If you think arming teachers is a solution to school shootings then you are either dumb or insane

it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership

Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it?

Is this your plan to make the world a better place?


Good plan.
How about, if you love your country, you want to make it better?

And you think non-stop whinging and calling those who disagree with you 'deplorabe' is making things better?

That's adorable.
It's not a matter of disagreement: it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership so that we can prevent as many of these mass shootings as possible.

Change what laws? Why don't we make gun laws similar to our recreational narcotics laws? Oh, that's right......they're not working.
Well gee obviously those people are exceptions because they are trained on using and securing their weapons

So, what you're saying is, teachers are too dumb to be trained?

On the job, I wear a level III retention holster which will prevent most attempts at a gun grab. However, if I'm incapacitated from behind, it will not prevent the assailant from taking the gun from my unconscious form.

Soldiers, on the other hand, wear little or not retention on their primary firearm.
LOL So if you are a teacher, all a crazed, violent student has to do is knock you over the head and take your gun away. Cool.

Some states allow teachers to carry guns. How many mass shootings have occured in these states? How many teachers have had their guns taken from them by a student?

Calif. schools police buy 14 AR-15s to protect students
How about, if you love your country, you want to make it better?

And you think non-stop whinging and calling those who disagree with you 'deplorabe' is making things better?

That's adorable.
It's not a matter of disagreement: it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership so that we can prevent as many of these mass shootings as possible.
In other words, you whine about those you disagree with.
This is a cultural issue, gang. Band-aid solutions aren't going to work in the big picture.

Brutal violence fills our kids' lives, from video games to TV shows to movies and even music. Social media makes them stars, at least in their own minds. Standards are being lowered and ignored everywhere. Teevee shows are now showing people shitting and barfing for our amusement. We're afraid to criticize, analyze or maintain fundamental expectations because it may hurt feelings.

This is what cultural rot looks like, and it's a self-inflicted wound. No pun intended.

Are you seriously blaming video games and TV for the shootings, even worse in the same paragraph stating that all other explanations are too simple (Irony alert).

I assumed better of you.
I said "cultural", and you narrowed it down to video games and TV.

Speaking of simple.

You explicitly detailed TV and video games. Has it not been proven multiple times that they have nothing to do with the issue?

This guy was a psycho and no one gave a fuck. No one giving a fuck is the culture you are talking about. That being said, we are still talking about one in a million exception here, and not the rule.
This psycho was a white supremacist like yourself.
But there are a lot of you nut cases running around but the point is if he didn’t have a military style assault weapon most if not all of those kids and teachers would still believe alive. The NRA/ GOP/ Trump all have blood on their hands and if there isn’t a gun control bill ready to go by midterms... kiss your ass goodbye and say hello to Nancy Pelosi, the next speaker of the House.
Americans are mad as hell and they’re not going to take the inaction of the spineless GOP and president any longer.

You must be high or something. School shootings have been going on for some time now, and the Republicans hold leadership of the Congress, Senate and the White House. This isn't something new.
it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership

Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.
This is a cultural issue, gang. Band-aid solutions aren't going to work in the big picture.

Brutal violence fills our kids' lives, from video games to TV shows to movies and even music. Social media makes them stars, at least in their own minds. The internet gives them all the sick and hateful shit they'd like to consume. Standards are being lowered and ignored everywhere. Teevee shows are now showing people shitting and barfing for our amusement. We're afraid to criticize, analyze or maintain fundamental expectations because it may hurt feelings.

This is what cultural rot looks like, and it's a self-inflicted wound. No pun intended.

Millions of kids watch that kind of stuff all the time. When we were kids, we had shows like Gun Smoke and the Three Stooges. The Stooges used to make comedy out of hitting each other over the head with hammers. Gun Smoke (like most westerns during that time) frequently showed shoot outs in the street. Adults used to buy us toy guns, gun belts so we could pretend we were shooting at each other. Never a problem.

I'm not saying you're totally wrong, but what I am saying is that no normal kid is going to turn into a homicidal maniac because of a video game. If a game or song sets a kid off to do something like this school shooting, something was wrong with that kid in the first place, and only listening to the Sound of Music wouldn't have stopped him.
Doesn't scare me off.

I don't want to scare you off. I want you to beat the drum for the Democrats in the next election. I want you to force them to put gun confiscation front and center in their party policies.

it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership

Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.

So it's the Republicans that bring up gun laws when these kinds of things happen?

Gun laws are not going to stop a crazy from killing people if that is his obsession. Gun laws would only further the political agenda of the Democrat party and they know it.

But humor me: what gun law would have stopped this guy from buying a gun and using it to kill kids in the school? I'm dying to know.
it's a matter of changing laws regarding gun ownership

Yea ... good luck with that. I hope you can convince the Democrats to make that their priority in 2018/2020.
Yeah, its all about winning elections for you isn't it? It's not about stopping the mass murder of our children and other innocents; it's not about making our country a better place--it's just about winning elections. Pathetic.

Well.......what's the first thing Democrats do after these school shootings? That's right, they make politics out of it. It's a venue to push their gun control which they've been doing for decades.
They talk about how we need to change the gun laws because here again, we have innocent people be slaughtered. It is only political because gun nuts make it political.

So it's the Republicans that bring up gun laws when these kinds of things happen?

Gun laws are not going to stop a crazy from killing people if that is his obsession. Gun laws would only further the political agenda of the Democrat party and they know it.

But humor me: what gun law would have stopped this guy from buying a gun and using it to kill kids in the school? I'm dying to know.

You're wasting your time, these assholes expect nothing less than gun bans and will not listen to anything else
It would be smarter to teach these boys that violence is bad and attempt at forcing some compassion into their thick skulls.

That's very difficult to do with Democrats. Teachers can't paddle kids in school anymore without facing the possibility of a lawsuit. A friend of mine is a teacher, and he said if he gets to a fight in the hallway, all he is allowed to do is break it up. If he gets hit, he can't hit the kid back.

Then we have all this liberal support for groups like Black Lies Matter, and liberal Mayors who tell the police to just let the people burn down cars and buildings during a riot if they want to. When I was kid, we didn't have a number like 1-800-LOCK-UP-DAD. If your father kicked your ass, you just got your ass kicked. Liberals changed all of that.
Teachers unions are the dumbass education basher's go to tactic when they need someone to blame!

Why do you say such drivel when many states have no teachers unions at all? Who is to blame for their problems?

Come on! Doesn't your handbook tell you who to blame? I just wish one of you would man up and tell me how my teachers union has impacted my day-to-day existence as a teacher, I would really appreciate it. I have no idea what you guys think. It is especially challenging since we have no ability to strike, our collective bargaining consists of "Please, sir! May I have some more!", and the lousy working conditions we have. I nearly busted my bladder today because I teach 3 hours straight with no break to even take a whizz!

If you non-thinkers only knew how little impact teachers unions have on anything related to schools and how incredibly weak and ineffective they are, you would be amazed that you have been afraid of a paper tiger!

the school unions dont really care about much other then funding the DNC

Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

He missed school constantly? How many times before he was tagged for dismissal? How many times did he show up drunk? In most jobs in the private sector, if you showed up drunk one time, you would be canned. If you "missed" coming to work more than a couple of times, you would be canned. Even coming in 30 minutes late more than a half dozen times can get you fired.

at my work even if you show up with alcohol on your breath after a non work activity fund raiser

one could loser their job
and you claim to have been a teacher?
Sorry for using your own source to prove you wrong. It must have been embarrassing.
A: Yes. The Social Security Administration is no longer required to submit the names of certain mentally disabled beneficiaries to a federal agency that conducts gun background checks.
They can't handle their own finances, and that make them to mentally ill to own a firearm?

WTF are the people at the SSA to make that determination?

again, why do you claim to be a teacher?
Why do you claim not to be a trump supporter and nonpartisan?

getting rid of that EO has nothing to do with backing Trump.

It has EVERYTHING to do with backing personal rights, (which you claim is in the First Amendment, (still havent' seen THAT link)), and the Second Amendment
In every single post of yours I’ve read you totally give yourself away what your true views are. You think no one notices.

You’re for personal rights?
You mean like the ones Trump stomped on when he incessantly wanted to lock up Hillary without due process?

You’re a joke, man. You’re always digging at liberals and ignore the most inane racist trump supporters.

You fool no one.

When did Trump ever say he wanted to lock up Hillary with no due process?
Arming teachers will work

Hand them a gun and make them watch Die Hard
Maybe if Republicans were not such ignorant assholes when it comes to education, they might get some support from the teachers unions. However, since that never happens, do you blame unions for donating to Democrats who won't try to demean the teachers at every opportunity like some of the ignorant posters on this thread?

they are not ass holes

they just expect more from the schools

we have seen throwing more money at schools does not improve them

why should shitty teachers be impossible to fire

Yes, they are assholes.

No, they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

Sometimes the money being spent is dictated by unfunded requirements by the state and in a few instances federal government requirements. most people just have no clue as to how schools are funded.

I'll bet you have no clue as to how much a brand new school bus costs, do you? Are you aware that some states have laws requiring additional safety features that most states do not? My state has the toughest school bus laws in the nation because we happen to have also had the two worst school bus accidents in the history of the US.

You have bought into the old wive's tale about not being able to fire teachers. It is the fault mostly of administrators who fail to document poor performance or violate due process procedures. I personally assisted in firing a teacher who missed school constantly and often showed up to work drunk. I was an administrator for only about 18 months and I managed to see numerous teachers fired for numerous reasons. I actually got hired to a later job because the previous teacher was fired for misconduct, so don't believe the bullshit that it doesn't happen. The media stories about NYC's "rubber room" where teachers draw their paycheck for years drawing their paychecks are the extreme exception rather than the rule.

they expect a private school education for their kids at taxpayer expense.

good if they can a better education

They get what they pay for.

Just because you want a break on tuition for your private school, that gives you no right to take money from the schools that taxpayers provide as a public service.

They certainly don't get what they pay for. If the voters approve vouchers, then they have a right to take money from government schools to pay for them.

indeed that is how it works

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