If you know the answer to this question, you are an anti-Semite

You are not understanding me. I can renounce my Jewish bloodline, but other Jews wont care. If you have a Jewish ancestry, then for all intents and purposes you are a Jew. A descendant of Abraham, and a chosen one of God.

Non-jews do not understand that being Jewish is treated like an ethnicity within the Jewish community, and tend to ignorantly believe the being Jewish is merely adhering to the Jewish faith (which they also have a limited understanding of).
No, you really can't. Jewish is an ethnicity. A bloodline that is inseperable from the religion of judaism.

You can not be a practitioner of the religion of Judaism, but you cannot stop being a Jew. You need to educate yourself on this topic.

Gentile - Wikipedia
Who is a Jew? - Wikipedia
Shulchan Aruch - Wikipedia
That's just cherry picking IMO. Yes, the Torah says it and the cult members say it, but who gives a fuck? Anti-semites in WW2 Germany? The Torah also talks about stoning and decapitation, but the rabbinic era cleaned that shit up.
How is it cherry picking? If I were Mexican and grew up in a Mexican community, and renounced my Mexican heritage, would my Mexican family and Mexican community no longer consider me Mexican? Would Americans no longer consider me Mexican?

In the eyes of Jews, the only criteria for being Jewish is being born to a Jewish mother. This is told explicitly within the Code of Jewish Law. The ethnic/bloodline cannot be so easily seperated from the Jewish identity.

I understand why this confuses people. In most religions, faith is distinguished from heritage. However this is not the case with Judaism. You can stop being a Christian or Muslim, but you cannot abandon your Hebrew ancestry.
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Its cherry picking because its something that Jews CHOOSE to believe. They have denounced things before. If someone with a Jewish heritage doesn't want to be Jewish, then they aint. Just because Jews want to treat it like the hotel California, doesn't mean shit.
In the eyes of Jews, the only criteria for being Jewish is being born to a Jewish mother
malarkey. Anyone can become a jew if the desire is real
No, anyone cannot become a Jew. Just like I cannot become Vietnamese. Sure, you can make some lame argument that "identity is a social construction," but let's get real.

At the end of the day, sacred Jewish texts define 'Jewish' as an ethnicity. Anyone that is a gentile, or not a descendent of Abraham, will not pass over to the afterlife as laid out in the Jewish faith.
Simply stated: There is both a Jewish people and a Jewish faith, and you cannot leave the former.
No, anyone cannot become a Jew. Just like I cannot become Vietnamese. Sure, you can make some lame argument that "identity is a social construction," but let's get real.

At the end of the day, sacred Jewish texts define 'Jewish' as an ethnicity. Anyone that is a gentile, or not a descendent of Abraham, will not pass over to the afterlife as laid out in the Jewish faith.
So you are saying Judaism conversion is a figment of my imagination and there aren't Jews all over the world of all different kinds fo races?
Not just Orthodox Judaism. I have heard multiple progressive rabbis (which allow conversion) admit that a gentile cannot truly become Jewish.

A Jewish gentile is like a Catholic homosexual, or a member of Jehovahs Witness (who believe heaven is full). It is pretty clear that gentiles are not accepted within the Jewish faith, but just like how many homosexuals are not turned away by Christian churches, it is allowed in progressive Jewish communities.
Not just Orthodox Judaism. I have heard multiple progressive rabbis (which allow conversion) admit that a gentile cannot truly become Jewish.

A Jewish gentile is like a Catholic homosexual, or a member of Jehovahs Witness (who believe heaven is full). It is pretty clear that gentiles are not accepted within the Jewish faith, but just like how many homosexuals are not turned away by Christian churches, it is allowed in progressive Jewish communities.
Because they they follow the Torah more strictly?
So you are saying Judaism conversion is a figment of my imagination and there aren't Jews all over the world of all different kinds fo races?

There are only a couple heritages within Judaism, but they all claim ancestry with Abraham. Remember, the only criteria is that you have a Jewish mother.

The decline of the Jewish faith has resulted in some communities allowing conversion of gentiles, which is commonly known as progressive Judaism, or the belief that the religion needs to modernize in order to survive.

However a gentile Jew will be looked upon with far more skepticism than a homosexual Christian.
Because they they follow the Torah more strictly?

It isn't just the Torah that affirms 'Jewish' as being an ethnicity. There are many sacred Hebrew texts that maintain the existence of a Jewish bloodline.

This is not the least bit heterodox. Anyone that has been apart of a Jewish community (any Jewish community) knows that what I am saying is true. Certainly the traditionalist population of Israel does.
Bloodline! But wouldn't that make the Jewish right of return a racist policy?

Not sure I understand.
Israel gives preferential (exclusively?) treatment to Jews wishing to immigrate to Israel. Called right of return. If Jewishness is determined by blood, i.e., racially, the policy is racist .

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