If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

You know, if I called you names like that, I'd be banned because you are a mod. So unfair.

You have absolutely no experience teaching: I have 30 years of it in public schools, international schools, community colleges and universities. I know whateof I speak. The only loon here is yourself.

You can call me anything you like. I truly don't care because I am an adult. I taught in universities in the US, Europe, and New Zealand. I'll stack my education, and my wife's education credentials, up against your any day of the week.
BS I call you a liar. You have never been a credentialed teacher anywhere. You are a liar. You obviously know nothing about the educational environment. Nothing. You're just a blowhard. An agressive, bullying blowhard; just the type who want to carry guns in schools and shouldn't be allowed to do so, ever.

Call me anything you wish, but I have a PhD in geology and have taught at numerous universities over the years. Mostly as adjunct when I was between gigs, but I was salaried in New Zealand for a couple of years. And talk about a bullying blowhard, look in the mirror!
Esmeralda kicked your ass but did it in such a sweet unassuming way you won’t even notice it until you sit down.

Sure she did. Only a tard like you could even begin to think that. She got slapped, and fled.
LOL I didn't flee anywhere. I have a life outside of this forum, Bozo.
Anything but enacting gun control which most of America desperately wants.
Uh...literally no Americans want that (which is why it hasn’t happened and never will). Now, you anti-American criminals want that of course. But not Americans.
You are consistent. Consistently wrong.
Most Americans — and most Republicans — want stricter gun laws:...
Your polls use misleading questions. For instance, what does a "national database of gunsales" even mean? Few realize what they are proposing is registering guns.

You also cherry picked your poll:

Poll: More Americans oppose stricter gun control - CNNPolitics

Poll: Majority backs stricter gun control laws after Vegas shooting

Brad O'Leary - Poll Shows Voters of All Stripes Oppose More Gun Control
Yeah.. it’s 3:23 AM and her leaving probably to go to bed and you think you made her flee.
Why are all of you mods such dolts?
Why are all of you mods such dolts?

Because we have to put up with people that believe the president overturning a bullshit EO, allowed people with mental illness to buy firearms.

(Here's a FactCheck for you)

Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule - FactCheck.org
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?
I don't think Reasonable has claimed to be a teacher.
They're government schools, moron. They are run by the teacher's unions.

Teachers unions are the dumbass education basher's go to tactic when they need someone to blame!

Why do you say such drivel when many states have no teachers unions at all? Who is to blame for their problems?

Come on! Doesn't your handbook tell you who to blame? I just wish one of you would man up and tell me how my teachers union has impacted my day-to-day existence as a teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea what you guys think. It is especially challenging since we have no ability to strike, our collective bargaining consists of "Please, sir! May I have some more!", and the lousy working conditions we have. I nearly busted my bladder today because I teach 3 hours straight with no break to even take a whizz!

If you non-thinkers only knew how little impact teachers unions have on anything related to schools and how incredibly weak and ineffective they are, you would be amazed that you have been afraid of a paper tiger!

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

He missed school constantly? How many times before he was tagged for dismissal? How many times did he show up drunk? In most jobs in the private sector, if you showed up drunk one time, you would be canned. If you "missed" coming to work more than a couple of times, you would be canned. Even coming in 30 minutes late more than a half dozen times can get you fired.
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

Current defense training is using scissors to fend off attackers. That probably sounds better to you.
Current defense in schools is to have an alarm system set up and a lock-down procedure in place.

There should only be one or two outside entrances to public schools or university/college buildings and they should have metal detectors. First floor rooms should have bars on all windows. There should be walls around the campuses and security personnel at the gates.

I've taught in international schools that have this system and it works and with landscaping around the campus and walls, it doesn't seem prison-like at all. It feels like a safe, private environment that is just all our own w/o strangers invading it.
the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

good if they can a better education

They get what they pay for.

Just because you want a break on tuition for your private school, that gives you no right to take money from the schools that taxpayers provide as a public service.

They certainly don't get what they pay for. If the voters approve vouchers, then they have a right to take money from government schools to pay for them.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
LOL So if you are a teacher, all a crazed, violent student has to do is knock you over the head and take your gun away. Cool.
Because we have to put up with people that believe the president overturning a bullshit EO, allowed people with mental illness to buy firearms.

(Here's a FactCheck for you)

Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule - FactCheck.org
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?
I don't think Reasonable has claimed to be a teacher.
He claimed he used to be a teacher. That's truly scary.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
LOL So if you are a teacher, all a crazed, violent student has to do is knock you over the head and take your gun away. Cool.

Some states allow teachers to carry guns. How many mass shootings have occured in these states? How many teachers have had their guns taken from them by a student?
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
LOL So if you are a teacher, all a crazed, violent student has to do is knock you over the head and take your gun away. Cool.

Some states allow teachers to carry guns. How many mass shootings have occured in these states? How many teachers have had their guns taken from them by a student?

It's the same, old 'blood in the streets' argument they use any time the subject comes up of law-abiding citizens having guns.

You'd think for all the time and effort they put into this nonsense, they'd come up with something new.
Because we have to put up with people that believe the president overturning a bullshit EO, allowed people with mental illness to buy firearms.

(Here's a FactCheck for you)

Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule - FactCheck.org
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?
I don't think Reasonable has claimed to be a teacher.

Then you might want to check the thread
Create a FBI that follows up on tips.
Oh yeah: blame the whole thing onthe FBI. There have been 400 school shootings in the US since Sandy Hook. Only this one had to do with an FBI tip. Get a brain.

Got a link to that stat? The flag is waving proudly in the breeze!

No doubt, she will cite Everytown
Shame on you. What happened in Newtown should break your heart, not make you antagonist toward gun control. Shame, shame, shame,.

Shame on you for assuming it didn't. You are the typical progressive trying to bully people who don't share your beliefs.

One of the most ridiculous lines that gun nuts use is that people who are against guns are afraid. It's just the opposite: it's the gun nuts who are afraid--afraid of life, afraid of reality, afraid of being in their homes or stepping out in public w/o a gun. Very sick, sad people who feel they need to be armed at all times. Very foolish and ridiculous frightened people.
Last edited:
Name one other country that has the multitude of mass killings especially school shootings like the USA does.

When will you be moving? Can I help you pack?
Love it or leave it: excellent argument. Gee, we never heard that one before. How about, if you love your country, you want to make it better? That's the actual perspective of people who want stronger gun control and not have our country be the one with the most mass murders in the world.
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?
I don't think Reasonable has claimed to be a teacher.

Then you might want to check the thread
Show me which post it is.
How about, if you love your country, you want to make it better?

And you think non-stop whinging and calling those who disagree with you 'deplorabe' is making things better?

That's adorable.
It's not a matter of disagreement: it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership so that we can prevent as many of these mass shootings as possible.
it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership

Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

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