people are not nutcases, nor are they in thrall to the oil companies (even if they were, does anyone seriously believe that Big Oil wants to destroy the planet?). They are just as capable of doing serious science as those who take it as an article of faith that global warming is all our fault. Global warming generates hot air

That's what Fascists do.... Marginalize, demonize, and silence any opposing voices.

Gee, that sounds like the GOP to me.

That's because you're a fool.

Or....if you dispute my description of you.....feel free to list GOP demands that opposing views not be permitted.

Shall I wait...or simply continue with a long and eventful life?
Another example of we are a fascist State: government takes private property against the will of homeowners so large corporations can benefit.

That's corporatism, Asshat.

Corporatism, you moron, is the Mussolini economic plan. It is Fascism.

That plan served as the blueprint for Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.

  1. The propaganda of the New Deal (“malefactors of great wealth”) to the contrary, FDR simply endeavored to re-create the corporatism of the last war. The New Dealers invited one industry after another to write the codes under which they would be regulated. Even more aggressive, the National Recovery Administration forced industries to fix prices and in other ways to collude with one another: the NRA approved 557 basic and 189 supplementary codes, covering almost 95% of all industrial workers.
    1. The intention was for big business to get bigger, and the little guy to be squeezed out: for example, the owners of the big chain movie houses wrote the codes that almost ran the independents out of business (even though 13,571 of the 18,321 movie theatres were independently owned). This in the name of ‘efficiency’ and ‘progress.’
    2. New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine: ‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)
2. FDR's financial adviser, Rexford
Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described." Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew." The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. " Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

3. "As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. ... In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.....

.... Mussolini praised the New Deal as “boldly . . . interventionist in the field of economics,” and Roosevelt complimented Mussolini for his “honest purpose of restoring Italy” and acknowledged that he kept “in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.” Also, Hugh Johnson, head of the National Recovery Administration, was known to carry a copy of Raffaello Viglione’s pro-Mussolini book,The Corporate State,with him, presented a copy to Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, and, on retirement, paid tribute to the Italian dictator." Fascism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

I would demand that you only post on subjects with which you have knowledge.....

...but then you'd be mute.
There's a lot of folks who would really do themselves some good by backing away from the radio for a few months.

And use your method.....sitting on a fence, making certain not to take a position not carefully balanced with equivalency???

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos"
Jim Hightower-TX writer-politician
There's a lot of folks who would really do themselves some good by backing away from the radio for a few months.

And use your method.....sitting on a fence, making certain not to take a position not carefully balanced with equivalency???

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos"
Jim Hightower-TX writer-politician
As compared to being part of the problem?

Yeah, I guess so.
There's a lot of folks who would really do themselves some good by backing away from the radio for a few months.

And use your method.....sitting on a fence, making certain not to take a position not carefully balanced with equivalency???

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos"
Jim Hightower-TX writer-politician

When's the last time you took a position?
If you ever doubted we're heading toward nazism, just listen to one of PoliticalChic's rants against multiculturalism. And then watch Fox News until you are ready to don an armband.
If you ever doubted we're heading toward nazism, just listen to one of PoliticalChic's rants against multiculturalism. And then watch Fox News until you are ready to don an armband.

What a fucking retard. I don't recall PC calling to silence the opposition. In fact, she must has a sadistic streak because she enjoys publicly abusing and humiliating your Statist Fluffing morons who try to "debate"" her. And by debate it usually means you call her names and then run away
If you ever doubted we're heading toward nazism, just listen to one of PoliticalChic's rants against multiculturalism. And then watch Fox News until you are ready to don an armband.

What a fucking retard. I don't recall PC calling to silence the opposition. In fact, she must has a sadistic streak because she enjoys publicly abusing and humiliating your Statist Fluffing morons who try to "debate"" her. And by debate it usually means you call her names and then run away
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more. If I am not aggressively participating in a PC topic, its because I'm pretty much ignoring her these days since there is no value in beating on a mental defective day in and day out. Now I just like to poke her with a stick once in a while.

PC is constantly moaning about multiculturalism. A sure sign of a nazi wannabe.
Jefferson had something to say about this, too. Democracy is fragile and its history has not always been glorious. 'The tree of liberty' thing.
If you ever doubted we're heading toward nazism, just listen to one of PoliticalChic's rants against multiculturalism. And then watch Fox News until you are ready to don an armband.

What a fucking retard. I don't recall PC calling to silence the opposition. In fact, she must has a sadistic streak because she enjoys publicly abusing and humiliating your Statist Fluffing morons who try to "debate"" her. And by debate it usually means you call her names and then run away
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more.

PC is constantly moaning about multiculturalism. A sure sign of a nazi wannabe.

Yeah, sure you have. You think she's a "Fascist" too

You and Starkey tagged team her
If you ever doubted we're heading toward nazism, just listen to one of PoliticalChic's rants against multiculturalism. And then watch Fox News until you are ready to don an armband.

What a fucking retard. I don't recall PC calling to silence the opposition. In fact, she must has a sadistic streak because she enjoys publicly abusing and humiliating your Statist Fluffing morons who try to "debate"" her. And by debate it usually means you call her names and then run away
Only in your weak imagination. I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring. There's no sport in it any more. If I am not aggressively participating in a PC topic, its because I'm pretty much ignoring her these days since there is no value in beating on a mental defective day in and day out. Now I just like to poke her with a stick once in a while.

PC is constantly moaning about multiculturalism. A sure sign of a nazi wannabe.

"I've actually gotten tired of trouncing PC. It's become boring."

Welllllll......in that case....let's review one of our recent inter-posts...
One where I I had to spank you for your lie about being some sort of 'bomb expert.'

You claimed that the kid didn't intent to make a pretend bomb...and I destroyed you with one simple picture.

Anyone viewing the pictures will recognize both that the kid's "clock" was designed to look like a bomb....


...and that you have been revealed as a lying sack of offal.
Clearly, you have none of the expertise that you claimed....

...and....everyone of your past and future posts will be judged through this prism.

Your first mistake was lying....

...but the greater error is in not admitting the truth, truth clear and evident in the picture above.

And, once again...you have been revealed as a lying sack of offal.
Last edited:
7. Now that the Leftists, the neo-Fascists, have taken over the culture...." the modern environmental exhibits at the museum—the ones that get a lot more visitors. In the Hall of Biodiversity, there are no homages to gas engines and machines.

Fossil fuels and modern technologies are the great villains.

Photographs and videos of gas pumps and smokestacks are juxtaposed with images of traffic jams, smog-filled skies, and vanishing woodland. Forests are shown being destroyed by pollution, burned by farmers, and bulldozed to make room for ranches, roads, and factories.

Nowhere is there a hint that the rest of the world is going through the same transition that occurred in the United States: the rate of global deforestation has slowed and has already reversed in many places. Just as in upstate New York, the amount of forestland in China and India has been increasing.

Which message do the visitors take home?

The message is unrelentingly gloomy, and sometimes just outdated or wrong. There’s an image of a forest supposedly decimated by acid rain, which was a much-proclaimed eco-catastrophe three decades ago—until anextensive federal study concludedthat there was ‘”no evidence of widespread forest damage.”
There are warnings of resource shortages and admonitions to “reduce, reuse, recycle—and rethink.”

One exhibit panel claims that “global warming has already resulted in more frequent and severe coastal storms as hurricanes,” which is contradicted by both data and theory. There has beenno upward trend in hurricanes over the past half century(the last decade has beenespecially calm), and theUnited Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predictsthat “future changes in storms are likely to be small.”

A video shows much of Florida and Long Island disappearing under the rising ocean—representing a sea-level rise far beyond what IPCC projects."
Exhibiting Bias

a. Yesterday, Ted Cruz was confronted by a protester in the Bronx. Clearly, a governmenet school indoctrinee.....he screamed: " Ted Cruz has no business being in the Bronx. This is an immigrant community. We deal with climate change every single day, and he wants to say that it doesn’t exist. "
‘Ted Cruz Has No Business Being In The Bronx,” Screams Some Guy
Poor PC. She's so hung up on a blogger's retarded post as proof the clock looks like a bomb. It looks like a bomb about as much as a Pop Tart gun looks like a real gun. Why a school goes ballistic over a clock or a Pop Tart is anyone's guess, especially since everyone could see the clock was a clock and the Pop Tart was a Pop Tart, except PC and the retard blogger who must be on the same idiot wavelength as PC.

The clock looked so unlike a bomb that an ENGLISH TEACHER could tell it wasn't a bomb. That's why she held onto it for hours. The school administration knew it wasn't a bomb because they didn't evacuate the school. And the cop knew it wasn't a bomb because he put it in his squad car instead of calling in the bomb squad.

PC mentally blanks out these facts for some bizarre reason that only another mental defective would be able to fathom. She scoops out whole fistfuls of her brain and mechanically posts pictures of the blogger's idiocy while ignoring what happened in real life.

And no matter what topic she starts, she goes all weirdo over the clock bomb thing when I show up.

See what I mean about how boring and unchallenging she has become? :lol:
An OP that does not define terms fails from the beginning.

PC has refused to define terms. The thread is a failure.

The assumption is you understand words.. do you need to have the word "wet" defined for you as well?
Considering the poor understanding of many here on the right as to the meaning of the word 'fascism', yes, the word needs to be defined if PC is to have any cred.
Poor PC. She's so hung up on a blogger's retarded post as proof the clock looks like a bomb. It looks like a bomb about as much as a Pop Tart gun looks like a real gun. Everyone can see that except PC and the retard blogger who must be on the same idiot wavelength as PC.

The clock looked so unlike a bomb that an ENGLISH TEACHER could tell it wasn't a bomb. That's why she held onto it for hours. The school administration knew it wasn't a bomb because they didn't evacuate the school. And the cop knew it wasn't a bomb because he put it in his squad car instead of calling in the bomb squad.

PC mentally blanks out these facts for some bizarre reason that only another mental defective would be able to fathom.

And no matter what topic she starts, she goes all weirdo over the clock bomb thing when I show up.

See what I mean about how boring and unchallenging she has become? :lol:

"It looks like a bomb about as much as a Pop Tart gun looks like a real gun."
Everyone who looks at the picture I provided will recognize you as I posted.

You will never live down your reputation as a lying sack of offal.
...today's thread will convince you.

1. An article in today's City Journal ties together several of the themes I've propounded....

a. There is hardly any real science....what is pushed as science is a political agenda...e.g., environmentalism, global warming, and Darwin's theory.

b. The controlling political party...not only historically related to both Fascism and communism, aims for the same outcomes as its predecessors: remove any dissent from the public arena.
Marginalize, demonize, and silence 'em.

c. O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows. http://old.nationalreview.com/flashback/flashback-jos062603.asp

d. Antonio Gramsci, Italian Marxisttheoretician and founding member and one-time leader of theCommunist Party of Italy. Gramschi’s motto is that of liberals today: “that all life is "political."

2. "A group of prominent scientists have united for an odd quest: to reduce funding for science education. They’ve joined with environmental groups and progressive activiststo demand that hundreds of museums of science and natural history “cut all ties with the fossil fuel industry and funders of climate science obfuscation,” which means rejecting donations or investment dividends from anyone who doesn’t meet their standard of purity.

3..... began last year by demanding that the American Museum of Natural History in New York have nothing to do with the industrialist David Koch, a major benefactor and member of the museum’s board of trustees for more than two decades. There was no evidence that Koch had influenced the content of any exhibit at the museum—donors are prohibited from involvement—but the activists got their wish this year ....

.... the activists are hailing it as a victory andpointing to other museums, including the Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh and the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, that have divested themselves of fossil-fuel investments and banned donations from these companies."

Nearly 150 academics have signed on to the cause,...." Exhibiting Bias

A President with limited powers who can be impeached.

If you think USA will ever be a fascist state -- you are either stupid or mentally ill.

Gads....you Leftists are either terminally stupid, or lack even most elemental education.

The first true Fascist enterprise of this kind was established in the in the United States under the 20th century’s first fascist dictator: Progressive Woodrow Wilson. During WW I, under the Progressive Woodrow Wilson, America was a fascist nation.

a. Had the world’s first modern propaganda ministry

b. Political prisoners by the thousands were harassed, beaten, spied upon and thrown in jail for simply expressing private opinions.

c. The national leader accused foreigners and immigrants of injecting treasonous ‘poison’ into the American bloodstream

d. Newspapers and magazines were closed for criticizing the government

e. Almost 100,000 government propaganda agents were sent out to whip up support for the regime and the war

f. College professors imposed loyalty oaths on their colleagues

g. Nearly a quarter million ‘goons’ were given legal authority to beat and intimidate ‘slackers’ and dissenters

h. Leading artists and writers dedicated their work to proselytizing for the government.
http://www.ncpa.org/pdfs/Classical_Liberalism_vs_Modern_Liberal_Conservatism.pdf p. 9
Hey Chica, your link doesn't work. As a matter of fact, that PDF doesn't exist on that website...one can go here and see it was never there; < Index of /pdfs >

However, I was able to locate what you wrote in several other locations. Here is one by yourself, PoliticalChick dated Dec 28, 2015;
< The Straight Line From Woodrow Wilson to Obama. >

Here are two others written by a blogger who styles herself as "The Political Chic" who even has the same avatar wearing those classy Space Panties and Cape for those long trips back to Krypton, dated Apr 29, 2014 and Sep 20, 2015 respectively;
< The Way I See It. Views Of The Political Chic: April 2014 >
< The Way I See It. Views Of The Political Chic >

So why doesn't that tripe you "quoted" with a bad link have that PDF lifted, oops...I mean listed as you purported in your post? And who is this Cynthia. Boy, she sure has a dirty little potty mouth on her, so it must not be you because your so "pure" butter wouldn't melt in your mouth. So can you explain all of these inconsistencies? And I, for one, would really like to see the ACTUAL source of that material you copied and pasted. Or did it come from Cynthia there on Long Island to begin with? Just a little bit of your credibility hangs on this, and only that small portion because that is all that remains!

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