If You Hate Trump...You Support Putin and Russia. Trump Has Done Much to Hinder Russia

That is stupid. The Russians have continued to help Republicans. You can be oppe3sed to Trump and opposed to Russia as well.

How has Russia helped Republicans? Please be specific.
Trump fought sanctions on Russia

Trump REMOVED sanctions on Russia

Trump refused to enact sanctions mandated by Congress

Trump sided with Putin over his own intel in Helsinki

Reports have him scolding his Intel briefer who told him that NK had missiles that could reach the US mainland and saying he didn't believe that because Putin has told him it wasn't true

Trump never said SQUAT about Russian mercs in Syria attacking our troops

Trump gave the Russian Ambassador classified Israeli intel in a secret meeting in which no other Americans were present (a running theme with meetings between Trump and Russians/Putin)

Yea...Trump's real tough on Russia
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile
Either you support the USA or you support Russia. Liberals support Russia. Want to weaken our President. That helps the enemy.
Putin to U.S.: I'm ready for another Cuban Missile-style crisis if you want one | Reuters
Again, if you hate our President...you support Russia.
Breaking down Russia and U.S. nuclear capabilities

Republicans said horrible stuff about Obama when he was in office. Did you support Obama???

Fuckead Trump was having a freaking fit saying bad things about Obama
Russian farmers are now selling soy beans to the Chinese, while in the US, Midwestern farmers are seeing their crops rot in the fields and farmers are receiving billions in government funds, borrowed from the Chinese.

But pay no attention to what he's actually DOING, just listen to how tough Trump talks about Russia. Without once ever saying a negative word about Putin. Not one word about the most murderous thug in the world.

Patience my son, patience.
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
Trump gets China to buy rice

Always be closing.


Fat lot of good that's going to do the soybean farmers in the Midwest.

Trump has been rough on them. He makes them wait and then he gives them classified material.

Whatever they ask for. Allegedly.
You can easily look up Trumps energy policy. It's published, public, official info. Or are you that helpless?
Trumps energy policy is killing Putin and Russia's revenue.
Really. Post links to what that policy is...how it came to be and what its effects are

We'll wait

Wouldn't want to keep you waiting, we know how useless you are when it comes to your own research.
Kudlow: This is how Trump has Putin 'over a barrel'

Trump's Energy Policies Bode Poorly for Putin - American Experiment
Wow..you first link that supposedly supports "actions" Trump has taken talks about a SPEECH. WORDS. No actions. and in that speech he said THIS

Trump said, "We are committed to securing your access to alternative sources of energy, so Poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy." I

So Trump being tough on Russia is his "support" for renewables?

Oh yea...Trump's a real Green Lion huh?

YA fuckin dimwit
Very telling that you cannot dispute my post or the photographs.

Also telling that you have to toss in a lie - eg - I didn't say traitor trump "STOLE" the election. Did you thro that in because you know lost by 3MILLION votes?

Whatever. You KNOW that traitor trump is Pooting's Puppet.
Hey, snowflake...

Get someone to explain American elections to you.
And the second is Trump's support for Keystone XL?

Yea..that has Putin shaking in his boots.

Jesus dude.

Lame even by YOUR fuckin standards
Trump fought sanctions on Russia

Trump REMOVED sanctions on Russia

Trump refused to enact sanctions mandated by Congress

Trump sided with Putin over his own intel in Helsinki

Reports have him scolding his Intel briefer who told him that NK had missiles that could reach the US mainland and saying he didn't believe that because Putin has told him it wasn't true

Trump never said SQUAT about Russian mercs in Syria attacking our troops

Trump gave the Russian Ambassador classified Israeli intel in a secret meeting in which no other Americans were present (a running theme with meetings between Trump and Russians/Putin)

Yea...Trump's real tough on Russia

Just to refresh your memory
And the second is Trump's support for Keystone XL?

Yea..that has Putin shaking in his boots.

Jesus dude.

Lame even by YOUR fuckin standards
Putin and Democrats want America to produce and control less energy.

Trump has been rough on them. He makes them wait and then he gives them classified material.

Whatever they ask for. Allegedly.
And ya know where that picture comes from?

That's right Russian TV. Had they not reported on it we would never have known.
Russians supported Trump because he is tough on Russia and Clinton was just too easy to manipulate. True story.


Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile

LOL! Fox News....otherwise known as "The Trump Channel"

Trump's face is still buried in Putin's trousers...ever since Helsinki.

He didn’t act like a snowflake idiot at Helsinki...so you assumed he caved. You see...mature adults don’t act like triggered idiots.
You mean like this?


when I see that photo of Putin & Trump it reminds me of a pet owner walking their doggy.

Putin = pet owner

Trump = doggy

Nice doggy; down orange clown, down .........

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