If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

How about arming the school security only?

Most schools don’t have “ security.”
Many schools are struggling to buy up to date textbooks.

But they have school buses, gymnasiums, football fields and football games, and some even have swimming pools. At least in our schools, they have well over a dozen administrators and they're all making at least six figures a year.
Call me anything you wish, but I have a PhD in geology and have taught at numerous universities over the years. Mostly as adjunct when I was between gigs, but I was salaried in New Zealand for a couple of years. And talk about a bullying blowhard, look in the mirror!
Esmeralda kicked your ass but did it in such a sweet unassuming way you won’t even notice it until you sit down.

Sure she did. Only a tard like you could even begin to think that. She got slapped, and fled.
Yeah.. it’s 3:23 AM and her leaving probably to go to bed and you think you made her flee.
Why are all of you mods such dolts?
Why are all of you mods such dolts?

Because we have to put up with people that believe the president overturning a bullshit EO, allowed people with mental illness to buy firearms.

(Here's a FactCheck for you)

Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule - FactCheck.org
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

Yes, Trump did remove that regulation. Don't you understand how the game of politics is played yet?

Q: How many murders have taken place in this country by old people on SS who didn't even have the capabilities to manage their finances?

A: None.
Doesn't scare me off.

I don't want to scare you off. I want you to beat the drum for the Democrats in the next election. I want you to force them to put gun confiscation front and center in their party policies.

Because the only thing that matters to you is partisanship. You do not care about this country or the mass murders of children and other innocents. You are despicable.
it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership

Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.

So it's the Republicans that bring up gun laws when these kinds of things happen?

Gun laws are not going to stop a crazy from killing people if that is his obsession. Gun laws would only further the political agenda of the Democrat party and they know it.

But humor me: what gun law would have stopped this guy from buying a gun and using it to kill kids in the school? I'm dying to know.
Private citizens should not have semi-automatic or automatic weapons of any kind. No one under 21 should be allowed to purchase a gun. Personality tests should be administered to everyone who wants to own a gun. People with violent tendencies should not be allowed to buy a gun.
By your logic, if you think letting homeowners own guns is the solution to home robberies, you must be insane or dumb. If you think allowing women to carry tazers or mace is the solution to rapes and assaults, you must be either insane or dumb. If you think allowing women to own a gun if they have a violent and unstable ex-husband is prudent, you must be insane or dumb.

How many lives do you think would have been saved if we had begun arming teachers in 1990 and if we widely publicized the fact that at least 15% of the teachers at every school were armed and knew how to use their weapons?
Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.

So it's the Republicans that bring up gun laws when these kinds of things happen?

Gun laws are not going to stop a crazy from killing people if that is his obsession. Gun laws would only further the political agenda of the Democrat party and they know it.

But humor me: what gun law would have stopped this guy from buying a gun and using it to kill kids in the school? I'm dying to know.
Private citizens should not have semi-automatic or automatic weapons of any kind. No one under 21 should be allowed to purchase a gun. Personality tests should be administered to everyone who wants to own a gun. People with violent tendencies should not be allowed to buy a gun.

I see. Well, you've seen what the Democrat party has done with the IRS and the FBI, haven't you? They used those agencies against citizens and political opponents.

So we make the laws you post here, and what do you think the Democrat party would do with those requirements once they get power of the federal government again?

What would be considered a violent tendency according to Democrats? A bar fight? An argument with a spouse? A fist fight with a neighbor? Attending a Tea Party rally or defending oneself from ANTIFA?

If nobody should be allowed to purchase a gun before the age of 21, what do you think we should do with those 18, 19 and 20 year olds in our military? After all, those are the prime ages to join.

Democrats are not to be trusted with anything. They use anything and everything to promote their political agenda.
The obvious solution is, if at all possible, don't send your children into the Government School nightmare. It's only gonna get worse. American parents really should seek education alternatives. That's the best solution.
Government schools?
The schools are run by community standards you nincompoop.
You’re as dumb as Betsy DeVos and that’s saying something.

Parents should do everything in their power to avoid sending their children into Government School madness. Things are only gonna get worse. The Communists/Democrats have seen to that. They hijacked our public education system many years ago. It is what it is.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
a few weeks of training is worthless in REAL life--
Again-this is not the movies/TV/etc--but real life
it's not as easy as ''just arming teachers''/etc
even the police are notorious for inaccuracy
HARSH REALITY: Police Are Not Highly Trained Firearms Experts
In most real-life violent situations the non-law-abiding person has the upper hand and the law enforcer needs to adapt
  • Average inaccurate shots fired totaled 78
Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

Thirdly- Time. Working aggressive and demanding skill training and exercises into a typical patrol officers week is very difficul

I've fired M9 and M1911A1 for competition and it is NOT easy to hit even center mass at a stationary target at even 10 yards without a lot of practice---as cross checked by links on trained police above
10 Cases Where A Concealed Carry Handgun Saved The Day
10 and there are 12,000 murders
what about the police who were shot dead--they had guns?
57 in just half a year
Police officer deaths on duty have jumped nearly 20 percent in 2017
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
a few weeks of training is worthless in REAL life--
Again-this is not the movies/TV/etc--but real life
it's not as easy as ''just arming teachers''/etc
even the police are notorious for inaccuracy
HARSH REALITY: Police Are Not Highly Trained Firearms Experts
In most real-life violent situations the non-law-abiding person has the upper hand and the law enforcer needs to adapt
  • Average inaccurate shots fired totaled 78
Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

Thirdly- Time. Working aggressive and demanding skill training and exercises into a typical patrol officers week is very difficul

I've fired M9 and M1911A1 for competition and it is NOT easy to hit even center mass at a stationary target at even 10 yards without a lot of practice---as cross checked by links on trained police above
10 Cases Where A Concealed Carry Handgun Saved The Day
the stats are there.....if you think these teachers are going to be Dirty Harry, you're in fariytale land
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
a few weeks of training is worthless in REAL life--
Again-this is not the movies/TV/etc--but real life
it's not as easy as ''just arming teachers''/etc
even the police are notorious for inaccuracy
HARSH REALITY: Police Are Not Highly Trained Firearms Experts
In most real-life violent situations the non-law-abiding person has the upper hand and the law enforcer needs to adapt
  • Average inaccurate shots fired totaled 78
Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

Thirdly- Time. Working aggressive and demanding skill training and exercises into a typical patrol officers week is very difficul

I've fired M9 and M1911A1 for competition and it is NOT easy to hit even center mass at a stationary target at even 10 yards without a lot of practice---as cross checked by links on trained police above
10 Cases Where A Concealed Carry Handgun Saved The Day
10 and there are 12,000 murders
what about the police who were shot dead--they had guns?
57 in just half a year
Police officer deaths on duty have jumped nearly 20 percent in 2017

Guns don't guarantee success no more than studying martial arts. It just greatly increases your chances of success.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
a few weeks of training is worthless in REAL life--
Again-this is not the movies/TV/etc--but real life
it's not as easy as ''just arming teachers''/etc
even the police are notorious for inaccuracy
HARSH REALITY: Police Are Not Highly Trained Firearms Experts
In most real-life violent situations the non-law-abiding person has the upper hand and the law enforcer needs to adapt
  • Average inaccurate shots fired totaled 78
Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

Thirdly- Time. Working aggressive and demanding skill training and exercises into a typical patrol officers week is very difficul

I've fired M9 and M1911A1 for competition and it is NOT easy to hit even center mass at a stationary target at even 10 yards without a lot of practice---as cross checked by links on trained police above
10 Cases Where A Concealed Carry Handgun Saved The Day
the stats are there.....if you think these teachers are going to be Dirty Harry, you're in fariytale land

The empirical evidence shows that concealed carry holders have saved a lot of lives.
Yeah.. it’s 3:23 AM and her leaving probably to go to bed and you think you made her flee.
Why are all of you mods such dolts?
Why are all of you mods such dolts?

Because we have to put up with people that believe the president overturning a bullshit EO, allowed people with mental illness to buy firearms.

(Here's a FactCheck for you)

Trump Nixed Gun-Control Rule - FactCheck.org
Thanks for proving me right. You dolts do have a purpose after all.

Q: Did President Donald Trump repeal a rule that aims to block some people with mental disorders from buying guns?

A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.

and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?

You think mental illness is only about an inability to handle one’s own finances.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
a few weeks of training is worthless in REAL life--
Again-this is not the movies/TV/etc--but real life
it's not as easy as ''just arming teachers''/etc
even the police are notorious for inaccuracy
HARSH REALITY: Police Are Not Highly Trained Firearms Experts
In most real-life violent situations the non-law-abiding person has the upper hand and the law enforcer needs to adapt
  • Average inaccurate shots fired totaled 78
Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

Thirdly- Time. Working aggressive and demanding skill training and exercises into a typical patrol officers week is very difficul

I've fired M9 and M1911A1 for competition and it is NOT easy to hit even center mass at a stationary target at even 10 yards without a lot of practice---as cross checked by links on trained police above
10 Cases Where A Concealed Carry Handgun Saved The Day
did you not read the facts I posted:?
1. the shooter/criminal/etc has the upper hand over the cop/etc
2. trained cops accuracy is not good
---the CC incidents are NOT even close to being the same--these school shooters are going in shooting--wanting to kill as many as fast as they can---BIG difference

in incident number 2, the CC fired 3 times--the suspect ran off and came back firing !!!!!--great job [ smh ]

!!!hahhaha wtf!! in incident number 3 the CC MISSED and was shot!!!!! good job [ smh ]

in incident number 4, the robber didn't have a gun !!!

these examples are WORTHLESS--
these are evidence that backs up MY points
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
a few weeks of training is worthless in REAL life--
Again-this is not the movies/TV/etc--but real life
it's not as easy as ''just arming teachers''/etc
even the police are notorious for inaccuracy
HARSH REALITY: Police Are Not Highly Trained Firearms Experts
In most real-life violent situations the non-law-abiding person has the upper hand and the law enforcer needs to adapt
  • Average inaccurate shots fired totaled 78
Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

Thirdly- Time. Working aggressive and demanding skill training and exercises into a typical patrol officers week is very difficul

I've fired M9 and M1911A1 for competition and it is NOT easy to hit even center mass at a stationary target at even 10 yards without a lot of practice---as cross checked by links on trained police above
10 Cases Where A Concealed Carry Handgun Saved The Day
the stats are there.....if you think these teachers are going to be Dirty Harry, you're in fariytale land

The empirical evidence shows that concealed carry holders have saved a lot of lives.
please see post #639
again--these shooters usually don't care if they die--they are not thieves/etc
big, big difference
they are out to KILL--not steal
Great, now 15 year old Jimmy the psychopath and others like them who are too young to buy guns can get one for free by knocking out their teacher from behind.

This idea is so dumb that it blows my mind grown adults came up with it.

We’re in different times people.
We’re surrounded by disgusting Democrats, immoral LefTies, illegal aliens and low iQ filth.
ALL teachers should be armed in today’s America...make it mandatory...profile the shit out of prospective teachers...Can’t handle a firearm, scared of firearms, you can’t be a teacher....simple shit. Pay teachers a shit-ton more money and make it happen.

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