If You Hate Trump...You Support Putin and Russia. Trump Has Done Much to Hinder Russia

That is stupid. The Russians have continued to help Republicans. You can be oppe3sed to Trump and opposed to Russia as well.

How has Russia helped Republicans? Please be specific.

Republicans love Putin. They like the way he kills his opposition.

Busybee stated that "The Russians have continued to help Republicans". I requested that he specify exactly how Russia has helped Republicans.

I didn't ask you, but hey, feel free to answer.
That's why he's giving Russia and now NK every damn thing they want.
He is not stop making stuff up.....what a juvenile statement...
Believe what you want, but it's the truth. I don't expect any less from a tramp cultist.
Show us the proof.....I know you can't....you are being silly....

U.S. drops demand for full accounting of N. Korea nuclear program ahead of talks


And to quote Lesh..

Trump fought sanctions on Russia

Trump REMOVED sanctions on Russia

Trump refused to enact sanctions mandated by Congress

Trump sided with Putin over his own intel in Helsinki"
Fat lot of good that's going to do the soybean farmers in the Midwest.

Once again as my favorite Dragonlady opens her mouth and inserts her foot...AGAIN!

China pledges to buy more soybeans as trade talks extended
02/22/19 5:47 PM By Bill Tomson

China agreed to buy an additional 10 million metric tons of U.S. soybeans as negotiators from both countries agreed to extend the latest round of trade talks to go through the weekend, a sign that significant progress is being made to end the trade war, President Donald Trump said Friday.

China agrees to buy more soybeans as trade talks extended | 2019-02-22 | Agri-Pulse
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile

LOL! Fox News....otherwise known as "The Trump Channel"

Trump's face is still buried in Putin's trousers...ever since Helsinki.

He didn’t act like a snowflake idiot at Helsinki...so you assumed he caved. You see...mature adults don’t act like triggered idiots.
You mean like this?


when I see that photo of Putin & Trump it reminds me of a pet owner walking their doggy.

Putin = pet owner

Trump = doggy

Nice doggy; down orange clown, down .........
“America” love it or leave it. Trump derangement syndrome sufferers should move to Russia and just openly support Putin.
That's why he's giving Russia and now NK every damn thing they want.
He is not stop making stuff up.....what a juvenile statement...
Believe what you want, but it's the truth. I don't expect any less from a tramp cultist.
Show us the proof.....I know you can't....you are being silly....

U.S. drops demand for full accounting of N. Korea nuclear program ahead of talks


And to quote Lesh..

Trump fought sanctions on Russia

Trump REMOVED sanctions on Russia

Trump refused to enact sanctions mandated by Congress

Trump sided with Putin over his own intel in Helsinki"
Trump placed sanctions on Russia.
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile
Either you support the USA or you support Russia. Liberals support Russia. Want to weaken our President. That helps the enemy.
Putin to U.S.: I'm ready for another Cuban Missile-style crisis if you want one | Reuters
Again, if you hate our President...you support Russia.
Breaking down Russia and U.S. nuclear capabilities

Republicans said horrible stuff about Obama when he was in office. Did you support Obama???

Fuckead Trump was having a freaking fit saying bad things about Obama
Hillary had a reset button and was incompetent. Did GOP try to overturn an election and call for Obama’s impeachment on the floor of the House?

Trump has been rough on them. He makes them wait and then he gives them classified material.

Whatever they ask for. Allegedly.
And ya know where that picture comes from?

That's right Russian TV. Had they not reported on it we would never have known.
They got the photo op. Big whoop. Newsmedia never sits-in on high level meetings.
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile

LOL! Fox News....otherwise known as "The Trump Channel"

Trump's face is still buried in Putin's trousers...ever since Helsinki.

He didn’t act like a snowflake idiot at Helsinki...so you assumed he caved. You see...mature adults don’t act like triggered idiots.
You mean like this?


when I see that photo of Putin & Trump it reminds me of a pet owner walking their doggy.

Putin = pet owner

Trump = doggy

Nice doggy; down orange clown, down .........
When I see the photo it reminds me of two men who control enough nuclear warheads to destroy mankind. I think they should communicate.
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile

LOL! Fox News....otherwise known as "The Trump Channel"

Trump's face is still buried in Putin's trousers...ever since Helsinki.

He didn’t act like a snowflake idiot at Helsinki...so you assumed he caved. You see...mature adults don’t act like triggered idiots.
You mean like this?


when I see that photo of Putin & Trump it reminds me of a pet owner walking their doggy.

Putin = pet owner

Trump = doggy

Nice doggy; down orange clown, down .........
“America” love it or leave it. Trump derangement syndrome sufferers should move to Russia and just openly support Putin.

anyone that voted for TrumPutin should move to Siberia
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile

LOL! Fox News....otherwise known as "The Trump Channel"

Trump's face is still buried in Putin's trousers...ever since Helsinki.

He didn’t act like a snowflake idiot at Helsinki...so you assumed he caved. You see...mature adults don’t act like triggered idiots.
You mean like this?


when I see that photo of Putin & Trump it reminds me of a pet owner walking their doggy.

Putin = pet owner

Trump = doggy

Nice doggy; down orange clown, down .........
When I see the photo it reminds me of two men who control enough nuclear warheads to destroy mankind. I think they should communicate.

communication is a two way street; it isn't yes sir, I believe you implicitly over my ENTIRE intel community.

who the fvck are you kidding?

Oh; yourself.
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile
Either you support the USA or you support Russia. Liberals support Russia. Want to weaken our President. That helps the enemy.
Putin to U.S.: I'm ready for another Cuban Missile-style crisis if you want one | Reuters
Again, if you hate our President...you support Russia.
Breaking down Russia and U.S. nuclear capabilities

Trump consulted Russia on how to deal with Kim Jong Un, but rejects his own security advisors reports.

Trump keeps putting out press releases on how tough he is on Russia, but he has yet to impose ANY of the sanctions he's announced or that Congress has approved. NONE.

He has released both Iran and the Russians to pursue whatever nuclear ambitions or achievements they desire by pulling out of all of the US nuclear non-proliferation treaties, and Dumb Donald is trying to talk his government into selling nuclear technology to the Saudis. Donald Trump has single handledly fractured NATO, re-ignited a nuclear arms race, and destroyed all of Americas trade treaties.

Russian farmers are now selling soy beans to the Chinese, while in the US, Midwestern farmers are seeing their crops rot in the fields and farmers are receiving billions in government funds, borrowed from the Chinese.

But pay no attention to what he's actually DOING, just listen to how tough Trump talks about Russia. Without once ever saying a negative word about Putin. Not one word about the most murderous thug in the world.

China, Iran and North Korea leadership are as bad or worst than Putin.

I know you consider me a Russian Troll but the reality Putin is a total dick of a dictator ( Russian Elections are a damn joke ) but Putin has a few a head of him as worst thug...

Very few but a few.

As for Trump, what did you expect from a reality show star that has lived his life like a shock jock?
Trump was the ceo and owner of a large multinational real estate corp and billionaire. Obama was a community organizer .
Trump was the ceo and owner of a large multinational real estate corp and billionaire. Obama was a community organizer .

Trump got everything...EVERYTHING...from his daddy.

Donald Trump got at least $413 million from his father while committing 'outright fraud'

Any idiot can be head of a large corporation when you inherited well over $500 million (in today's dollars). That falls under the 'well duh' category.

He also had these corporations declared bankruptcy at least five times.

I mean the guy was INCREDIBLY stupid enough to mega-invest in huge casinos in a dying city (Atlantic City) that had been dying for decades. And, of course, they all failed miserably. Again...well duh.

His airline failed, he sold booze (even though he doesn't drink), he sold a game about himself and on and on with nonsense like this.

In private (and sometimes I never public), Donald Trump has a terrible reputation for investing amongst people in the know on Wall Street.

Only his (mostly) stupid, gullible and desperate Trumpbots think he actually has investment talent. Others say he is great just to ass kiss.

No doubt you disagree. No doubt I don't give a shit.

Have a nice day.
China, Iran and North Korea leadership are as bad or worst than Putin.

I know you consider me a Russian Troll but the reality Putin is a total dick of a dictator ( Russian Elections are a damn joke ) but Putin has a few a head of him as worst thug...

Very few but a few.

As for Trump, what did you expect from a reality show star that has lived his life like a shock jock?

There are no Russian thugs ahead of President Putin. If there were, they would be President and Putin would be the second chair or wherever.

President Donald Trump is a highly successful businessman, an EXECUTIVE.

We have three branches in our government. You should have learned this in middle school or high school at the latest. We have three branches of government, the Legislative, (Congress), the Judicial, (our court system) and the EXECUTIVE, the PRESIDENT.

The President of the United States' job is identical with that of the President of a huge company, with the exception that the President of the United States is also the Commander in Chief of our military.

Much to your chagrin, your anger, your bitterness, President Donald Trump is doing an incredible job. He has been great for America! I don't understand your ingrained bitterness is harmful to yourself and our country.

Why? Please, leave out your childish whining that President Trump is a meanie, crude, and obnoxious. He gets the job done, that's why we voted for him.

So, WHY?
Trump was the ceo and owner of a large multinational real estate corp and billionaire. Obama was a community organizer .

Trump got everything...EVERYTHING...from his daddy.

Donald Trump got at least $413 million from his father while committing 'outright fraud'

Any idiot can be head of a large corporation when you inherited well over $500 million (in today's dollars). That falls under the 'well duh' category.

He also had these corporations declared bankruptcy at least five times.

I mean the guy was INCREDIBLY stupid enough to mega-invest in huge casinos in a dying city (Atlantic City) that had been dying for decades. And, of course, they all failed miserably. Again...well duh.

His airline failed, he sold booze (even though he doesn't drink), he sold a game about himself and on and on with nonsense like this.

In private (and sometimes I never public), Donald Trump has a terrible reputation for investing amongst people in the know on Wall Street.

Only his (mostly) stupid, gullible and desperate Trumpbots think he actually has investment talent. Others say he is great just to ass kiss.

No doubt you disagree. No doubt I don't give a shit.

Have a nice day.

The DAILYKOS? An opinion piece from the DAILYKOS. You are really desperate. That should be embarrassing to you that you have reached that far left to denigrate the accomplishments of this great man. You say he failed at a few things. How many successful companies does his empire (his kids are running them now) oversee? That information is available, how many?

If you've never failed at anything, then you've never done anything, have you? Thomas Edison tried over 1,000 times before his lightbulb worked.
Expert on U.S./ Russian relations says Trump is doing the right things.
Russia test-launches 'Satan 2' nuclear missile
Either you support the USA or you support Russia. Liberals support Russia. Want to weaken our President. That helps the enemy.
Putin to U.S.: I'm ready for another Cuban Missile-style crisis if you want one | Reuters
Again, if you hate our President...you support Russia.
Breaking down Russia and U.S. nuclear capabilities

Trump consulted Russia on how to deal with Kim Jong Un, but rejects his own security advisors reports.

Trump keeps putting out press releases on how tough he is on Russia, but he has yet to impose ANY of the sanctions he's announced or that Congress has approved. NONE.

He has released both Iran and the Russians to pursue whatever nuclear ambitions or achievements they desire by pulling out of all of the US nuclear non-proliferation treaties, and Dumb Donald is trying to talk his government into selling nuclear technology to the Saudis. Donald Trump has single handledly fractured NATO, re-ignited a nuclear arms race, and destroyed all of Americas trade treaties.

Russian farmers are now selling soy beans to the Chinese, while in the US, Midwestern farmers are seeing their crops rot in the fields and farmers are receiving billions in government funds, borrowed from the Chinese.

But pay no attention to what he's actually DOING, just listen to how tough Trump talks about Russia. Without once ever saying a negative word about Putin. Not one word about the most murderous thug in the world.

China, Iran and North Korea leadership are as bad or worst than Putin.

I know you consider me a Russian Troll but the reality Putin is a total dick of a dictator ( Russian Elections are a damn joke ) but Putin has a few a head of him as worst thug...

Very few but a few.

As for Trump, what did you expect from a reality show star that has lived his life like a shock jock?
The Washington DC outsider that he is. I appreciate the man and all he has done for our country.
If Trump were a black, NBA franchise owner who had never held public office...the looney left would agree with everything he did. Our President is the protector of our nation, our families, and our way of life.

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