If you got the shot but also got COVID, why arent you frustrated for being lied to?

You are a fool intent on delegitimizing the Biden Administration.

It has already been said, over a year ago by experts as they found out how covid worked, that YES, people can get the covid virus more than once.

It HAS been verified, but you want to STICK it to Biden, at least once a month, if not once a week.
Biden lied people died!
Depending extremely much on WHAT the disease in question is, a vaccine does not guarantee you won't get sick. It doesn't guarantee full immunity. It may familiarize your body somewhat, so that its better equipt to fight the disease in question.

I got COVID about 2 - 3 months after my second shot....and just as I was poised to get the booster. I was told my case was a little worse than the average being seen around our region at the time. I can't confirm or deny that I have been lied to. I could surmise that MAYBE it would have been worse without the vax. I really have no way of knowing from my little corner. I'd have to look at alot of data and hear some personal stories first hand, not just see the numbers.
My wife got covid around when you did. Had both shots and a booster. Lasted over ten days...worse than a cold by a long shot but better than several people I knew who got covid early on with no vaccine.

One died and another was hospitalized and stroked on it.

Despite living in the same house I never got it
Why do you people keep beating that same dead horse?? You should be embarrassed and would be if you were smater. Biden mispoke one time many months ago. The message has been consistent from Biden and everyone else for a long time now. If you get the vaxx you are far less likely to get Covid and if you do it will most likely be a mild case.

Tnen YOU PEOPLE turn around and LIE by saying that the fact that anybody at all who is vaxxed gets Covid is proof that the Vaxx does not work . I just don't know if it is dishonesty or just plain stupidity
The Branch Covidians have consistently moved the goal posts for vaccine effectiveness. They won't admit we didn't get what we were told. They'll also never admit that we grossly overreacted and allowed one of the biggest power grabs in American history to distort our lives.
The shot doesn't alter DNA.😂 Early on three acquaintances died of COVID. 15 months later, after the shots and boosters 19 friends had mild cases that were not life threatening.
Sixties Fan

Back when the flu shot was first available the nutters claimed it was a government plot. 😂 Nothing changes.

Wow, you believe ANYTHING Democrats tell you to believe. Republicans were against flu shots? Only in your sad little mind. It's remarkable, and sick. You really need to grow a pair, Cowboy
I'm old enough to remember them going bonkers over flouride too.

On the other hand, PubChem, a US National Institutes of Health’s chemistry database, considers fluoride toxic and lists numerous mental health effects, including learning disabilities, memory disorders, and sleep disorders.

There’s reason to doubt that fluoridated water prevents tooth decay since people in pro-fluoride countries don’t have healthier teeth than the rest of the world.--

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Stop mindlessly repeating bullshit that you don't even understand. Try thinking about what you say, if you can.
well dude, you can't have it both ways. If Trump was responsible, then so is xiden. hypocrite. Take back that trump caused deaths then.
Wow, you believe ANYTHING Democrats tell you to believe. Republicans were against flu shots? Only in your sad little mind. It's remarkable, and sick. You really need to grow a pair, Cowboy
they parrot it all dude. they yell shit they have no idea they're yelling.
You are a fool intent on delegitimizing the Biden Administration.

It has already been said, over a year ago by experts as they found out how covid worked, that YES, people can get the covid virus more than once.

It HAS been verified, but you want to STICK it to Biden, at least once a month, if not once a week.
it's actually more than that. And xiden had nothing to do with access to the vaccine. He just pushes it like a drug lord would and it offers no value, the cdc says natural immunity is better. Even Fauci said natural immunity is better.
Joe Biden said if you get the experimental gene therapy shot, you will not get COVID.

Why is this lie accepted?

Its verifiable.

First off, I didn't listen to anything Joe Biden said about the disease. I listened to the scientists and they said that 95% of all people who are vaccinated won't get the disease, unless it mutates. So the scientists never, ever made that claim.

The people who got vaccinated, and boosted after the disease started mutating, didn't go to hospital, and didn't die. They also didn't get long haul covid.

Canada, which had really harsh lockdowns and vaccine mandates is more than 80% vaccinated. We had 1/3 of the deaths per million, and 1/3 of the number of cases per million of the USA. Our economy hasn't crashed, and life is very much back to normal here. Some people are still wearing masks but schools are open, as are sporting events, and community fall fairs.
First off, I didn't listen to anything Joe Biden said about the disease. I listened to the scientists and they said that 95% of all people who are vaccinated won't get the disease, unless it mutates. So the scientists never, ever made that claim.

Then in the next argument they contradict their position in the last one
Listen to this prick contradict himself. They can't help themselves.

The bigger dude claims whites hold him back and then brags that he makes more money then them and is much smarter.

How can whites have held him back and he makes more money then them? holy fk. came straight out the guys mouth. He proved after he opened his mouth, he ain't smarter that's for sure. He can't see his own contradiction.

that much stupid is too much to try and cure.

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