If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.

You have shown that you can think freely and have a decent moral sense as compared to Christians and their less than moral sense that allows them to adore a genocidal God.

John Lennon, “It seems to me that the only true Christians were the Gnostics,”

In fact, many think that the best Christians are Gnostic Christians. Even if you are an atheist, you are likely a better Christian than most Christians as their morals have been corrupted by their beliefs enough to have them adore a vile genocidal God that Gnostic Christians call demiurge. In a sense, not that she exists, but demiurge is equivalent to Satan.

Please remember that Gnostic Christians so not hold any supernatural beliefs and religiously speaking, create much more peaceful people than Christians. The Cathars were a good example of this truth.




Are you close to a Gnostic Christian in how you can think freely and morally?


Any of those bad bad Christians behead anybody lately? Sell any kidnapped slaves? Blow up people on a bus?
Shut up...
I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good". Although the modern Gnostic recognizes that the OT god and NT god are irreconcilable concepts, he overreacts to this contradiction by declaring all existence to be inherently evil and that existence is something to flee from.

I think it's pretty dangerous to base one's worldview on a collection of books which may be incomplete or not derived from the original source. The Gnostics had numerous sects (i.e. Marcion). What we know of the Gnostics come from the Church Fathers and from manuscripts uncovered in 1945.

It was not the Christians who Plotinus took up his Enneads against (unlike his student Porphyry, who wrote against the Christians), but rather the Gnostics, who he accused of appropriating ideas from Plato without giving him credit and representing him in an inferior light.
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I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".

Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

I have had those yes but overcame them.

With what?

When you wonder where God is.

One liners are rather useless as an explanation.

No wonder the church hungers for decent apologists.

How does wondering where God is make Yahweh's negativity you had go away?

One liners is a snipe and far beneath you. You wanna talk fine here ya go. I don't think there are many places in the middle East right now that you can find God. Not the god that is written about. They are busy killing him in ALL forms right now.
If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.

You have shown that you can think freely and have a decent moral sense as compared to Christians and their less than moral sense that allows them to adore a genocidal God.

John Lennon, “It seems to me that the only true Christians were the Gnostics,”

In fact, many think that the best Christians are Gnostic Christians. Even if you are an atheist, you are likely a better Christian than most Christians as their morals have been corrupted by their beliefs enough to have them adore a vile genocidal God that Gnostic Christians call demiurge. In a sense, not that she exists, but demiurge is equivalent to Satan.

Please remember that Gnostic Christians so not hold any supernatural beliefs and religiously speaking, create much more peaceful people than Christians. The Cathars were a good example of this truth.




Are you close to a Gnostic Christian in how you can think freely and morally?



More self-proclaimed 'Evangelicals' voted for Trump, by 80%, than anyone else. If you can vote for a person that is self-described by his actions and videotaped words one of the most immoral people alive you are not a Christian. You are a Kristian. Someone that feels all fuzzy calling themselves a Christian but does not live the life at all. I don't know much about Gnostics but Hindus I think are much closer to living like Christ than 98% of Kristians.
I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".
Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.
The same point was made by the Nazis. Except they didn't believe that this world was evil. Whereas you Gnostics still recognize the existence of a Jahwe, you have just placed him in a different role.

Genesis 3 is thoroughly symbolic. The Jews have preserved something magnificent for posterity, it requires reexamination over a blind adherence to primitive Christian-based interpretations.

"But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
The Delphic Oracles and Thales spread the axiom "Know thyself". This did not at all mean it was possible for people to know themselves and the extent of their past lives. That is only granted to the pious few, such as Pythagoras (which Iamblichus identified as a proof of his piety) and probably Jesus, Buddha, Apollonius, etc.

Diogenes said: Being asked what is difficult, Thales replied, "To know oneself."

This axiom signified microcosm, macrocosm; as above, so below: the possibility of infinite worlds and the requisition of a proper sense of proportion. Another way to put it: "if you will not forget yourself, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Physicalism and Idealism. That is the make-up of all human beings.
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If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.

You have shown that you can think freely and have a decent moral sense as compared to Christians and their less than moral sense that allows them to adore a genocidal God.

John Lennon, “It seems to me that the only true Christians were the Gnostics,”

In fact, many think that the best Christians are Gnostic Christians. Even if you are an atheist, you are likely a better Christian than most Christians as their morals have been corrupted by their beliefs enough to have them adore a vile genocidal God that Gnostic Christians call demiurge. In a sense, not that she exists, but demiurge is equivalent to Satan.

Please remember that Gnostic Christians so not hold any supernatural beliefs and religiously speaking, create much more peaceful people than Christians. The Cathars were a good example of this truth.




Are you close to a Gnostic Christian in how you can think freely and morally?



How do you believe the universe and life came into existence?
Any of those bad bad Christians behead anybody lately? Sell any kidnapped slaves? Blow up people on a bus?
Shut up...
Now you mention it, what's the time limit for 'lately'?



Or this?

I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".
I'm curious. How much of the Old Testament relates to Christianity and how is it decided what may be disregarded?
I have had those yes but overcame them.

With what?

When you wonder where God is.

One liners are rather useless as an explanation.

No wonder the church hungers for decent apologists.

How does wondering where God is make Yahweh's negativity you had go away?

One liners is a snipe and far beneath you. You wanna talk fine here ya go. I don't think there are many places in the middle East right now that you can find God. Not the god that is written about. They are busy killing him in ALL forms right now.

Irrelevant to the issues.

No wonder you use one liners.

If you have ever had negative thoughts about Yahweh, you are close to a Gnostic Christian.

You have shown that you can think freely and have a decent moral sense as compared to Christians and their less than moral sense that allows them to adore a genocidal God.

John Lennon, “It seems to me that the only true Christians were the Gnostics,”

In fact, many think that the best Christians are Gnostic Christians. Even if you are an atheist, you are likely a better Christian than most Christians as their morals have been corrupted by their beliefs enough to have them adore a vile genocidal God that Gnostic Christians call demiurge. In a sense, not that she exists, but demiurge is equivalent to Satan.

Please remember that Gnostic Christians so not hold any supernatural beliefs and religiously speaking, create much more peaceful people than Christians. The Cathars were a good example of this truth.




Are you close to a Gnostic Christian in how you can think freely and morally?



More self-proclaimed 'Evangelicals' voted for Trump, by 80%, than anyone else. If you can vote for a person that is self-described by his actions and videotaped words one of the most immoral people alive you are not a Christian. You are a Kristian. Someone that feels all fuzzy calling themselves a Christian but does not live the life at all. I don't know much about Gnostics but Hindus I think are much closer to living like Christ than 98% of Kristians.

Some real stats have it at more like 96% but you are within range.

I have had those yes but overcame them.

With what?

When you wonder where God is.

One liners are rather useless as an explanation.

No wonder the church hungers for decent apologists.

How does wondering where God is make Yahweh's negativity you had go away?

One liners is a snipe and far beneath you. You wanna talk fine here ya go. I don't think there are many places in the middle East right now that you can find God. Not the god that is written about. They are busy killing him in ALL forms right now.

Irrelevant to the issues.

No wonder you use one liners.

Oh your side stepping! Ten years on the net all over the world for the two of us. And I talk and you fold.
Shameful DL shameful.

I'd say the modern Gnostic is worse off than the average Christian. At least the Christian is taught that "god saw all that he had made and it was good".

Sure. Yahweh called it good and then put Satan right into Eden beside Eve and then cursed the earth in Gen 3.

That aside.

You do not seem to have separated our myths from our beliefs.

Tell us please, does the following seen to you like we do not think matter to be good?

Gnostic Christian Jesus said, "If those who attract you say, 'See, the Kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you, 'It is under the earth,' then the fish of the sea will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom of God is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

[Those who] become acquainted with [themselves] will find it; [and when you] become acquainted with yourselves, [you will understand that] it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

Did the Cathars who built their extremely nice and peaceful community seem to hate the rather beautiful world they lived in before Christianity decimated them with their Inquisition?

So where in Genesis do we have the word "Satan"?
I'll wait...
Whereas you Gnostics still recognize the existence of a Jahwe, you have just placed him in a different role.

I guess you missed where I said that we do not hold any supernatural beliefs.

Our myths were written to put against the Christian myth before Christians became idol worshipers and began killing for their imaginary God.

As to Yahweh, we have placed him in the right role of a genocidal son murdering prick. Do you see him as a good God?

Genesis 3 is thoroughly symbolic. The Jews have preserved something magnificent for posterity, it requires re-examination over a blind adherence to primitive Christian-based interpretations.

I agree.

Have you re-examined it and what makes it magnificent to you?

The Delphic Oracles and Thales spread the axiom "Know thyself". This did not at all mean it was possible for people to know themselves and the extent of their past lives.

We all know ourselves to some extent but Gnosis and past lives do not compute as those are in the supernatural realm which Gnostic Christians do not buy into. We stay in the real world and do not let our intellect do into dissonance. We give up what scriptures call the things of children.

Diogenes said: Being asked what is difficult, Thales replied, "To know oneself."

The work is difficult, yes. That is why even in Gnostic circles, many are called but few hear it. Many resent that and accuse us of one-upmanship when we are no more in control of our apotheosis than anyone else in other than our desire to push ourselves to it. Only a few certain characters have that strong of a will and that is demonstrable by the numbers of sheeple as compared to free thinkers. The numbers are growing though as the immoral Gods like Yahweh and Allah fall to the wayside and are rejected by moral people.

Another way to put it: "if you will not forget yourself, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

I do not think that way. When in the throws of apotheosis, you do not forget who you are, you just recognize that you are not alone. Sure many call it a feeling of oneness, and it is, but you feel your own joy as well as the collective joy that triggers your own from finding what we call oneness with the all.

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